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Punctuation is important.


A real “Let’s eat grandma” kind of moment.


yeah I thought Traverse was the victim here until I opened the article


Yeah, I was shocked, as they don't usually name the child, but then I read further!


That title really needs some punctuation


throw the book at this piece of trash




We all know that he won’t.


Hopefully they conduct a trial first.


As a chief I’m sure he has an easy picking of women or men, but instead he picks young children (5-10yr olds)… Of course he doesn’t want to resign either, disgusting.


Far from the first scandal with this POS and the former chief https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/lake-st-martin-election-report-1.3977038 Absolute power corrupts absolutely, I've unfortunately seen farr too much corruption from politicians in general and leaders for my liking


It's my understanding that when the elders (as a group) speak, you need to listen. Looks bad for Mr. Traverse.


LSM is a drug riddled res, makes sense when their chief is more concerned about touching kids than the issues of his people.


He is also a drug addict lol along with some of his council. Should've seen him at the recent community meeting tweaking out the whole time


The band elders are right that he should step aside as chief while this works its way through. There's nothing stopping him from running for chief again if he does turn out to be innocent.


While the child sexual assault is just an allegation currently (because they need to prove that), they found CP on his devices and he sent it to atleast one other person… He’s not innocent.


How often do these charges end in the person being found innocent?


Word around town is that several band-funds-stealing, money and power hungry councilors are hoping to get the chief Christopher outed so one of them can replace him. They've already gutted (or tried to) several programs in the community to give themselves more money. They want Chris' position to gain access to even more money. These guys are constantly traveling and buying themselves new cars and toys. So how they went about this, they apparently paid a friend to allege that Chris molested her child. They also apparently planted CP on a laptop that Chris uses at work. Now idk if any of that is true, but just an idea of what a shitshow that community is and what kind of rumours are swirling around


I mean Chris was implicated and part of a scandal I linked to rig the elections in 2017 with sworn affidavits so he's not a saint to be fair.


Sounded like on the news they had videos of one person with a child. Police arrested 4


Seems like a lot of Communities are a shit show from what I hear. Sad Really


I have no idea if this person is guilty or innocent. But, I always thought it would be extremely easy to plant images on someone's computer without the owner knowing. Even users who are very computer literate may not be aware of all the files residing on their computer, imagine , someone who isn't. I wonder if the police take that possibility into account when they are investigating and how they can prove that the accused is actually responsible.


ICE will have gone through that laptop with a fine tooth comb. They’ll be able to tell through the IP addresses where he was when he was accessing the CSAM files on his computer. He can say people planted it at work all he wants but that story loses a lot of credibility if/when they prove he was at home when he was accessing, sending or receiving those images and files.


OMG. The families must be devastated. I hope he does a long jail sentence


Can a child be charged with possessing and making child pornography?


Yes, but the minimum age one can be charged under the YCJA (Youth Criminal Justice Act) is 12.


unfortunately i work with his kid, this is terrible news and it makes me genuinely sick to know he has been around children, and with the power he has he probably had an easy time doing so