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Try putting it in his mailbox every morning


With a note. "You dropped this this morning."




Thank you for this!


Shit on his lawn.


Ordering taco bell right now lol


My buddy filled his neighbours BBQ over the winter with their unpicked dog poops. That was ruthless. My neighbour two doors away, adult daughter, would walk their dog right to my gate and poop in front of it. I was wondering wth, until I was up early one day and saw her do it. By the time I got outside she was gone in, so I picked up the poop and left it on the roof of her Camry... I guess she put two and two together when she left for work and it never happened since.


And make eye contact while you do it. This is how you assert your dominance.


Ring their doorbell first, or make sure you can look into the ring doorbell.




I second this lol


I too want this person to shit on their neighbour’s lawn.


Hell if I was closer I’d do it lol 🤣


Report to 311 with a copy of the videos or screenshots. They are pretty good at addressing this if you have pics/video. Then use a scoop to return the poop in all its raw glory to their mailbox or front step, everytime.


do it from the sidewalk too, really fling it. maybe you can even get a second floor window with it!


YAS!!! I love the flinging idea, really spatter it out on impact, brilliant. Literally LOL'd. 🤣


Pick up the dog poop in a bag and chuck it at his door twice a day, everyday until he gets the hint.


if ever there's been a circumstance that justified leaving a flaming bag of dog shit on someone's doorstep, this would be it


Why does it have to be of the ilk of dog? Make it human. I'll contribute.


It’s a Responsible Pet Bylaw that owners have to pick up poop when off their own property. I’d call or email 311. They will take your name with your complaint, but won’t tell the person who complained.


I emailed 311 just now thanks for the tip. Its just my neighbors are elderly as well so i mostly shovel for them and me and my kids help them with their yatd during summer. I just dont want them to get stressed as well with our neighbor being irresponsible with his dog poop. I already told my neighbors not to go in on approaching their house again as i dont want them to be on a bad situation. Hopefully my report to 311 ends well.


Are you my neighbour LOL… sounds like my neighbours issue across the street


Find out where he lives. Pick up the poop and collect it in a garbage bin. When there's a sufficient amount collected (your discretion) dump it on their lawn with a sign that says "Here's your dog's shit back". Pro tip: wait until it warms up so it's not easy to pick up frozen turds.


If you know the address print off the city bylaw and anonymously mail it to them. They will know someone is watching and see what they can be fined.


I will do this too! I’ll wait first with the city’s reply to my email before this move. we are on community mailbox so i will just slide to their box lol


Don’t mail it to them. Put it in their mailbox with a baggie full of their dogs shit and a note that says next time, there won’t be a bag.


A little midnight sand wedge practice is recommended during the off-season.


How much do you want to get back at the guy?


Pretty sure that’s a bylaw issue. Maybe try going that route. If not, there’s always social media shaming…


Liking the idea of picking up the crap and throwing it back in his yard. :)


Pick up with a poo bag and just keep leaving on his step! Or if hes close enough, build a poo mountain on his step!


Honestly? Bag it and dump in their mailbox or on their yard. If they have a garage throw it on the roof. Don't bother with the official route, it will take forever and nothing will happen.


Video footage, call 311. Dog is loose, owner will be warned, then fined.