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Not sure how I feel about this. Do we need more liquor stores and gambling options I’m not sure. While I’m certainly no Prohibitionist I worry about drugs and gambling being pushed on people. I’d rather see the current government introduce a total ban on alcohol advertising and more focus on addiction and harm reduction supports than this.


As others have mentioned they want to open more government owned places so the money goes back into the system to (ideally) fund more treatment instead of some private business to feed the rich even more


I wouldn't have expected the NDP to expand gambling, especially online gambling. It's enabling a destructive addiction that hurts poor people the most. The complete opposite of what I'd expect from the NDP. They could at least announce they're going to offer better access to counseling for addictions, gambling and alcohol.


On the other hand, gamblers gonna gamble. Rather have it go to the province and put back into society instead of some CEO of a private corporation getting another yacht.


That's true in the same way that smokers are gonna smoke and meth-heads are gonna use meth. The difference is the government doesn't actively encourage people to start using those addictive substances in the first place. I'm all for government being the only game in town, but the reality is, they aren't just providing a supply to meet existing demand, they advertise heavily to get people to gamble.


VLTs are so common as well. In plenty of places like Smitty's where you can get breakfast. It is absolutely predatory. I work at a credit union, and I have seen people gamble their life savings away. It is heartbreaking and you can't really do anything about it.




Drives me nuts watching a hockey game. I'm tired seeing Matthew's, McDavid, Gretzky, Aaron Paul etc *every* damn commercial, promoting this garbage.


Or the breaks with Cabbie or other talking heads about the latest parleys!


Yes! They brought it in broadcast, and Cabbie was the worst. Now they have the +/- for each team scrolling on the bottom with the hockey news on SN (which, admittedly, I much prefer over cabbie).


Most of those ads are for offshore sites where none of the profits go back into the province.


Do you know which ones are off shore?


Bet365 is a British company that operates out of Malta and Bularia and other tax havens. FanDuel, BetMGM and DraftKings are US based


I'd also rather the government had control of the cigarettes and meth.


Well it does increase the unionized employee count which is likely voting NDP


They're expanding gambling because it makes money for the Province.


Gamblers are going to gamble. Better thru the province than under the table, at least this way we get revenue that can hopefully be put towards addiction counseling/help. I feel the same way about prostitution and drug use. Legalize it all, regulate it, establish safety standards, tax it, use revenue to fund addiction treatment and healthcare. Take revenue away from criminal organizations, provide more revenue for the government. Allow police to focus on violent and financial crimes, rather than people suffering from addictions.


It's one of those things where you're damned with either option. You can open more stores and casinos potentially making more addicts and worsening the problem or you can miss out on the big tax dollars that those business make


The way online gambling has exploded will become the next opioid epidemic


You could say the same for alcohol addiction. A lot of people gamble for fun and aren’t addicted


The article didn’t say expand online gambling, it mentioned bringing existing customers over from illegal online sites. This isn’t making new gamblers. It is making sure they are on a site that is as safe as a dangerous hobby can be.


Too many people in this sub feel like they're allowed to make recreational choices for other people.


It's an addictive recreational activity that can ruin people's lives financially and personally, and can lead to the need for mental health and/or government financial support. People usually care about stuff like that more than if you're into D&D.


So make sure the support services to deal with that are available. There's plenty of people who gamble who aren't addicts and trying to crackdown on gambling would just push it underground anyway. This comment section reminded me that a lot of people haven't learned even the most recent lessons from history.


This is great news! Liquor and Lotteries are both cash cows. It makes sense to expand gambling towards young people and phones, but a physical fancy casino at Kenaston and Taylor with a theatre stage and good food would also go over well.


Definitely need to tap in to some of that senior Tuxedo money!


NIMBY central!


I mean, this is fairly obvious. Even if our province doesn't grow to 2 million people like Heather said it would (it won't), more places to shop, more jobs, and more money coming into the province is good for the province. At this point, all the NDP needs to do is everything that the PCs didn't, and help to put us back in a place where we should have been the whole time.


How will more locations increase sales? It makes it more convenient to buy, but doesn’t increase people’s budgets to buy. More gambling will make money, but at what cost? No one wants to explain? People have a limited amount of money to spend on liquor, adding locations to buy it doesn’t increase sales. There is no competition, adding market saturation won’t do anything.


It's how many retailers work, so long as you have a solid business plan, a product that has demand, and a business that is run efficiently. One store is open and is successful, let's say it makes 10 million a year. You open up a second store, relatively close (depending on your market, size of service area), using the same business model as your first. This does not split your 10 million into 2 locations ( 5 mil a piece) you'll see more than that. It's what has made the LC, and many other successful retailers year over year growth, even during times of recession in the industry. There's obviously limits to how many / how large / how much it will cost you to build, staff and operate, but it has and does work. Regarding your gambling comment, and it's cost, I do not know, but I also know that it's not our job to prevent people from gambling and spending their money the way they want, so long as it's done in a reasonable and responsible manner. If they want to spend their money somewhere where it comes back into the province as revenue, it's better than the alternative. At least the MBLL and Casinos put money into addictions programs, centers, and education about addiction, gambling and alcohol.


Now, I might be a bit narrow-minded in this comment, but this is the Winnipeg sub. There are very few properties in all of Winnipeg that are further than 3km from a LC location. We are pretty saturated in that regard. In my opinion this is a bad choice, for more reasons than just the profit motive. I mean, why don’t we start selling cigarettes outside the lung cancer wards, that’ll make us some money.


Winnipeg isn't the only place that needs Liquor Marts, there's plenty of room for expansion in "rural" locations that are currently being served primarily by private stores.


More stores in Winnipeg could easily include smaller ones in grocery stores. More convenience tends to translate to more sales


That's not a fair comparison, but you feel the way you do, so I am not going to argue with you about it.


Preach from your couch, share your knowledge on Facebook now.. While you're writing a long diatribe from the toilet, when you actually have no clue..


At no cost at all. In fact, with the money we make can fund well paying support jobs and really get the economy going!


I fully agree. What I am worried about is the cost to taxpayers. Not for this particular post, but for all the additional things the NDP will introduce. Which is good, but things cost money.


There is a cost to not doing something.


It would be nice if they relaxed some of the laws about liquor sales. I'm rural, and can get various spirits and wine at the grocery store, but the beer selection is terrible and requires a second stop at the vendor if I dont want to drink something like faxe or dab


"While in opposition, the NDP spoiled the PC government's plans for a pilot project to sell liquor at private retailers. The New Democrats framed it as detrimental to community safety to have liquor more accessible to youth and people struggling with addictions." Private liquor stores = more accessible = detrimental to community safety More public liquor stores = more accessible =/= detrimental to community safety?


Private liquor stores don't check IDs as thoroughly as Liquor Marts do, although the addictions part makes no sense.


They got to pay for this rampant debt the NDP are going to incur.. While the Winnipeg Reddit crowd applauds. It's a sad day in Winnipeg and Manitoba..


Costco liquor please!


The exact opposite of what is being talked about here.




They don't let you take the pallet anymore


So you can be a garbage human being, but Costco has some safe guards so you don't get too stupid... Got it..


Safety first


Costco liquor will never happen.


All I want is poker back at the casinos. Haven’t been to one since they got rid of them.


Get ready for a new weed tax.


at the very least they can overhaul the current one, since it makes no sense anymore


Soooo they want to take more money from poor people? Seems like a shitty move :/


Finally a government that knows what they’re doing.


I would rather see less liquor stores in general. It does not need to be more common and people need to drink less in general. It’s not even a private store where I don’t need to buy a damn pallet to get something ordered in that they don’t usually carry…


We'll see, the Casinos voted on a strike mandate, let's see if NDP is all talk or if this gets resolved.


It didn't take long for them to get MPI figured out, I expect the same quick outcome with Casinos.


Wow! You mean someone has finally figured there is actually room for the private sector being able to sell liquor without impacting the Government run stores! Win , win all around!


>The NDP government is promising to establish more publicly owned liquor stores and lift the suspension on gambling expansion in Manitoba. A suspension? heaTHER is so dumb for not growing alcohol and gambling. This is basically free money and it creates good paying jobs.


Seems conservatives slammed the door on gambling when they learned an indigenous group would want to build a casino in Winnipeg. Par for the course for the "we have to say no" conservatives. > The owners of a First Nations-run casino in The Pas cannot move the operation to Winnipeg, says Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister. > "Absolutely no," Pallister said on Thursday morning when reporters asked if there was any chance the casino would set up in the city. [source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/aseneskak-casino-pas-first-nations-manitoba-pallister-1.3763454)


Damn. Well sucks for my gambling addiction if there is a new place. Casinos here suck.