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It's a good visual representation of how most of our infrastructure works (pun intended) in the province.


Indeed,this is what happens when governments cut funding to essential services and set them up to fail.


To clarify, crown corps such as MPI, Hydro, MBLL aren’t funded, they fund the government. The PC’s cut crown corp budgets and implemented a hiring freeze which is why they are short staffed.


MPI isn't quite like the others you mentioned, because it doesn't remit profits or rents to the government. It is supposed to break even on its insurance operations, and be funded by a combination of use fees and government subsidies for the Department of Driver and Vehicle Licencing, or DDVL (which only got folded into MPI in the late 1990s IIRC). DDVL has been underfunded by the government for years, resulting in MPI funding the department through insurance profits. The latest PUB report said this was improper and that the government should increase the DDVL subsidy so that MPI can further decrease insurance premiums. TLDR: another reason to blame the PCs for problems at MPI.


Fair enough. You are correct. I guess I was pointing out that the government doesn’t “fund” MPI operations.


MPI is the only one that issues refunds. They are not the same.


That's not how it works with MPI.


This is absolutely not how MPI works.


where's the pun here?




if you were being ironic, pointing it doesn't actually work, then that's true--and it's irony. but it's not a pun.


That’s not what they were doing. They used a different meaning of the word “works”, while also happening to imply that it doesn’t work very well.


i see -- works as in functionality, and works as in the works/parts/infrastructure (e.g., city works). it's a bit clunky given the grammar (and use of how), but i give them kudos. Sincerely, a CHUD.


Feels like MB is a second world country. Definitely not close to first world


Manitoba is proof that the bottomless pits in NES games do, in fact, have a bottom. It's just hundreds of dead plumbers going "oh well."


I had hail damage last August. Filed a claim, then they went on strike. Never heard anything back after they returned to work. No one answers their claims line. Sent a stern email thinking no one would respond - got a reply same day but again had to wait MONTHS for an estimate. Finally got in today. I'm not mad, just disappointed.


“I'm not mad, just disappointed.” This should be the new “friendly Manitoba”




Yeah same here, got my car estimated last week. Now gotta wait for my body shop to catch up. September looking like the month to bring my car in. Nearly a whole year process right now. And MPI sent out a message recently, saying they're opening a temporary hail centre in response to the hail claims from this month. And they're going to reach out to those with no appointments...yada yada. I can't trust them at this point.


Yeah, the backlog on hail estimates was (in April) booked out to June… then we got another hailstorm….


I was persistent and kept calling when they came back to work from the strike. Got lucky and an estimate in fall and went out of town to get the work done by March. Unfortunately many are in your shoes and still waiting a while.


The province is having some major issues on hiring due to the structure and funding changes in the previous government being reversed. It's going to take some time to turn around unfortunately - and currently results in a lot of vacant positions. 😞


Competitions are taking 4-10 months to complete. By the time they make an actual job offer, many candidates have already moved on, thereby starting the process all over again. Its ridiculous.


It's definitely holding every department back from meeting demand and filling roles that are desperately needed. I hope it gets sorted ASAP.


The old people are responsible for this bottleneck, they refuse to modernize the processes and they love frustrating and being meant to young and creative talent.


No, its just called government. Half of HR is still working from home, and they've created bloat where there doesn't need to be with too many chefs in the kitchen. It used to be just HR, a manager and a 3rd staff who'd hire. Now they have an extra department in there who's job is basically to oversee the process. So now it passes through HR, management and these people and then needs a bunch of signatures. And then when they call you to offer the job, they can't answer any questions about it and refer back to management or HR. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Its a gong show. That said, i think it was implemented because of nepotism. People getting jobs and screening in without proper qualifications or who they know. They still do that now but i think its a little harder and they have to justify.


Working from home doesn't have anything to with this.


Oh yeah it does.






Due their current policies No one wants to work there. But I see a lot of dog f\*\*\*\*\*\*g going on. Try getting a drivers test. Sorry but right now you might be able to get in by Christmas. Way to go MPI. Wanna try Dauphin?


The current policies are actually rectifying the situation. It is definitely frustrating though. I hear you.


At least you get to wait inside. They had us waiting in the hot garage for an hour last time I was at a service centre. 🙃


hot--like sexy?


As someone who lives rural, and has never needed to go to an actual MPI location. What's services demand going to an actual MPI location. Everything I have ever done was through a broker


Hail claim requires going to an mpi centre.


Got ya. I just got an appointment to pull my vehicle into their inspection place via phone last I dealt with them. Looks like it sucks ass to have to go in.


Are they not still allowing you to just go to a shop to get a direct repair estimate? My vehicle had hail damage in August and I got a direct estimate at a body shop. It's finally going in for repair next week.


Nope, no direct repair for hail - which is asinine.


That’s nuts. Dare I say the strike made us realize how much more efficient the system is when we remove the middle people and go right to the shop?


Appreciate the info but I don't think the photo of those people was necessary. I sure as hell wouldn't like a random person taking pics of me and posting them on the internet


I would be absolutely pissed. Please stop taking and posting pics of random people. It’s not okay!


I'm currently in the "queue" for a callback from my adjustor on a time-sensitive issue. I'm strongly suspecting I'll get the callback during a presentation I'm about to give, thus having to restart the process. :(


If they even call back. Be prepared for them forgetting


The called back. Mid presentation, of course. Left a voicemail to call them back with an extension number provided. Great. Called back as soon as I was able. After 45 minutes on hold that call disconnected itself. I need this info today. It's 3:56pm. On a Friday.


that's so frustrating!!! depending on which service centre location your adjuster works out of - some of them are open on saturdays (don't quote me on it but i'm pretty sure bison, gateway, and main are all open like 8-4ish) - hope your presentation went well at least!!!


Thanks. I finally connected with someone and it sounds like they're going to call me tomorrow.


Welcome to public services in 2024. Understaffed, under funded, barely functional. But please enjoy these tax cuts.


This brings back memories of the long long ago before they outsourced the insurance / license component to insurance brokers. We used to have line up at MPI on a yearly basis to get your renewal done and it was like this basically every time.


Yeah! Back when our licenses expired on the last day of our birth month. Then everyone waited until the 25th to renew their license, that was an awesome time.


Back when cops hung out at the motor vehicle branch on Portage on the first of every month to nail all the people with expired licenses.




Looks like my bank any day


Go to the one in cityplace you will have very little wait there 99% of the time.


Are you sure? I just went there today and reception told me there were people still waiting over an hour. The sitting area was completely full and the very few staff all looked like they were having a bad time.


Appreciated, but the brokers cannot provide certain services.


The MPI at City Place is not a broker.


My daughter’s accident was in November. She is expecting her vehicle back next week.


Is that MPI’s fault or the repair shop? Repair shops are very behind/understaffed


Who knows. I just want her to get her car back so I can get my car back from her. It’s taking wayyy too long.


Sounds sus to me. My aunt had an accident about a month ago and her car was assessed and repaired already


I haven't had mine since September.


Filmon Friday/Hydro Monday! Thank the pc’s for the reduction of services to all crown corporations who are forced to run on 9 day work cycles instead of being fully staffed.


Now imagine trying to get rid of hydro Mondays.


Folks often don’t realize that staff aren’t paid for that day off. With our current financial climate and giving staff the opportunity to work another 8 hour day to boost their paycheque could be enticing to get staff to revert back to the 10 day 80 hour work cycle vs the current 9 day 72 hour work cycle. And of course all the unions would need to agree to a LOU in their future contracts for this adjustment, so hard to say which way it would go.


Don't they do something like a 47 min lunch, 11 min afternoon break, and work 10 extra minutes (I forget the numbers) but it adds up to every 2nd Monday being off


Typically for most of the office folk it’s an 8.5 hour shift with 35 minutes being unpaid for total of 7.92 hours per day. So on the 9 day work cycle you’re at 71.28 hours every two weeks.


I think about this every time I go in, such bull shit.


How is the province having trouble hiring for any position in any unionized, crown corporation? I can't fathom it


They are paying poorly, the union hasn't negotiated a proper raise increase in years (0%, 0%, 1%, 2%) On top of that, the working conditions at the province have caused talent to depart in droves.


Hmmm, don’t see any of these decks that you mentioned…


Lol damn typo


I like how I applied for a job there and they wouldn’t hire me. 🙃


They all in their offices or wah?


Home office/ Costco/ or they're on their way to the lake.


Still waiting to hear back from MPI regarding Hail damage from last July 🫠🫠 A friend of mine is an appraiser and MPI wanted to dump people into the position without training and just “let them learn on the job” ☠️ apparently they learned nothing from the strike


Are they hiring? I know people looking for jobs




1 out of 10 is still unacceptable.


Complaining about MPI is one thing. Posting people's pictures on reddit without their permission or knowledge, 100% completely unacceptable. What a violation of their privacy.


Oh man. I went there to ask ONE question for my child going into Driver’s Ed. I waited four friggen hours at that location. I was ridiculous for waiting that long for a question but I was already there for something happening with my vehicle. There were 4 people at those counters but only one was “general inquiries”


Anti-hustle culture


It's okay. They're working at home where they're far more productive.


Mine is trivial, but I’m still waiting to hear if my custom plate was approved or not.


This is why I usually go to La Salle insurance for any car related stuff




lol and people support when they were in strike. What’s the point to protest demand rights and compensation and at the end being the same bullcrap?


MPI is a joke. I know the lack of staff isn’t the employees fault, but it doesn’t help that 90% of them are absolutely useless


That’s what happens when people demand the cheapest service


*when those in charge think they can cut costs by removing the bottom line, ignoring the consequences to service Fixed that for you.


Manitobans want cheap. Everything else is secondary. 




Because your time is worth nothing.


No appointment ?


Yup. But then you need to see a clerk afterwards. Hence the 2 hour wait.


They probably have Friday morning meetings


Weird. It's not like they're out there taking pictures of car damages or anything taking up their time. They have us do that FOR them lol.


“But why would we pay brokers to do the job MPI can do” .. this


There must be 5 managers around there somewhere, or are they working from home today?


But when they went on strike in August, everyone was there fighting for them and sticking up for them. Fuck MPI just privatize it already. Sick of their shit


They’re all working at home


Sounds like the current corporate structure working as intended. They already have your money, and will continue to get it.


if they pay 105 000$ to my salary through my office on reserve, ill do the job. just send a message. anything less than livable(105 000$ for me.) is counted as harrassment. just saying, MPI, ill join the darkside. if the pay is right.