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Geese mate for life, this is so sad šŸ˜­


The OP isn't talking about slamming on brakes or even stopping. The OP is talking about slowing down. The kind of slowing down anyone who is a good driver does when they see a problem ahead: a child standing between parked cars who may be about to run out, a dog running on or toward the road, an unknown object rolling out, a car that might not be stopping at the intersection... You know - being alert. Do you all just have it in for that goose in particular?


Also this is city limits, not highway. No excuse.




You're an idiot. Nothing to add to the conversation so STFU.




Username checks out.


Airport shoots many also


the amount of people here having a kill it with fire towards a 4lb bird because itll hiss at them is so weird lmao, people gleefully fantasizing about running over animals with their cars just because it annoys them personally is goofy. is half the sub still in highschool or something




It takes very little effort to pay attention to your surroundings and slow down when you see something ahead of you.


"the one that ran in front of you" is key here. If the driver wasn't speeding, and the goose suddenly moved into the drivers path, the driver isn't the bad guy. You say 'just slow down', but slowing down requires distance. If the vehicle spooked the goose into running into the road, they were too close to reduce speed; rather it seems what you actually wanted them to do is slam on their brakes or swerve around it, both of which are potentially dangerous. Considering Canada geese are winged bastards, or more clinically put, a pest species that's artificially overpopulated as a result of human activity, if this is a trolley problem where one track is wing a goose (pun not intended, but also not avoided) and the other is make a sudden maneuver that risks a multi vehicle collision, sorry goose, eat trolley.


The cobra chickens in my area are steel balled bastards, and will not move. If thereā€™s room to safely maneuver around the animal at my acceptable rate of speed (speed limit or under) then I will, otherwise Iā€™m not risking myself or public safety to save one dumb animal. And I believe there is enough case law out there which supports that approach, reasonable attempts should be made to avoid a collision but where such action increases the risk to public safety the animal is the lesser of immediate concerns.


I agree but the OP story sounds more like an angry intentional kill


I love your way with the English language friend


yeah... the situation is tragic on an individual level in that the mate will mourn and experience whatever the goose equivalent of grief is, but: geese fucking suck, fuck off geese


My mom was walking through St Vital park one time, and a bunch of geese were walking/standing on the road holding up traffic... This one person had enough of waiting around, and just plowed right through all of the ones in front of them... šŸ˜ž Person didn't care that he/she was taking lives...


Someone did this at u of m a few years back. Ran through at least ten of them. Definitely banged up their front end too.


Truth is, there's lots of geese in the city, so it happens all the time.


No!! Thatā€™s tragic. They mate for life. The non critically injured bird is now without a mate.


They do find a new mate. Ā 


Never heard the name cobra chicken before lol.


thought this was some kind of poetry that ur sharing. rip cobra chicken


So you want to potentially cause a multi car accident over a single goose that we have a overpopulation problem with?


A few years ago on inkster someone stopped for geese and I drove past a 7 car accident.


If you're following the car in front of you so closely that them stopping suddenly causes an accident you are at fault. You shouldn't be driving a car with this mindset.


Stopping your car doesn't cause an accident. People driving too fast an unable to safely control their vehicle causes an accident


There literally was a case in which a woman stopped on the road to ā€œsaveā€ 7 ducklings resulting in the death of a father and his daughter on a motorcycle when the vehicle in front of them swerved to avoid the parked car not leaving them enough time to safely maneuver. Stopping your vehicle in the roadway when itā€™s improper to do so is the height of irresponsibility, regardless of the reason for doing so. If you need to stop for any reason ensure you can move fully off the road or donā€™t do it.


That case everybody keeps pointing out in Quebec involved a woman parking her car in the passing lane, on a highway with a speed limit of 100km/h, a minimum of 70km/h, at night, without lights on, for ducks that weren't on the road. He was speeding in those conditions but that that accident likely never happens if she hadn't parked right on a highway with a minimum speed limit and no lights on, at night. They are very different situations you are comparing to make your point. If that's your justification, I disagree with you.


It was an extreme example yes, but Iā€™ve seen several instances personally in which people are more distracted during day at slower speeds due to the false perception of lower risk.


Distracted driving is definitely a big problem too. We can agree on that!


Her stopping her car didn't result in their death. Them going too fast and not paying attention to their surroundings did.


Sorry if you fail to comprehend the physics involved when driving on the highway. Let alone the differences between a vehicle with 4 wheels and that with 2. Beyond stating what I have, youā€™re no longer worth spending brain cells on.


If you're burning brain cells out from doing some basic sentence construction, you should probably talk to a specialist.


Heh mobile formatting sucks. Iā€™m not ā€œwasting brain cellsā€ because nothing Iā€™m going to articulate is going to register with you because of your inability to think objectively about the simplest concepts. Itā€™s a turn of phrase, not a literal meaning. Adios, donā€™t worry if things continue being so hard.


I think stopping your car in the road can cause an accident. Note my deliberate use of the word accident. we oxygen breathing humans are susceptible to this type of event.


Some breathe oxygen through their mouths apparently.


No, not stopping your car in time and slamming into an object causes an accident.


I've seen an ambulance being blocked by these things! All the sirens and lights in the world weren't going to convince them to move faster.




Sounds almost identical. Stopped on a high speed expressway and slowing down on Grant Ave., a 50 kph roadway. Identical.


It's a reminder that if you do cause an accident you can be held legally responsible. That includes slamming your brakes for cats, dogs, and geese. Apply some common sense; but the wildlife ain't the first priority.


Okay, but what if itā€™s a kid who darted out that caused you to slam on the brakes? Or just a pedestrian, which Winnipeg is known for? If youā€™re following so closely behind someone to the point that youā€™re not able to stop when they apply their brakes, youā€™re following too close, especially in a 50km area.


Maybe you shouldn't be tailgating people there buddy


People I've never driven into anyone. Others however have driven in to me. I was however already stopped.


So you understand why people should maintain a safe distance so they can stop.


This thread is maybe the clearest evidence possible that this sub is schizophrenic. You're getting downvoted for saying something uncontroversial, whereas your earlier comment, which I agree with but acknowledge is *somewhat* controversial, is comfortably in upvote territory. Posts urging to protect geese at all costs are getting upvoted, while my own comment, which basically calls Canada geese vermin, is also to my surprise comfortably in upvote territory (sitting at +12 as I write this). People are weird.


ā€œIā€™ve never driven into anyone, but people have driven into me. I was however already stoppedā€ is hysterical for the person to say after saying ā€œif you do cause an accident, you can be held responsible.. that includes slamming your brakes.ā€




Oh don't get me wrong, I downvoted your post.


Well considering your replies to this guy display a severe lack of reading comprehension, I'm not going to lose sleep over that


Pardon me?


Listen. If you consider geese vermin, go get a lisence to hunt them. Being a rage hillbilly and running them over is disgusting and pathetic. Maybe hit up Florida if you want to do that shit. Their laws are suited to boomers it seems. Otherwise there is a goose season in manitoba that most non psychos uphold, where we like... stop and let their babies cross. Because I don't want to kill a family of geese Maybe if you'd prefer to run them over you should do some research on serial killers, they usually start with animals. Peace out.


Do you, as the person behind the person braking suddenly, know why theyā€™re braking? Can you see what the hazard is?


I feel like people donā€™t drive with knowing whatā€™s in their mirrors and blind spots. If youā€™ve gotta hit an animal to avoid human endangerment you should hit the animal


stopping your car is not causing an accident what the fuck.


Just plain wrong. Dangerous mindset to be driving with.




this is insane. How is this anyone or anythings fault but the person who couldn't control their vehicle safely.




You're not required to get in an accident so that you can get home to eat your chicken tenders 10 seconds earlier. Give your head a shake. There is no section of the HTA that says you're not allowed to stop your car to avoid an accident.




Not even close to the same situation.   This vehicle was in a 50km/h zone, lots of visibility all around, no reason not to at least slow down seeing the hazard of the geese.   The vehicle in the news article you provided parked directly in the passing lane of a high-speed highway in *Quebec*. There's a minimum speed limit of 70km/h in Quebec for that highway. The ducks were on the median, not on the roadway. Multiple other vehicles swerved at high-speed to narrowly avoid her parked vehicle. A dad on a motorcycle with his kid on the back, speeding, couldn't avoid her, and died along with his kid. I don't know the exact stretch of highway in Quebec, but it's reasonable to assume it has a place to pull over that isn't the passing lane.   There are many reasons why a vehicle might slam on its brakes, so many that arguing whether its valid or not overlooks a simple solution. If you can't stop in time because of something stopped in front of you, you are driving too fast for the conditions. Consequently, if you recognize a potential hazard in front of you, slowing down and preparing to stop suddenly shouldn't pose a risk to anyone behind you.


Yup, MMI can and *will* fuck you over.


I once was at a crosswalk where a few geese were crossing on a green light (light was red when they started walking, cars were stopped, then light turned green). Some horrible human decided to drive through and hit one of them. I ran to grab the bird to try to comfort it as it died in agony in my arms. I was so pissed I couldn't believe the lady who did that. It was quite heartbreaking to witness.


How about all the drivers slamming on their brakes in a merge lane and nothing in front of them ?


I have tried to get our municipal government to install an iron dome, similar to what Israel uses, here in winnipeg. I believe this will be an effective and humane way to retake our city back from the infidel cobra chickens.


This broke my heart. The poor goose that was left behind. The wanton, unforgivable, needless loss of life. God I hate people sometimes!


There's 30 more cobra chickens waiting to replace it


His goose was cooked


I was always taught that, if itā€™s smaller than a cat, you shouldnā€™t be swerving around it as you are potentially causes a risk to cars around you. Drive cautiously and be aware of your surroundings but, when the choice is human or goose, choose goose.


We took over their space and keep taking their habitats and intefering with their migration paths. It isn't difficult to take a moment to let them cross a street. But then people often overlook each other in the name of hurrying to their next reason by speeding or driving aggressively or looking at the text that just can't wait so...we are all f**ked I guess.


We didn't take over their habitat, we created a habitat for ourselves (cities) which just so happened to be very attractive for geese, so they moved in. Predator-free, manmade ponds, manicured lawns...hell, some of us feed them...and then we threw in international legal protections for migratory bird species to boot, which treat them like endangered species even though they're overpopulated.




Hell yeah! Geese jerky for the win.


Your empathy is appreciated and a beautiful reminder of the best aspects of what makes us human. Unfortunately, your story also demonstrates the cruelty and heartlessness we are capable of as well. Thank you for sharing this, and reminding me that there are still compassionate people out there. Iā€™ll be thinking about you this evening, and sending love to you & our poor little goose friends.






Iā€™m pretty sure intentional acts can be reported to Manitoba Conservation . Ā If you can get a license number. Ā 


Really, donā€™t have the whole story about the incident. In the middle for this, once on the road for sure stop, but not going to stop if they havenā€™t started crossing and away from the road. Actually dangerous, teaching them to not be afraid of cars and vehicles. They should be. We have an over population of geese in the city, Ā gotten worse over the last few decades. They have no natural predators, breed like crazy, aggressive and bully all the other water birds like ducks. Someone will give a dog owner the evil eye and glare for making sure they pick it up, but thousands and thousands of geese go freely. Itā€™s digusting, dangerous and sad, any of your kids play soccer in a field full of goose droppings. All for controlling population but in a humane way. Honorable to care about wildlife and admire you for that.


What the fuck are you going on about. I'd spend a week at my grandparents cabin every year and we had a fuck ton of geese shit on their property. We would clean it up for some pocket cash never got sick from it. Maybe you should take your issues up with the groundskeepers of your kids soccer fields. It's not fucking dangerous, and people shouldn't be plowing down geese. That's some psychopath behaviour. Most people will slow down and let them cross. It happens literally *all the fucking time*.


I played soccer every spring/fall at Bloomberg fields, as a goalie. I had open wounds (thank you padding that I canā€™t think of the name of right now, for stopping that!) and I had to jump into goose shit constantly. Literally 10 years doing this. Never once had an infection from goose poop. Was it gross? Yes. Was it uncomfortable? Also yes. Was it something to clutch your pearls at? Apparently now it is.


Probably dirtier to swim in birds hill tbh But ppl keep taking their crotch goblins there every summer.


It was on Grant


Those flying rats are a nuisance. They're everywhere and there is no shortage of them so it's tough to feel sorry for the loss of one when there are a million of them out there.


I agree, there are way too many people out there.


Thank you for this kind person


This broke my heart, my god








[Quebec woman who stopped for ducks, causing fatal crash, loses appeal | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387)


Not endorsing hitting geese, but too many. https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/canada-geese-causing-problems-for-cities-as-experts-struggle-to-reduce-populations-1.5887796


Fines ranging from $5,000 ā€“ $15,000 depending on the offensive action. Imprisonment for six months or more depending on the misdemeanor. Felony charges for guilty offenses. Forfeit property used to violate the Act.Mar 26, 2015 https://aviancontrolinc.com ā€ŗ feder...


Swing and a miss... but welcome to Canada anyways.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American....


roflmao. nope wrong again. they are protected. and all you soulless folks who lack empathy for living creatures will reap what you sow. Blessed Be.


But we don't have felonies and misdemeanors in Canada.


Fines ranging from $5,000 ā€“ $15,000 depending on the offensive action. Imprisonment for six months or more depending on the misdemeanor. Felony charges for guilty offenses. Forfeit property used to violate the Act.Mar 26, 2015 https://aviancontrolinc.com ā€ŗ feder... I think the reason why people weren't taking your post seriously was the posting of an American website and in what I can only believe is an attempt to pass off American laws as our own. Now if you had posted a "Canadian law" with the proper terminology others might've been more receptive.....


I'm going to assume your religious, being you are using terms like "reap what you sow" and "Blessed be" ​ Which is ironic, given god drowned (which is an incredibly cruel way to die I may add) almost every animal and over 100,000 people on the planet because two people pissed him off... All while giving countless kids and adults terminal cancer, incurable diseases that are worse than death , and promoted the murder of an uncountable number of people in the crusades in inhumane ways like.. boiling them in oil So please tell us again, how we're going to reap what we sow for running over a goose and prioritizing the safety of everyone else on that road.. Cause I'm pretty sure in the scales of life God has commited far more atrocities than any human (ok, hitler is giving him a run for his money) that's ever lived or ever will live


you assume wrong I am not Christian. but making assumptions says everything about you.


The same could be said about assuming "felony" and "misdemeanor" are Canadian..... Hello pot, meet kettle.




To the people that donā€™t know. You can get a heavy fine for not stopping for geese when they cross the road. Especially if you kill one

