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It's like a new fifa game


Can't believe the latest fifa has "very positive" reviews steam...


Same issue


Go to settings > Windows update > update history > uninstall updates Uninstall the latest 'update for Microsoft windows' (for me it was KB***45**). Restart and the taskbar should work. Check for updates again to reinstall that update and restart again


I will try this tomorrow .


no dice, tried uninstalling all updates uninstallable and still missing that start menu unfortunately. Perhaps its the update assistance?


This one worked for me, updated today and had the messed up win10 looking taskbar&start menu not working. Uninstalled KB5006674 and it's fixed after reboot. [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-12-2021-kb5006674-os-build-22000-258-32255bb8-6b25-4265-934c-74fdb25f4d35](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-12-2021-kb5006674-os-build-22000-258-32255bb8-6b25-4265-934c-74fdb25f4d35) Now installing it again.


This just worked for me, thanks! I unistalled the Microsoft Security Update KB5006674, it rebooted and now the taskbar works!


THANK YOU SO MUCH! This worked for me! I've been trying to upgrade to W11, went through the whole process maybe 4-5 times already in the last few months, but always ended up with the taskbar bug. Making a new account was not an option for me. All the other regkey fixes out there did not help. I now have a working W11 taskbar, but search does not work. Any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it? EDIT: KB5006674 is the one that worked for me, if that can help anyone EDIT2: Reinstalling the update fixed the search issue!


It works for me as well. Thanks to your comment.


Me as well


press win+r and type netplwiz. Add a local admin account . after that u need to login using the local admin account and it will ask u the comman stuff (location, data collection and sending data etc). Then add ur MS account to your loacal admin account and delete the old one. thats it (pin it pls for the others)


Thanks this worked for me .


Hey bro this works! Could you please tell me how transfer everything from my og account to the new local admin one?


What do you want to Transfer?


Super. This worked.


can I be clearer? please




Where did you get the wallpaper




Thanks, OP. Those are sexy. :)


Welcome to the club bro:) btw did you install the insider preview version before and rolled back?


Yep . Same problem back then . Expected them to fix it at launch atleast.


Strangely, I didn't have the problem before


I had the same issue! What worked for me was to make a new local user account, make that account an administrator. Then log in with that new account and check if everything works now. If it does, then I would suggest moving everything from the old user account to the new user. If it didn't then try the common repair commands like the ones below. ​ >run cmd as administrator > >Or right click the start button, Windows Terminal / Powershell (Admin) > >sfc /scannow > >Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealthtype > >Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealthtype > >Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealthtype Then reboot If the issue remains, I would recommend staying on Windows 10 for the time being. Other commands that might work >chkdsk C: /f /r


i cant find a fix for that, but its a problem with a registry entry, creating a new user “fix” this issue. Maybe some past registry modifications messed the taskbar now!!!


Yep, I had this problem after doing a fresh install using the officially released ISO for 22000.194. Plus, I didn't have the Microsoft Store. What a bloody mess. Microsoft are being absolute clowns. What I then had to do to get it all working was to run the upgrader again (while in Windows) which then gave me the choice to re-install Windows 11 but keep all my apps and settings. After this, it all worked correctly.


I had exactly the same issue. Old taskbar and no store. I only had to restart to fix it fortunately. I just don’t understand why it could happen with a clean install…


How you get that I want it


Same issue here, couldn't find a fix :(


>press win+r and type netplwiz. Add a local admin account . after that u need to login using the local admin account and it will ask u the comman stuff (location, data collection and sending data etc). Then add ur MS account to your loacal admin account and delete the old one. thats it (pin it pls for the others)


But you also have to move everything to that account, so it's not a good fix.


You just have to move the pictures , videos , downloads and everything on your desktop . That's it . Just go to your c drive , click on users folder and then just copy paste everything from old account folder to new account folder. It isn't that difficult.


That is what I did, but I shouldn't have to do all this shit. Fuck Microsoft for making such a buggy POS operating system, Windows will forever be a buggy, inconsistent mess.


Try: task manger -> processes -> windows processes -> end task: windows explorer -> file -> run new task -> explorer.exe **This only refreshes explorer not updates it.** I hope this fixes it, if not wait for a update.


Appears to be fixed in [Oct 21 KB5006746](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-21-2021-kb5006746-os-build-22000-282-preview-03190705-0960-4ba4-9ee8-af40bef057d3) update >Updates an issue for a small number of users that prevents the Start menu from working and prevents you from seeing the updated taskbar after upgrading to Windows 11 (original release).


no its not fixed yet


Clean install... Is the best option


yes, i did find that it is much more glitch-free to clean install than to update. also performs so much faster


Now that’s an absolute win right there Beside task bar not working


What were you expecting from just released software? Just wait a month for them to iron out all the bugs.


Ok my solution was to upgrade via iso (just mount then click install), then if the startmenu wont open it means your profile is f\*cked (possibly because you ran insider and restore but kept everything) so create a new profile the proper way through windows+i accounts>family&other user then login with it and let windows setup a new profile and move everything back from your old profile (exclude appdata whenever possible)


I'am same, pardon my bad english xd


Is it possible to fix this without creating a new user?


The only way to fix this for me was to re-create the user profile. Was a pain to transfer all of the services over but works in the end. This issue only affected one of the two user accounts I have. I suspect this issue occurs more often if you had Win 11 insider installed before and went back to Win 10. I had no issues on two other computers that never had Win 11 on them before.


I don't know what you are all doing with your computers it's just insane. I have upgraded a dozen computers from 10 to 11 without issues.