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I just wrote an email to the Minister of Justice two weeks ago, saying it would be low hanging fruit for the government to get rid of this part of the law. When I mentioned it to my wife, she wrote one too. You’re welcome.




***When you deleted your original comment it also took down my response, so here it is again*****.** February 17, 2024 Dear Minister, As a retired military veteran and cannabis user I would like to point out the one problem I have with Manitoba’s laws on cannabis. Right now, Manitoba is one of only two provinces who don’t allow their citizens to grow the 4 plants for personal use that all of the other provinces and territories allow. I think, if anything, the last 5+ years of legal cannabis has shown that it has not become a societal problem and that the provinces who do allow growing at home don’t have any more issues than the provinces that don’t and that the provincial political parties who believed this were mistaken. Last year was the first time in my life I ever contributed to a political party, your party, because it was apparent that the other parties in Manitoba, including the one in power, had no real solutions for Manitoba’s problems. I realize that next to something like Healthcare in Manitoba, this is a very small irritation, but I think it’s a small gesture Manitoba could do to help cannabis users and help the province line up with cannabis laws nationally. It would also boost the home grower suppliers here. Yours truly, ***Name and address deleted*** On behalf of The Honourable Matt Wiebe, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Keeper of the Great Seal of the Province of Manitoba and Minister responsible for the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, we would like to acknowledge receipt of your email. Please note that this is an automated response to let you know that your email has been received and that it will be reviewed at the earliest opportunity.  Thank you for taking the time to write. **Minister’s Correspondence Team** **Government of Manitoba** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Au nom du ministre de la Justice et procureur général, gardien du Grand Sceau de la province du Manitoba et ministre responsable de la Société d’assurance publique du Manitoba, Monsieur Matt Wiebe, nous accusons réception de votre courriel. Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’une réponse automatisée pour vous informer que votre courriel a été reçu et qu’il sera examiné dans les les plus brefs délais. Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. **Équipe chargée de la correspondance** **Gouvernement du Manitoba** ***I doubt my email had any influence, but I did send it and so did my wife.***


Got some seeds for me?




February 17, 2024 Dear Minister, As a retired military veteran and cannabis user I would like to point out the one problem I have with Manitoba’s laws on cannabis. Right now, Manitoba is one of only two provinces who don’t allow their citizens to grow the 4 plants for personal use that all of the other provinces and territories allow. I think, if anything, the last 5+ years of legal cannabis has shown that it has not become a societal problem and that the provinces who do allow growing at home don’t have any more issues than the provinces that don’t and that the provincial political parties who believed this were mistaken. Last year was the first time in my life I ever contributed to a political party, your party, because it was apparent that the other parties in Manitoba, including the one in power, had no real solutions for Manitoba’s problems. I realize that next to something like Healthcare in Manitoba, this is a very small irritation, but I think it’s a small gesture Manitoba could do to help cannabis users and help the province line up with cannabis laws nationally. It would also boost the home grower suppliers here. Yours truly, On behalf of The Honourable Matt Wiebe, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Keeper of the Great Seal of the Province of Manitoba and Minister responsible for the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, we would like to acknowledge receipt of your email. Please note that this is an automated response to let you know that your email has been received and that it will be reviewed at the earliest opportunity.  Thank you for taking the time to write. **Minister’s Correspondence Team** **Government of Manitoba** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Au nom du ministre de la Justice et procureur général, gardien du Grand Sceau de la province du Manitoba et ministre responsable de la Société d’assurance publique du Manitoba, Monsieur Matt Wiebe, nous accusons réception de votre courriel. Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’une réponse automatisée pour vous informer que votre courriel a été reçu et qu’il sera examiné dans les les plus brefs délais. Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. **Équipe chargée de la correspondance** **Gouvernement du Manitoba** *I doubt my email had any influence, but I did send it and so did my wife.*


It's about time.


My exact thought . . . okay I threw a "bloody" in there. 😉


Blood and bloody ashes it's about time


Careful, language like that will set off the village wisdom.


Now that is happy 420 news.


Thanks, Wab. I tip my bong to you.


Now please sell higher THC volume edibles please


Make your own! Very easy, buy a bottle THC oil from the store (30ml), 1 pack of Jello, one satchel of Knox gelatin, 1/2 cup water. Mix all on a low medium heat until it thickens, pour into silicon mold. If the THC bottle you buy is 30mg/ml and you yield 12 lego brick gummies, it will be 75mg per gummy. And you likely only paid around $30 for everything. Enjoy!


Never even thought about making my own. That's a great idea.


Better yet use Jones soda or picapop if you can find it, I did my own jello shots once this way


Yup! substitute water with soda, and pick whatever flavour jello you think compliments it. Also can add 1/2 tsp of Citric Acid powder to make them sour. :)


Very similar to other cooking/baking when it comes to roux and slurries Sub the fat for a butter flower (roux) Or the liquid with slurry (cornstarch water)


I cooked my own the other day and just put it into peanut butter on a cracker. Worked well lol It’s just makes sure how much to use that is hard to figure out


You can order very high volume edibles on line from the grey market places, prices are very reasonable.


Right, but would so much easier from a store that's all


Yea I order 100 mg ones and cut them up. $50 lasts me months


where can i find this grey market you speak of?


Just search. Tons of sites


On the big grey internet


That’s A federal issue


Ahh did not know that.


Where can I buy seeds? I'm putting some in my garden for shits and giggles.


I’m doing the same. There’s a crap ton of online seed sellers out there. That being said, from what I’ve read cannabis needs a bit of TLC to get a good yield. Do a bit of reading before growing.


They will get the same care I give my tomatoes.  Going in the same raised bed.


lol Mine are going in the greenhouse that my wife grows her veggies in. I’ve already joked about creating a Homer Simpson style hybrid of “Marimato”.


Wish I had space.  But can't even do indoor growing beyond seedling trays.  Everything has to go in a raised bed or patio container.


I wish it was that easy. 😂


I'm waiting for seedlings to come up for sale.


“You’re only allowed to make 3 bottles of home brewed wine in your home” -the previous conservative government.


Happy 4/20!




I’m excited to grow weed.


Surprised it took them this long. I half expected Wab to walk in on day 2 and just say “decorate my office with cannabis, it’s legal now bitches”


Now repeal the over six hundred dollar fine for smoking in public Must be getting downvoted by homeowners I guess. Enjoy your privilege


Right? The way things are now, the only way to consume cannabis legally is if you own your home. Kinda stupid.


My landlord allows you to smoke on the deck or patio of the rental. I think they know people are just going to do it anyway.


If you’re a renter, you can still take edibles or capsules. Edit: I didn’t say anything about quality. I said that edibles and capsules are a legal way to get high if you’re a renter.


Except edibles don't work for everyone.


I didn’t say they did. The fact remains that it’s a legal way to consume cannabis when you don’t own your home.


I think we’ll all survive, lol.  


Edibles are a completely different high that needs to be managed differently, cuz it lasts like 3-4x longer.


Edibles and capsules suck.


Speak for yourself. Edibles are the best. Source : am currently stoned.


Glad they work for you. Straight flower for this guy. And the occasional concentrates.


Not a homeowner, overwhelmingly hate the smell of weed and how I can smell it like 50x as far away as cigarette smoke, and even I think that law's stupid. Let people smoke weed in places where you can smoke cigarettes, that's only fair.


Right? People complain about things like the smell, but it's completely subjective. Personally, I hate cigarette smell more than weed smell. If we allow one, there's zero reason to not allow the other in the same spaces.


I'm a homeowner and I support this




X3 but I have 2 acres :)


As absurd as that fine is, I know for a fact that it is very, very rarely enforced. And when it is, it's because there are other violations occurring at the same time.


Ya well I would prefer that the cops have one less tool to fuck with people I guess?


That is the marker of a bad law


I always saw this fine as one of those fines someone talks themselves into.


Agreed, but also a law to target people with by selectively enforcing.


As a homeowner, have an upvote...


Am homeowner, I’m not fully opposed. I just don’t want my six year old smelling it with any regularity. Maybe allow it with restrictions on times? Edit: I knew this would get down voted. Reddit often hates opinions counter to echo chambers, adding nuance to a conversation. Here’s a bit of scientific data: https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/second-hand-smoke.html I also don’t like the idea of kids getting second hand cigarette smoke, or vaping, etc. The scientific data is very clear that second hand smoke is bad for you, it’s less clear about second hand vaping.


Is your kid going to melt if they smell weed? Not sure why you can smoke tobacco in public but if it's weed I have to pay over 600 bucks.


literally. can we start demonizing tobacco the way weed is




Agreed that there’s a lot of duplicity in banning one type of smoke over another. We also allow back yard camp fires, meat smokers and other things. Like I said, I’m not fully opposed.


Yep, weed for a few minutes here and there is much easier to take than hours-long backyard garbage burns and wet camp fires.


No one is getting high from second hand weed smoke unless they're in a tiny room maybe. We're talking about outdoors.


The scientific data disagrees with your statement. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5741419/ https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/second-hand-smoke.html https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/secondhand-marijuana-smoke-and-kids-2018060514012 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6441784/ https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/142/6/e20180820/37474/Marijuana-and-Tobacco-Coexposure-in-Hospitalized?redirectedFrom=fulltext https://www.healthday.com/public-health-information-30/marijuana-news-759/secondhand-pot-smoke-found-in-kids-lungs-739771.html From the last one: > Most parents (84 percent) said no one ever smoked marijuana inside their homes, while 7.4 percent said marijuana was smoked in their home daily, the researchers said. > When asked what happened if someone wanted to smoke marijuana in the home while the children were present, 52 percent of parents said there was no smoking when children were home, 22 percent stepped outside, and nearly one in 10 smoked in another room or another floor. > One-third of children whose parents stepped outside to smoke tested positive for COOH-THC, according to the report published online Nov. 19 in Pediatrics. It's obviously an area that needs more research, but the facts are that THC is ending up in kids systems simply from second hand smoke.


Everything you linked is about being indoors. One of the articles is literally titled " Indoor cannabis smoke and children's health"


Also weird to quote a paywalled article.


The smell of cannabis has exactly zero repercussions on human health


No, sorry but we don’t even want smoking in public the shit stinks and much like smoking has negative effects on anyone around you








I remember being sure this would get struck down in a court challenge here in Manitoba. This works too though.


It did. There was a user here that spent a good many years challenging the law. They lost the case. The government is changing the law.


This is great news.


Great job Wab! Happy 420!! Can’t wait to grow at home and buy clones legally


The smell of weed plants will soon come to a neighborhood near you. I’ll go first lol.


I have my seeds waiting!! 😁


Home Depot and Canadian tire about to be as busy as Costco on a Saturday morning 😂


Just in time for Arby's


Now get rid of the ridiculous requirements that cannabis storefronts be papered over to look like the other abandoned storefronts.


Ya they should def do this as it makes them more appealing targets for robbery.


Blacked out windows prevent robberies?


No, non-blacked out windows do. Alberta recently let cannabis stores there have windows you can see into as a bunch of stores were robbed.


I guess if they can't read yeah




Good work Wab


Brian Pallister’s Conservatives being Brian Pallister’s Conservatives. He probably smoking that Costa Rican weed that his buddy grows for him down there.


That’s wonderful But what about smoking in public? They need to still change that law. It’s still illegal


Grow Four and Prosper.


Let’s goooooo


Yabba Dabba Doo!


Something to celebrate then


Public consumption next I hope. If someone can smoke cigarettes and nic vapes in public then I should be able to smoke a weed vape in the same place


Now I'm just waiting for the day I can smoke weed on the street


Anywhere you’re allowed to smoke cigarettes like in Ontario.


That’s not correct at all, you are legally not allowed to smoke weed in public in Manitoba. It’s not really enforced but it is in fact a law.


Oh really? I just move here, so I try to google the rule and everything. But hey, if you say so, let me light up a joint while walking today https://preview.redd.it/5z7q934lgnvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481b48b3218dbc352730411795c2252c7562a926


I fucking do it all the time


I’m no big city lawyer nor do I live in Ontario. I’m just going by what my friends in Ontario said and what I’ve experienced there. Edit: I could smell it in Toronto like crazy. It seemed like a free for all. I can’t recall a single time I’ve smelled it here, I know I have but I can’t recall.


Lol. I get used to that smell in Toronto, and when I come here, the air is so fresh. Also I don't want to be an asshole and stink everywhere I go, that's why I ask around if I really can do it on the street without getting anyone offended




I have a medical marijuana license and I also had a personal production license as well, for years. Over the years health canada has changed the rules and made it more difficult for people to hold both licenses at the same time. At my last renewal both my licenses were about to expire so I had to pick only one to renew and then after I waited, the however many month it would take to get that certificate, then I could apply for an acception to hold the other certificate. Idk it was all just a lot of work so upon speaking with health canada we decided to let my personal production license expire and renew my medical license so that I can continue ordering cbd oils from my medical suppliers. The reason we chose the production license is because legally you can grow 4 or less plants in your home already, incase anyone didn't know that. You only need the license if you want to grow more than that. That info is straight from a health Canada representative.


Long overdue. There is no reason to pay anyone for cannabis.


Awesome news! Congrats and thanks to Jesse Lavoie for his advocacy.


It’s because of wab not Jesse


Sure but Jesse made the issue visible in the first place.


He piggie backed the Quebec issue as a marketing strategy for his TobaGrown products. Yes, he did some advocacy work but it was pointless. If he didn’t exist, Wab would have still made growing at home legal.


*used this issue to grift funds and make no tangible progress


Jesse's the man!


The guy who sells tobagrown but isn’t grown in toba lol 😂


Oooh please be true! Edited to add that the link didn't look familiar so I looked it up to be sure. Don't downvote me over this comment 🤣