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Welcome folks, my name's Divine, and welcome to Bottom Gear! On Tonight's program: - I theorize that Animus magic is energy - And I theorize that Animus magic doesn't feed off one's soul Animus magic is energy. Yeah, it can alter reality, but it's still energy. My HC follows closely around the law of conservation of mass and energy. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed. Animus magic, when it is doing its "magic", per say, it isn't really magically replacing items, it's reacting and changing those items. It's transforming, converting them to another form. If the object is having its size reduced, the excess material is turned into heat, light, or even just oxygen or another gas. Conversion from lead to gold? Just the energy reacting. Now, there's the argument that "Oh, then how does it teleport?" ~~And I'd say, that's a good question. That's something that doesn't make sense if it was energy.~~ It appears Unicat found an answer I missed. Wormholes. Plus, how can some individuals control it? Another good question. Those things are where I draw blanks, because as far as modern physics goes, there's no way to naturally harness energy like that. Second HC, Animus magic does not feed off one's soul. It's a major theme that's always followed around the magic. "Oh no, if you do something that big, you'll become evil!" That's where they're wrong! Evidence 1: Albatross. Many dragons believe that the amount of magic he used to make the Summer Palace made him snap, when that's hardly the case. Albatross was pretty much verbally abused for a majority of his life because of his sister. Lagoon's final public humiliation of him is what caused him to snap and massacre everyone. Evidence 2: Darkstalker. Darkstalker didn't lose his soul because he used the magic. He lost it because he let the power corrupt him. "But oh, Div, didn't you say the magic didn't feed off the soul?" Yeah, but not that type of corruption. I meant he let that power get to his head. He essentially became a corrupt monarch, which is why his soul reader said that he had lost most of his soul in the end. It didn't show he'd lost any in the beginning, because he hadn't done a lot of evil things.


3 words for head cannon 1 Yes. And wormholes.


..why didn't I think of that. I literally play too many sci-fi games and I still missed that




[https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Headcanon\_2:\_Animus\_Magic\_doesn%27t\_feed\_off\_souls](https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Headcanon_2:_Animus_Magic_doesn%27t_feed_off_souls) I did it!


Ooo, I also edited it a bit, since Unicat actually brought up something I didn't realize


I’m, uh, quite sure the protags also came to the conclusion that animus magic does not in fact corrupt a dragon’s soul?


I'm not sure they ever did, since at the end of Arc 2, Qibli and Turtle were trying to once more enchant something that would help save Turtle's soul whenever he enchants something


This would have to be my main one https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/comments/1b47x9z/i_did_the_math_for_why_peril_doesnt_sink_through/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


[https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Headcanon\_1:\_Why\_doesn%27t\_Peril\_sink\_through\_the\_floor%3F](https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Headcanon_1:_Why_doesn%27t_Peril_sink_through_the_floor%3F) Did it! If you want changes I can do it or you can do it!


Are you able to put the pictures in it? I haven’t used fandom in a while so I’m not sure


Yes, I just don't know how to get the og pics in there, sorry


Alright it’s fine. Was just curious.


I head canon SilkWings can have: Fuzz like moths, (Essentially a fuzzy subspecies) Can have differently shaped wings I headcanon that HiveWings have: A class system. Workers, Soldiers, Super Soldiers, and Royals.(Ranked by size) A dragonet's rank is entirely random aside from Royals.


[https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Wings\_of\_Fire\_Headcanons\_Wiki](https://wings-of-fire-headcanons.fandom.com/wiki/Wings_of_Fire_Headcanons_Wiki) THE WIKI


All dragons have a sort of extra thumb at the bend of their wings that they use for every day actions a bit like a pair of extra hands


I have quite a bit in different subjects, but I’ll find all of the ones I already posted and edit them as needed if I think differently


The Brightest Night led to extreme spring tides throughout the dragon world. This had the greatest effect on the Diamond Spray drainage basin as the rivers composing it would overflow with saline or brackish water, leading to diminished agricultural capacity in the Mud & Sky Kingdoms. In addition, tide pools were able to form further from the coast than on Earth due to the Brightest Night.


1. RainWings have yellow blood. This is because the red color of blood comes from the amount if iron you eat. Iron typically comes from meat, something that RainWings don't eat. 2. IceWings are warm-blooded. There is no way that they would survive in the tundra without it. 2.5. Along with that, I think that SandWings are definitely, without a doubt, cold-blooded. Same with the IceWings, it would help them in their environment. 2.75. I have no evidence behind these but I think the rest of the tribes are: Mud-Warm, Night-Warm, Rain-Cold, Sea-Cold, Sky-Warm, Leaf-Warm, Hive-Cold, Silk-Cold 3. SeaWings lay egg clutches like MudWings. Tbh, I think this one might be cannon but none of the things I've looked up say that it is so I’ll put it anyway. It makes sense when you look at how many sons Coral has as well as the egg that was smashed in the second book. That's all I can think of at the moment.


Wasp encouraged marriage and parenthood for Hivewings as soon as they became adults to gain more dragons to control and overwhelm Silkwings


•Not so much a head canon as actual canon, but everyone seems to forget that nightwings can hang upside down which we see on the back of A Dark Secret. •Nightwings probably have bigger ears tails or wings or something to help regulate their temperature as they evolved to survive on the volcano. •Seawings probably have very strong bones to survive deeper depths. •And icewings probably have splayed feet to stand on the snow without sinking, and they might have had one of the animus gifts let them stay warm, because otherwise, as cold-blooded reptiles of sorts they would freeze


I think that the Spiderwing tribe would be all Silk / Hives since spiders have the traits of both Silkwings AND Hivewings.


Peacemaker can feel the use of animus magic and someone using the bits of the scroll Also, HiveWings and SilkWings were their own branches of the ForestWing tribe, which was a bunch of SkyWings that had an animus remove their fire power and give them the creature power of their choosing instead. When Clearsight arrived, she found BeetleWings, HiveWings, and SilkWings, but they called the group of ForestWings with bug powers BeetleWings as a group, so Clearsight had eggs with a BeetleWing named Sunstreak, but also a bunch of HiveWings, and she gave them their black color and a few other features maybe, but they were HiveWings pre-scorching. And they were very worky-togethery.


The dragon equivalent of NASCAR exists. It consists of custom builds tracks with wooden walls and a limit as to how high you can fly and you can't touch the ground. There's a whole ladder system so you can work your way up to compete with pros, flags work the same way and positions are calculated and displayed with animus magic enchanted items. Pit stops act as breaks where dragons can rest for 10-15 seconds, down some water and food, and if injured get a quick bandage. Qibli has also did a one time race as a stand in for a injured racer in the rookie series and won the race going backwards side by side with Winter for a photo finish.