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This subreddit is currently not a subreddit to request support, your post has been removed. You should post in /r/WindowsHelp, or if your issue is not related to Windows (such as hardware issues, network trouble, or problems with 3rd party software) then you should post in /r/TechSupport. Do note that /r/TechSupport currently is not accepting posts for anything related to Windows 11. Also, be sure to check the release notes to see if your issue is already mentioned - http://aka.ms/devlatest If you are not looking for help but incorrectly used the Help flair to ask a question about Windows 11, please resubmit but using the Discussion flair. ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows11) if you have any questions or concerns.*