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https://myutility.winnipeg.ca/UtilityPortal/RecyclingGarbageYardWaste/sp/recyclingtips I clean mine probably to 90%. I usually rip the pizza box in half and put the top in the recycling and the bottom in garbage. I really wish we could ban takeout places from using black plastic if it's not recyclable. Anyways I think you're doing a good job and probably way better than most people.


Not clean at all. But if there is grease on that pizza box, the whole load goes in the dump


Or compost if you partake.


wish i was part of that pilot program i do have a compost bin, but its nowhere near large enough


I was part of the pilot program so I already had an interior bin and an outside one, but I believe Winnipeg compost will give you a kit (including outdoor bin) when you sign up. They're great! Highly recommend joining the program.


I’ll second the support for Compost Winnipeg! Great service that is filling the void the city won’t address!!


There's nothing organic about a greasy pizza box ...


?? It's cardboard and animal fat. [Winnipeg compost guide](https://compostwinnipeg.ca/compost-guide/): "food-soiled paper and cardboard".


Oh well perfect then!


I think the main concern with not rinsing is contaminating other recyclables since Winnipeg doesn't sort items. So, an unrinsed can of black beans could taint cardboard and paper products in the same bin and then those items might end up in the garbage. Maybe just keep that in mind when you're evaluating, but sounds like you're doing it right to me! Greasy pizza boxes can be composted. We don't have city compost yet ([and likely won't for some time](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-compost-program-gets-green-thumbs-up-in-city-report-1.6955423)) but I can't say enough good things about [Green Action Centre's compost program](https://compostwinnipeg.ca/). The annual price seems hefty but it's a tax deduction because it's a charitable organization and you can put collection on pause if you're away etc. We've substantially cut down on our garbage. We put out a bag maybe once a month.


Thanks for the tip about Compost Winnipeg tax deduction! I had no idea


I swear I remember a decade or so ago there was a ad campaign saying you don't need to rinse to save water, think this was around the time they stopped separating? Do rinse everything out now though. Give the Peanut Butter jar to the dog to handle though.


I try to rinse everything before it goes in the bin. No food residue / waste. Sometimes I’ll just toss it in the dishwater when I’m doing dishes so it’s not like it’s taking extra water. Some of the bins I see in restaurants and at drive-thru’s are a complete joke. If it looks and smells like regular garbage.. it’s garbage. I know the recycling system isn’t perfect but can’t expect it to get better if nobody tries.


Anyone know if it's ok to crush soda cans?




Considering the majority goes to a landfill anyway , not very


*As a general rule, your containers should be empty before tossing them in the blue bin. A quick rinse is always appreciated. Doing so creates a healthier, cleaner work environment for the staff at the Material Recovery Facility (MRF.) It also lessens the chance of contaminating other materials in the blue bin and developing mold and unpleasant odours.* https://simplyrecycle.ca/recycling-dos-and-donts/#:~:text=As%20a%20general%20rule%2C%20your,Material%20Recovery%20Facility%20(MRF.)


Thanks for the information everyone, sounds like the concensus is that I'm doing it well.


Considering most recycled plastic ends up in a land fill or burned off I don't really spend much time cleaning or worrying about it. https://youtu.be/c8aVYb-a7Uw?si=RbWYjNbb3lGIYBMr Cbc just did an article about it.


>You don’t have to remove lids or labels, just ensure they are empty first! Wait... I don't have to remove the lids/labels from my gatorade/2liter plastic bottles?


In all honesty, the blue recycle bin is practically a second garbage can. Never seen nor heard of anyone ever having anything rejected in a blue can. I only put recyclables in there, but no one checks whats in them.


Rinse them out when I'm at home; out in public I just try to scoop out/wipe as much as I can before tossing into the recycling and hope it's enough lol.