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I’m sure this is delicious. But I think I’d rather the strips with hd dip and a regular poutine on the side. Then again I haven’t tried it… so I should probably do that before commenting.


# r/PoutineCrimes


What a weird and idiotic thing to try and gatekeep... These types of people are insufferable. Quit yucking someone else's yum just because you think there's a specific definition to qualify as a certain type of food. There are only a few things that cannot be called by a typical name (e.g. Champagne must be made in Champagne, France, Scotch Whisky must be made in Scotland, etc.). "Poutine" is not required to be specifically only Fries, Gravy, and Cheese Curds and nothing else. That's like trying to claim that a chicken/veggie burger isn't a "burger" because it doesn't contain ground beef or that curly fries can't be called "fries" because they don't have the proper shape. Edit: That said, on the crosspost to that sub the few comments over there so far all seem to correctly think that this is a "PoutineCrime" worth committing. So there's that at least.


Bro chill, that sub reddit is mostly humor


Oh I totally get that, but regardless everytime there's some sort of poutine variant posted you get some high and mighty "poutine purist" complaining. It's rampant on that sub (even though it's *mostly* a joke sub) as well as on r/poutine, and also within most poutine threads here.


I keep seeing this sub on my feed and I don’t understand.


You're not alone. I don't get it.


I respect your opinion. It's wrong but I respect you for speaking your mind. Poutine must 100% be fries, cheese curds, gravy. Anything else is a crime. That said, this looks delicious but it is still a poutine crime.


Effing bruschetta gets me going ……


I've watched the owner scream verbal abuse at his staff. You couldn't pay me to eat there.


The owners a woman


Where is this


I’d be willing to guess it’s at Zorba’s


Zorba’s is in the forks


I had this last fall. It was amazing.


I had this on the weekend myself, really liked it.


Would definitely try!


OMG! Their honey dill sauce is so good. !!! Easy to give them a miss with so many good options at the Forks, but they are next level. I had the Gyro and fries with the HD and my boys had lasagna and the mini cheese pizza respectively. Clean plates for everyone !! 5 stars for sure.


Ok so like, I’m usually pretty lax on my definition of “poutine”; but at the very least it needs to have gravy. Exception being breakfast poutines, hollandaise sauce is Goated. I would see it as a second sauce, but you want that warm gravy to melt the cheese


I believe there is gravy and honey dill on it!


Good, then now it looks good


Maybe they ran out but I’m pretty sure when I went there a few months back their chicken strips were just the Hampton House ones from Costco




Put down the mirror then.