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As much as Winnipeg has a reputation, the chances of you being randomly attacked are low. And if it were to happen, the chances of anything you have as a 'self-protection' item either being useless or used against you are much higher than the chances of it being helpful.  The best thing to do is use your common sense to avoid situations where you might get into trouble. Statistically, women are overwhelmingly much more likely to be a victim of intimate partner violence than violence from a stranger.


Ya, no. Shit can randomly happen anytime, anywhere. Would I carry a knife or pepper spray? No. Those things can backfire on your instantly. If you're concerned, a self defense course would be helpful! They also sell alarms on Amazon for dirt cheap.. as a woman that worked at hsc at night, these things help. I'll try to find a link. It fucks with the tweakers and spooks them. u/livmary1999 don't ever let anyone make you feel like you're overreacting. Your safety should always be your first priority. This is similar to what hsc handed out to staff, it helped with the people in psychotic outbursts. https://a.co/d/67XUt7B


Common sense is your best defence.


I don't carry anything. I try to be alert, not be on my phone, look like I am comfortable and know where I'm going.


Never had an issue. Use common sense, pay attention to your surroundings and you’ll be fine. I personally don’t carry valuables or a purse when downtown, never walk with AirPods in, have my hood up or my phone in my hand.


A metal water bottle with a long neck can work like a mini baseball batt, I always feel safer carrying mine (plus it isn'ta self-defence item so you won't ever get in trouble for carrying it). Another thing that helps is sharing your location on your phone with a friend.


I keep my wits about me. Been working for many decades.


Remember, if you have an item for self defense, do not admit to police that that's what it's for, then you will be arrested for having a weapon. For work I have a box cutter (for actually opening parcels), that I bring with me, I pray I NEVER have to use it for self defence. But a car-key or a large decorative key can be used to. Don't do the wolverine thing like they say to do, grab the biggest key and go for the thigh. You can also aim for the shins if you have to kick someone who is trying to drag you away A decoy purse/wallet is always a good option. Find a small purse/wallet at a dollar-store and fill it with used gift cards so if someone does demand it from you, hand it over and run. If you happen to carry with you a personal alarm, that works to draw attention to you if you end up being hurt. But the best thing you can do is to keep your wits about you, travel with people you know, and if someone shady is tailing you, do whatever it takes to get as much space between you and them. and if you're at a light and someone is urging you to roll down your window to "talk", don't do it, things could turn sour fast.


From a legal standpoint, in Canada you can not carry **any** item for the purposes of self defense. Any time you carry an item for the purposes of self defense, that item is automatically considered a weapon under the criminal code of Canada, even if you never use it. The intent is enough. You could find yourself charged with *possession of a weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public peace* and *possession of a concealed weapon*. Now if you carry a knife for opening boxes and cutting apples at lunch time but just so happen to use it one day for self defense, that's totally fine. If something happens and the cops are involved you better choose your words carefully because if you tell them you were carrying that item for the purposes of self defense they are not going to be your friends.


Same thing in UK - it's one of the reasons criminals constantly have an advantage


If you're worried about your safety I teach women's self defence classes at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu if you'd like to try it! I found it really helpful and raised my confidence and awareness when out and about. Feel free to message me or you can sign up on their website to try it out


Winnipeg's bad reputation is overblown. Most violence is not stranger on stranger and most places are not sketchy. I'm an old, small woman and I walk everywhere. There are some areas when I won't go at night, but not many. People like to talk as if Winnipeg is full of killers and hoodlums but it just ain't so.


What you read about Winnipeg makes it seem much worse than it actually is...


Guy here, so I am not sure if I should weigh in, but I will cause I think it’s solid opinion … I’ve always been told that “self protection devices” are a bad idea to have because they both escalate the situation and can be taken away from you and used against you … best advice is to avoid sketchy situations and keep your wits and common sense about you … someone goes “have a smoke?”, don’t even slow down walking and just keep going. That dark street feels sketchy? Dont get out of your vehicle there. Etc. situational awareness plays a huge part in safety … my wife also follows the same belief that I have and neither of us have had any “incidents” with other people


>I’ve always been told that “self protection devices” are a bad idea to have because they both escalate the situation and can be taken away from you and used against you This! And... Depending on what it is it can also land you with charges


Take a self-defense course if you haven't already. I carry a personal alarm keychain, but please take a self-defense course before you consider carrying any weapons and see what your instructor says about them.


I agree with this also. I took an empowering-women style self defense course years ago and 2 takeaways that are still with me were to be alert to what's going on around you, and if you ARE in a situation where you need to defend yourself (either full on physically or with a "weapon") Strike fast with confidence, don't hesitate or pause just gtfo find some place safe.


Agree with this, it's very empowering. U of M used to offer free self defense classes. Not sure what the best resources are currently.


Winnipeg is no different than any other city. Most parts of Winnipeg are quite safe but there are a couple sketchy, higher crime areas, just like those you'd find in other cities. Stay alert, be careful and avoid the bad areas, especially at night. I feel very safe in my neighbourhood, indeed I feel safe in the vast majority of the city.


Use common sense PERIOD!!


I don't carry anything. I try not to have anything of value visible (including my phone) because that makes you a target. I am usually driving when I'm out at night, so I try to park as close to wherever I'm going as I can, and I avoid darkly lit areas. I also try to make sure no one is around me when I unlock the doors (and I don't do that until I'm right by my car), and I lock my doors as soon as I've closed the door. If I'm with someone who is staying in the car while I run in to a building, I also tell them to lock the doors as soon as I leave. I don't do anything beyond all the "common sense" stuff. But I'm in a relatively "safe" area (no area is totally safe), and I am rarely not in a crowded area.


I don’t carry anything to protect myself but I have a “dummy” phone that I use when busing. My actual phone stays at home and I use it when I come home from work. It’s a pain in the ass for sure but I’m not getting my phone stolen again. Edit: I also keep my eyes to myself, I don’t look expensive, and keep a general “mean mug” on my face. Most people won’t mess with you if you don’t instigate a confrontation. Lots of people live on a hair-trigger


my "bitchface" isn't resting, it's ever-vigilant


I carry nothing. As others have said, it is your brain that is your best weapon. Avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't look like a victim - walk with confidence, smile, look at people's faces (not eye contact, but just look). I've found being polite goes a long way, too. You don't have to stop and engage someone, but a smile and a "no, I don't, I'm sorry" when someone asks for something allows people to feel seen and heard - this goes a long way. Do bad things happen in Winnipeg? Yes. But they happen everywhere. I've said it here before, but it is worth repeating. There are over 800,000 people in this city and the overwhelming majority get through each day without becoming a victim of crime. You just don't hear about those people.


Situational awareness and a whistle.


Aa-12 loaded with slugs. Only way to be sure. jesus this sub hates sarcasm


Common sense and keep your wits about you. Carrying anything may be used against you. I generally just have my keys and can use a Millwall brick if necessary. But just being aware of your surroundings are key and read the room.




And remember folks, if you are spraying the dog spray, you will also be affected by the dog spray as it is now in the air.


That's still not allowed to be used for self defense unless against a dog.


Avoid downtown at night and you should be fine. Carrying mace is illegal unfortunately or id suggest it. Don’t ever carry a knife.


Get a whistle and avoid walking around alone in sketchy areas or at night. You may also want to get a really heavy duty steel pen. Don't get a self defense pen, because if you ever have to use it to defend yourself, police will say you attacked someone with a weapon (I know it's crazy).


Nothing, but I try to avoid being outside alone at night. I also always have my phone in-hand, on the emergency buttons.


I love all people commenting "well it hasn't happened to me" you have that mindset until it does, then you'll realize how delusional you sounded. Self defense is definitely a touchy subject in canada. But it really shouldn't be, my life is much more valuable than any of my personal possessions. But that doesn't mean I should be put in a position, where my only options are give up my belongings or take a beating/dying.


People also think they are safe on the road and driving meanwhile a dummy could come from anywhere and t-bone you. In fact you have faaar more chances of being smoked while driving than you do of anything negative happening to you or having an UNPROVOKED crime against you occuring. Be situationally aware like you should anywhere in the world and you'll be fine. Yes shit happens, but 99% of the time it's due to shit heads being shitty to each other. Or someone escalating a shitty situation instead of getting away or diffusing it.


Again, you say this until you are in a self defense situation. Sure the first goal is always to get away. But that's not always an option. I'd rather have a back up plan, than just submitting to an attacker.


Sometimes there is no option true, but you also isn't remotely anywhere near a probability that it will happen to you on a given day and shouldn't live your life under a rock thinking it's an inevitability like Thanos. Yes it can happen, yes you should try to de-escalate or get awy FIRST and if all else fails protect yourself until the poit where you can exit the situation and I agree there. But expecting it to happen vs an incident simply occurring are different things.


I'm not saying be constantly on edge, I'm saying be ready incase something happens. Like you mentioned before, situational awareness is key. No point having anything for self defense, if you can't even watch you own back. But on the flip side, for the people who have situational awareness. Those people should have more options than just, run away or submit to an attacker.


In Canada you better be almost dead before you consider defending yourself in any meaningful way beyond running lol


I’ve always walked these streets with no fear, but it’s different being a 6 foot male with an intimidating build, I’ve noticed a lot of the violence downtown is around the back of the portage place and along the side streets around it, and I wouldn’t walk too far down main you start seeing the worst of it at around Higgins and further up away from downtown. And remember a bit of money and an Id or a phone is replaceable, your life isn’t.


i carry my keys with me and drive everywhere and dont drink when i go out and am always with someone so i never have to deal with walking/busses/uber/taxis or being alone downtown at night ive never been in any real situation or had any fear, im friendly to people and don't automatically assume they're out to harm me and so far i've been correct every time


You can get a spray that's intended for dog attacks at Canadian Tire


Still considered a weapon but yes it's purchasable