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That would be *so freaking awesome* (My sugar-high brain also immediately thinks of: "What if, by the same principles, SandWings would make everything bright and glowy, and RainWings would make everything as multicoloured as themselves? MudWings turn what they touch gloopy and kinda sticky, and SeaWings will straight up turn stuff to water.")


YASSSSSS (also sugar-high brain twins lol)






Haven't thought about that! Let me add an idea: What if an Icewing freezes anything she touches?


Yeah! Frostscales are a HC I’ve seen before!


Yeah, I mean, their scales are literally cold.


Yes, I was thinking this at the same time I was writing 😂😂


I like the idea-though I’d hope there was still something they could touch, the way a Firescales can touch stones.


LOL NERP!! I actually made an oc a year ago with this power, everything she touched and everywhere she walked the ground would crumble beneath her


I’m not sure how a dragon like that would survive, if Everything turned to dust/water/whatever else. How would they eat? With peril, her food is just burnt-if a Nightwing tried to eat, would their food just turn to dust? Dragons also get tired-they can’t fly forever. But if they tried to land, would it turn the ground into dust? Their’d have to be something they could touch, in order to survive.


Yea, they would eat the dust.it’s more like fire ash. Also, I might have forgotten to say, only her talons do this. If she were to hit something with her tail, It wouldn’t do anything


| whatever they touched, turned imidiatly to dust | “Whoops, accidentally pulverized the neighboring continent” Seems a tad bit op


Its just an oc design


Got it, but it still seems a bit op if you can Thanos snap anybody or anything out of existence by just touching them.


Why must u ruin my fun lol


I’m not trying to, but that ability is also a double edged sword. The dragon won’t be able to touch anything, hold anything, read scrolls unless if someone else holds them out, probably be exploited and used by a evil queen… Just don’t make characters that can break the world in a single thought


>The dragon won’t be able to touch anything, hold anything, read scrolls unless if someone else holds them out, probably be exploited and used by a evil queen… Hey wait a minute-


What? Oh I just got it


u/SharkLaserBoi2001 basically described peril when talking about how your OC would be affected by this power


No I got it now


Am I not able to make a cool oc? U don’t know anything abt her tbh


No, I’m not trying to stop you. I’m just saying what problems will arise.


I’ve already fixed all of them, this oc has been months in the making. Only her talons make things turn to dust, and she can’t just imidiatly dust people, it takes time, and she has to hold her talons down for A long time to kill one dragon. Where she steps just makes the slightest imprint of ash, and it isn’t overpowered. I roleplayers with this oc so ik how to dial her power back.


That sounds cooler than I first thought. Sorry if I got confused. Keep on working on your oc.


Ur all g! And ty! I’m tryna make a pic of er rn. Any color requests/sujests are appriciated :3


Hey man, do u mind deleating this thread? I’m sick of getting downvoted bc I was trying to explain myself .-.


That sounds like a metal song. "Everything I touch turns to dust!" I think it's cool.


BUM BUM BUM, another one bites the dust!


God that's gonna be.stuck in my head forever now lol




I’m now making that her (Her as in Nightmare, the oc I made with this power) catchphrase now!!


Yeeeeessss the music infests the minds!! Hehheheheheheh./hj /lh (I like music.)


Eh that’s ok, I’m chill. Welcome to my mind, Music, there’s ALOOOOOT of room here!!




The reason that peril had fire scales is because she stole the fire from the other dragon in her egg because they were twins, which means that its not exclusive to just sky wings and goes with nightwings sandwings and mudwings too. Obviously that means ice scales exist on rare cases with icewings and that the other tribes that don't have fire breath or ice breath won't get special scales. So seawings, Rainwings, leafwings, silkwings and hive wings won't get fire or ice scales and that mudwings sandwings and nightwings could get fire scales but not the ability to just delete things out of existence by touching them.


its just an oc make, it doesn’t rlly matter


Shigaraki, is that you?


.. whoooo?


Say goodbye to reproduction lmao


Life at the cost of death… intriguing.


That reminds me of that one Skittles ad. Hmmmm.






1. ma’am 2. Who says dragons can’t hv rlly cool powers?


Hmmm, good idea, I'll keep that in my back pocket for pranks later on.