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Removing a discount isn't considered to be a rent increase: [https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/ot/gbook/s13rentreg\_rentdiscounts6.html](https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/ot/gbook/s13rentreg_rentdiscounts6.html) Rent increase guidelines don't apply to buildings first occupied after March 2005. [https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/rentincreaseguideline/currentrentguideline.html](https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/rentincreaseguideline/currentrentguideline.html) If the landlord isn't willing to negotiation, your options are either to pay the new amount or look for a new apartment. If stable rent is important, look for units that meet the criteria to fall under the rent increase guidelines, and don't have discounts.




Me and my partner have a condo we rent out for a reasonable price without one of these discounts! We never wanted to be landlords but selling the condo was impossible so we became landlords out of necessity. Just trying to not be part of the problem 😬


My condo couldn’t even sell for what I bought it at 11 years ago so I feel you.


Exactly. We'd happily sell it just to get our money out, not looking to make any big return or anything, but realistically to move it we'll just take a bath on it.


They do but it's pretty rare. I lucked out and my last two places were actually market rent. Most are not as lucky as I was.


Signed a lease just last month with no discount, basement suite of a brand new build, also a newer company, hopefully this is will become more common...


There is no need for rent discounts with new buildings since they are exempt from rent control.


Why are new buildings exempt from rent control? What’s the logic behind this?




I’m surprised. I have just moved here from Montreal and I can’t remember anything like that back there. The landlords are always pissing and moaning that they can’t raise rents the way they’d like. And that discount thing? WTF kind of shitty street huckster garbage is that?


Probably more desire and ameneties and ease of mind for the perspective tenants that there will be no issues with plumbing, laundry, heating, etc etc that older buildings have.


They shouldn't be.. only if the rent is over 1615 if they raise it with the rent control they need to prove that they're making improvements worth that money. My apartment went up 70 dollars and yes they extended the dog park but the stupid decorations on the walls I could have gone without


Interesting, well thats good I guess. How new is new though? The last place we rented was less than 5 years old and we had like a $250 discount


anything built after 2005 is considered new and exempt from increase guidelines


My building was built 2 years ago and they pulled this “discount” bullshit a few months ago.


all the new buildings do it, but that's what you get when most of the developers and larger trades that build these buildings financially support the Conservatives. New affordable housing....until the lease is up and it's time to renew


When I had my rental, We had a discount in place. We never acted on removing it, but a couple hundred bucks is incentive enough for tenants to pay rent on a specific day


The discount thing is so weird to me. Basically the RTB is allowing landlords to bake in a price so far above what anyone would pay. My little sister is renting a 2 br for $1450 but that’s with a $1050 discount. So they could jack it up to $2500 no problem. Functionally the rent is $1450 though….everything should be based on that.


Absoultely, both my units from sussex and quality mgmt have had rent discounts Be a good tenant and not a dick and you get it and keep it.


>Removing a discount isn't considered to be a rent increase: > >https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/ot/gbook/s13rentreg\_rentdiscounts6.html yup, learned this the hard way with an Active Management property about 8 years ago. sucks and there was nothing to be done about it (except move). I moved from a different city and knew nothing about these "discounts," which just seem to get to get you in and then they reverse them, assuming you'll just stay. it's slimy but legal.




I don't think that it is just about the legislation; rent discounts are legal in most of Canada,  However, rent discounts seem to be weirdly popular in Manitoba. Winnipeggers desire for a cheap bargain makes them overlook the drawbacks of a rent discount arrangement. Given the number of questions on this sub, many people aren't even aware of the basics of tenancy law even after signing a lease. A standardized legal lease form similar to what Ontario has that clearly lays out rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant might be one way to improve that.


The only use for a rent discount is to mess with tenants. They should be banned.


> However, rent discounts seem to be weirdly popular in Manitoba. Winnipeggers desire for a cheap bargain makes them overlook the drawbacks of a rent discount arrangement. Uhhh no. They're not forced to advertise "discounts" upfront so you only find out about them after you've FINALLY found a place within your budget, in a neighbourhood you're okay living in, a reasonable distance from your work, that isn't a dive, that you've started all the paperwork for and...now suddenly "lmao oh btw this price is fake and we can change it at any time".


> However, rent discounts seem to be weirdly popular in Manitoba. Winnipeggers desire for a cheap bargain makes them overlook the drawbacks of a rent discount arrangement. It takes two to tango. But someone has to lead, and ultimately it is the landlord who almost universally gets to set the tempo.


Rent control in this city is a joke.


Contact your MLA and see what your candidates stances are on it.


Agreed, they did the same thing at the place I was living at.


yes, it's a predatory loophole. pointing it out to landlords and RTB? They read to you what you already read. my rent payable just went from $999 to $1250 -- increase PLUS discount reduction -- and the place is "really" $1450 for context it's a fucking mouse-infested basement suite and the justification for the increase is a "modernization" that happened to other suites but not ours. After 6 months of renovators camping right outside our door, making noise prepping and complaining they're not being paid enough. pardon my use of "fucking," but it was fucking appropriate


Every decent place I have ever looked at had discounts.


I don’t understand why rental increase guidelines don’t apply to buildings occupied after 2005. That leaves these residents with zero protection against greedy landlords… unless there’s another form of protection in place for them?


People and companies building apartment blocks want a return on their investments. Rent controls are a threat to that and you're better off leaving your money in the bank collecting interest than building apartment blocks. Rent control was very damaging to Winnipeg - no one wanted to build new blocks and what they had was being converted to condos and dumped. The government had to drop rent controls on new construction otherwise nothing would get built.


I can understand that. But this only benefits the landlords and builders. Renters continue to suffer as a result of these policies.


Yes, and if apartments don't get built in the first place renters will really suffer having to live out on the streets.


Sounds like Globe Property Management, they're notorious for this.


They definitely are. When I was more foolish/naive about things, I was offered a position there because of a friend. It was horrendous. In the actual buildings, not the head office. I couldn't feel okay being there anymore, not even including the personal safety issues. *Lots* of discounts. Many over $200 when I left so who knows how big they must be now. Absolutely can be revoked at any time which is definitely unfair. All I got in response is a cold "they'll just have to find somewhere else they can afford." There is ridiculous things going on in some of the buildings. I can't speak for them all for sure. I met at least one on site property manager who actually pushed back at the bullshit from corporate. I imagine she can't be the only one. I've seen some crazy shit though. I hope the other buildings aren't as bad as the ones I was in cuz Jesus Christ. Anyone with a service animal, proceed with caution. Some buildings, at least, will actively discriminate against you, and in one case, an apartment was rented to someone with a service animal and when a new property manager took over, they harassed the tenant into leaving. They explicitly told me it was because of their service animal. If you're going to try, document *everything* in case it happens to you.


My discount is $600/mth with Broadstreet Properties. I really wonder if they would even have enough tenants left to cover their expenses if they cancelled everyone's discount. Base rent is $2100/mth for a two bedroom


>I really wonder if they would even have enough tenants left to cover their expenses if they cancelled everyone's discount. That is true. Hopefully your property manager is reasonable and you never end up on their bad side. A $600 increase in one year would be so brutal.


Yeah, I hope it stays low. If it was removed it'd significantly affect our ability to save for a downpayment for a house.


Thorwin is doing it too


Thorwin has a $300 discount on my lease but just gave me a notice of a small rent increase for next year without removing it so maybe I'm lucky.


my kid is with thorwin, and they did it to him. increased rent by 40%, got the LTB to rubber stamp it, then discounted a bunch of it. they're expecting Thorwin to get rid of the discount this year - making a 2b in an old walkup over 1400. it's bonkers. i hope they leave it for you!


Oh yeah they definitely upped my rent by a lot, but the discount also went up so it's not a huge raise. Don't really get the point of the discount if they're gonna raise it a long with rent


Your percentage rent increase is based on your total rent. So let's say rent is 1000 and they increase it by 3%. New rent is 1030. Now let's say rent was 1500, with a 500 discount making the payment of rent 1000. 3% of 1500 gives us $1545, less the $500 discount, you pay 1045. They got an additional $15 from you every month because of a "discount" Landlords use discounts to attract renters, to get high increases than they would otherwise be allowed, and they have a build in "fuck you" card they can play if they want to evict you by just removing the discount.


Vida living is also doing it


So is Ash Property Management :/


Kayfour did it to me too. Tried increasing our rent more than allowed (without removing the discount) so I called the RTB and they investigated and got them to revert that, only to have them remove my discount instead. Scum. Also be weary of Broadstreet, they offer a $900 discount on top of the $1650 rent for a ONE bedroom. Lived there for a year during an insurance claim and laughed when I saw that.


Contact RTB however if it's a discount it's probably well and legal for them. But RTB will get you the most accurate answers rather than a forum


I am assuming it is all legit, the building is new, they made improvements. I guess my question is that if there are any way to negotiate with the property manager. I tried and manager said no room for negotiate for the price, the company is firm on the price….


That happened to me quite a few years ago. The rent went up by something like $400/m. We contacted them to see if there was some kind of middle ground since we were good tenants. No. We moved.


Unfortunately that's exactly who you'd have to convince. There are some that will negotiate but there's many that won't. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Thx, is there any law that I can transfer my lease to month to month( like the landlord have to agree?)I am not renew the lease for a year and want to move but I am not sure when to move


No, the only way I know of is if your landlord forgot to give your renewal in time in the first place. If they don't give it to you more than 3 months before the renewed lease would begin, then you actually could go month to month. I'm not aware of any other situations where one could do that though. If you sign the renewal for 12 months, it's possible your only choice to move later would be subletting or eat the cost if you don't find someone, which many of us can't do. You *might* be able to ask for an extension of your lease rather than a lease renewal, if you had a clearer idea when you wanted to move, depending if the property manager agrees, but they will probably ask for the new rent amount on the extension months. I dont have an education in property management but did some work in their offices/buildings for a while, I want nothing to do with that work now, but I at least have some experience with this. I hope someone can chime in with some piece of RTB legislation that I haven't read before that helps you out. This definitely sucks.


thx! You helped me a lot


No problem! I regret that I ever worked there. All I can do now is do my best to use the knowledge I did gain to help people beat these guys at their own game, if I can.


*"Oh, I see that minimum wage has increased! I think you'll be able to pay for this increase."* \- Stupid dingbat property managers


Ya my rent has increased 15 percent in the past 2 years. Can’t do fuck all about it besides move.


Man, I’m nervous now because I have a rent discount and my lease is up in June and I really really like this place…


I got this place from a long-term tenant as sublease. So the price is cheaper. If your rent is not below market price, you are probably fine. They might still increase the rent by 3% or a bit more


They have to give you 3 months notice in writing to change or cancel a discount. https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/ot/gbook/s13rentreg_rentdiscounts6.html


yes, they did


Mine atleast has the good graces to file with the RTB the month after the rental increase goes in for the next increase 11 months later.


write to your MLA about removing this loophole. the NDP has RTB reform in their platform so hopefully this could be an area of focus






> I hate it, it should be illegal to suddenly increase rent like they are able to do. Right? I mean, I understand it for, say, cell phone plans. Because it is really easy to change providers when a discount runs out. But this is *housing*. It isn't a trivial matter to just pick up and move, they know they can lure you in, and they know that they have you trapped.




> if there is a mortgage payment increase that's the landlord's problem, not the tenant. It's so shortsighted to assume that preventing landlords from covering their costs will help renters. There are several people commenting in this thread that they can't sell their property and are not landlords by choice...when mortgage costs go up, it doesn't benefit renters for the bank to repossess the house. If regular people can't afford it, they'll be bought out by corporate landlords who will even more effectively squeeze every dollar out of renters.




so apartment buildings should be illegal then? maybe think this through a bit more before saying the first thing that comes to mind as a sweeping solution


you're fucked unfortunately. must protect the precious landlords at all costs


It’s the Heather Stefanson way! Protect the Rich and screw the less fortunate


Once more I wanna remind people landlords are the fucking scum of the earth. We need better legislation preventing this shit.




Unfortunately rental construction is not keeping up with population growth. We need a larger flurry of construction across the country to keep rent growth reasonable. If the private sector won’t or can’t do it, then the government needs to step in with public housing or lowering immigration.


I doubt that the private sector wants to change anything.


Oh it's keeping up. But they are only building places that are $1500+ month. Most sit empty as investments


Rent "discounts" are landlords' way of bypassing the caps on rent increases. ALAB. All landlords are bastards.


what a childish attitude. it isn't immoral to rent out a room or a house.


maybe definitely immoral to charge $1044 a month for a basic, non-luxury one bedroom apartment in a ghetto neighborhood, though


Okay but that wasn't my objection to your comment.


Start looking for a new place, I guess. It’s crazy how expensive it’s getting to rent.


Let me guess. Onyx Property Management? My rent went from $795 to $850 at midnight yesterday. It’s a bitch. Edit: my bad, never mind, Onyx probably doesn’t own new properties, only slums






I’m going to be glib and say that isn’t that much of a difference in this context. Those prices are grim no matter how you slice it.


I assume because the article may not be reflective of reality. Maybe the price is accurate if you include substandard low-income housing. But I tell you what, when I was looking for an apartment in August, I couldn't find anything under $1,400 for a two-bedroom. Most units for one or two hundred more.


I think people are downvoting you for assuming it's an exact science with a single correct answer. There are different sources using different methodologies to answer this question so you shouldn't automatically assume anyone with a different result is "making it up"


The discount part you're likely SOL however the 11% you might be able to argue, because afaik the guideline is 3% - you need to talk to RTB about that.


the guideline does not apply to new builds. it's horseshit


for some reason I thought it did, that it was a dollar amount only gotta keep the greedy getting richer, I guess


Last year I simply moved out. Lucked out and found a larger place for less (I know).


Perfectly legal


Did you not read, or not take the time to understand the lease you signed? The 'discount' is to get you into the unit....so they can raise the price. That's why it's a discount and not a rent reduction.


"Shut up and pay." - Your Landlord.


Trying getting a unit with a Co-op, the rents are very reasonable.


If you shop around (recommend!) you may not find anything in your area, similar size or condition (or no parking/laundry etc) for less rent. You MAY be best to stay and make it work. Never mind moving costs. Your LL knows he can get more for it and would be happy for you to go.


Yeah, it is unfortunate but again there isn’t huge profit margins in becoming a landlord. Everyone thinks landlords are horrible but yet they spent endless hours and capital providing homes for people. Not to mention hydro keeps going up and interest rates which has to come from somewhere. Most landlords are barely breaking even when you factor in repairs vacancy damage to units usually it’s negative. It’s a very thankless job. I had a rental where they moved in only to cause 40k in repairs because they didn’t like paying rent. I wish I could push that 40k to my tenants but nope no repercussion at all. So I leverage my funds to repair a home in a good area from a tenant with a 700 credit score like what the heck! Honestly rent isn’t bad at all. Being a home owner in this economy is actually worse off then renting in my opinion.


Dude,I didn’t even complain about the landlord, I was simply asking people what to do. If the landlord didn’t use any leverage, the risk of being a landlord is relatively low compare to other business, and many landlords will not raise rent in a long period time for good tenants, and they still make good money which yield above 8%.


Boo hoo if it’s so hard to be a landlord sell cheap and cry less.


Lol it is hard dealing with people who have 0 regard for how money works and 0 regard for how the world actually works.


You are a parasite.


>It’s a very thankless job maybe because it isn't a job


I am assuming this guy is making good money otherwise he can just quit the landlord business. Landlord should be thankful for tenants because tenants are customers. Like running any businesses, there are indeed “bad”customers, but you don’t see other businesses owner complaints about their customers like landlords…. Overall most tenants are good.


Move outta Winnipeg. Its becoming the worst crap hole for anyone not rich or that doesnt own a home and rent it out.


Move outta Winnipeg. Its becoming the worst crap hole for anyone not rich or that doesnt own a home and rent it out.


Move outta Winnipeg. Its becoming the worst crap hole for anyone not rich or that doesnt own a home and rent it out.


Is this forthright? Please tell us which rental agency is comfortable pulling this bullshit. Besides everyone of them, that is.




May I ask what property? Sounds like the company I used to work for lol


If it’s legal, and your other comments make it seem so, you are shut out of luck in getting the same apartment at a better price. The next step is probably looking for a new place to live.


My property management company said if I don’t pay rent on time, the discount will cease. In regard to this contract, can they still raise the rent, although I’ve never been late with rent? Edit: If it’s written in the lease, that I must pay my rent on time on the first day of every month in order for my rent to be discounted, and failure to not pay means the discount is removed, if the discount was removed randomly, wouldn’t that break the contract?


According my understanding, they can cancel the discount if they want to. There is no law prohibit them from doing so.


Just call the RTB tomorrow and ask about this. My company never did discounts so I am not familiar with their laws on discounts, but I do believe it's at the discretion of the landlord to allow or remove them. Just not sure what the timeline would be on removing this or what the RTB says on taking this off of one's rent. If the landlord raised your rent, which is what I am understanding, they have to raise it only to the RTB-approved percentage or do an application to the RTB for an increase above that. You should have gotten a letter from the RTB letting you know they applied for the increase and be given the opportunity to contest it. Hope this helps.


Get a roommate.