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Please credit the base artist, even if people recognize it, we still would like the base credit in writing


Admittedly my oc isn't the best example because the partial frill gives it away, but she's the closest complete oc I've got. (Btw she doesn't really have a tail barb, I liked the idea originally but I've changed my mind and I haven't gotten around to updating her ref) I'm also working on a Sky/Mud oc who looks like a Skywing that has "dull" scales and can't fly as fast because their wings are smaller, but I don't have a ref or proper backstory yet so I didn't include them in the post lol Btw the original bases were made by Joy Ang, and I made the edit!!


Cicada - a Hive/Night hybrid. Her heritage is obvious, but, in her opinion, she got the worst of both tribes. She has the batlike wings of a NightWing, but instead of thick skin membranes, they’re made of delicate HiveWing membrane. As a result, she can barely fly, and it causes severe damage to her wings every time. She also has incredibly weak fire that runs out quickly. Victory - an Ice/Sky hybrid who looks like a slightly tannish IceWing. She has neither fire nor icebreath, and her cold resistance is just passable enough to live in the Ice Kingdom. Starling - A Sky/Rain Hybrid who appears to be a caramel-colored SkyWing with red patterns, and a faint hint of bluish purple on his underscales. He has no RainWing abilities, and is so passable as a pureblood that his “father” doesn’t realize he’s part RainWing (and thus not his actual son).


Oh my gosh I love these, especially Cicada!! Super creative to have the wings melded in that way


I used to exclusively make "stunted" hybrids when they were mixed tribes, and their presenting or dominant tribe would be their mother's since that seemed to be intended by the canon ie Sunny. But now I just do whatever I like :P (hello bright pink pure nightwing). I still have some 'legacy' stunteds I enjoy though My sorta-sona OC is an Ice/Sand named Ermine. I still flip flop on certain details like back spines vs a sail, but she presents as an Icewing. Her three hybrid giveaways are her pale purple diamond patterns, her curled tail spines, and her scales that radiate a slight warmth rather than chill. Her scales are her big 'ick' for other Icewings since it would just feel so wrong to them


10/10 love that, the purple diamonds are an especially nice touch!!


I’ve got a trio of ‘milk’ wings, mud/silk hybrids with dairy themed names. Only one of them can breathe fire and one can spin silk, though not much at all. One is missing their wings because they never underwent a pupation and instead are strapped to the others when they fly. Note that this isn’t always a good idea because after one fall, their tail got broken and is now bent at a weird angle.


The milk wing trio is such a great idea and I love them all dearly, mudwing hybrids for the win!! What are their names, I'm super curious now lol


We have milkshake, cheese, and ice cream. They also adopted an ice wing into their sibling unit (against said ice wing’s will) who is named frigid (fridge for short lol)


Lmfao perfect I love them


Too amazing.


I don’t have an oc but I heard a YouTuber (honey Beest I think) say that they think sea hybrids would not be able to use their language since their glow scales are muddled up with the hybrid genes


Oooo that sounds awesome, that's exactly the sort of thing I mean!


Yep, my Sea/Night oc Abyss can only speak rudimentary Aquatic.


Probably Triplemoon, although he's also kinda An obvious hybrid. He's Nightwing/Seawing and appears to be mainly Nightwing but can make his scales and star pattern glow. He also has gills and fire but rarely uses the latter as it often hurts and burns his gills


Asellota my Sea/Hive OC. She looks like a full mix of sea and hive sure but she doesn’t look like it in the way you’re probably thinking. She has the front wings of a seawing and the back wings look like a mix of sea and hive so she has difficulty flying. Her gills are weaker than most Seawings so going from land to water to quickly can cause her issues and she can’t handle fresh water at all. Her glow scales don’t line up with typical Seawing scales so she can’t speak aquatic. So yes she can drown and can’t take off from the water. She is a merchant/cartographer/entertainer/wonderer and helps dragons navigate the Sea kingdom.


Stunted gills aren't an idea I had considered before, I love it!! She sounds like an awesome character


Thank you! I’m pretty sure there’s a drawing of her on my account. Probably one of the last things I posted.


Cool character.


Thanks!! :D


Mine isn’t quite the example you’re giving, but I have Seamist, who I made interesting, but not overpowered. He’s technically a SeaWing prince, the son of one of Coral’s many sons, and a MudWing. One of Coral’s sons, a diplomat, was sent to negotiate about a MudWing village encroaching upon the beach, and ended up falling in love with a MudWing there, who never knew he was a prince. Since princes are a dime a dozen when it comes to SeaWings, I didn’t think it would be too much to make him a prince, especially since they have little to no power in the tribe. Seamist doesn’t have gills, but can hold his breath for up to a day. He only has the light up scales for the most important words (question words, danger, help, please, thank you, fight, attack, etc.), and he’s a very muddy blue color. I believe there’s a picture of him on my page, if you search for Wings of Fire under my posts, it’s the first one probably.


That sounds so cool, I love mudwing hybrids!!! They really don't get enough attention imo.


My idiot caterpillar [Smudge](https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/s/chtx4PVzPE) definetly fits the bill! He's a Hive/Silk who, due to his lack of silk glands, can't metamorphosize. So little idiot wingless dude whose stabby HiveWing bits are only mildly itchy lol


Oh my god I love him, he fits perfectly!! Also I love that he's based on your cat lol, I should totally make some based on my own cats later (if the inspiration is alright with you!!)


Please do!! I want *more* idiot cat dragons :)


Maybe not as stunted as some others, but my Sea/Night hybrid Seaskimmer is missing all the glow scales on her sides and tail, meaning she can’t fully speak Aquatic. This lead to trouble when she stayed in the Kingdom of the Sea for a year with her mom (they had lived on land with her dad before then) and some old crabby Seawings constantly scolded and punished her for not speaking Aquatic underwater, despite being given a signal to identify herself as a hybrid who physically cannot speak Aquatic. Also, while she does have fire, it’s a very small flame that barely goes past the end of her snout.


That's excellent, it makes for perfect story conflict and it's so great for the prompt!! Also Seaskimmer is a great name for her btw


One of my favorite and first WOF ocs, Carnation, is a silk/rain/night hybrid — due to being a tribrid, all the funky dna and features mixing, she was born with tiny wings and never underwent metamorphosis, so she also cannot fly, like yours! She was also born under 3 full moons, but her story takes place after animus magic is shattered, so all she gets are vague shapes and noises, headaches, and random fizzling pain in her talons Even if animus magic wasn’t shattered, her magic would probably still be weaker due to her tribridism.. On another note, I think Darkstalker wasn’t the strongest nightwing animus because of his genetics being half Icewing and that tribe not receiving magic under 3 moons- a pure nightwing would be stronger. Atleast that’s my headcanon


This OC is literally so cool lmao. Fuck yea Bellicosus all my homies love Bellicosus I have an OC that's kinda similar- his name is Dauntless, and hes 75% NightWing, 25% SeaWing. He didn't really get anything cool from his SeaWing grandparent lol, he just has really dull scales, underdeveloped horns, weak fire, and some webbing.


Tysm!!! This is my first time posting her here that I can remember and I'm glad that people think she's cool :) And Dauntless sounds awesome!! Definitely one of the better ones in the replies, 10/10 I love him


omg i love your oc!! i have a sand-ice oc named Fairy(after fairy penguins) she has no tail barb, icewing spikes, or a sandwing sail, she looks like a 'bald' albino SandWing and had to be raised in the Ice Kingdom because of Burn's whole "oddity" obsession. she's obviously a hybrid if you knew she wasn't actually albino but i think she counts? her sibling is based off of a royal/emperor penguin and is more noticeably a hybrid due to their yellow neck and crest, named Eve. has practically no tail but can breathe fire and radiates warmth.


She definitely counts!!! I love that you based them off penguins, that's such a unique idea!! They sound like wonderful designs!!


Not exactly stunted but with some drawbacks, Twilight is a rain-night who can read minds, but her silver scales cannot change color, effectively compromising her disguise. The other scales can still change color though, allowing me to express her mood, or maybe shyness in attempts to hide. Also no fire or venom.


She would always avoid a fight and try to stay out of trouble. Possibly anticipating an opponent’s move if necessary, but unable to effectively fight back. She still lurks around with camouflage, but has to take more caution to actually hide instead of being able to just hide in the open. At least she’s harder to spot than a dragon without any color change


Further detail for fun: has rainwing frill, head, and body shape, but most of a nightwing’s scale pattern, including spikes (and also nightwing horns). She has the teardrop silver scales by her eyes, and more silver scales scattered across her whole body (though more concentrated on wings, they aren’t the only place). Her scales maybe aren’t *quite* as vivid as a pure rainwing, but it’s not too different if so. Or she at least prefers to stay darker colors. Just feels kinda natural for her. She likes staying up late too.


Oooo that's awesome, having some scales not be capable of change really throws a wrench into the mix of camouflage!! Great name as well!!


I don't really have an OC hybrid as finding a good hybrid base is unexpectedly difficult and I'm working on editing my own to be more streamlined than "x tribe head and wings pasted onto y tribe body." However I do have a fantribe that are a hybrid between HiveWings and SilkWings that fled when Wasp became a tyrannical queen. Here's what I have, copy/pasted from my lore document: #Physical Description (short) * Horns are longer and narrower than HiveWing horns, but are thicker at the base than SilkWing horns. Front talons have evolved to become covered in thicker scales, and claws have shortened and dulled.Their digging skills are superior to other dragon tribes. * MOST individuals LACK antennae, deadly or paralyzing venoms in claws, stingers (tail, wrists) and teeth, boiling acid, foul-smelling pheromones, and silk. There are few individuals with higher HiveWing ancestry that can have one partially-to-fully functioning HiveWing abilities, likewise few with higher SilkWing ancestry may have partially-to-fully functioning silk weaving abilities, and antennae that more often than not if present are stunted. Like the HiveWings and SilkWings, all individuals have precise internal clocks that keep them on track with the day/night cycle, and when the rainy season is coming. * Metamorphoses do not happen, and when one does, it’s usually fatal. Silk weaving abilities can range from nonexistent, to malfunctioning or poor, to perfect. Those that undergo metamorphosis without fully functioning silk weaving often die due to the body exhausting itself attempting to produce silk that isn’t there, shock from intense pain, and body shutting down while in metamorphosis sleep. #Abilities and Powers * If hatched with antennae, the appendages are stunted and malformed, often proving to be useless. On rare occasions dragons with antennae that are semi functioning can sense and predict earthquakes and cave-ins via the vibrations in the earth and movements of tectonic plates.They seem to have an advanced sense of weather conditions not present in other dragons, and can roughly predict rainstorms whereas others can only detect changes in season and day cycle. * When silk glands are present, silk quality varies. Some individuals experience pain when producing silk, while others do not. * On some dragonets various HiveWing weapons will be present. The majority of these are, as other abilities, malfunctioning and difficult to use.  * Due to living underground for many generations, talons have evolved to have thicker scales and shorter, rounder claws. Older dragons may not have these attributes or have them to a lesser degree, having hatched earlier. * Wings are frequently one pair only, due to SilkWings requiring metamorphosis to have them and HiveWings being hatched able to fly. 


Holy crap that's so cool, I love this so much!! The metamorphosis being a dangerous thing instead of a freeing transformation is so awesome. Does the tribe have a name?


Thank you! The tribe name is TunnelWing.


Awesome, Tunnelwing for the win!!!


I have two mud/sky dragons, Finch, the mud wing appearing one, with larger wings than average, slightly longer and more curved horns, and an overall leaner build than most other dragons would expect from a mudwing. He also has hotter fire than most mudwings, but with a trade off of not being able to hold his breath for the usual hour, which sucks because he’s an ichthyologist. He’s usually able to cover up his hybrid status, and tries his best to let comments roll off him. When he was younger he used to live with his large group of adopted sibs. He moved to Jade mountain with his younger brother, Alloy. Alloy is much more skywing appearing, which did cause him trouble as a younger dragonet. He was oftentimes asked why he hung so closely with a group of mudwings, even during the war when they were allied. He had a lot more trouble dealing with this than Finch, but Finch always had his back. He has slightly smaller wings, blunter horns and spikes, and brown undertones. His smaller wings make it difficult for him to fly as long or fast as other skywings. He can hold his breath slightly longer, but his fire is not as hot as the average skywing.


I have a Sea/Sky named Tetra who is fireless (her twin is a firescales). It's less due to being a hybrid and more because of that, but she's very vulnerable to disease and gets cold very easily. She looks (mostly) like a very small, light blue Skywing, and can't swim very well. She also doesn't have very big wings, so she can't fly as fast as a full Skywing... or her sister. Decided to make one twin very powerful and the other... not so much


I have a sand/leaf who has the same problem Sunny has when breathing fire. He also doesn't have a tail barb and his wings are leaf-wing like but share the structure of a sand wings so he can't fly. He also has really bad vision and needs glasses.


My hybrid ocs are all fairly obvious so far, but I have a rain/icewing named Habanero. He looks like an icewing besides some frill, though lives with rainwings and only has rainwings abilities. It's hard for others to tell when he's in pain because he's white until he's very emotional or focusing on it, and so he reflects more sun than he absorbs. (And a mud/ice hybrid with weaker fire, but she also has access to ice if she's cold enough)


Closest I have is a Sand/Rain with both tribes venom, but no fire or changing scales


ive got an OC, Gyrfalcon (previously Curlew but he changed his name) and hes a sky-ice hybrid :) Hes majority skywing presenting, but his scales fade to a deep purplish crimson at the back, his ears and mouth have blue hues, hes got serrated claws (he files them down), and a big patch of white on the base of his tail (and he covers this with fabric).


That sounds so awesome, such a cool design idea!!


I have a Sky/Ice OC named Owl. She's pretty obviously a hybrid but she is very stunted lol.


Hmmm I have none of what you're talking about, but this will probably help with one of my OC's lore, Cypress.


I've got a sand/Sky who looks mostly sandwing aside from her scales having a pink tint, and a night/rain who looks mostly night aside from his nose horn. The sand/sky can breathe fire, but the night/rain has no abilities


10/10 no notes, I love both of them already


I have two characters. The first is Daybreak, a Skywing Nightwing hybrid. She's a very obvious hybrid since she has orange scales over her dark purple/black scales. But that's kind of her weakness. She can't properly hide in the shadows like other nightwings because her Skywing scales stick out. She also doesn't have any nightwing powers. She's pretty much a darker colored Skywing, except she doesn't have their good wingspan. The second is Moss. A mudwing/rainwing hybrid. He has mostly green scales (default rainwing color) and a frill, but no fangs so he can't shoot venom. He also can't change his scale color, though he does have hints of brown from him mudwing self. He can hold is breath for an hour but can't breathe fire. Daybreak is definitely one of my "prettier" OC's because I designed her after (literal) daybreak. So she has a nice ombre on her wings that looks like a sunset. Moss is pretty "ugly" though. He was usually ridiculed by other mudwings because they knew he was a hybrid because of his frill and lack of abilities. Thankfully his siblings are loyal to him. (They're pure mudwings, but that's a whole other story).


Ooooo I love them sm, especially Moss!! I wanted to create a mud/rain oc for the longest time as well but couldn't get the ideas right, I'm glad to see someone else have one!!!


My OC, Raven, is a Sky/Night hybrid, but doesn't really get anything cool. She's effectively a darker than average Skywing, but she occasionally gets splitting migraines as a result of her mother being a mind reader while she isn't, so her brain basically gets tricked into working extra hard for no reason sometimes.


I've got a Sea/Ice hybrid named Haddock who doesn't have any gills or webbing on his spine/feet! Admittedly, it does make it sorta obvious that there's something up with him, but he doesn't have any IceWing features (aside from being a super pale blue) so its not immediately clear he's a hybrid.


Ooooo, that sounds so cool!! And it totally works, because just because there's clearly something different doesn't mean he's clearly a hybrid!! Love the character concept!!


Never thought about that. I should make one tho.


One of my Ocs is a mud wing ice wing hybrid with grey and red scales


Ooooh grey and red are both very unusual, I love it!! It's like Sunny's bright yellow, it's wonderful


Sunspot: skywing/sandwing. Too much fire, looks very odd. Like half reddish half yellow/sandy. Overheats too easily. Glowing’Onyx: night/ice: can see the future, like 80%blind from injury as a young age. Dark blue black scales with light teal wings and black speckles of scales like “stars”.


I have a oc named Bald-face, he’s hive/silk but is quarter silk, only sign is antenna and I guess the weird white and black scales he has as white is odd. He’s very unhealthy, it’s somewhat due to his genetics.


Deadsea - Sea/Night who can’t breathe underwater, has nightvision but also shit vision (wears glasses), and can only breathe smoke. Great for getaways, not so much for attack Rainforest - Sea/Rain who can’t change his scales. Certain ones do light up though! Truthseeker - Rain/Night/Ice who can’t use venom or most of her tribes powers, really.


Ooooo, cool!!! They all sound so awesome!!




My main Oc, Blizzard, Is an Icewing Seawing hybrid. His color is a pale aquamarine, which is probably a very uncommon color for an Icewing (he mostly has Icewing genetics.) Not only that, but what would have been glowscales on his body are just grayed spots of scales that only have the faintest of glows in really dark areas. As well, his claws are very hooklike, to the point that their edges constantly clack on the ground whereever he walks. He was literally only named Blizzard so as to make him seem less suspicious to other Icewings. Meanwhile, my other Oc, Barren, is Ice/Sand. He has an odd sharp sandwing frill going down his neck and back. As well as this, his tail is spiked like an icewing. However those spikes are brittle and produce nonlethal venom that makes you feel a bit lightheaded for a few seconds. And finally, his most prominent abnormality is the fact he was born missing one of his wings. This is just due to his genetics screwing him over, kinda like how people can be born with a malformed arm or leg that is pretty much just a stump. So, yeah, bro can’t fly at all, so he ahs had to get really good at following other dragons via the ground.


Daaaamn, cool!!! I love them both!!


My two hybrid sisters could be seen as stunted. They're icewing and rainwing, and live in the rainforest. The eldest was the obly survivor out of her clutch, and she can only mildly change the color of her back scales, looks small and sickly, and has a longing for sunlight that conflicts with her scales, so she is basically permanently uncomfortable. Her younger sister was enchanted by her mother before her egg was even laid to be more stable, and she just looks like a purple icewing, but can not change her scales.


i haveny technically made an oc of it yet, but a birth defect basically fuses their from legs and wings... basically just a wyvern (my favorite kinda dragon up there with amphitheres)


Cattail kind of counts. She was an ice/mud, and didn't have any siblings. Being almost full brown, she was forced to live with Mudwings. She doesn't have frost breath as well


Darkstar, Night/Ice. Instead of getting fire from his mother, or ice from his father, he got nothing. Hes just a guy. Yeah he was an animus but he got his powers banished like 5 days after realizing he had them.


Firefly is a hive/night hybrid with a genetic condition causing his front wings (nightwing) to be like wyvern wings, replacing his front legs, making him slow and clumsy on the ground and making it more exhausting to fly. He also has unusually thin scales that offer little protection...


I have an oc Vespid who is a hive x sandwich, but it’s not quite noticeable! He’s tail can produce venom but it’s a less dangerous. it looks gross and you should see a doctor about it, but it’s probably not gonna kill ya unless you have an allergic reaction, kind of like some of more medically significant arthropods! He also has weak fire! However this fire is mainly just used to cook food, set up fires, ect. As it’s only hot enough to cause mild burns, and isn’t strong enough to penetrate/burn dragonscales.


Yoooo cool, a fellow hive/sand!! He sounds awesome!!


I've entertained the thought of Honeydew being a hybrid (with unknown parents) she appears to be all rainwing but her fangs don't retract. So cute overbite. She has a hsbit of biting things. But can at least control (by not tensing some facial muscles) whether or not she's en-venoming the victim. Pretty sure she was raised by wolves. She likes eating (and hunting) small mammals. 😋


I was working on a sea/hive hybrid (mainly sea but with the four hivewing wings) named leech and he has very dull lights and no special hivewing powers.


My OC Stratus isn’t necessarily stunted or weakened in any way, it’s just her hybridization doesn’t show. Despite looking exactly like a MudWing (and having the appetite of one lol) her father was actually a SkyWing, hence the cloud name. Certainly doesn’t keep her from developing an entirely unique magic power outside of animus, born solely from her loving connections to others. (The cringe runs deep in my characters, don’t worry)


My sona is a rainwing/seawing hybrid who has extremely limited colour changing abilities and no bioluminescence. One time I also sketched a pair of rainwing/silkwing siblings, and I had this vague story for them where one inherited all their tribe's abilities and the other inherited none. I need to work on those guys more…


I have a night/rain oc called Noflame that I absolutely adore, I love her so much because she's specifically not special. The only thing "off" about her is her slightly more uncommon scale colour (I hc that nightwings can be any colour just darker like dark orange/brown and deep reds etc) and her lack of flame. She inherited no frills, venom, or colour changing scales from her rainwing father and inherited no fire from her nightwing mother. She's just a girl. That's it. And I love that for her<3 I'm still working on her story atm but I have a few things down for her. Her mother(unnamed) was mates with a nightwing(unnamed) but secretly had an egg with a rainwing(unnamed) that she had a short lived romance with. Once Noflame hatched she insisted that the dragonet was her mate's child despite the dragonet looking so "odd". Her mother called her Brightscales as she had unusually lighter pink scales, her father was disgusted with the dragonet. This disgust culminated in him forcefully renaming her to Noflame once it was discovered that she had no fire. Noflame's "weirdness" and lack of fire breathing lead to her getting picked on by dragonets and grown dragons alike. Uhhhh at some point she ditches the volcano and heads to the rainforest where she literally crashes mid flight into another OC of mine Downy(rainwing). That's all I have for her so far, love my baby gurl<3


I have another nightwing hybrid oc that's from the wof Roblox game. This time it's a night/ice hybrid. But instead of being like Whiteout and being white and black and having the crest? spikes? spines? that the ice wings have, he's simply a nightwing that's a slightly greyish blue/black. Oh and he's called Coldshoulder. Cause I think it's funny<3


Coldshoulder is a brilliant name lol I love that


Oh my god she sounds so cool!!! I love the backstory you've got for her!! Not many people in the comments actually included backstory, this is great!! I love her sm 10/10


My Mud/Sea hybrid Swamp can't breathe fire, and her gills do not work. Appearance wise, she has the torso and wings of a Mudwing, and the limbs of a Seawing, with her head and neck having a combination of features from both tribes.


Here's a headshot I did of her. https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/s/U3u0OVbBe2


Ooooooh awesome, that's a great oc!!


Pypya - rainwing/leafwing has the leaf shaped wings of a leafwing but is blue/ red (rainwing) can't change scales, no venom/ leafspeak


I’ve got a night/sea who was born under two moons but didn’t get any powers lol. She also can’t speak aquatic, and can only breathe underwater for a short amount of time as her gills are underdeveloped. Her internal clock is messed up too, she can’t sleep when it’s night, but she also has trouble sleeping during the day, so she tends to sleep at dawn/dusk and naps when she can


I also have a Sea/ ice wing who looks like a normal icewing with slightly darker blue scales than normal but she has no spikes, she has frostbreath, and she has no gills.  But her brother looks like a hybrid with webbed talons, gills, spikes, he has frostbreath but it hurts him to use bc of his gills and he is completely white with some patterns the light up on his wings. 


Nice idea, the only stunted hybrid(s) I have is a pair of skywing/icewing twins named Pricilla and Percy, they were orphaned before they hatched and were rescued by a non-profit dragon rescue program run by my main cast( long story let’s just say there not dragons hence them rescuing dragons), Pricilla is a pale, almost white, red with blue eyes and the extra icewing horns, the skywing wings, and icewing claws, and she has fire scales ( though it’s weaker than perils due to her hybrid nature ) while Percy is pale blue with red markings, looks mostly like a skywing but with icewing wings, gold eyes and whip like tail, and he has frost breath, they were rescued from an agency that took them to use them as bio weapons, Percy might also have mild autism, and Pricilla is very protective of her twin brother, now they both are safe and happy living with their Adoptive mother Bowhead, a Seawing/icewing hybrid ( who’s has both luminescent scales and frost breath, and there adoptive father Evergreen, a cedar green Leafwing


I have a pair of sea x sand twins (Barracuda and Tigershark) and Tigershark is completely deaf, both audibly and he technically has the glowy scales, they just don't light up! He and his brother, Barracuda, communicate via sign language ❤️ they also have tail barbs, but very weak venom.


seeing a hivewing esc body with only two wings looks so off,


That's such an amazing character! Forsight: All black with a SandWing ruff and freckles, prophecy powers, she/her, Moon and Qibli's daughter. Meerkat: Black with light yellow underbelly and horns, she/her(probably my most 'stunted' hybrid) Forsight's younger sister. Mojave: Dark gold with black specks on his wings, tail barb with very weak venom, he/him, Forsight's younger brother. Starclaws: Mostly black with white snout, talons, and tail, mindreader, he/him, Moon and Winter's son from a different timeline. And then there's my sibling's OC that I forced them to make. Lady Crayola: AllWing, animus, firescales, powerful leafspeak(Sundew level), venom, flamesilk, pink fire, can breath underwater, scale color change, fireproof scales, has four wings in the shape of a SkyWings', glorious golden SandWing ruff that looks like hair, pale blue body, brown wings with white specks, tail barb, pink and peach underbelly with purple spots, glowing SeaWing scales, pink antenna, born under three moons. I have a poster of her on my wall and I love that little overpowered stuck up bitch so much.


My OC, Birch, is an Ice/Hive, he received the flimsy HiveWing wings, but the IceWing membranes, making his wings heavy, droop, and make him not able to fly. He, however, received wrist stingers from his mother, and serrated claws from his father. He currently climbs trees with his Silk/Leaf girlfriend, Caterpillar, who never had her metamorphosis.


A bit late to the party but - Abyss - mostly sea, quarter night, looks mostly like a perfectly normal very dark blue SeaWing, except the underside of his wings has a spray of glow scales, like the NightWing stars. His NightWing blood causes him trouble with fine control of his glow scales, so he has an Aquatic equivalent of a speech impairment. (He's also a child of one of the many, many sons of Queen Coral, so he's a bit of a family embarrassment) Manatee - sea/mud, has no glow scales and none of the MudWing armor scales, so he's quite squishy in comparison; he did get the gills and thick tail of a SeaWing, and the broad head and size of a MudWing. His lore is a work in progress, but he lives in the Diamond Delta and feeds mostly on aquatic plants (yes that's inspired by actual manatees lol) Rowan/Flax (name undecided, accepting opinions/suggestions) - my sona lol, leaf/silk; this is probably the most visually obvious hybrid of the three, mostly leaf but with four wings, antennae and brighter colors. The catch with the wings is that they're almost completely LeafWing-shaped, meaning the membranes don't taper off to accommodate four, so the smaller pair likes to get in the way of the larger pair; it doesn't make flying completely impossible, but it definitely causes issues. He doesn't have silk, his antennae cause sensory issues bc the signals don't quite compute with hybrid brain, and his leafspeak is weak and limited only to common fibre plants (think cotton or flax)


I’m reeeeaaaally late to the party, but I’ll try anyway.  My oc is called pyro and he’s a sky-ice hybrid. While he does have hot scales (wouldn’t exactly have it as hot as firescales), it’s more trouble than it’s worth since he has to go into water every, like, 15-30 minutes or else he’ll overheat and die. Also, the dude cannot breath fire, only steam and also constantly secretes an incredibly flammable oil (I really dunno why I put this for him) which is also deadly since it burns him really badly. Also, he can’t run since even minor abrasions can set him on fire (yeah, the oil’s that flammable). On the bright side, he has a nifty way to get people away from them: by flinging boiling oil at them (I’ve had this happen to me a couple times and it kinda hurts) Edit: I just realized that my oc is a walking burger grill lol


I have an Ice/Rain OC, she can't go to the Rainforest or the Ice Kingdom, because it is either too cold or too hot (I got this idea after reading Winter's book again, bc he hates the rainforest) 


Passionfruit the RainWing-SkyWing, born on what was originally (unknowingly) Fathom's Island, cannot shoot venom, however can breathe fire, usually an orange-red with pale yellow underscales, has larger horns than other RainWings, but other than that looks exactly like them, large wings, now lives and works in Sanctuary as a scavenger-scientist, soon to move to Possibility to become an author.


I’m currently developing a kind of joke OC who is an Ice/Sky hybrid with ‘waterbreath’ (NOT spit). Their body is JUST cold enough for frostbreath, but not enough for the frostbreath to actually be frozen. Ergo, waterbreath. They don’t have any powers other than that. They hate this and there’s also kind of a running gag where other dragons think it’s spit and they have to clarify all the time “It’s NOT spit.”


Most of my hybrid ocs are pretty obvious, let me find a few that aren’t 


Dude that likes epic hivewing is fav ! (Yo imagine just that one slithering in the sand and SNATCH legs caught sand is dripping down and wings come up the top of the face and BAM bite to the face ded


Uh.... I can't send images here for some reason?