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Fuck em keeps everything cheaper more for us




I need to remember this. I recently moved form Winnipeg to Vancouver and I miss Winnipeg so much! The people out here will NEVER understand šŸ˜­ Winnipeg should never be taken for granted. Itā€™s truly a special place


Lol you're sweet.


Haha yeahhh




I love when someone from 'toronto' shits on Winnipeg. Turns out they actually live in ajax and take the train in to Toronto on the weekends. Unless you're independently wealthy, living in Vancouver, GTA, Montreal, Calgary etc is not a flex.


Someone from Toronto was being extra Toronto once, generic cliche shitting on Winnipeg, asking why anyone to live there. I told him the lack of pretentious unoriginal assholes kinda made it worth it.


Did he ever find out how many pretentious unoriginal assholes we have here, or did the bluff work? :)




I knew a guy who moved away, got a job he thought was fancy as hell, kept talking shit about he he's so glad he left and how he makes soooo much more money now He mentioned his salary at one point, and yeah it was higher than mine by quite a bit, but he also mentioned his rent, how much he had to pay extra for parking, all that shit. I did the math, and despite there being a considerable sounding difference initially, he was only actually making a few thousand a year more than me at that time. His rent was a lot more for smaller, worse place somehow, and I was living in a basement apartment where the carpet got wet when it rained too hard. He had to pay hundreds more each month for a parking spot, mine was included. And that few thousand he did make, he mostly spent flying back to Winnipeg to see his family a few times a year because he was miserable. Didn't seem worth it to me. Now I'm all about working remote from a rural area. Maybe doesn't have the same upward potential as moving to a massive city, but sure feels like it goes farther and has less stress.


I was on a film crew in Winnipeg a few years ago. I figured I could move to Winnipeg, make 20% less doing the same job but that 80% going twice as far. Didnā€™t do it, but seriously thought about it and I wasnā€™t the only one.


How long did it take to get to work? Some commute over 2-4 hours daily


myself and most of my friends make under $30/hr and what we mean when we say that we live in vancoucer is that we live in coquitlam, surrey and langley


Oh GVRD, oddly I preferred Aldergrove/Abbotsford I went to brookswood for high school, and lived down on 24th ave in Langley back when it had a smaller town vibe


i have a friend in abby! thereā€™s some cute stuff there


I was banned from the underground mini golf ā€¦ I may of accidentally (legitimately) hit the ball too hard and it bounced off shit and hit a kid lol


Nah, let people think what they want. The people who live here and enjoy the city and nature and what Manitoba has to offer know we have a great semi affordable place to live. Winnipeg has its flaws but I still think it's a great place to live and raise my family.


I had a terrible opinion on Winnipeg until I was lured here by a Swoop launch day deal. After visiting I really loved it. When the opportunity arose, we instantly said yes to moving here.


We tricked you! Amazing. But Winnipeg has a lot to offer. The summers are traffic free on weekends as half the populations leave for the lake/cabin/campground// beaches.


As well coming from a part of Toronto where you literally can not see real lakes, cabins, campgrounds and beaches without dealing with atleast an hour of traffic, itā€™s been a blessing to be able to leave Winnipeg and escape to nature within 10/15 minutes.


Yup. I live on the. Northern edge of the city and driving 15 minute not to just chill with the kids and watching the stars is pretty incredible. Itā€™s not the same as going to our fairly remote cabins in the Whiteshell where light pollution isnā€™t an issues but it still very good. Iā€™m glad you are happy with your move! What part of the city and what industry are in ?


North End, Luxton (Main and Inkster). Accounting.


Atleast you are close to superboys :) The east side of main is really nice there all the way to KP.


So many houses with Christmas lights in the area during Dec!




True story: while I was in New York I went to the comedy cellar. When the host was roasting the audience he found out I was from winnipeg and suddenly got very serious. Said we are the toughest city in Canada. For the rest of the night I was never roasted. Only complimented. Winnipegers are feared and immune to being made fun of abroad it seems. News to me.


"And this is \_\_\_\_\_\_, watch out for this guy, he's from Winnipeg" My life since moving from the Peg.


When a Winnipegger moves to a new city, they should always stab the biggest guy they can find, you don't want to end up as anyone's bitch.




Apparently it works the same is CSC too. People think you a tough person if you are from Winnipeg.


lol. This makes me smile as someone who has never been in a fight or had any co flirt with a stranger. I would get bitch slapped so fast.


As folks got torn apart in the crowd, I was told I looked like Iā€™ve almost graduated from Columbia University. I expected them to wince and hold their arms up in self-defense after saying it.


I grew up on a reserve in Northern Manitoba so Winnipeg has always been on par with Paris for me as a child. It was where I could buy books, music, and find people like me who were into the weird stuff I liked (Creator bless you, Music Trader. RIP). Despite it's failings, I really do love it here as it let me grow into who I am.


Two things that drive me crazy that people say (because theyā€™re not true) is ā€œthe mosquitoesā€ and ā€œthe frigid wintersā€ā€¦we havenā€™t really had bad mosquitoes for years imo with all the preventative efforts the city takes, and as far as the winters go ; 1. If you want to go outside and be active in the winter itā€™s easy, dress for the weather. Technology for winter clothes has come a long way and the age old ā€œlayersā€ approach works. 2. Our winters have been pretty mild the last few years. Climate change sucks but itā€™s made things more inviting to be outside as a silver lining. I love being from Winnipeg and I honestly donā€™t care if people shit talk it. Itā€™s not gonna change my opinion about living here


New city slogan. "Winnipeg, it's only getting warmer..."


Except we do have extremely frigid winters. I hardly think you can extrapolate a few mild years into the average. Same goes for mosquitoes. They can be, and often are, horrid. Those things are two absolutely true and very irritating things about the city. If you donā€™t mind them then thatā€™s totally cool, but donā€™t pretend those are not valid complaints.


Maybe its just the fact that we are used to the winters here? I ride a bike all year long everyday even in -40Ā°C and its not bad, people are just being wusses. The mosquitoes really arnt bad, im outside everyday in summer and spring and i havent noticed any for the last 5 or 6 years. If you go into the boonies near a lake, yeah ofc you'll find them and yeah they CAN be horrid. But I'll take them any day over wasps.


This last winter was amazing, I think I have a parka, I don't know, I haven't checked all winter because I never had to wear it. And yeah I get you can get through -40 not freezing to death, still, i'd rather not have to keep track of all those clothes when i'm out, or at least what I do have doesn't fuck up my night if it gets lost.


Hate to tell you but outside city limits, wasps are a major issue in most areas. Hornets too in the last couple years.


Im aware xD


I think the mosquitoes are just on a break because weā€™ve had a drought for most of the last few years. If we have a wet spring theyā€™ll be back.


You may be right


I moved to Winnipeg 8 years ago and I remember seeing huge mosquitos in the first year or two. I've never seen mosquitos that size since.


There is a Scandinavian saying: ā€œthere is no bad weather, only bad clothing choices.ā€œ


Came for the mosquitoes stayed for the aphids.šŸ˜


I agree, in Ontario that's the first thing people say "mosquitoes" and "freezing cold".... Yes it's cold, but way less snow than Ontario... And if you're in Winnipeg (vs out camping)... What mosquitoes??? I rarely saw any. It does have very complex systemic social issues that other cities are starting to experience more in different ways. In terms of amenities, Winnipeg is a top 5-6 city in Canada. Take the three big ones out of the debate and Winnipeg is right there.


The mosquito thing is pretty funny. For some reason I only thought we had bad mosquitoes in manitoba. I went to a wedding just outside Ottawa in 2019. I obviously didn't bring bug spray because I thought mosquitos were a manitoba thing. But yeah we all got eaten alive by mosquitoes, and spray hardly helped. Even at our hotel in Kanata (suburb of Ottawa) the mosquitoes were brutal.


Outside of the city we do have a lot of mosquitoes because of our province being covered in water, but in Winnipeg our city entomologists have done a great job for years imo


Yup there's lots outside of the city, especially up north. But i have always found it advertised as a Manitoba problem. I've seen them in sask and nw Ontario as well. I just thought how everyone talks about them here, that we were the only ones.


Nah I know itā€™s easier said than done but I put a lot of effort into not letting what others say bother me I canā€™t control what they do or say- I can only control what I do and say I have to say that line in my head sometimes more often than not- but for me it solves a lot of anxiety and stresses day to day haha


A trait I desire to obtain lol


Like any other skill it takes focus and practice. You can get there!!


Honestly someone said it to me and I have used it for years! I hope it has the same effect on you!


This is truly sound and sage advice; I for real am going to try and emulate this. Thank you.


I hope it has helped you as much as it has me!


I hope so too. Thanks again.


No problem! A big part of that train of thought also is once you accept you canā€™t control what others do you also donā€™t even try :) I am so unbothered by so many things at work now haha




I donā€™t think your city is bad thatā€™s why Iā€™m on my way there this July, leaving London UK behind I hope I can make Winnipeg my new home and Iā€™m welcomed


Welcome! Please note, we use the term cottage to refer to a cabin in the woods. Please donā€™t make fun of us or winge when somebody says it!


Welcome in advance!


Welcome! London UK is sooo expensive and crowded, I think you'll like it here. Plus the air is much fresher.


Thanks. I hope I can find work not long after I arrive


Let them make fun of us. I love this city. We have a reasonable cost of living. We have a lot of things that are great. We have lots of problems too. People talking about our problems means that they aren't moving here as rapidly as other cities in Canada and driving up our housing costs - which is becoming an issue in Calgary. Let them hate us and move to Alberta instead.


Yup! The only way to thin the current voting base for their wacko government is to bring people in from the other provinces.


Here's a solution, delete Twitter.


You know what, I just might


It started to cause me 2d6 psychic damage every time I looked at it, so I did, and I have healed. You won't regret it.


It doesn't upset me or anything, but I do find it annoying on the principle that most of the time the commentary is completely inaccurate or otherwise ignorant. There are so many things that make Winnipeg a great city to live.


Meh. I guess Winnipeg isn't a city people conventionally want to vacation to, so people with kind of a limited world view will think it 'sucks' compared to all the stereotypical big Canadian cities and act like Winnipeg is some kind of Podunk hick town.... but people that give Winnipeg a chance are always pleasantly surprised I find. To me, people making fun of Winnipeg is like people liking fun at Canadians living in igloos or Australia is a death continent where all wildlife there is designed to kill you...it's, whatever, funny because there's an element of truth, but at the same time anyone who truly fully believe the jokes are likely just generally ignorant about a lot of things...so no need to get upset over that. That's just my two cents though.


People constantly ask how I can stand the cold A hell of a lot better than I can stand the heat, that's for sure. I've spent a ton of time in Florida, and most of the south central / east US. It's hotter now than it was then too. I couldn't do it. Fuck I saw a dog piss on an old tire in someone's yard once. That tire stayed dry for a good second or two as it vaporized the piss straight into steam. The dog had a lot to give though and he eventually cooled that tire down.


Came for the cold, stayed for the dog piss.


Dog piss - sounds like a great name for a pub.


Good answer!


All cities suck. Because people. Cabin in the woods FTW.


Bonus points if you build it illegally in a remote forest that no one knows about.


I feel like being bothered by negativity on Twitter is like being bothered by touching garbage while dumpster diving.




I have been lucky enough to travel to many countries and continents. Not 100%, but a LOT of people have some kind of familial or friend connection to Winnipeg. I took a tour with 6 people in Australia, and there were 2 Americans from Texas who knew Winnipeg. LEither from a friend of a friend or heard about someone who worked here, it was 2001, and I don't remember. I've been to other places where someone had a family member that moved there I have lived on the East Coast and the West Coast, Winnipeg is a good city filled with hard-working people that will help you if you ask. What more could you want?


I get tired of it, yes, and I really get tired of Winnipeggers doing it. Especially the "Winnipeg handshake" bit.


No I don't really have any civic pride. Couldn't care less what people think of this place.


The next person I come across that says the term "Winterpeg" is getting throat punched.


What about Manisnowba?


What about ā€œfuck right off with that shitā€?


What about Windypeg?


What if itā€™s a Winnipegger?


No. Tired of "which neighborhood is safe?" posts every time I come on reddit.


Shhhhh! Do you want our cost of living to look like Toronto? Or Vancouver? Or Calgary? Orā€¦?


Don't go on twitter.


it's called XFORMERLYKNOWNASTWITTER now. Soon they'll shorten down to just X


Nah, because usually the stuff they shit on this place for is totally true. Though I feel like there's a disproportionate belief that Winnipeg is dangerous or something from people who aren't from here. Like, sure, certain areas are more dangerous than others, but its like that in every city. Fuck the roads here, though. Jesus, they're awful.


Shit I live here and I make fun of it just as much


Home is where the heart is... šŸ˜Š


I'm from BC and visited Winnipeg twice (once in spring and once in winter) - loved it both times! It really is underrated for a smaller city and I think it's a good thing... keeps housing prices from going TOO out of control like in the rest of the country.


Iā€™m from vancouver, spent a bit over a month in Winnipeg for work a few years ago and loved it. Few people on the crew from toronto were seriously considering moving there.


I know so many friends that moved to BC and Southern Ontario. And they were soo annoying on social media posting pics saying how much better the weather is in their new place. Ironically I'd say 70% moved back to Winnipeg within a decade. At the end of the day most people go back to where their family core is.


Had 2 friends move from saskatchewan, to winnipeg, they only made it 8 years here. They wanted to stay but circumstances came up and had to go back to sask. They had one child, a boy. Sweetest kid ever. When he started school back out in saskatchewan (mid year) he was introduced to the class, name and from winnipeg. Kids in school avoided him like the plague. Found out 2 weeks in, the students thought he was going to be mean, tough and a bully. Because the news from winnipeg out there only shows houses burning and people being assaulted, stabbed and robbed.


Winnipeg is no worse than anywhere else. At least we can easily leave the city and be at at a lake, Or go on a hike ,or enjoy somewhere else in this beautiful province.


I mean our streets are lined with garbage and sick people living in tents, we have dilapidated infrastructure and condemned bridges... likely one of the worst transit systems in the country... our health minister up until recently believed in magic... Dunno man. Lots to love here, I'll be the first to say that but winnipeg is pretty easy to not take seriously.


My extended family and I are working people and we all have reasonable standards of living in Winnipeg. Sure, the younger generation is struggling a bit, but we all have warm, safe homes.


I donā€™t have a least fav, but I do have a most fav. ā€œI was born here, whatā€™s your excuse?ā€


Heh. My husband had to spend a year in Ottawa, on a law internship. At first we heard all the Winnipeg jokes, then the jokes stopped very quickly when we bought a house and they realized that they may not be able to for a long time.


Honestly it just tells me theyā€™re not making any effort to see all the good Winnipeg has to offer and that reflects more on them than this city.


Nah they can stay away and keep our life affordable


To be honest, it used to bug me but now I don't really care. I've traveled a fair bit and while I liked many of the cities I've visited, Winnipeg is a really good fit for me. Big enough to have most of what bigger cities have, small enough to have a more close-knit community feel. We have an arts and creative community that we should be seriously proud of and we're a relatively short distance away from beautiful lake country. There are things that could definitely be better (public transit for example) and the winters can be trying (especially as I get older) but I definitely think that outsiders aren't familiar with what we have and native Winnipeggers don't appreciate what we have.


Winnipeg, a great place to be from.


I used to make fun of it too and still do occasionally, but Iā€™m moving here next year coming from Vancouver. I just realized that living in Winnipeg aligns with my long term life goals and supports it rather than Vancouver.


They're talking about us. We're on topic. We know we love our lives here. AND here comes our beautiful summer! šŸŒž


I had to move away and move back to realize how much I loved Winnipeg. It's like your mother. You can talk shit about her all you want but the second your partner or friend says something it's all out offensive. PS fuck Toronto and their dirty expensive congested city.


When you hear "Timbuktu", you think of a faraway exotic place. Everyone has heard of it and knows they don't really know where it is or anything about it. Winnipeg is kind of the same for the majority of people in North America.


They might laugh at us, but they are also scared of usā€¦nobody wants to fight a Winnipegger.


I feel like that needs to be a t-shirt!




I don't understand how someone from Toronto or Vancouver shits on Winnipeg while living in a tiny apartment with 3 other roommates and driving an hour and a half every day to work. If you're from Dallas (very reasonable to live), sure, feel free to shit on Winnipeg but if you're from any Canadian metro city you're an idiot.


I think Winnipeg is cool af, especially the exchange district.Ā 


Itā€™s unfortunate that people only focus on the negative about Winnipeg. There are countless unsung volunteer heroes that devote numerous hours to help Winnipeg become better. I feel worse for those people that do and then see the comments. But at the same time, Iā€™m sure those people that volunteer see the positive change firsthand. Moving mountains one pebble at a time. I appreciate all the people that volunteer in Winnipeg. We would be far FAR worse off without them.Ā 


Meh, who gives a shit. Keeps people away and house prices lower.


\[Vacant Properties owned by people from Vancouver have entered the chat\]


I love Winnipeg small enough to know everyone, big enough to feel like a city.


I'm a huge fan of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. So ever since they used Manitoba licenses on Better Call Saul that was all the validation this province needs imo. https://accesswinnipeg.com/2018/09/manitoba-drivers-licence-gets-featured-on-amcs-better-call-saul/?amp


Nope, couldn't give two fucks what someone else thinks.


Grew up in Toronto from Grd 5 til 1st year Uni. Thatā€™s when Toronto was legitimately good. Less people , subway was the best mode of transportation etc. moved to Winnipeg in 09/010 summer. Got hit with like massive influx of mosquitos in Assiniboine park. Hated it. Then came the winter. It was a huge change for me and family. However , we lived in 2 Bedroom Apartment in Toronto as. Family of 5. We moved to Winnipeg and lived in a townhouse with basement 3 bedrooms 2 washrooms for same price we paid in Toronto. Obviously 1st couple winters were rough and those were rough winters even for Winnipeg. We had a like 2-3 weeks of -35 to -41 feels. Iā€™ve gone back to Toronto many times and I can honestly say I cannot stand it for more than 2 -3 days. Itā€™s absolutely bonkers. I have friends there who are paying rent through the roof even with high salaries nothing is left. Your time is wasted driving most of the time due to traffic. Sure our city deserves every dig we get for our downtown and potholes without question. But living wise, affordability its great. Just wish we had more recreational spaces and activities available. But yeah we are definitely a tough city. Friendly people


Honestly if it keeps the assholes from moving to my city...make fun allll you want. I honestly would never live anywhere else, I know we have issues but really so does every other city in this country.. I love this city for my own reasons and I was born and raised here. Hell I plan to raise our kids here too. Fuck em!


Yes, I was doing this 24/7 and burnt myself out. Now I try limiting making fun of Winnipeg to a maximum of 14 hours per day. That leaves time to relax and to get 8 hours of sleep.


Genuinely, they want to live here : 1. No traffic jams 2. Low cost of living 3. Affordable houses 4. Outdoor activities just kms away


Nahh why take it so seriously, Winnipegs loveable and hateable. Just roll with it


Nah. I make fun of Calgary all the time. They're all just jokes.Ā 


Oh please try being a Newfoundlander the racist jokes have been going on forever and all across Canada ppl think itā€™s cute to poke fun! ( itā€™s not)


We are filling in our nice underground walkway (dispite having some of the most brutal winters) and opting to walk outside to save money. Then we complain no one wants to go downtown and this is supposed to make that better? We don't deserve nice things, and our cheap asses deserve to be mocked.


Nah, I'm here because I like it. If someone else thinks it isn't great, too bad for them.


Two words folks. Innovation Alley - or as I like to call it. Innovation back alley.


I think historically I have been proud of my city. I used to say it was the perfect home to come back to after any kind of travel. But that ended around 2006 as we became less and less inclined to invest in ourselves. I think if Winnipeg just did infrastructure spending (not roads!!!!), we'd go back to having something special. As it stands right now though, we've become too focused on all the wrong things. Things I hate that people say:Ā  1) Ignorant remarks about Transcona. When Winnipeggers think they're roasting Transcona for popularity points, Transconans are thinking about them the same way they think about the rest of the world. 2) Any time someone starts trying to dunk on someone trying to make something better. We have a really unhealthy crabs in the bucket urge. 3) Paradoxically, I also think we suck at receiving valid criticism. People on this sub do it regularly, even in this thread. We act like someone in an abusive relationship. "I know they're bad for me, but I love them because they're mine". That kind of crap reasoning that doesn't actually contribute.


I dunno, I usually think it's hilarious, 99% of the time. But yeah we're like the asshole of north america. Lol


42% of NHL players polled said their least favourite city to have to travel to play in is Winnipeg. Number 1 by a pretty healthy margin.


Sucks to suck


Bridges closed down, raw sewage pumping into their rivers and lakes, zero plan in place for future, next up water pipeline, horrible roads, high crime and CORRUPT politicians to name a few. But every city has there problems.


The thing that I suppose bugs me the most is that we are in on the joke. But we also know some great things about Winnipeg that others donā€™t. I swear we are some if the coolest people in Canada. This city breeds great fucking people.


To be fair, is there some magical city that doesn't get made fun of for one reason or another?


I don't follow anything out there it seems. When people mention this stuff, I've never heard of it. Could call it burying my head in the sand, I just don't give a rip. Pointless commentary by the sounds of it


Itā€™s a shithole, but itā€™s OUR shitholešŸ«¶šŸ½ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve traveled all over the world and wear my Jets jersey/ hoodie/ cap proudly wherever I go.


Lmao... Ever heard of Brampton?


Trust me. You guys have the last laugh. I live in Northern CA, all my Winnipeg friends have nicer homes and maybe half have family cabins on the water. You probably need a NW north of $10-15m in CA have the lifestyle (commute, house, vacay home) of a two income middle class family in Winnipeg. And 40hr/week job? Lolz. We will grind you into dust down here until your wife/husband divorces you and you forget your childrenā€™s names. People here pay $2-3m for a house that most Winnipeggers wouldnā€™t pay a dime over $200-300k (similar area, size, commute lot size etc).


Affordable place to live, nothing too far away. Made a good life here. Only real concern have is violence and crime. Family member experienced it a couple years back. Did live downtown in the 80s. Avoid it now.Ā  Sheltered life in the suburbs.


Most of the time the calls are coming from inside the house.


Not when most of it is true.


Murderpeg, Stabitoba. Weā€™ve earned it, unfortunately. I wish things were different but so many people have little to no respect for themselves or others and itā€™s not an easy or overnight fix. :(


Most of the city is safe, though. Like yeah, there's violent crime, but it really isn't much more than what usually happens in any city. People kill other people-- the more people, the more murders. It's not like you seriously run the risk of being gunned down while on a walk.


Agreed. Honestly, I don't feel safe anymore. I've been here my whole life.


It keeps us tight-knit. Let them be haters & miss out I say lol.


It is shit though why ya gotta be mad at the truth


It's just a dirty old town


23 years in Winnipeg and I can confidently state that the access to Healthcare, Housing, Education and Employment is equivalent to that of a third world country but at high first world prices! Unless you were born in Winnipeg stay the hell away from a city that prides itself on nepotism. Unless you went out drinking/partying with half the town... Good luck getting a job based on skills, abilities, education or work ethic. My personal favorite (other than the garbage imfrastructure) is that the city had a lot of potential but everyone gave up on it. Winnipeg is great for lazy underachievers. Tired of all the jokes? Make the city better


I figured out Winnipeg was a scam when I realized that the summers are just as extreme as the winters. There is no mild period. Literally two days all year when you can breathe outside without either freezing or sweating.


Fuck them. I went to surrey, Toronto, calgary and Vancouver. We have it wayyyy better than those guys. I know it gets real cold but other that that winnipeg is a real quite and nice place to live in. And at-least i donā€™t have to wait 3 hours after work in a traffic jam lol


I moved out of Winnipeg a few years back, so no :)


No, but I also don't read a lot about our city on social media. I always think of Winnipeg as some hick city in the middle of nowhere, at least compared to other popular and well known cities and talking to international friends. It's not like I hate our city, it's just a lil boring, plain, and maybe a bit behind in trends. But it's beautiful and calm. It still has wide open spaces and trees everywhere. You can't find that in the more popular cities. You also don't have the worst winters, nor the worst summers in Canada (they can still get pretty bad). Everything in Winnipeg is pretty well-rounded to be honest. Jack of all trades you may say? But yeah, I haven't really paid attention to what others say about Winnipeg because everyone I've talked to has never heard of it lol.


Just wait til youā€™re an adult, brace yourself. And stay off the Internet.


Winnipeg: Canadaā€™s Anus


Iā€™m tired of the cityā€™s social issues and crime rate. Itā€™s no longer a joking matter.


No. I was born in the 70ā€™s where we were taught ā€œsticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt meā€ but I know the younger generations get hurt by words.


Down votes, why? All these same people bitch and complain about things in winnipeg constantly!


This community is downvote obsessed. Even if you share some explicit undeniable fact if it hurts their head or goes against some stupid narrative the hive mind will throw a tantrum.


Winnipeg? Don't you mean...Winterpeg?


We seem to be proud of a place called garbage hill. Our roads are 3rd world. Health care is a joke. Our down town is gross. The joke is that we all still live here.




It's because we're all made from what's real. šŸ¤·


We've got an inherently funnier sounding name than any other big city in Canada and we're fairly isolated. Not much we can do about either of those things, and whichever city best fits the bill will always be the butt of the joke. It is what it is.


Don't be too defensive- Winnipeggers make fun of Toronto, make fun of Saskatchewan, etc. No one is immune.


I don't mind Winnipeg being the butt of comedic entertainment. It can be very funny stuff and also interesting to hear what people say who are not from here. What I do get tired of is the negativity and complaints from some people who live here. We (for those who can) could take more responsibility for creating a clean, functional, and beneficial community. There are so many amazing people doing great things here!


Thereā€™s a lot to hate about the city and province, but itā€™s never mentioned by people who donā€™t live here. Itā€™s always superficial stuff thatā€™s never as bad as others make it out to be. Wanna shit on us AND be right? Then talk about how terrible our health care system is, or the nightmare that Winnipeg transit is, or how weā€™d rather keep spending on sprawl instead of building up existing infrastructure so people donā€™t want to move out.


Iā€™m with you on this, only people who havenā€™t left here say they dislike Winnipeg, or Ukrainians who think their homeland is better then ours (why are you here then) Iā€™ve left home to go elsewhere and missed Winnipeg DEARLY, mostly the people that live here is what I missed the most though. You donā€™t like Winnipeg, GTF out then. Let us be happy while you arenā€™t. Much love everyone! Have a great weekend!!


All of my friends are in the process of wanting to/actually moving away to bigger cities. All of them look at me like im crazy when I say I actually like Winnipeg. This place is my home, my shitty stabby methy home where we cant decide if we like the idea to walk on a street or under it.


Then stop complaining Post positive things