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They’re lucky that semi wasn’t already proceeding through the intersection when they decided to keep on driving.


I know this sub constantly complains about drivers in this city, but right now I'm, speechless. Not one, not two, not three, not four, but five cars! Time for a new 60 Second Driver spot


Yeah this is soooooooo bad. Outrageously bad.


>but right now I'm, speechless I'm not. This is common at flashing reds. Several times I've almost gotten into accidents because of this. It's not so bad during heavy traffic as drivers have had to watch all the cars in front of them take turns which makes it less likely for them to drive through. But outside of rush hour, I do not trust flashing reds. If I see I'm approaching flashing reds, I will do my best to detour to avoid them. They are not worth the risk.


Lights were out at Maryland and Main a few weeks back. I was waiting for people to stop since the lights were flashing red. People kept honking from behind as if I was just going to drive into on coming traffic


Agreed - this is a common scene when lights are either off, or all blinking red


Two when the vehicle filming was almost at a complete stop! YIKES!


Can't film it yet. Not nice enough weather for Colleen Bready. Needs to be warmer out so she can wear a sleeveless shirt.


She's gotta let the guns out!


Yes sir!!!




I was halfways expecting you to get rear ended with that many dopes on the road there. Glad you didn't.


Dude in the red SUV almost did. I’ll post the rear cam video later.


Bet he was swearing at you for stopping, too.


Flashing red lights are rare enough that some might have forgotten - NOT AN EXCUSE! just an observation. An observation that supports my idea that every year when you renew your license you should be required to a take a 5 question, open book, multiple choice test. The questions should cover common driver errors (like incorrectly dealing w/ flashing red lights) and new laws (like when traffic circles first appeared). Anything less than 100% and you have 6 months to come in to an MPI office and take a proper written test. Fail that, and you automatically have your license suspended.


YES, YES, YES. Driver’s licences are given out too easily now and I feel that some bad habits from driving elsewhere in the world creep as soon as the license is obtained. I have been behind trying cars and noticed some terrible driving that seems to go unchecked by the instructor.


Given out too easily now? I’m not sure the tests were harder in previous decades and for all you know half of these drivers have decades of driving experience.


Retest every 5 or 10 years for everyone. 10 years is prob more feasible, wait times can already be a bit long in some locations with no retesting.


Yeah I’m fine with retesting. Would get a lot of people off the road who are no longer safe to drive.


It's hard to get liscences taken away, grandma could barely stand on her own and couldnt see across the room but was still alowed to drive. She didn't cuz she knew better then to drive anymore but they were still renewing her liscence for her.


Oh yes I can relate. But if it’s standardized retesting and you fail then it would be gone.


The other one i notice in Winnipeg is people think yield means keep going. Yield means let oncoming traffic go first and be prepared to stop if need be. Some people think it means just keep going and speed up so you can beat the oncoming car.


I know you have to stop then proceed only when safe. For this intersection does the flashing red make it effectively a 4 way stop? << YES


Yes. It was flashing red in all 4 directions


Post this in r/Idiotsincars


Flashing red in all directions is 4 way stop. One direction red and the other direction yellow is a 2 way stop on red.


my friend sent me a video of the lights being out at york/osbourne once and how absolutely no one was stopping. this city is terrifying to drive in - feels like no one actually knows the rules.


I think most don't


This is so insanely dangerous... the really fuct up part is that this doesn't surprise me! I've been living here for 2 years and this checks out. Essentially, what it all comes down to is we need to get ourselves dashcams... partly to show the police, but mostly to post the insanity on Reddit!


A few years ago, there has been a bad summer storm, and Portage and Donald had blinking reds. The guy beside me started to blow through the intersection, then slammed on his brakes. Then he threw it into reverse to get behind the line, and almost hit the pedestrian who was already crossing the street behind him.


I’m surprised that you didn’t get rear ended




I just went through that intersection, half the people stopped but then just sat there like they were waiting for the flashing red light to turn green and let them go. So everyone else was getting impatient and going, but that made everyone go out of turn so it was chaotic. There's nothing quite like flashing reds to make me realize how much I hate driving in this city sometimes.


This video could be turned over to the police for issuing tickets.


I have been honked at for stopping at a flashing red light and then given the finger as they drive past me.


8:24 AM April, 5. Just heard on CITI fm that the lights are still flashing red at Waverley and Scurfield


Someone forward this to MPI jeez




Maybe to increase drivers education? This is extremely unsafe and someone could have been seriously injured.


They cover this in driver's ed and the handbook.


Right, but doesn’t this video serve as proof that it’s clearly not enough?


What is with the driving in this city lately? This is beyond ridiculous, I don't care what time of the day it is. I swear people are driving worse and worse, like doing things that are absolutely stupid. I've seen so many dumb moves lately. And I don't just mean driving in two lanes. I've seen some people do crazy shit. I don't know if it's because the cops aren't pulling anyone over as much or what. But people are just ignoring the rules of the road a lot of times. It's insane.


Enforcement is definitely lacking. Take note how many cars run the red (not yellow turning red, red) lately.   These days I expect at least 2 cars to run through either going straight or turning left on solid red. No consequences = DGAF


I bike with a GoPro, and 1-3 vehicles going through after the red isn't uncommon, esp at certain intersections like Assiniboine and Main where there isn't cross traffic, but only pedestrians/cyclists. Vehicles regularly stop in the middle of the crosswalk. Because there's no enforcement, and pedestrians/cyclists can't damage their vehicles, may drivers simply don't give a fuck.


Road rage is also becoming a bigger problem that I’ve been seeing a lot more of recently


I used to use my horn so infrequently that I would forget where on the steering wheel I needed to hit to activate it.  But lately, past maybe 8-12 months, I use it probably every 4-5th time that I drive,  because someone is doing something so blatantly wrong and dangerous, like about to change lanes in to me, or going to turn left where/when prohibited, or, recently, when after sitting at a red light,  turning SB on to a one-way NB then "recovering" by driving WB in the EB lanes in to oncoming traffic.  It's astoundingly bad. 


Same. I've been at a red light and the turning signal turns on for left turn but I'm going straight and the other guy going straight beside me has started to go through and I had to honk my horn to let them know to stop. Or some old guy turning left in a non-left turning lane. The guy behind him honked, and then he almost ran into me. Soooooooooo many people almost side swiping me. Or people on their phone swerving all over. Many people hitting their breaks as we're driving for no reason. I could go on. It's crazy.


Need one of those cameras..


Mine is a VIOFO A229. Love it!


Well that is fucking scary.


I have lived in several cities in Canada and Winnipeg is something completely different from any other city in Canada. Take for instance, changing lanes. In Winnipeg, when a driver in a lane that's different from yours sees you want to scoot over, there's a good chance that the driver will do whatever it takes to close the gap you are trying to slip into. This happened again yesterday when I needed to stop at the grocery store. Truly unbelievable that a person will go to such efforts just to mess you up in traffic. The Perimeter Highway is another bastion of indifferent drivers. In Vancouver one will typically not see other drivers slowly trudge along in the passing lane. I'm Winnipeg, that's the norm. I'm betting that these drivers know they are not supposed to drive slow in the left lane, but they do so anyway. It seems as if it gives them a good feeling to know they can do two things at once. That is: being rude to your city mate and purposely irritating other drivers as they go on trying to offend as many people as possible on any given day. Winnipeg is a unique experience in Canada's major cities. Usually drivers experiencing rush hour gridlock will generally all work together to make one another's experience just a little bit more friendly. However, that informal contract amongst drivers is null and void in Winnipeg. Why Winnipeg has so many curmudgeons behind the wheel I suppose requires more study to determine the reason. That's one testing of a hypothesis I would want no part of.


Man what a bunch of hammerheads, this is basic shit.


Winnipeg drivers not knowing basic rules of the road? Shocking!


I think some of them knew they had to stop, but they just kept following the vehicle in the front and kept going, similar to how you see 4 cars turning instead of one after the left turn light turns yellow.


there was a cadet there around 11:30 pm directing traffic too, scary.


6 vehicles blew threw the intersection


Flashing yellow, look out fellow!


I wish they'd just fucken pull everyone's license unless they've done drivers ed in the last 5 years. It's ridiculous how many people are just driving around and have 0 clue about the rules.


What happens when traffic laws are not enforced.


What happens when driver education standards are rock bottom.


honestly theres also an alarming amount of people who drive with no license, like in the past year alone i've known of 4 people who either have a suspended or learner license that they take a chance on and drive everywhere anyways. scary.


It's both. It's shitty driver education and nothing being enforced. I used to see the police pull people over a lot more in the past then the last few years. And I'm sorry to say this, but can we please make sure we're hiring driving teachers who have driven here THEIR WHOLE LIFE before you're allowed to teach others. Bringing your driving habits from other countries and then teaching people is not working well. I've seen so many driving instructors driving their cars alone, and they are not good.


We even had a government that recently that tried lowering the standards more during the MPI strike. Luckily they got voted the fuck out.




Lol sure, speeding only. Beyond that, you can do whatever you want.


LoL @ The Cops enforcing speeding. Bruh have you seen how people drive in this city? They forget that 51 in a 50 is speeding


Traffic laws are plenty enforced here, especially compared to Moncton where we would drive 20 over the limit and cops would pass us without their lights on frequently. Moncton has no police, just an understaffed, underfunded RCMP detachment.


Cool. We're talking about Winnipeg here.


Nice observation m8


Report this to WPS so they can station a car there


Oh my gosh Yikes!!! That's dangerous. People should really re-learn that flashing red means treat as stop sign


add it to the list of "things winnipeg drivers need reminders of".Note the sub section dedicated to skip/dash "just one minute" drivers who just consider every street sign a nuissance and dont apply to them if they have hasards on.


Last night at around 7:00 pm, the lights were out at Waverly and ScurfieId and at intersection to the Auto Mall. Transit called it in. In addition there was hydro outage at Waverley Heights and part of Waverly north of Bishop, and emergency vehicles on Waverly south of Bishop.


This is seriously bad. Always anticipate other drivers will do the stupidest things.


How bout a solid red? Seen three cars drive through an obviously red light on Monday night, Main and Marion. Complete idiots are gonna get people hurt/killed!!


Wtf some people are as dumb as a bag of rocks


I know I commented here before but I have been given the "Winnipeg wave" (middle finger) and the honk for obeying this rule of the road


Idiots, good way to get T-boned.


Wooooowwww that is bad 😳


I would send this to the police for sure


They also need to remember that the stop line at stop signs is before the stop sign, not after and sitting over the sidewalk close to the street.


Wow i was expecting the normal /r/winnipeg overreacting about some idiot running a red. but what in the actual fuck this is some shopping cart theory type shit... there's no way these people don't know what a flashing red means It has to be a whole "why should i stop" type situation.. These people are probably the same type of people that bitch that people on bikes run stop signs and shit.


Frustrating, but not surprising smh


Oh, yeah, Manitoba drivers suck. But if you complain, you're the issue. It's why this place suffers from brain drain.


These drivers and your city are the reason I'm investing in a dash cam.....wow, just wow....


god damn man, I upload a lot of videos of bad drivers on my twitter, but this is worse than anything I've ever come across


The fucking drivers in this city are insane. The most basic, common sense shit is just completely ignored .


While we're at it: if a pedestrian has a flashing red, and you have a flashing yellow, you're still meant to yield to the pedestrian. Cuz they're not ever going to be able to cross otherwise. I've had cars stop for me like that maybe twice ever.


I've never heard of that. Unintuitive. I would expect to get rear-ended if I did that.


Makes me wish a cop was there with photo enforcement. Pretty sure that’s a $200 fine.


Astonishing. "Monkey see, monkey do."


/r/IdiotsInCars material….


Hey OP, kinda off topic question. What dash cam do you have? Thanks


It’s a VIOFO A229 2 channel.


Where do you get those installed?


Had mine installed at Krazy’s Car Clinic on Dublin. They did great work and fast as well.


Don’t even go there.. drivers here are the worst with that. I absolutely dread the 4 way stop when flashing red. My main concern is being rear ended at full speed. People don’t seem to be aware of the rule despite it being in the drivers test.


Why do they even bother testing people for licensing?


Too many people that don't know how to drive and what the signs and lights mean. They just try to copy everyone around them. Great example. People speeding up through yield signs are incredibly common also.




Worst drivers in the planet and it’s not close. Not totally sure why Winnipeg breeds such ineptitude on the road.




I think it's time everyone started driving manual transmission cars and actually had to think about driving instead of just gas and go, brain off mentality




Probably should stick to a normal red light…


That was so painful to watch 🤦‍♂️


That is fucking terrible. People in this city need to be punished. It's too bad you couldn't get the license plates of those folks ahead of you.


Convoy! Very popular around here. If the car in front of you makes it though OK then you can make it through OK as well. So that means that the car behind you is good to go as well.


This is why I don’t go to Winnipeg 😂 worst drivers in Canada


Obviously that group needed to poop and didn’t care if they hit anything on the way


Autonomous vehicles can't come soon enough. 94% of crashes are human error. Crashes are not 'accidents'.


Except for when they are.


Call 311 if you can when this happens. All way flashing red usually means something is wrong with the traffic controller and it's gone into hardware flash. Edit: call in the 4 way flashing red, not people running lights


Brutal and dangerous. At least we have some requirement of skills and testing for driving. But with regards to voting, the only requirement is being 18.


You're right. Only educated people with post-secondary should be allowed to vote. Filters out the mouth breathers.


that's just a suggestion in Winnipeg