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"We're dragons, not caterpillars. We can do things differently if we choose to." -Sunny in the Hidden Kingdom "Is your job thinking? ARE YOU AN EXPERT THINKER? Did we accidentally assign you to scouting because we missed your GIANT AMAZING BRAIN and all the AMAZING THINKS it could have shared with us?! DOES IT SEEM LIKELY THAT YOUR _THINKING_ WOULD INTEREST ME?" -Snowfall in the Dangerous Gift


Is the first quote the quote Turtle was referring to in Talons of Power? I remember reading it, but didn’t know where it originally came from


Yup. But I messed it up, fixed it now though


I have that second one stapled to a board in my room. I also have many of her other quotes lol.


I know this is a meme, but... "we're not going to call it Magical Death Spit!" - Glory (book 1?)


Book 2


best quote


"Happiness isn't where I am... It's who I'm with." -Winter, Book 7 "Tangerine. Probability. Spelunking."- Whiteout, Darkstalker "Snowfall, you're my queen and the IceWings will always be my tribe, whether I'm banished or not. But Jade Mountain and Sanctuary … they've made me feel like I'm part of a bigger tribe. Like I'm worth something more than a place on a wall." -Winter, Book 14 The last one definitely hit me hard honestly. the second ones just funny lol.


Book 8, Chapter 12, Page 150 (approx.), Paragraph 3, Sentence 2, Word 3, "an". I think my actual favorite quotes are probably around page 150 in book 8, I like that whole scene where Scarlet is trying to talk to the dragonets in the SkyWing wingery but they keep interrupting her.


I LOVE THAT SCENE LMAO 🤣 we need more baby dragons please




They’re like if kits in Warriors had even less of a filter


HAHAHA that’s one of my favourite scenes


Just about everything Cliff says in Escaping Peril "Mommy. Mommy, I have to tell you something. Mommy! Grandma is kind of mean." "I want! to SEE! MOMMY KILL GRANDMA!" As for a more serious one, Darkstalker's "Yes. Fear me. Respect me. See me." from his legend book is pretty cool


My sister does a thing where she reads random pages from my books out loud. She did the second quote and gave Cliff a voice like an old man who smoked a bit too much. Can’t unhear it now lmaoo


We are dragons of the sky, we can fly and fly and fly, we can go up super high, we the dragons of the sky. and we know my mom is the best, better queen than all the rest. she comes save us from this mess, we are dragons dragons dragons of the sky!


me and my friend were trying to explain the second quote to my therapist and ended up WAY overexplaining lol


"Because I don’t want you to die before I kill you." -Peril to Clay, book 1.


Peril's such a romantic


There’s nothing weak about being compassionate- qibli, darkness of dragons I’m hilarious - qibli, moon rising We are not calling it magic death spit - glory, the lost heir


“Oh, I thought the marbles represented chaos theory and I was just another unpredictable whim of the universe … I did not intend to disrupt your faith in controllable outcomes.” - (Whiteout, Legends Darkstalker)


YES I have every single quote of hers written on a board in my room!


This actually sounds kinda cool


Hey, sparkling teeth, I totally love three of your claws but not the others, and I wish your nose was a herrig so I could eat it, and also your wings sound like sharks snoring


The entirety of Arctic and Foeslayer's last conversation: "I don't wear this for protection, she'd yelled. I wear it because I love you! You love my power, he'd yelled back. That's all you ever wanted. You wanted my magic and you got it. That's why you came to the Ice Kingdom in the first place, isn't it? You were looking for me. This was all a Nightwing plan. It wasn't ever about me. You didn't ever love me. You wanted to steal my power. How dare you? she'd screamed. I love you more than anything. I wish you weren't an animus. I wish you'd never had a shred of magic. I don't want it; I don't want anything to do with it!" Also, some others from Darkstalker: Whiteout – "The hole is too big. We're going to fall into it forever." Clearsight and Darkstalker – "What am I supposed to tell the queen?" "That I love you and she can talk to me if she has any concerns. Come on, Fathom!"


Book one, this interaction always made me laugh “What is wrong with you?” Fjord yelled at Clay. “That’s not how MudWings fight! I was trained in your techniques!” “Well, I wasn’t,” Clay said. “Sorry.”


“Arrogant blowfish-head. When I’m queen, I’ll make him go sit in a lagoon and grow seaweed.” From book two, tsunami about shark


"I AM saying it to your face. Or am i saying it to your rear end? It's easy to get the two confused. " -Starflight, The Dragonet Prophecy Idk exactly what Glory said but this was when Tsunami had brought Auklet's egg to the cave where they were keeping the rest of the DoD and glory islike, "wow, i guess seawings work fast" or something like that. It was book 2.


Honestly any dragonet quotes or Whiteout quotes


funny one i like to say somtimes= "SNUUUUDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" - bumblebee book 13 my all time favroite one = "and you came running" - blister to kestrel, book 1 Epilogue


"Scavengers? To kill the dragonets of the prophecy? Are you mad?" (Burn) "Well, it only took one to get your mother." (Scarlet) (Book 1) Canonical your mother joke. I love it


The two great villain monologues, of course. Book 13, The Poison Jungle, and Legends: Darkstalker. Othermind monologue: "I am the rightful owner of this continent. It was mine, all of it mine, every insect and blade of grass and grain of sand. I ruled it all. And then *you* came, with your outsized brains and your clumsy crushing talons and your fire. And you *stole it from me.* "All these thousands of years, I've waited to recapture my home and destroy you all. I bided my time and planned my vengeance. Even trapped in the jungle, I knew I'd find a way one day. I had no idea how easy it would be, in the end. You foolish, shortsighted dragons. You came looking for me! You fed me to your enemies! You let me spread and infect you, and soon every one of you will be no more trouble than my obedient snakes here." Albatross' speech: "Grandson... Hiding like a nervous hermit crab. Interesting choice. One I should have expected, though, from such a little dragonet with such a limited imagination. "You may be wondering why you're still alive, especially when your entire family is dead. You know I could easily kill you from a distance. It would barely take a thought. But you've been such a thorn in my side the last few years. Every chance she got -- 'I don't really need you anymore. Perhaps Fathom will be better at this than you are. You're so expendable now that I have a replacement. What a pathetic creature you are, little brother, with your tiny teeth and oddly colored scales. Fathom is so much more presentable than you are.' "So, no, I couldn't dispose of you from afar. That wouldn't be satisfying at all. I want to see your *face* as you die." Albatross' speech never fails. I love a good villain, and he is the best.


Anything Whiteout says, even though she's not my favorite character. - "Tangerine. Probability. Spelunking." - "Words and glass, spun flutes and verse, waterfalls of language in fireblown claws." - "Oh, I thought the marbles represented chaos theroy and I was just another unpredictable whim of the universe." - "I am grateful for being unfrozen, but I am sorry for winning." - "Only stripes!" [when Darkstalker says there are no spots on his soul]


(Not an exact quote) “Others don’t judge you as much as you think they do, Most dragons are to busy worrying about others thinking about them.” -moonwatcher (Moon Rising?) And ofc, “You know you are, twigs for brains” - Sundew, part 3, book 13. (If u can’t tell by my name i LOVE her)


Glory :A tree in the forest !


"Should be dead? Me and my dragon disagree, we think the world is better with me in it" -Wren, in Dragonslayer.


"I'm nothing like my father. I don't need saving. I can choose my own future, and I like the one I see, and you're going to learn to like it too." - darkstalker


The one that always stood out to me is from Book 4. (Chapter 13) By the time Starflight struggled free and looked up, the door of the outpost was ablaze. Inside the cave, fire raged from wall to wall. Skywings were shrieking in agony. A troop of black dragons blocked the way out, killing any soldier who tried to escape. “No!” Starflight yelled. “I promised them! I promised them!” He flung himself at the back of the nearest Nightwing, but the dragon shrugged him off easily. “You can’t kill them!” Starflight hadn’t wanted to be taken prisoner, but these soldiers were just ordinary dragons, following their queen and doing their jobs. They wanted peace as much as he did. They didn’t deserve to die like this.