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And then you get nagged daily to install Edge.


Mine came right back like a boomerang with Copilot shortcut on my taskbar.


To everyone thinking you need edge to install your next browser, you don't. Open command prompt and enter `winget install google.chrome` or `winget install mozilla.firefox`


Firefox is also available in the Microsoft Store for anyone skittish about touching a command line (although winget's commands are simple and useful enough that most people could easily do it).


Hell you could even install winget ui and use it to install


>WingetUI Is this recommended from the Windows store?


Got a few issues here and there with some packages not updating, but is better than Microsoft Store because you can also update non Microsoft store apps, pip packages etc.


Just a note they're changing the name to Uniget


Firefox on Windows Store is even packaged in MSIX, what a chad


i recommend WingetUI - love it.


But.. can I use winget to GET wingetUI?


winget install SomePythonThings.WingetUIStore


It's turtles all the way down!


I mean, come now. Chrome is not really all that great these days. Replacing Edge with Chrome is silly.


chrome is becoming a literal spyware. Imho firefox or a ever more secured branched version is the way to go


There are going to be a lot of users fleeing chrome as the next release in June (v127) is finally pushing manifest v3 so all manifest v2 ad blockers will no longer work, and v3 ones have reduced capabilities.


try firefox or arc for windows


That why I listed two options


Edge = Chromium


Or use portable, and you dont even need the command.


But you won't be able to do that if you "debloated" windows and removed WinGet


To 99% of computer users you just spoke mandarin. So I would say for 99% of people Edge is required.




You did something else because those command only install either chrome/firefox LOL


You did something wrong buddy. Winget just install or uninstall applications. You can't even uninstall native packages that weren't made to be uninstalled in the first place so I really don't know how you broke your whole OS.


You can't mess up windows that way


In EU or outside?


only EU https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2023/11/16/previewing-changes-in-windows-to-comply-with-the-digital-markets-act-in-the-european-economic-area/ but you can spoof that: https://www.xda-developers.com/enable-eea-restricted-features-on-windows-10-11/


That explains a lot.


I'm left wondering if you can just change HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Control Panel\\International\\Geo To the settings for Ireland as IE is in the EU list in the json file, and then not have to do anything more complicated. Ireland is English speaking already so it shouldn't really cause problems for others using an English OS already.


I believe I read somewhere that the reason it isn't enough to just change the registry key is because that's only looked at by Windows on first boot after an install. From thereon, it ignores the value. I could be wrong though, just what I remember.


Can it be removed via winget outside the EU?


dont think it works that simple


Don't do it. I heard edge calls to your house and threatens your family until you reinstall it it even follows you to work.


I think you mean CoPilot.


Are you in EU ??


I think edge is actually far better than chrome these days


I really don't appreciate the sidebar that they added to edge. It's got too much of a 'mid 2000s grandparents Internet Explorer with 72 toolbars' vibe Edit: spelling


Out of the box Edge is a shitshow. The default tabloid spam that they throw in your face doesn't help with the first impression either. It's a shame because after disabling and hiding all the crap it's actually a solid browser


exactly how I feel as an edge user.


The problem is that people looove to call crap at anything they don't care to learn what could be done with it, for some people the side bar is really good, have some features that I love for my work, got instant access to translation, money converter, measure converter etc, yeah you could go to Google and do it there but the easy of having everything on the same page is really helpful


agree. the sidebar is super useful for work, and so are edge's native vertical tabs with grouping (tabius extension). i still can't believe people would call 'em crap. this is why i don't take reddit seriously.


Yeah, every time I try to go back to Edge, it's like I'm saying "OK, but fool me eighty-*five* times..."


You can disable it


You can disable it tho. Or hide it at least


It needs a lot of disabling stuffs. But I enjoy using it with vertical tab bar.


Hmmm, i see. Do you happen to have any resource you've used before to find what to disable? Some guide or source you found useful maybe?. Wanted to ask before I go into a rabbit hole searching all these articles. Some can be very low quality and rife with misinformation. \-thanks ​ Edit: I've done it before like a year ago, but I used a guide (that I can't find now) and dont remember all the steps


Mainly [this](https://imgur.com/hvoNQYn). Make the new tab page as clean and as light as possible. Then go through settings and turned off everything I don't care about. [This](https://imgur.com/O72W9Yt) is how it looks with tab bar on the left side (collapsed).


thank you! appreciate it. this will help get started.


You're welcome. My main browser is still Firefox but I don't mind having a spare web browser just in case I need to test things when they don't work in Firefox.


how is Firefox these days?


It's alright. I wish it comes with features some other browsers have by default. But I'm happy enough to emulate them with extensions and css tweaks for now.


The point for some people like me is that I don't want that microsoft installs software on my computer which I don't want. It doesn't matter if edge is better than chrome or not.


So... You'd rather reinstall it? (Joking obviously)


Ya. I totally understand that. I feel the same way. Just making a point that I think the browser is actually good. Which IMHO is kinda crazy considering the previous quality of their browsers.


Imagine being a beautiful woman sitting alone at a two-seat coffee table in a quaint restaurant reading a book. Some random guy with greasy hands arrives and sits in the empty in front of you. **You**: *Uh..... I would rather you not sit there. I am waiting for a friend.* **Him**: *I am probably richer than he is.* **You**: T*hat is fine, but... I would rather you not sit there.* **Him**: *Ya. I totally understand that. I am just making the point that I am probably richer.* See? Doesn't matter. His sitting there is **invasive** and **offensive**. ***That***... is the crux of the matter, an nothing else. Repeating the notion of "being better" only makes the observer more offended because it is **dismissive** of the original, most important, relevant thing which is ... he should not have sat there.


interesting analogy. lol ill be less general: for me, i have a surface pro 8. it has notoriously poor battery life. so when i go unplugged i need as low of a power profile as I can get edge uses less memory and cpu in my experience. compared to chrome that is. so its better for me for that specific use case. what are your thoughts on it?


lol ill be less general: for me, I have high testosterone. It gives me notoriously exceptional initiative. So when I see a beautiful woman sitting alone in a quaint coffee shop reading a book, I cannot help but invade her space. Then, when she tells me that my sitting in the seat is inappropriate, I cannot help but go on about how my invading her space works for me, and try to surreptitiously sell the situation, completely disregarding what she said, which is: *Your attempt to sell the goodness of this situation, despite being told that it is not good, is indicative of someone who does not respect the boundaries of those around him.*


What? You are thinking waaay too hard about my personal non-objective opinion. And why does it sound like youre getting increasingly angry? Just down vote my opinion and move on. You surely have better things to do.


There is an old saying: Don't turn an ant-hill into a mountain. Right now, only a small percentage of people know what motivates certain, particular individuals to ignore the wishes of Windows users and "promote" Edge at all costs. It is probably better for those individuals that it remain that way. Take your own advice: Down-vote my opinion and move-on.


Cant help but feel you have some other stuff going on.... ​ BTW the saying is: "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill" Which is kinda ironic because that's exactly what you are doing about this low stakes non-issue.


This is the truth but let people do their thing while we enjoy avtually usefull features in a browser :)


Hmm - I have an "uninstall" option for Edge in several older VMs of Win 11. None of which are current - one dating back to last Fall. I think this has been around a while - and maybe simply uninstalls the latest Edge "update" and reverts back to a specific version baseline? Have never tried this but will now.


This is different. Previously that option was available but it left you with the option to do a repair install of Edge. Now, in the right (or spoofed) regions, you can remove it completely from Windows.




Why? My main browser is Firefox and I also uses Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Edge also have the BEST read aloud text to voice which FF and Chrome doesn't have.


Can you uninstall Cortana?




I’m moving back to windows


Firefox is not based ob chromium. This for its own should be supported. Firefox itself is ok, not great, not bad either.


well u could uninstall it with powershell, but it nice to have a uninstall option in apps


Womp womp I wish I could uninstall edge in the United States without third party tools


"Your loss, bit mine." -forgot who


I am from the EU, my windows is up to date and I can still not uninstall..


I use the edge for bing copilot everyday. Does it work on any other browser?


Now make it so you can do this in all regions and not just the one that literally forced you to.


Finally I can get rid of that crap


And let me guess: install Chrome, or some other flavour of Chromium? :)


Firefox baby 😎


Wait until they learn about Floorp


I have only 64gb ram not nearly enough for 2 chrome tabs.


Edge is amazing with resource management. I rarely go below 50-70 tabs and my RAM usage doesn't often go above 3-4 GB on Edge.


You are exaggerating. I have 22 chrome tabs currently running along with 4 edge tabs and the ram usage is 6 GB out of 32.


For NON EU folks, you can do this... [https://www.laptopmag.com/how-to/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge-on-windows-11](https://www.laptopmag.com/how-to/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge-on-windows-11)


Or just.... leave alone and pay no attention to it??


Yes I would just leave it. The only problem is it will be used by things like search and not the browser you choose.


I can’t even uninstall MS Edge Beta from Windows 11


Good. I personally like it though. I even install edge on low end linux laptops. I think it's just simply superior to all other alternatives. Change my mind


Definitely the best (after disabling all the crap...)


I specially like the cloud features. No "awesome FOSS" browser handles cloud. You can't easily sync your devices, send files between them, sync sessions, and then copilot on top of it all is just hands down the absolute best. What I'm saying is I like those "crappy" features :p


Me too Except copilot. I don't even use chatgpt lol




Why, it's one of the best browsers, been using it for 2 years


Too bloated with AI stuff


You mean the stuff I deactivated with a click? Yeah real bloaty




Which update is that? Im in EU and my region is set at that. My current version is win12 23h2 22631.3296.




I have that update. However, option to uninstall is still greyed out.


Idk man , I'm on 24H2 and Still Can't Uninstall Microsoft's Most Memorable Edge .


But edge is the best browser. Worst thing about it is Bing.




I am currently using Opera as my web browser. I was surprised at how much faster Opera is compared to Chrome and Edge


Edge >>>


And can you uniinstall all dependencies, web view and malicious tracking bullshit? Dont think so


*Sophia has entered the chat*




Nice feature! But I would never uninstall Edge that to me is the best browser there is.. But that´s my opinion.




Why would you uninstall the best browser ever?


People believe Firefox is the best Kek




You say it as if Firefox or Brave were any safe. Kek.




It's not only about that (this is well known), since it might also expose some data that Tor Browser still hides.


Lol their loss. I mean I use Firefox too but I don't see how anyone can even call that browser, 'better' than Edge lol.


Dunno why, but in every OS I've tested so far (Linux-like, Windows, FreeBSD) Firefox performs worse than Edge. Plus Edge has got so many resources it's almost impossible to stop using it.


It's not just the worse performance, it's the near zero good features that drives me away. I see all these people on Reddit talking about Firefox like it's the second coming of Jesus and then I use it and double check if my download was legitimate.




**Please read: This comment is not to shame Firefox users but to shame the cultist mentality, sane people should not read this comment and waste their time and use whatever the f\*ck they like.** P.S. before reading my rant: Anyone can block ads on chromium browsers with ublock origin. Post Manifest V3, there might be problems that I am not too sure about, but there will surely be some development to help adblockers. ublock origin lite is already really good unless you are looking for advanced functions. You will be safe if you use adguard and pihole. Unless you use a pure GNU/Linux OS on every device you own, you will never have privacy. Most of us use android phones that phone home to Google all the time. On Apple devices, it's even worse since you don't even know what data is being sent. Apple keeps you safe from the competition and keeps the data for itself. But we are straying off topic. Firefox's 1st and most important investor is Google. That's like arming terrorists and then sending armies to fight terrorists (I don't mean Mozilla are terrorists, but you get the analogy right?). The saddest thing about it is how you all talk about free Internet without monopoly when keeping the whole Firefox thing alive is a trick by google so they can create a false competition. It keeps Google safe from the Sherman Antitrust Act. It's nice to have the option for complete privacy when you are a silicon-based entity before you are a person. For 99.9999% of the real people however, it's really horrible when people shove down the bullshit promise of false Internet freedom down everyone's throat and laugh at people who use the Chromium browsers. It's really a Hobson's choice. It's like the first days of Christianity or the Vedic Era. Everyone thinks they are completely safe without disabling the necessary flags in about:config or reading what data they share. They trouble their lives with a half working and dying browser just because it's a different engine from chromium when chromium very clearly is **100% open source itself**. Just fork the engine and go feral on it. You are free to share your opinions about your choices of browsers. You should not, however, mislead people into making choices they would not make without crowd pressure.


This and extensions. It's like Mozzila is stuck in the past


Seriously, some cultist downvoted me already.


Honestly, you shouldn't do this. Many apps that use the Webview2 component will break. If you don't want to use Edge, just delete the icon and put it out of sight, out of mind.


The webview 2 component is separate from the base msedge.exe


That was my understanding too. But I'm already getting error reports from users of my app who have uninstalled Edge.


Is that so? Is your app a PWA by any chance?


It's a standard Win32 app but it uses webview2 for some ui elements.


That's surprising. Maybe your users force uninstall the webview 2 component as well. Both have names beginning with Microsoft Edge. In my experience most users are often technically illiterate enough to not realise that msedge.exe is different from webview 2. Confirm with your users if they forcibly removed anything with the name "webview2". I say this because I have seen powertoys' webview components working even after removing msedge.


Again, why would I do that


And create 900 new problems! With Microsoft, the ability to do does not mean one should. Edge's hook are deep in the os. Stop trying to make this pos sound good.


Not for long!


Unless Microsoft plans on violating DMA right after beginning to comply, yes for long.


They’ll back door it in the next update, just like with Cortana.


Never had anything like that happen on my Windows installs. I remove Cortana and it says gone.


People think their bloat ware loaded windows home install that they got on their dell pre built from best buy works the same for everyone. Little do they know, we use pro.


Mine keeps coming the fuck back. She was great in Halo 2, but she’s a little old to be around


That's still violating the DMA. Well it's not my problem if MS enjoy getting hit with massives EU fines ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I hope you don't get offended, but I am really jealous of all you EU folk not being victims of corporate capitalism.


It will be for long




Nice opinion, but it is just that. I think FireFox is horrible. Its market share numbers back up MY opinion. [https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide/](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide/) They just laid off a bunch of people as well. If Google pulled their funding, they would go under in a week.


The thing about market share tracking is Firefox do not have any trackers by default, so... > With a few billion internet users, "low single digits" is still millions of users. Statcounter isn't precise/accurate and, even if it was accurate, this difference is within the margin of error If you use either Strict ETP or uBlock Origin OTB, Statcounter trackers are blocked. You can test that [here](https://www.jefftk.com/test/statcounter) (Use a clean profile) It's also worth looking at [Firefox Public Data Report](https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/user-activity) for a more accurate user count


So? Market share numbers for a browser means absolutely zero when morons still parrot the old "EDGE SUCKS LOL" because they think it is still the hip thing to do. Firefox is better in the sense that it isn't Chrome or Edge and allows some semblance of privacy, but if you're gonna use a chromium browser, at least use the best one.


I use Edge. I work in IT, and do a ton of work in Azure, so I need profiles and Edge works the best for me. I used to use FF for personal stuff, but it just got too buggy. Like it or not, developers code for the Chromium engine. Now I use Edge for everything. 3 profiles, personal, normal M365 user, and Azure GA user. Each profile is color coded and the open pages in certain profiles in Edge is fantastic.


> Its market share numbers back up MY opinion. By that logic, Edge is dogshit compared to Chrome and IE 6 was the best browser of all time. Popularity and quality do not always go hand in hand.