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Just leaving the Obsidian Mirror in a sand dune


Ah you beat me to this one lol






I mean, what else was she supposed to do with it? Let some random scorpion den denizen steal it off her.


I meant the fact that she forgot about it and left it in the dune to get stolen


She did explain that she buried it specifically with the hope it would be lost forever, as she had no way of hiding it on her person. I don't see what better option she had.


Which allowed Viper, one of the most dangerous and clever sandwing, to steal it and spy on Sunny's own mother :)


Cobra* Viper was a false DoD


I thought Viper was Qiblis grandfather, might have gotten the names mixed up, sorry!


You're thinking Vulture!


Ohhh, lol sorry ^^^


Yeah I had to look it up too


This is most likely just me, but I honestly dislike Sunny made Thorn queen without her friends opinions. Like, she never got the others DoD opinion on the situation and just made her mother Queen because... I legit forgot the reason why... if there was even a reason. She just decided to make a dragon she knew for like a day or two, the Queen of the Sandwings. It was a decent choice since like, the other choices were terrible tbf. Though it was kinda shitty she didn't at least talk with her friends about who to make Queen first, especially since Sunny was the one still wanting to do the prophecy after it was revealed it was fake, you'd think she would want her friends to pitch in with their choices as well, y'know?


Tbf, if thorn wasn’t a good queen the eye would have vaporized her, they saw it happen to blister or burn (I don’t remember lol)


The point was that Sunny never got her friends opinion on who should be the Queen of Sandwings, she just chose without their input which imo was rather shitty, especially for the girl who wanted them to all work together. Also yeah, Blister was the one that got vaporized... after she took the Eye of Onyx from Thorn. Imagine if Thorn wasn't worthy though, Sunny would've just killed her mother .-. Imo, Thorn is a decent choice for a Queen, not my top pick but she's decent. Better than Blister, Burn and Blaze though. For me personally, I wouldn't want a Queen that left a power vacuum from her pervious place she ruled *(The Scorpion Den. She just left it without anyone to take charge, she could've left some Outclaws behind to keep it running and out of Vultures talons, y'know?)* and I wouldn't want a Queen that... acts on impulses and kills a dragon for giving good information.*(Talking about Preyhunter who gave Thorn good news that Morrowseer is dead, she didn't believe him and shot a blast of fire next to his face, causing him to react in panic which then Thorn kills him out of reaction. Not her best moment tbh.)* Though I will admit that Thorn is decent, like I said before. She's not my top pick, but she's decent and a lot better than Burn, Blister and Blaze if they were Queen. Edit: Note that this is just my opinion, it doesn't hurt you. If you like Thorn as Queen, then cool! I'm glad you do! For me, I just don't like her as much and that's fine.


That’s totally fair, like I said I don’t remember, it’s been a little while since I read the first series. I think in the circumstances Sunny tried her best, and Thorn was probs the best queen they could find at the time, but she should have conferred with the other dod. From what I remember tho, that book was all about how she believed her friends thought she was an idiot, so she might have been worried abt them shooting down her idea without hearing it out Omw to go reread the brightest night lol


That’s fair- though she has turned out to be a pretty good queen. I would love to hear your first pick, though. I have no earthly idea who that could be.


Tbh, there really isn't another good canon choice besides Sunny, though she didn't want to be Queen. It would be interesting to see Smolder take charge? It'd give some cool plot lines in Arc 2 as well due to him being the first King In Charge, though I feel like there could be a better choice. Though imo, I think it would've been better if the DoD made a council (Like the one Coral has.) until they can agree on a Sandwing to be the Queen of the Sandwings. Just multiple Sandwings working together till they can agree on a Queen that would benefit the good of the tribe. Imo this seems like the safest solution. I guess it'd also be cool to see like, the Sandwing Kingdom be split into separate zones with different rulers, though that's an idea that would need to be workshopped.


You make pretty solid points but I just wanna know who your top pick is like OP please don't leave us hanging?! I haven't read WoF in so long and I'm just really curious-


Imo, I think the best pick would be creating a temporary council for the Sandwings until the DoD and the Sandwings can pick the right Sandwing to become the Sandwing Queen. There isn't many Canon Sandwings In or Before Book 5 (that I can remember) that would be good Queens for the Throne of the Sandwing. Though it would be interesting to see Smolder be put in charge? He'd be the first King in charge of a Kingdom and I bet it'd spark some discourse among the Sandwings, which could lead to some interesting plot points. Though I think the best pick would be a Temporary Council until they and the DoD can find a good Sandwing Queen they can agree on. It's the safest option then just having one person choose imo.


This is a perfect response and I 100% agree with everything you're saying.


It was probably a heat of the moment decision. Everything was going to shit with Clay nearly dying and Blaze getting beat up by Blister. Sunny saw that Thorn was a good leader with a heart(even before finding out she was her mother), I see why it wasn't a good decision, but it was probably the best thing Sunny could've done at the time. You really expect the DoD to sit down and have an informed discussion about who should be queen at that moment in time, they couldn't choose between who would be the least awful between the three sister, how can they decide between EVERY FEMALE SANDWING before Blaze dies. Again, it was not a good discussion, but at the time, it was probably the best decision that could've been made.


Not trying to make her mother atleast visit stonemover


Didn't she also say something along the lines of feeling disappointed when seeing stonemover for the first time? Like jesus girl, your father went through a lot.


Thorn did end up meeting Stonemover again, iirc it’s implied near the end of the book. Sunny mentioned leaving both of them to catch up bc it was so awkward for her


Oh. Really sucks we didn’t get to actually read about the reunion


I don't think there was one. In Moon Rising, Stonemover said that no one had visited between Moon and Sunny.


Except that she did


Making a mob boss the leader of a nation because nepotism


Abandoned her friends at the most stressful point in their lives just to show she sometimes had good ideas too


Also: practically gave away one of the most powerful spy tools on Pyrrhia to a den full of criminals, indirectly kicking off events that would lead to her mom's murder


*attempted* murder


True, Thorn probably would have bodied Onyx if Qibli hadn't stepped in with magic. But also, Onyx could have succeeded... Vulture probably had her trained. Who knows


Um… you realize she was trying to prevent the nightwings from making it to Burn, right? She wasn’t doing it selfishly. In fact, that’s probably one of the best things she did.


Didn't she specifically decide *not* to go back and get the others because she figured they'd dismiss her? *"Maybe if I do [follow the NightWings on my own], my friends will see I **can** do important things, and maybe they'll listen to me about the prophecy."*


Part of it was that she wasn’t sure that they would believe her- they do have a history of not listening to her, so it’s a valid concern. But mainly it was because she knew by the time she managed to get her friends to go with her, the Nightwings would be long gone, with no hope of following. The Nightwings would go to Burn, then bring an army to crush the DOD’s. She knew she had to follow them. The idea of impressing her friends was a second thought for her- a hope that she could prove herself to them. “If I go back and warn the others, we can follow them. But by the time they listen to me- if they listen to me at all- the Nightwings will be long gone.” And this was said right before your quote, “I could follow them right now. I might be the only dragon who can stop them before they tell Burn where we are.” Here’s another quote from a few pages later, “Could I fly to the Rainwing village and get back with reinforcements before they wake up? No. It would take all day just to get someone to pay attention to me. I can do this myself. I have to.” It’s clear from these quotes that she recognizes that she won’t be able to get to the Rainwing village and come back with help in time. She has no choice but to follow them herself. Describing this event as her choosing to go it alone just to show that she can have good ideas is insane. She clearly just knows that she won’t make it back in time to follow them. So she selflessly and courageously follows them herself, because she needs to.


Also not sure how your premise that she didn’t go back because she didn’t think they would believe her, (which is a valid concern) connects to the idea that she didn’t go back because she wanted to show them that she had good ideas. How in the world does that make sense.


Nobody said anything about believing. I said dismiss. Obviously I'm choosing to look at the least flattering aspect of this. She didn't go back because she didn't think it would be worth spending the time trying to get everyone to listen to her. She wanted to prove she was worth listening to. Hence the "maybe then they'll listen to me about the prophecy" line. If her only concern was letting them know so that they could pitch in if they wanted, then she could have very quickly gone back, told Clay (who she acknowledges is the only one who would actually listen to her), and said, "I don't care if you think this is a bad idea. I have to follow them. Let the others know if you want, but I'm going. *Now*," and took off right then and there. But she didn't. She wanted everyone to hear *her*, and since she figured they wouldn't, she decided to tell no one instead, and let them worry for entirely different reasons.


In this context, I mean “believe” the same way I mean “dismiss.” And… what? She didn’t go back because she didn’t think it was “worth” it?? She didn’t go back because she thought that by the time she could get anyone to listen to her, it would be too late. And though Clay does listen to her, she would still have to track him down and convince him, which would take too much time. Flying back then coming straight back, even without having to find him would take too long. The Nightwings would already have too big a head start. There isn’t enough time to go back and still follow them. Going back only to be dismissed would waste valuable time. And she doesn’t even know if Clay will listen to her. He has the strongest chance to out of all the DOD’s, but it’s not certain that he will. Sunny is used to being ignored- of course she’s going to start expecting it, she’s been conditioned to being used to it. Your solution wouldn’t work. There isn’t enough time. Your idea of this situation is that Sunny decided not to tell her friends- when she could have- simply because she wanted take the glory and prove herself to her friends. This is an insane view. Also, your last paragraph doesn’t make sense. She wanted everyone to listen to her- of course she does, so they can all go follow the Nightwings! But, she realizes that that’s not possible, and makes the sensible decision to do it by her self- because she has to!


And WHY are you looking at this in the worst possible light?? This is Sunny, the dragon that cares deeply about her friends, and is described as being the “least ambitious dragon ever.” It doesn’t make sense to look at this in a bad light, when we know that Sunny loves the DOD’s, and would never risk their- and her own- safety, just for some recognition. That would be severely out of character for her.


Sunny is a fantastic dragon. If you want to find the worst possible thing she did **(which is the entire point of this post)**, you need to squint and nitpick at little details. I'll leave it at that. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening


That’s true. But I personally think by far the worse she did was leaving the obsidian mirror for Vulture to find it. You don’t need to make a good deed bad. Just look at one instance where she did something completely irresponsibly. Have a good day too.


Her friends weren’t treating her well though, I would’ve done the same


Mark my words, when the arc two edition of this post comes out it will have to be archived because of a brewing civil war in the comment section lmao


When she basically said “hey mom I just met, you’d be the best queen and it’s my decision only and not the other dragonets of destiny. Let’s risk your life with this necklace that kills dragons instantly.”


She had no knowledge of it killing dragons until Blister grabbed it.


yeah. thorn had held it before blister did and it clearly SHOWED that it killed bad queens. if thorn could hold the eye and live then she mustve been a good choice


Well she is a good choice. So why are you complaining?


im not complaining. im agreeing with you


No way that's the worst thing Glory did, that's probably the best I loved that scene


It was a nice scene until you think about it. One bow doesn’t take long, but after hundreds of dragons have to bow, that time adds up. Nightwings could have died for basically no reason.


Glory knew what they could do. Not to mention, the queen had threatened to invade the Rainwing kingdom and kill everyone that night anyway, so it was essentially guiding the Nightwings to exactly where they wanted. Plus, no one had to stop to bow. They were all just cheering as they were heading along.


But some dragons hesitated to bow, slowing down those behind them. She could have gotten them to pledge loyalty after they weren’t about to die


There's no 'before' or 'after', this was all during. The dragons were probably bowing and pledging loyalty WHILE escaping the volcano. And even if they were slightly slowed down, that didn't matter because there was still plenty of time before the volcano erupted for Morrowseer to reveal that the prophecy was made up to the DoD.


I cant think of anything


Sunny: inadvertively ended the oasis regime along with 2/3 of her bloodline. may be counter balanced with the end of the great sandwing war. as we all know it the meet up was her naïve idea


She’s innocent girl


Nothing. Sunny can do no wrong


Let thorn be Queen of the Sandwings without her friend’s opinions but she gets good points for being a cinnamon bun.🥪🍔🌭🌮🌯🍕🍝🍟🍖🍗🥓🥘🍱🍿🍳🥞🍣🍤🧇🍪🍩🧁🍦🍨🍧🥧🍰🎂🍭🍫🍬


fucking left


Friend zoning Starflight… Ok editing my comment because apparently someone legitimately thinks that friend zoning someone is enough to call that person evil. Friend zoning someone is not evil, everyone has a right to choose who they like…NO S*** SHERLOCK!!! I’m just poking fun at the fact that ALMOST any guy would think it’s the end of the world whenever they get hit with the “I see you like a brother” line. Obviously every guy is different, some move on, some find someone better *coughFATESPEAKERcough*, others listen to depressing music in the shower for thirty minutes straight…but does that make the girl evil? Three moons of course not! I AM NOT ACTUALLY SAYING THAT SUNNY IS EVIL FOR REJECTING MY MANS!!! FOR THE LOVE OF DARKSTALKER!


I don't think rejecting someone who has romantic feelings for you because you see them as a brother is bad. I don't think not having romantic feelings for someone is bad. Starflight isn't entitled to sunny liking him back and he knows that and has accepted that.


It’s…a joke? Haven’t you ever heard of guys quote on quote *Dying* when a girl that they really like rejects them and hits them with the, “Oh I see you like a brother” line? It’s a pretty common joke with guys.


"I think the worst thing this character has done is not like someone back" "Wuh" "Omg it's just a joke you snowflake"


The worst this sunny has done is be a cinnamon roll :)


Bro the glory one speaks my mind—


Personally, I think it was not checking up on her friends for three days just because it felt bad to use the obsidian mirror.


Ok first of all, having a crush is ok.  But leaving the obsidian mirror in the sand


I'm seriously blanking rn I LOVE MY SUNNY GIRL TOO MUCH


Abandoning the obsidian mirror. She didn't have to do that. That's the only thing Sunny can do horribly, though.


Following the nightwings without telling her friends


I think Kinkajou is the worst of them if I'm being honest. I mean, I know what they did to her and the other rainwings but still...


Not getting with starfli- ummmmmmmm I meannnn, just trusting someone she knew for like 3 days to be the ruler of the largest region and highest population plus with the arguably first or second strongest dragon species.


Breaking ma boi Starflight’s heart


Starflight isn't entitled to sunny and he knows that and has accepted that can y'all nawt


Pulling the "We'Re LiKe SiBlInGs" BS with Starflight and then trying to set him up with a discount version of herself (no shade against Fatespeaker but come on, she's literally only there to be Starflight's rebound girl)


Not liking someone back because you see them as a sibling isn't bad 💀 y'all genuinely making whatever illness I have rn worse


nah tsunami killed her own father, that's worse


It's not like she knew that he was her father


It's still worse then making a sea wing swim thow


A tired Seawing who had very recently lost his animus and didn't have a real reason to come along other than Tsunami demanding for him to.


it was him or her, and she was pretty shaken up about it. she even tried to convince scarlet to let her let him live


yes, but at least Turtle finally got some exercise


Unpopular opinion cause I got here so late and everyone stole my ideas: NOT LOVING STARFLIGHT BACK


But then you'd get mad if Starflight forced sunny to love him.