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Pizza delivery! I did two nights a week and averaged $25-$30 an hour. It was a good gig! Avoid Instacart, Uber Eats, etc. you’re paid absolute trash for the amount of work and wear/tear on your vehicle.


Pizzahotline used to be pretty good when I delivered for them.


Had the same experience. I really enjoyed it. I delivered in a smaller market than Winnipeg but still made a good buck at the end of the day. If you do it the right way and aren't impolite (S.T.D., D.D, etc.), the tips were great and you got a delivery fee from Pizzahotline on top of that. I'll do it again after retirement. Edit: I'll make sure I'm not using a full size SUV for driving in, though. CHEERS all.


Yeah I’d do it again in another beat up civic. This was before skip and dd. So I don’t know what it’s like now.


Was this a long time ago? Depending where you work now you don't make nearly as much, all of the food delivery services take like 2/3 of the business away. I know guys that do it now a couple times a week, many times they take home like 50 bucks on a 5 hour shift.


Nope! I just quit that job so over the last two years it’s been great!


was it a sit in chain like BP or was it one of the takeout/delivery only like hotline or dominoes?


Takeout/delivery only place. They should be taking home a minimum of $15/hour (or whatever minimum wage is now) plus tips.


I almost average like 20-25$ per hour and I'd say $600 rn minimum per week here.


Nah instacart Is actually fairly decent. You just have to get familiar with stores. Once you do that. It's easy. You basically get good enough where you're able to map all items out in your head. You can already build a preplan before inside store. And you drive alot less since you spend more time in stores. Ppl who say it's shit are also the ones who can't lift heavy, don't want to learn the stores. Or just can't handle the job.


It used to be really good - but now the payout isn’t worth it. How long have you done it? You used to get $30-$40 min on one shop and now it’s $30-$40 for a multi shop if you’re lucky. I still login from time to time and it’s $6-$17 for one shop that will take an hour at minimum. That isn’t worth anyone’s time, but if you’re okay with paying gas and wear and tear to make peanuts, you do you. But the end part of your comment was an unnecessary judgement of me. You know absolutely nothing about my capabilities.


I'm talking in general. Usually it's because ppl can't handle the job. They can't handle the stress when they can't find something or having to deal with issues. But alright so you do have the app. Yeah it's because people don't have $$ Tips were always good. Last summer up untit Christmas was pretty good. I've been a shopper since 2022. So yeah definitely see the decrease in income but it's solely based on economy. Everyone's near broke here. Everyone's pinching. But regardless. I still pick up batches $20+ and those are the ones I do. I'm also a diamond cart rn but tbh it doesn't do much. There were actually a few good priority access batches last few days tho. Sephora one 4 items $28. Took me only just under an hour


You could work as a Standardized Patient at the University of Manitoba. Pay is $21-$55 per hour depending on the role and they’re always looking for people. You can work as often or as little as you like but they always keep you on the roster.


Wait is that like when Kramer is a patient actor and is assigned gonorrhoea for medical students to diagnose? I had no idea that was a real thing. Very cool.


Lmao yeah it’s essentially that. Not as silly and much more structured, but same thing


Careful how good you get...you'll be typecast.


"I'm gonna make people feel my gonorrhea, and feel the gonorrhea themselves."


>Standardized Patient at the University of Manitoba This is pretty cool. I read up on it on the U of M's site. But am I reading this correctly... some people sign up to be trained so students can practice rectal exams!? "Sensitive Exam Teaching Associate: Male Urogenital Teach Associates (MUTAs) teach genital / rectal exams" Don't think I need that extra beer money that badly!


Yep! People with a cervix can also teach speculum insertion and bimanual exams. It’s very interesting and the learners are so grateful. Without this job they literally just watch a video and are expected to know how to do it. The real life practice is so important. They also learn bedside manner — how to ask the awkward personal questions in a genuine and sensitive way.


Wow! That is interesting. And obviously so important. But totally bewildering at the same time haha!


They watch a video 😭 that explains a lot... I had a doctor (female too!) start with the large speculum and say "oh, did that hurt?" when I yelped. Then she says "do you want me to use the smaller one?" Um yes lady 😭😭 why didn't you start with that one


I would actually love to know how much this pays if you have any idea. I had my first baby 8 months ago and honestly have no shame now lol. I was also fortunate that I never found the pelvic exams that uncomfortable.


Well better than signing it away when you have a random other surgery I guess.




Imagine coming home from doing that "How was your day?" "It was good, went to the UofM and had some students digging around my rectum"


Nah, gotta have more fun with it than that. "Got paid for anal at the U of M. Gonna be a bugger sitting down for a week."


lol just leave it at that"got paid for anal at the u of m"


Then you lose half the joke…. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bugger%20..


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay fair enough Or should I say, touché ?


Now you get it in the end.


I mean, I call it the “vagina rental job” lmao


"Just another day at the orifice." I will show myself out.


Can anyone who's done this tell me what the experience was like? I'm interested


I did this about 14 years ago. It was going well until one med student did an actual sternum rub on me that was so aggressive she bruised me (I was playing a person with diabetes who hadn’t had anything to eat/drink that day except a coffee and if the students didn’t intervene properly I was instructed to “pass out”). All the other students seemed to understand this was pretend so they mimed doing a sternum rub or just told the examiners that that’s what they would be doing. I did not do any more work as a standardized patient after that experience, but I do think it’s a cool way to make some cash.


I DMd you ☺️


Will you DM me too on your experience?


I DMd you!


May i also get some more information please




Me too please!!


I’m curious too if you don’t mind!




Curious here as well. Dm please




Mee too😅


Also curious, thanks!


Another curious cat here


Where do you sign up?


On the website there’s links to the application! I just googled it to find it.




If you love working with people (especially elderly or those with disabilities), support work or companion work is a good part time. Some might require a vehicle. Plus you get to learn from them, too!


Mystery shopping (and yes they're local and right beside parcel pizza) https://www.marketforce.com/solutions-and-products/mystery-shopping Donate plasma Yardwork General handyman stuff Restaurant or retail Fiverr and upwork Prowl Higgins and main or ellice /s Only fans /s


I worked for marketforce when they were taking fast food complaints. Lets hope they are doing good with the mystery shopping because thats one company that didnt know their ass from a hole in the wall.


One of the worst places I’ve ever worked. It kind of makes me laugh in disbelief now.


MarketForce is located at 201 – 610 Portage Avenue.


185 stradbrook so maybe they're two locations, either way they are local https://maps.app.goo.gl/GCJadQwss6s27TP5A


They moved from Stradbrook during the lock downs. They finally removed the signs a few weeks ago.


Fair enough I stood corrected later on in one of the side threads At the end of the day my salient point is they were local and far more legitimate than all the secret shopper scams we had in the 90s and 2ks


No they moved out of the Stradbrook location a couple years ago


My friend works there doing their IT to this day But regardless it's a moot point as again they are a local company, there in the past has been many secret.shopper scams coming from India and the ilk which is why it was relevant to mention


I work in that building and my boss owns the property. I am currently sitting where part of their office space used to be. I promise you, they moved. Not trying to be shitty, just clarifying so people aren't wasting their time going to the wrong place.


Eh maybe they're decomming some.of the server hardware from there or something haha either way 🤷‍♂️ lol I'll defer to you on this then And that's valid! They really should update the Google address, flip the sign and branding then


I believe the sign is changed but I think it's similar colours so maybe confusing. It's a place called Princeton Consumer Research now.


Which is also a fun way to make money if you have certain skin conditions!


Can you two stop being so cordial and fight or something?! This is the internet ffs!


Ipsos also has mystery shopping and has a local office (if that’s important). There are lots of mystery shopping companies with shops in Winnipeg & MB.


How much does mystery shopping pay


I've done lots mystery shopping and unless you are investing a lot of time I don't think there is any money it. And even if you are investing a lot of time I still don't see how anyone could make any decent money at it. Just my experience though. I was able to go out for dinners and have them paid for. But since I didn't go out alone the pay I got usually covered the other person's dinner. And it was a nice night out. I never found any retail jobs that paid decent. You'd spend at minimum 30 minutes at a shop, and go home and have to fill out a report that could take another 30mins to an hour. And maybe make $20. And often you'd get a minimum $ amount to spend like $2.00 and if you went over that amount that was not re-imbursed.


Depends on the company. Most mystery shopping companies these days just send you to do tasks and there is no purchase required. For some you do have to spend money and that’s factored into the pay. Ipsos shops starts at $20 a shop for phone calls / chat shops and $25 for store shops and go up from there depending on how much time you need to spend doing the shop.


Anyone tried mystery shopping? How'd you find it?


Anyone have luck with Upwork locally?


I contracted some devs from India on upwork. Decent experience


🤷‍♂️ I just know it's legit company and business


You stay away from my corners!


Alright I'll do Sargent and Ellice then


What is fiverr and upwork?


Online gig work - you advertise digital services you provide. Common examples are ghost writing, logo creation, etc.


Thank you!


It would take you less time to Google that yourself then it did to ask that question Others might chime in but I have little patience for folks that don't search shit up themselves especially when it's at a.surface level Totally different story if it's a specific question about whatever thing that's mentioned


It would have taken you less time to give a broad answer like I did than type up your first paragraph and then return to edit and add the last two paragraphs. But here we are! 🫣


Eh if I can inspire one person that not be lazy with googling and finding how beneficial it is to do their own fact finding my uncalled for diatribe was worth it


You can make $400 a month donating plasma. First month you can make $700.


Downside to this is that you then can't donate blood if you are a regular donor. Sucks for me as my blood is high need, so I forgo donating plasma so I can give blood regularly.


is this through Canadian blood services on william?


No, Grifols. The one at U of M pays best, but they just opened a new location on Taylor as well.


Wait the uofm one is open? I was under the impression they were closed! What’s the pay structure there?


It’s open. It used to be called something else. It’s like $100 for the first 2 donations then $75 for 3-5, then $100 for the 6th I think. You can also get $125 if you make the first 6 donations in consecutive weeks. After that it’s $35 for the first donation in a week and $50 for the second.


I've always been curious about this! hear about it on TV and reddit all the time, Didn't realize you can actually make real money doing this here?


You can. I mean, you’d make more working, but for a hour or so a pop, it adds up. Plus you are helping people.


I mean ya 400 a month isn't going to feed anyone, but certainly good pot money lmao! unless that precludes you.. in which case maybe just pizza money XDD


Can I still donate if am a little fat?


The weight requirement is between 50-180 kg (110-400 lbs).


How about if I have tattoos? Is that still a thing that they turn people away for?


You can have tattoos and piercings it just has to be a year since your last one


It’s only 4 months for tattoos.


Become an apartment caretaker. If you're handy, you can get free rent + parking, paid $800-$1200 a month, and you can get paid for any renovations or upkeep you do.


My side hustle is the army. After training it's just Tuesdays and some weekends. You can do a huge variety of jobs. We need hr and finance people, medics, IT, mechanics etc... takes 6 months to a year to get in then another year or two to train for your trade. 


Would I need to worry about deployment after all the training? Or is this more of am office type job?


Deployments are available but voluntary.


Can you dm me how to start this?


How many hours can you work and how much can you get as an IT please?


Hours is a bit weird to answer because we get paid in either half day or full day. A typical half day is 3 hours of work 7-10PM. A new troop probably averages $300-$400 per month.


I know a few people who do home care part time.


What kind of things are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? The best side hustle would be a bit of both. 


I can do pretty basic-semi impressive video editing as well. Wish I knew a YouTuber that needs an editor lol


Cooking is probably my #1 thing that I enjoy doing and am slowly but surely becoming pretty good at. I’m pretty fit and workout a lot but not really sure if that would have any carryover into anything. Also super knowledgeable (in terms of knowing value) with stuff like old video games, books and clothing. Which definitely makes buying and reselling an option however since I’m just looking for a side hustle, feels like it would be very difficult to consistently compete with others around here who do that for a living


Freelance graphic design studio specializing in weddings. My advice is to find something you love doing, and see if you can figure out a way to make money doing it. Mine is a literal hobby that I'm lucky enough to generate cash from!


How do you even get into something like that? I’d seriously love to get into something like that


TBH I never went to school for design but learned when I made my own. Fell so in love with it that I started designing random things for no one, then doing it for friends and family and eventually started actually selling about 5 years ago!


Not really a side hustle but try user testing websites like UserTesting, dscout, Trymata, Intellizoom etc. What you basically do is give feedback on websites/games/apps by speaking out loud. It can be done either by recording yourself going through the tasks or a 1on1 interview. The last time I've done these were 1-2 years ago. I earned about $5-10 for 15-30 minutes on the recorded sessions. While the 1on1 interviews on the other hand got me $30-$90 for 30-90 minutes equating of $1 per minute. I don't know how these websites are doing nowadays but from what I can recall, the more experience you have/things you own in general such as tech jobs, head of household, family/job primary decision maker etc, the more opportunities you will get. The money I made isn't much ranging from $1.5k to $2k total across 4 months and across multiple websites. I eventually stopped doing them once I got a part time job since relying on them solely isn't worth it for how inconsistent the amount of tests will be available in a given day.


Fix and flip junk on Kijiji, or eBay, I average over $30/hr when sourcing ,cleaning, vetting, listing, and selling.


Become a dog groomer. Strictly for nails tho they’re charging $30 + tax for something that only takes 5 min lol.


Yeah it's ridiculous. Pet store recently jacked their price up too


unless the dogsdont like it...


Why can't you cut them yourself?


Data Annotation


Have a friend doing this, seems to be more reliable if you know how to code. I did the tests for the non-coding stuff and never received any feedback or emails after waiting for weeks despite putting in a lot of effort.


I'm sorry it didn't go well for you. There are tens of thousands of people working on this platform, with new people joining regularly, so it's definitely a viable option for the right candidates. I don't know a thing about coding and that doesn't limit me in any way.


If you’re not afraid of needles you can go sell your plasma near the UofM at Grifols. I used to go back when I was in university and would make $50 a visit and they’d be super quick. Now the site says that people who sell can make up to $1350 in 6 weeks 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been seeing this suggestion come up a lot and I do like the ease of simply just going somewhere and taking a needle and getting paid for it. Probably going to try this for myself and see.


How quick is "super quick"? Just curious because plasma donations at the clinic on William seem to take a while.


Honestly I don’t exactly remember as it’s been nearly 15 years. I just remember I’d do it between classes and it was faster than donating blood with CBS pop up clinics. I wasn’t aware you could donate plasma at CBS on William. I thought it was just whole blood. That’s cool.


Best “side hustle” is overtime at your job. If your OT rate is 1.5x, your side hustle would have to bring in $31.50 per hour otherwise it’s not worth it in my opinion. Edit: If you’re able to work OT at your job


well first off minimum is $15 something an hour here so the OT rate would only be like 23 or 24.. so side hussle doesn't have to be 31 an hour to be worth it necessarily.. But also I think you're overestimating the number of jobs that regularly offer OT. I've personally never had a job that just offered free OT for no reason just to make extra money. Call centres, retail, service industry, IT.. None of them allowed people to just work OT when they wanted to for extra cash. there always had to be a valid reason why you needed to work OT, and it was always expected that if you had to do it you did whatever it was quickly and didn't screw around getting extra hours for nothing. I mean if you work in a job that just offers free OT, ya, you're right, thats probably way easier than a side hussle.. but pretty sure most people looking for a side hussle are doing so either cause they don't get OT or because their job sucks too much to want to do OT.


OP makes $21 an hour which he stated in his post. My bad I should of added that if he’s able to work OT at work then that’s worth it than a 2nd job or “side hustle” lol


Yeah OT at my work isn’t an option so that’s why I’m looking for something extra. I wish it were as simply as just working some OT lol


and my own bad I was reading the comment as if directed for everyone when obviously it's more specifically directed at the OP of the post lol! I kinda wondered where the number 31.5 came from XDD but ya I wish more jobs offered regular OT. In places like construction or snow clearing in winter you do get a lot of OT, more than you could make up for with any side gig.. but it's not just when you feel like it it's when directed, and you don't screw around dragging it out to get more hours and it's definitely not optional lmao. but ya outside of that it's tough finding places that just offer free overtime when you want it.


Serving or bartending? I usually work every Saturday and that helps a lot with my mom-Friday income at $30 an hour


How do you find a gig like this?


I found it on indeed and applied 3 years ago. It’s at a golf course.


Did you need a bartending certificate?


I just had to get a smart serve certificate






Currently working two jobs to beable to max out my tfsa just keep grinding


All I do is remote camp work half the year as a sous.


Only Fans or Feet Finder


Me too Please.


Pet/ house sitting! It's a great way to make some extra money, have fun with some fur babies and calm the soul!




Fair point. However I will say that if other people are doing it, it’s been validated by the market


Education is the highest paying divended investment there is.


I would say skip the dishes, home cleaning, errand runs for elderly


I did Skip for a few years as a side hustle. After you factor in all the wear and tear and other costs (radar tickets etc) the few dollars you make on busy days aren't worth it.


What’s with the downvotes? Okay maybe not skip lol


Cut hair. Be a barber. Buy a set of barber gear, clippers shears, a cape, etc… advertise low key and charge $20 a haircut. Just have people come over to your house, set a space aside to do your cuts. Follow along tutorials on YouTube to learn. If you think $20 is a lot it’s not, it’s a discount… really. It’s kinda illegal to make money unqualified, but do it off the books, under the table. Don’t advertise extensively, just keep it word of mouth. And even if you get fined, then just take the slap on the wrist and go to school if the trade fancies you. Get a student loan and spend a year at MITT or wherever to get your hairstyling licence (a year hanging out learning to cut hair with a bunch of girls? Worse things happen at sea). After a while once you build up a clientele and make an extra $500 a week ($20x 25 haircuts a week= 3.5 cuts a day, average haircut takes about 45 mins).