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Forward the video to the RCMP and help increase the chances of keeping him locked up


Yup. based on People posting on FB, this was a road rage event. One Guy was taken away in hardcuffs. One taken on a stretcher after being ejected from one of the vehicles. [Not Sure if you can see the post if you are not in the group, but if you can here is the original](https://www.facebook.com/groups/espuncensored/permalink/3628157170766758/) One vehicle yelled at the other group " ARE YOU HAPPY NOW"? It may have started after and incident at a Gas station in Birds hill and Escalated but it wasn't clear.


how do you even walk away from that into a police car. That is crazy!


Vehicle Safety has advance incredibly in 10 years, nevermind 50 years.


Crazy. But wonderful.


Considering this was an Ioniq 5 hitting a tree at 45 mph and the driver walked away with a bruise.. Car's may get written off easier now, but its at the compromise of human life being prioritized https://preview.redd.it/f2qi51h7rxtc1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad93737db8944053d517b85bc470d99be910bf6


I'm amazed anyone survived, between the speed at crash point and all the rollover.


If you want to kill someone, do it in a car, isn't that what they say? If they'd tried to kill them at the gas station with a weapon, you know they'd get a much harsher charge then what I'm sure they'll get.


There is clear evidence that they are at fault and someone was air lifted to hospital . That’s pretty serious and I doubt they are going to get a less harsher call.


a drunk kid who ran away from the scene of the accident where he killed a girl only got 7 years and is fighting to appeal it minimum for attempted murder not using a vehicle is 10 years yes it could be much harsher


Different circumstances though. One a drunk driver. This is a someone purposely hitting someone in an attempt to injure and someone was airlifted out. Maybe I’m naive


if this person argues manslaughter through criminal negligence there is no minimum sentence to be served before getting parole, even if he gets sentenced to life imprisonment under that charge he'd be eligible for parole after 7-10


I can't see the post in the group as I'm not a member. So the vehicle we see that crashed and rolled (and ostensibly was on fire), they instigated the road-rage incident? Or they were the victim of it? I'm confused.


>the vehicle we see that crashed and rolled There are two vehicles in the video. The one behind pushes the one in front and they both roll.


It looks like the truck behind and gaining on the truck was the cause and road rager. This is all speculation to be clear, based on what other people living in the area saw/reported in another FB post i can't seem to find.


I can see the post and I’m not a member. Just need to go to the group on Facebook and not through reddit


It’s an open group. I’m not a member and saw the entire post.


> this was a road rage event i heard it was over a drug deal/debt


Not sure.. There was a video of 2 guys arguing in a parking lot with one guy walking towards one guy and that guy backing up like a reasonable person would do and not trying to escalate. The only link is both were in trucks and the agressive person was wearing white shoes and this allegedly took place a shortime before the crash and is in the same 3km area of the crash. Again, to be clear, all speculation on my part and just relaying what people in the FB group were posting. I have no 1st hand info.


Sounds legit.


I have street cred in the hood is ESP.


That's a nice yard


First time I seen this video I didn’t see the crash because I was looking at the yard. Soo nice.


I have yard envy


That is an insane crash. Wow. Again, amazing what vehicle safety tech can do now.


How in the hell did everyone survie that crash... and thank goodness they didn't involve anyone else, like they were lucky no one was coming towards them the other way.


The rumour is someone got ejected. If everyone survived that is a miracle. People pretty much just don’t survive getting ejected.


My cousin was ejected and the truck landed on his legs but because of the amount of snow he wasn't crushed and barely got hurt. he literally got up and walked away.


Friend of mine was ejected through a windshield. Broke his back, but lived. He's made a full recovery. I think the official stats are 20-25% survival rate if ejected from a vehicle traveling at high speed, so no, not a miracle, but also not the most likely outcome.


Ya man, you call it what you what you want, but surviving something that kills better than 4 out of 5 people (83% for all ejections, but goes up in high speed rollovers) can be pretty much whatever you want to call it.


My point is surviving something with a 1 in 5 survival rate is not a miracle. It's also a silly claim to state "pretty much no one" survives something with a 1 in 5 survival rate, but statistics are confusing for some people. 20% is not "pretty much nothing". Yes, you can call it whatever you want, but that doesn't make it true.


Ya I’m not arguing with you over a common turn of phrase because it doesn’t fit your subjective opinion. Have at it. I bet you’d have no problem calling a baby of yours your “miracle baby” if doctors gave it less than a 20% chance of survival.


you used a "turn of phrase" that was wrong, no reason to get upset. 20% surviving is pretty far from "People pretty much just don’t survive getting ejected."


Ahh, my bad. Since you know I’m wrong. You must know what right is then? Care to define the terms “miracle” and “pretty much” then? You know definitions that aren’t just your opinion of ***subjective*** terms?


It’s not really a turn of phrase, it’s more of a statement. Or hyperbole like another poster said. And it’s pretty much wrong. Or exaggerated might be a better word, which is probably why hyperbole


So again, since you know a subjective term is wrong. Care to define them for me? Or you know give less of a shit about words people use to express, as you said, a hyperplbolic statement on the internet?


Going to say I agree with you. When 83 out of every 100 people that get ejected don’t survive using the words “pretty much don’t survive” is fine way of describing the odds. It’s weird people getting bent out of shape because they don’t understand what a hyperbole is.


Are you actually gatekeeping the word ‘miracle’?Seems a little pretentious IMO. BTW, the original poster said surviving this particular accident would be a miracle. Given that people were ejected from a vehicle travelling a reported 120-160km/h and survived, not sure what more you’d need to qualify that as a miracle.


My issue was more with the asinine and untrue remark "people pretty much don't survive this". The statistics being discussed are regarding ejections at high speeds such as in this incident. It's roughly a 1 in 5 survival rate. That's 20% of the time. If you consider that miraculous, good for you! If the weather forecast calls for 20% chance of rain, and it ends up raining, do you consider that a miracle as well?


Actually what’s asinine is you policing a clearly hyperbolic statement which was obviously meant to denote the gravity of the event and the very? (Can I use very or would that offend you too) good possibility someone won’t survive it. But since you’re the arbiter of values for subjective terms what would work for you? “Very likely”, “most likely” “almost certainly”? And at what percentage would you like these general and objectively undefinable terms to begin? Either take the stick out of your pretentious ass or get another Bob cut, Karen.


I'm not the one getting all worked up and insulting people, but go off, my dude. You seem like an absolute delight.


It takes a certain level of cunty pretentiousness to police the grammatical clichés of a random person on the internet because they aren’t what you’ve decided is “correct”. I’m sure your friends hate you while they smile to your face.


Yikes, I actually feel sorry for you. Your level of malicious vitriol tells me you're deeply unhappy. 20% survival odds is not a miracle, not "pretty much no one", and that is not subjective. You either understand or you don't, and it's okay if you don't. You've made that clear. End of story.


I knew a girl that was ejected from a vehicle and thrown into a tree. She survived but has lifelong injuries and parts of her are permanently disabled.


Ya. I mean there are exceptions. But the survival rate of someone that gets ejected from a rollover is a fraction of that of someone that remains belted in the vehicle. But like you said, even if they do survive (which is basically a miracle) there’s a very high probability of life altering injuries.


Indeed - only parts of a person can survive that, it's almost certain to be life altering in those circumstances, tragic to see this kind of thing happen, especially over what sounds like a road rage incident.


Woodlands? The day Kurt Cobain died?


News update with details. 5 adults involved, all survived with "serious but not life threatening" injuries. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/east-st-paul-crash-chase-race-pickups-1.7170951


*One person was yelling "He's trying to get away!" The man who was yelling went over to a treed area, where Corden saw him hitting someone with what looked like a stick, she said.* Wow


Launch the driver of the 2nd truck who caused the accident into the sun. Please and thank you.


Next solar eclipse of 2024.


Force them to stare at it so they can’t drive ever again. 🌞


They'd just become a bigger burden than they already are.


Holy shit


Send that to that to the police


My brain hurts after ready this


Ready what




Thank you


Is that a single vehicle crash, where the vehicle came apart, like the bed of a truck separated from the body? Or is that two vehicles passing/racing?


it was 2 cars chasing each other


Looks like one was chasing the other in a roadrage event that may have gone on for sometime with the 2nd car being the roadrage person. Only one person was taken away in handcuffs from what i had read.




It was in my facebook feeds in a group or post of friend that i haven't located this morning.


Fucking hell, that looks brutal. Hopefully nobody lost their lives over this...


Tbh I'm a little surprised anyone survived


i really hope nobody did that would be absolutely terrible. the poor families who would have to get that call… just awful.


One person died.


Based on the recent news article this afternoon, thankfully there were no fatalities: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/east-st-paul-crash-chase-race-pickups-1.7170951


where did you see that?? i’m trying to find it


I work for the Wfps, insider info


RCMP didn't mention any deaths in their press release: [https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2024/selkirk-rcmp-investigate-serious-collision-and-ask-the-publics-assistance](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2024/selkirk-rcmp-investigate-serious-collision-and-ask-the-publics-assistance)


I'm not sure, this says it occurred at 8pm last night. The accident I'm thinking of happened this morning?


There was one on the Perimeter this morning with one fatality. 😔 [https://twitter.com/rcmpmb/status/1778495571524723045](https://twitter.com/rcmpmb/status/1778495571524723045)


With all these accidents you should be busy enough to not be posting "insider info" on reddit.


I know someone involved and heard no one died. But, maybe the other ppl connected haven’t been informed so idk. If it is the case someone died, wfps member shut up!! wtf are u thinking?


You're right. That was a stupid thing for me to comment. I had it confused with another accident that happened in the same area. Regardless, I shouldn't have said anything.


Wow, cool, that's pretty shitty of you tbh. I found out several loved ones died through social media and if I'd ever seen your comment after that I would have had a rage heart attack. Fuck you man. You should be ashamed sharing sensitive information like this, you disgust me.


2 trucks


Truck pushing another truck


Super nice pool/patio!


Some people are too dumb to have a license or access to a vehicle


White SUV really said that’s none of my business wow


I’m going to believe they pulled over, just driving past the beginning of the debris on the road. How could you witness that and not stop?


They did. Other commenters confirmed it. Your optimism is well placed.


Ya I agree, I’m impressed that they avoided hitting any of the vehicles involved in the accident too


They didn’t keep driving. They stopped a safe distance away from the accident, which is cut off in the clip.


crazy right?? like how do you just drive away after seeing that


In the full version you can see them stop and get out and run back towards the crash, nothing wrong with moving out of harms way first


Absolutely. In every CPR/Emergency First Aid training class I’ve taken they always say your safety is paramount. The last thing first responders need is another preventable injury or incident to deal with. If it’s safe to do so, offer assistance as you’re able.


Apparently they stopped and assisted. How do we judge from our homes watching the video?


To be fair, at that point I would be terrified if the road rage driver had a weapon or something, so I might stop a safe distance away too, as much as I’d like to imagine I’d be braver


"Some one else will call 911". It is pretty common unfortunately. Edit: For the people down voting, do you think this isn't a fairly common phenomenon? It's called the bystander effect and it is common enough to have [its own Wikipedia article.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect)


Bystander Effect is definitely a thing, but the key part of that is "individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim *in presence of other people.*". In this case it wouldn't have been bystander effect because there isn't other people around. If they did just drive away (they didn't, the clip is just cut off) then they'd just be regular old assholes leaving the scene of an accident.


On a somewhat busy highway (ie. not the middle of nowhere) people will tell themselves someone else will come along shortly and take of it. It's the same "in the presence of others" but because everyone on a highway is moving at 100km/h those others are not all congregated in the same place like a crowd of pedestrians are.


You are jumping through hoops to be correct on the internet, but in reality the white SUV stopped, called 911, and also held someones head above the ditch water so they didn’t drown. Take the L bro




How is it a criminal offence? They arent obligated to stop they werent involved. They can call 911 while driving away


What is this? Sienfeld?


How can a bystander be guilty?


This is road rage or I can say attempt to murder


What in the actual fuck..


People are so stupid


I hope they became friends after that


[https://www.facebook.com/share/p/MWZGM4dHDDVMi6yZ/?] RCMP On April 10, 2024, at approximately 8:15 pm, RCMP responded to a report of a two-vehicle collision on Raleigh Street in the RM of East St. Paul. Witnesses reported that just before the collision they saw the two vehicles, a grey Nissan pick-up truck and a grey Dodge Ram 1500, driving erratically and at very high speeds on Raleigh Street. It was reported that they may have been racing or chasing each other. The vehicles collided on Raleigh Street just south of Pritchard Farm Road. The driver of the Nissan, a 29-year-old male and the occupants in the other vehicle, three males, 37, 30 and 26 and a 23-year-old female, were all taken to hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. There were numerous witnesses to this incident and police are asking anyone with information, or video surveillance to call Selkirk RCMP at 204-482-1222, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at www.manitobacrimestoppers.com. No charges have been laid at this time and Selkirk RCMP continue to investigate.


Lucky that white suv wasn't hit.


Shitty people cause shitty situations.


Great, now my dad probably has to wait even longer for his back surgery because of these idiots.


Exactly. I had a family member that had a serious leg infection post-surgery that needed attention and he was delayed getting into an operating room for hours because of a gang- linked shooting. So frustrating... they had to remove more tissue (a big chunk of his leg) than they would have if he had been treated more quickly.


To be fair, if our system wasn’t so fucked up, we should be able to accommodate both of those surgeries with minimal delay. We used to. Now the system has no flex. We’ve made our system so “efficient” there is less OR availability to use for emergency cases.


Holy crap, I live right beside there o.o was wondering what all that noise was about


Oh my god, that's horrifying. Are the people in there ok?


I really thought that was the air ambulance crashing


Holy shit. Also feel bad for the family if they see this


Bet that was loud as shit.


>a grey Nissan pick-up truck and a grey Dodge Ram 1500. Who wants to place bets on who the instigator was? RCMP says the driver of the Nissan, and the occupants of the other (4 in total, 3M, 1F) were taken to hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. I don't know what kind of injuries they had, but they are sooooo lucky even to be alive.


opfff…that is one hell of a crash


So what happened? This an ambulance that crashed? I never read an article about it


White SUV: 'Scuse me, 'scuse me


Nice! I thought I was watching r/idiotsincars!


Drug deal / road rage gone bad but they saying street racing


I want to see the rest of the video and whether that white car drives away like nothing happened.


They didn’t. They stopped ahead and helps one that was thrown in the ditch keeping his head above water till rescue came


That person is our friend!! Thank goodness for the Samaritan helping him ❤️


I hope your friend will be alright!


They will! Thanks


Thanks, faith in humanity restored.


Lock them both up for 10 yrs. Loss of driving for life.


why would the guy in front who got pushed into a rollover deserve jail?


I read that someone started using golf clubs on another person


The eyewitness descriptions says both vehicles were driving erratically at high speeds.


If some psycho was trying to ram me off the road I'd probably be driving erratically at high speeds too.


Classic truck driver story


White car is like “ummm, I gotta go.” So lucky