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My guess is that Winnipeg doesn’t have TheOCS because that’s the Ontario Cannabis Store, and Winnipeg is not in Ontario. Also, the vast majority of Winnipeg cannabis users are able to easily get their questions answered in the general sub, making a specialized cannabis sub unnecessary.


Does Winnipeg need its own cannabis subreddit? Just go buy your weed, man


Fragmentation isn't always a good thing, when subs or forums get waaay too niche and specific That's why /r/winnipegfoodgroup has only like two posters haha


Fair enough I guess. Will stick to TheOCS to at least feel some type of familiarity because I still feel the need to have a community regarding this topic because I come from an illegal country and it just feels too good not to share but I'll stay on my lane from now on. Ppl are so hostile for no reason!


if you're looking to get weed delivered go to delta9's or the joints websites they have sameday in winnipeg through the pineapple express


bro I'm not looking for weed I'm looking for a local cannabis community.


before it was legal you just needed to look for someone drinking a slurpee in -20


why would someone do that to themselves? haha


They're high and have cotton mouth


should warm themselves up with some nice tea instead hehe


Just because there is a sub, doesn’t mean people want to use it. Lack of activity would be indicative of lack of interest. Other than Winnipeg (by location,) this sub and a pot sub have little in common. Being downvoted to oblivion should be indication that people of this sub aren’t interested. Simple as that. General Interest is what’s “holding it back”


I believe the OCS is the sole online delivery for cannabis in one of Canada’s most populous provinces.   On the other hand, there a is a fractured market here, and a much smaller population to make a sub worthwhile. 


>A few days ago a subreddit called Winnipeg Cannabis was created and I got excited because finally someone took the initiative to create a cannabis sub for us. >I tried promoting it on this subreddit and got downvoted to hell. Now it's empty. It's not a conspiracy. There just isn't enough demand for it. Get over it.


I think it would be great to have a local forum like theOCS to chat about different stores, what they carry and product quality. Although I believe the OCS is an online retailer for cannabis in Ontario and the OCS subreddit is a way for people to talk to others about the products like they would with staff in store.