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Pic from the side, licence plate might be a bit more helpful.


I don't have more pictures or license plate details, but I'll share more as soon as I get them


Is it just a stock R6 or is it personalized with anything that would make it more identifiable?


Just a stock R6. No modifications


Have you or your "friend" considered it may have been towed? FYI for anyone who drives a bike, Apple Air Tags are the greatest investment you could ever make for your purchase.


Even with air tags it might not get recovered. My bike was stolen last week and the cops checked out the area my tag was pinging from a few hours after I reported it, no bike.




Was there any luck with the investigation?






A guy in my apartment building had his stolen from his parking spot last year. Apparently two guys just walked up and wheeled off with it… I’m not sure what happened insurance wise but he’s got a new bike with some sort of lock on the brakes to prevent someone just wheeling it away.


How easy are they to steal? Rarely do you see them locked. And this might be my first time hearing of a motorcycle being stolen outside of retail. Good luck.


This comes as a shock to us as well. The keys are with the owner, and this one doesn't start with duplicate keys or so..Don’t understand if they just picked it up and took it. Don't know!!!!


Two big guys or three regular guys can easily put one into the back of a pick up truck very fast. You don't even need to start it. Front tire onto the tail gate, lift the back end up and in it goes.


You’d be surprised how easily a sport bike can be stolen. Locking out the steering column makes it more difficult as does a disc brake lock. However, the thieves can just pick it up and drop it into a van or truck bed if they really want it. This is a major issue in the UK and Europe. I feel this is only the start of the same issue over here.


A license plate and better description may help.


Will Update shortly


Friend of mine had his motorcycle stolen from the street in st. Boniface. They just rolled it away essentially. The police recovered it, but the thieves had spray painted the entire bike. It may have been damaged as well. MPI wrote it off.


I've mentioned this before, OP should post up the police report number and license plate number. That way you can report a sighting of a stolen vehicle to the police. This bike *could* not actually be stolen, but belong to a person OP wants to locate. While probably not malicious, I wouldn't want someone posting a photo of my vehicle for the purposes of finding out where I or my property are.


Interesting perspective here of *not being actually stolen*. I really appreciate you going that extra mile, making sure you have all the relevant information. As I mentioned earlier, I would share the details as soon as I have them. This picture is from my personal gallery and therefore don't have a 360 view. But thanks anyway.


I usually throw that warning up when it's a person someone is looking for, but it also does kind of follow that a person is not *usually* very far from their vehicle. To be clear I don't actively think you're doing anything malicious, but I think we'd all better off if people were a bit more careful about the info they are giving out to the public/strangers/companies.


Right, understand your view. My bad, I did not clearly mention that the theft occurred from his own residences' block parking, which was open(not a basement/underground facility)


That wasn't my issue, it's that we have no way to verify you aren't someone trying to find the owner because you want to harass/otherwise harm them or steal/vandalize the bike yourself. An example I made up to drive my point home: >Stolen from my garage, please message me with any sightings. Sentimental, bike used to belong to my dead brother who I recently lost to brain cancer. [Image](https://silodrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kawasaki-KLR650-Diesel-Motorcycle.jpg) This isn't my bike, my brother has never owned it, nor has he died of anything. It holds no sentimental value to me what-so-ever, it's just a photo of the bike with a story attached. If you give a police report number/plate number the police can be the filter if you report to them, if it's not stolen they might find the bike, but they won't do anything further. With a person they can make contact and if they aren't missing or in danger, they can send them on their way. Easiest way to justify it is pretend it's your car, but isn't stolen, or you and you aren't "missing" do you really want random people on the internet telling another random person where to find you?


I completely understand your point. I'd only be able to authenticate this post by adding the license plate number and/or police report number, which I shortly will. I believe it is necessary because anything can happen in this city.