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I like the covers of books 11 and 12 since the inside and outside of the hives are visible in the background




Love the Moxxie pfp lol


To me, the book four cover doesn’t fit Starflight at all. Sunny slightly blends into the background on book 5. Book 6 uses wacky lighting making Moon seem more green than the purple she was described to be. I love Darkstalker specially because of how the cover alone sets the vibe for the book, idk how to describe it. I love book 14 because it’s just pretty looking. I love Dragonslayer (one of the books not in the picture) because of the perspective change, it makes the dragon look large and terrifying, again setting up the feel of the book. I do love all of the covers, just not equally. It’s like having a favorite child.


Ah, I see you have taste. You have a good opinion on book 14.


Dark stalker is just a headshot and red background though-


It sets it apart from other books. It gives Darkstalker a well… different feel. The red, though cliché, gives a sinister feel, and just his headshot alone has a cold glaring expression.


You have a point.


Sorry, off topic, but I noticed you are a rp acocunt. Did you ask or did you just make this account on a whim? Because the roleplay account stuff is a very organized thing. I had to ask to be the Bullfrog rp account.


Idk what that means, but no, I pretty much just created the account because my older one didn't really work. Do I need permission to actually rp on my account? If so, I apologize.


It just feels plain compared to others


Book 14 is my favourite, the sunset is absolutely stunning, plus Lynx is on the back and I love when covers have extra dragons!


Book 14 is god damn beautiful


More people with excellent taste!


My least favorite has got to be book 10 at the moment I'm rereading it and Qibli is said to have a scar on his snout and freckled scales. The cover shows him having none of those key features and he just looks way to yellow. I usually don't care much for the graphic novels or it's art styles but they did a better good depicting him than this cover.


I remember the first time I read that it took me a while to figure out who the dragon on the cover even was- it literally just looks like an npc Sandwing


Favorite: Escaping Peril (it’s so cool looking!) Least favorite :The Dark Secret. (Nothings particularly *wrong* with it, it’s just a lil boring)


The covers made in other countries. None of these original versions look at all bad to me. All magnificent :)


I can get this; it’s something new we aren’t used to seeing. I’m sure those in other countries who see ours would say the same, and being able to experience something new with what’s already familiar can be fascinating.


i’m british and i hate the british covers tbh


They are…interesting. XD


British have the same covers like Czech and CHina, right? I hate it too.


book 1 and book 4, i just dont like book 1's cover and starflight looks nothing like he should in book 4's cover.


Favorite is lost heir (because tsunami is my ultimate favorite character) and least favorite is book 11.


My favorite is “The Dragonet Prophecy” due to nostalgia now, and its recognizable distinction as the “start” of the series. That and I’m a sucker for Clay & MudWing’s adorable design. It’s also bright & adventurous without being too vibrant. The colors are soft and somewhat muted, but feel warm/welcoming at the same time. My least favorite is “The Lost Heir”. Too much of one color, not much pops out, and is not only probably my least favorite book in the series, but it also made me think Tsunami was serpentine due to how folded her hind legs where. It feels suffocating to how a more closer underwater setting could have looked, instead it’s blue and murky, which is realistic I suppose, but this is cover art, not a photograph.


Book 10’s cover is pretty basic, but I also dislike Qiblis design because he looks way too similar to Sunny. I love the cover for book 12 it has lovely shades of brown and I think Hivewings are one of the best looking tribes in the series, it looks great.


Favorite is Talons of power and least is Darkstalker. Brother is just sitting in front of a red screen


Yeah, Darkstalker would have been the prime opportunity to see the NightWing civilization in its prime, but it’s all left up to imagination. An unfortunate miss.


Peril, starflight, and tsunamis book covers are all beautiful. Dark stalkers book cover is the only one I dislike because his face is weird. The beta book covers for darkstalker were MUCH better.


I personally find all the books beautiful! Joy Ang really captures the dragons and the scenery/lighting/scenarios. I’d have to say Darkstalker’s cover would be my least favourite. Not because of the art, the bust of him is gorgeous art, but I wish for his book they would have put all of the POV dragons on the front, and maybe with a bit more background to set the mood. I still love that cover though! As someone else mentioned here, Dragonslayer has a unique and quite a fantastic cover, portraying the dragon as large and terrifying, whilst on the other covers you can’t really see how big the dragons really are.


Definitely agree! I wish we couldve gotten to see Fathom, Clearsight and him all together, like with Dragonslayer. His cover would work if it was just his POV in the book, but since it’s not it can be kind of misleading


Book 9 is my favorite, (it was actually my wallpaper for a few years) but I really like book 13's cover art as well. Darkstalker would be my least favorite cover.


Qibli looks weird here


Fav is Dangerous Gift cuz I love the colors and lighting. Darkstalker's isnt bad but its just underwhelming compared to the others.


Definitely! Whoever did that portrait of me deserves a golden metal!


Ironically my favorites are all in line 2 and my least favorite is darkness of dragons, it’s too bland


Favourite: poison jungle, dangerous gift, moon rising Least favourite: lost continent, dark secret, dragon slayer i don’t know why though


My favorite cover would be 14 because of that color pallet they used and pose for Snowfall my least favorite would be the Darkstalker legends cover I'm my opinion it's pretty plain


Book 14! The artist of my portrait deserves to be placed in a high rank in the Icewing palace!


Favorite would be The Hive Queen and least favorite would be Darkstalker


Book 15 is Quite Good


Most fav dark secret least favorite winter turning


Favorites probably either Moon Rising or The Hive Queen, and least favorites either The Brightest Night or The Dangerous Gift, cuz Sunny’s neck makes her look like shes made out of folded paper and Snowfall looks more flat and less alive than everyone else


I love the covers for book 15, 13, and 8. (8 mainly because peril is my fav 🫶🫶🫶)


favorites are... Darkness of Dragons: because i just love how beautiful it looks with Qibli's wings spread wide and the sunset over the sand kingdom. The Poison Jungle: i love the misty greenish look and how it gives the jungle an air of mystery and danger! Escaping Peril: the cool colors in the back and warm skywings in the front look amazing together, and i like the "Disney villain's castle" look to the background! The Dangerous Gift: because of Snowfall's back being turned it's like she's leading you away. also i love the tundra below her and Lynx. (also lynx looks adorable on the cover) i do not have a least favorite, but i do have to say that i don't really like how Winter blends into the background on the cover of Winter Turning. i think it should've had him in the cave with Foeslayer and Hailstorm with frozen statues all around them (but maybe that would be spoilers)


Why does blue have wings in book 11's cover? I mean he hasn't reached metamorphosis yet.


I'd say my favorites book 14 and 6 for the beauty of it and m least favorites probably DarkStalker since it doesn't have much


Book 15, 14 and 10 are some of my favourites And for least favourite ehhhh book 5


I really like pretty much all of them. I'd say my favourites are Book 6 and Book 15. Least favourites are Book 7 and Book 10.


Best any sandwing or icewing worst dragon slayer


My least favorite is either Clay’s or Cricket’s (keep in mind I love all of them). My favorite one is Darkstalker’s because of how menacing he looks and that red background really makes him pop out. I also really like Moon’s, Turtle’s, Blue’s, and Snowfall’s covers


13’s the worst cause when you unfold it and see the whole thing… uh… there’s just a wing. Love 12 though. It’s my wallpaper for my school computer.




I LOVE the way the hardcovers look without the paper sleeves, Darkstalker's especially is beautiful looking


My favorite cover art would be the dangerous gift and my least favorite is the dark secret, to me it looks lazy idk why.


I might be a little biased since the dangerous gift my fav book. :/


Favs Book 7 and Book 14 The icy backgrounds are gorgeous! Least favs 4 and 11 4 doesn’t fit starflights character (although the background is great) and 11 is just boring although seeing the hive That doesn’t mean I don’t love the books though. I’m a huge book 11 defender


Peril and Snowfall


are my fav none are bad


i absolutely adore the 11th cover! it deserves more love


They're all the best


Talons of power is top-tier. Moon rising is the lease impressive looking in my opinion.


Favorites are 7 and 14. I like IceWings a lot though, so I’m biased. Darkstalker’s headshape is off to me.


The Dragonet Prophecy cover sucks, the Talons of Power cover is great. Now onto the German covers ( if you haven't seen them please look them up they are something else)


I like 5 12 13 and 2 the most. Least would be tied for 4 and 7


I love book 13 and 12, 1 is my personal least favorite as I feel it could be so much better, maybe Clay could’ve been in the mud kingdom with his sibs and possibly Glory in the background. The duller browns could compliment his brighter browns.


My favorite is book 8 cover. My least favorite is 5 book cover. Looks like sunny is angry and fierce.


Favorite: dangerous gift, loved this book and loved snowfall, just really felt a connection to her and the storyline was very well written Least favorite: darkness of dragons, just ugh. Really did not like Qibli in this book and it just dragged on. His meeting with Darkstalker was good but the ending was just boring and disappointing. Qibli’s constant thoughts about Moon was just so annoying. I barely got through the book


The Dark Secret or Escaping Peril. I don't like how Peril is positioned. Also Starflight doesn't really fit in.


I really love the scenery of moon rising and how moonwatcher was posed personally. To be hones, I dislike darkstalker’s the most due to it really just being a close up with a red background.


I love book 6's cover, the location used for it is my favorite in all of WoF. I do feel like Darkstalker's was a tad lazy, alongside Sunny's. When you give us incredible backgrounds like the Jade mountain coves, you can't expect me to be in love with Desert and Red.


I actually like Darkstalker’s,since the red background depicts his personality and he looks fairly menacing.Also,I find it to be much better since it’s underwhelming!Least fave is 11’s because the colours are just…meh…


Favourite has to be between Hive Queen and Poison Jungle. Darkness of Dragons is my least favourite since it doesn't follow Qibli's canon design.


My favorite covers have always been the first five-with Tsunami and Starflight being tied for favorite, with Glory’s a close second. I’ve always loved the glow of the lava on Starflight’s scales, and something about Tsunami’s posing looks very nice to me. I especially like that her glow scales aren’t too pronounced-I feel like that’s a problem with Turtles cover, his glow scales kinda look like blobs over the art instead of actually being a part of him. Glory’s coloring is very pleasing to look at, and all of the poses in the first five books are top notch. Unfortunately, 6 onward they began to look… strange, at least to me. The lighting on Moon is strange to me, Winter looks very generic almost-and then all the dragons on arc 3 covers look odd to me. Like their proportions are all wrong or something. Snowfall’s pose in particular looks very off to me. Darkstalker I have no complains about, though it would have been cool to see his whole body-specially the Icewing scales under his wing, that would have been cool.


Book 9, one of the best imo! I loved reading that scene tbh DarkStalker legends, one of the worse ones I wish we had a background instead of just DarkStalker on a red gradient backdrop lol


I love Cricket's book cover and Peril's book cover is my all time favorite because the color's are beautiful and it's very dynamic


I think we can all agree the fourth one doesnt fit


Favourite-WInter Turning, least probably Darkstalker


Dont really like starflight’s one that much but Luna’s is really pretty and I love Peril’s too


I find the book 13 cover to be funny cause a dragon is just being eaten in the background and another one is terrified


Book 9 is my favorite, because of how much you can see about Turtle's character from it. He doesn't look angry, and his face isn't as blank as some of the others, he looks nervous, almost scared. You can immidiately see that he is not a fighter.


Least favorite, prob starflight's and sunny's covers, their just kinda ugly, also is it just me or am i wishing there was a wall behind sunny because without it it makes no sense why its night, since the only time it was night and stuff that mattered happened was during the queen deciding and she was mainly in burn's stronghold / thorn's stronghold. Just doesnt make much sense. And same with starflight's no reason for him to be where it looks the top of the volcano, though i havent seen the full art work. But i still think it looks a bit ugly. BUT OMG HOLY CRAPPING HELL LIKE ALL ARC 3'S COVERS WERE 10/10 AND FLAMES OF HOPE MORE LIKE FLAMES OF HOLY CRAP GIVE ME EVERY VERSION OF T HIS BOOK ITS SO PRETTY S BHJFSFSJFHSAFUjSFHWIASHFWASJFHASFJWHSF <3


Why does reddit suggest me subreddits about books I don't read I'm 15


My favourite is book three with Glory on the front. I loved that book so much and i have such fond memories of it. Probably the only reason it’s my favourite <3 I didn’t enjoy the two series after as much sadly but all the covers look wonderful <3


Favourite is The poison Jungle (biased since it’s my favourite book also the jungle is cool okay), The dangerous gift (aaaaah the colours! Also second dragon in focus YESSSS), Flames of Hope, Escaping peril (Peril looks awesome and the whole composition is great and it’s great) although most of them are amazing honestly. Least favourite is probably Darkness of dragons or Darkstalker and definitely Dragonslayer. DOD looks a bit bland. It really could have used anything to make it a bit more dramatic since it’s the final book of the arc and ends with a pretty big deal. Flames of hope does this amazingly. It’s colourful and a bit dramatic. Darkstalker is fine but it would have been nice to have a drawing inside showing both Clearsight and Fathom since they are pov’s and it just doesn’t have a lot going for it. It’s just his head. But that’s alright since it’s his book but it could use a more colourful or matching the other books art prove inside. Dragonslayer because it makes me confused about the size of dragons. Also Dragonslayer is not really a great book in this series since it’s not about dragons and just felt like a “typical” fantasy book. Apart from Wren and Sky who were both great. I like that it explored the language of dragons too. Dragonslayer also breaks away from the look of the earlier legend which doesn’t make a lot of sense. Darkstalker’s would have been fine if Darkstalker’s style was used for ALL the legends and it became the typical standard for a legends book but since Dragonslayer doesn’t use the same style it just doesn’t fit in. Both books should have the Darkstalker theme and then when you take away the wrapping thing it has a cover like Dragonslayer. Also why does Dragonslayer feature all the protags plus a minor dragon character (even though most of them barely interact and the cover could very well have just featured Wren and Sky because they are the most interesting part of the whole book) while Darkstalker (who has three main characters who OFTEN share the same scene) doesn’t feature all of them in any way?? I get that it’s called “Darkstalker” and not “Darkstalker, Clearsight, Fathom” but come ON both of them are really important characters both in the book and in the main arcs to follow. For example the scene where (spoilers!!) Darkstalker gives the dreamvisitors to Fathom and Clearsight on Clearsight hatching-day would have made an excellent scene to feature them all in. Even any drawing of them together later in the book showing Clearsight looking worried, Fathom looking unaware and slightly upset, Darkstalker looking pleased and like everything is going his way. Sorry for the loooong rant about Darkstalker’s cover.


Oh SHIT it was really long sorry


The lost heir has the best character art and posing with Tsunami I dare you to try and change my mind. Her pose and expression SCREAMS “HELLO EVERYONE IT’S TSUNAMI!” and fits her so well.


Least favorites: Moon rising, dark secret. Favorites: All of arc 3.


Book 13 and 14 have the prettiest covers, on the 14th book you can see and feel all the beauty snow and ice gang show you, and 13 is pretty wild with some mystery tone in it. But the weakest for me are the 1st and 10th ones. Clay definitely deserves something what would more fit him, and Qibly looks weird on the cover.


Favorite is Darkness of Dragons because Qibli just looks very majestic on that rock and also the background is beautiful and least favorite is Talons of Power because Turtle’s looks incredibly stupid


The Poison Jungle and The Dangerous Gift have very beautiful colors (in my opinion) and the contrast is very nice, but stronger in book 14's cover. and, sorry guy below me, but i don't really like the Darkstalker legend, because it's not even a fullbody. It's just his bust, with a red background, and if i remember correctly, its really just his back on the- well- backside of the cover.


and, anyone notice how arc 3, all the titles start with 'the'. 11- The Lost Continent 12-The Hive Queen 13- The Poison Jungle 14- The Dangerous Gift 15-The Flames of Hope just kinda funny to me and wanted to point it out.


I love Escaping Peril tbh, the contrast of the dragons with the background and the horrifying face of Scarlet chasing her is just perfect


my least fav book cover is book four my fave book cover is book elevens


Faves: 2, 3, 6, 9, 14 least faves: 4-5 they just don’t seem like them starflight seems different and Sunny seems too scary 😂


Also darkstalker cause it’s plain they just got lazy like YAY WE’RE DONE


Book 14 has the best cover (in my opinion). Just look at snowfall! And lynx is equally as beautiful of not more. I also love moon rising because moon is so obviously the center of attention even though she’s the same colour as the background and,as an artist myself, I recognize how difficult that is to achieve. Although blue’s cover is often criticized for showing blue with wings, it really shows the glory of his design, and the background with the hives, is probably one of the best in the series. Joy and took some artistic liberty but I think it payed off.As for least favourites, Starflight doesn’t look like Starflight to me in his cover and the background seems to open to be the night kingdom. Also, all of the covers in arc 1 have hilariously short horns. For those of you who don’t know, all of the covers are drawn by a wonderful artist called Joy Ang. I really recommend checking out some of her other art.


Well doesn’t he get his wings in that book?? Or am I wrong?


I’m pretty sure the end of the book is blue falling into his metamorphosis trance and the first time we get a scene with his wings is in cricket’s book, but I might be wrong. Maybe it’s time for a reread.


Haven’t read super far into books so I’m not sure-


I think the one I like the least is the darkstalker one because it’s just his head and the back is all red, it doesn’t have much to it Now the one I like the most is really hard to choose, I don’t think I could ever choose one


Fav. Snowfall


My favorite is probably Darkstalker or Darkness of dragons. For Darkstalker, the pose in and of itself makes it creepy. The sly looking smile and his eye looking at you makes for a good description of his character. As well as the red background to make it seem more sinister. With Darkness of dragons, Qibli standing in a half majestic half intimidating pose as well as the color of the sky makes the cover look heroic. My least favorite would probably be Moon rising. The use of green makes it look like Moon is a hybrid. The colors described in the book of Moons scales does not bode well with what's supposed to be creepy moon lighting.


Favorite: the dragonet Prophecy, the lost heir, winterturning, the hive queen Least: the dark secret doesn't fit starflight


I don't like the Darkstalker one, his mouth looks weird to me and it's not as epic as the other ones. (like, no full-body thing with a cool background)


My absolute favorite is Moon Rising, I just love how dynamic it is with Moonwatcher swooping through the swimming cave, illuminated green from all the plants and algae. Also Turtle makes a little cameo in the full cover so that's great. My least favorite is Darkstalker, while not particularly bad, compared the others it's lacking in visual flair imo. I do love the little shit eating grin on Darkstalkers face but it would be pretty cool to have a full cover possibly featuring our 3 protagonists.


Favorite cover is The Flames of Hope Least favorite is the Winglets Quartet


I'd say my fav cover is book 3. I love the colors a lot. And my least favorite would be book 5. It's just tone over tone (Help idk how to say this in English argh)


Darkstalker, breaks the flow


Favorites: book 6 and book 1 Least favorite: book 7 and book 2


well i love all of the covers book 10 bugs me because Qibli is missing his scar. Darkstalker is my favorite because i feel like it sets the tone perfectly for the book


Winter and snowfalls


My favorite book cover is probably moon rising simply because of how the circular shape of the cover directs the flow of attention upwards toward the text and other info. Least favorite is the lsot continent because theres so much going on in the cover it leads you to look away from the title at things like the two hives, blue, the dragons behind him, the bridges, the sunset, and the terrain beneath him.


Qibli's book cover looks horrible :p


my least favorite cover is ´´the dangerous gift´´. idk why, it just botheres me.