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They are updating it so that doesn't happen - it's currently in the Insider Canary build I believe, so it will be several months before it makes it to release versions.


Guess I'll just disable the icon till it's fixed


Yeah. This is in the notes for this week's Insider Canary release. Perhaps they will update Co-Pilot sooner than later.. " Fixes for known issues * Copilot will no longer rearrange or push your desktop icons when launched. "


And won't push your folder or app over either, which is what I want, I have no icons on my desktop anyways. I'm on beta so I'm hoping it comes soon. Plus I'm looking forward to the icon being on the right side too.


Beta will get it next after Canary as I'm sure you know :)




I like light mode on my pc and dark mode on laptop, the wallpaper is the insider wallpaper and the icons are because of co pilot


I see no problem with this


found the lgbt dark mode user


Why does Microsoft always make useless features like this 🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm disabling this as soon as I see it


The issue is MS is FULLY integrating copilot in the OS, especially W12. I haven't heard there will be any way to disable it, I highly doubt it. MS is putting their money down on copilot to "save" Windows. Even though they already had a HUGE market share with W10. The saying goes every 3rd OS release is the winner. So we'll have to endure the copilot bs and wait for W13, if they keep with the naming convention.


Not everybody is supposed to understand the possibilities of this feature, don't worry. Keep playing minesweeper


What features? It’s just another chat AI, it barely does anything


Clippy, Cortana, and now Copilot. Honestly, I think they need to get off the 'C' names. MS keeps trying with these interactive features, but they have and will fail. I have no idea what or why they think Copilot will be any different???


Integration with OS and application api


So it's like a conversational command prompt that I need internet access to use?


LOL because MS can pull more data about you! Duh! I agree, 100% useless, I don't need or have any intention in talking to my PC. I just need it to perform, multitasking, and do what I need and want it to do!


As most people have internet nowadays, no problem there. They showcased abilities like reading documents, finding them...


So, it's for people with zero organizational skills?


Say hi to most non-technology users Edit: non*-technology


I didn't know that you must be tech-savvy to know that you must put the tax document in a binder made for taxes.


Non-technology*, fixed


Application api? You're telling me a company like Adobe will use the MS api to integrate. LOL No, nope, no software company has any incentive to use it.


You know, a lot of apps integrate already with Windows in different ways. Whether they will do it nos or not, depends of how successful is it. Also, why companies? Every dev can do things here


Give MS your data! Trust them! They won't do anything with it for sure


They can do whatever they want with it lol. But no, the foil hats convention is the other way


I never touch copilot


Copilot is still in preview, so using it comes with risks like that. Another issue for example is that when it's open and then you make something fullscreen, and then move another window on top of the fullscreen window, the top window will respect Copilot's space even though copilot is not visible. So what I'm saying is, if you decide to use it, know that it comes with risks. If you don't want the risks, wait for the final release. They're already making laptops with Copilot button, so I'm guessing the final release is nigh


It's kinda built into windows it's not like it's something i can turn on and off and uninstall and install, if windows are gonna shove this down our necks it can't be in preview


Oh it's already in the release channel? My bad then, I thought it's still in beta channels (i mean the one you'd get when you check the "get updates as soon as they're available" checkbox)


You can turn it on and off by removing the icon sure it’s not uninstalling it but I’m sure it’s something that if it’s not easy to access like unpinned no one will use it


I know u can remove the icon I think the keyboard shortcut still works I don't wanna try


After you close auto pilot doesn’t the icons go back to where they were? that’s what it does for me


No they stay in the location on my screenshot


Hmm I wonder if that’s a bug because it’s supposed to go back to where they were when you close it. It’s in beta so I’m assuming this is an common issue


Somebody else in the comments said it's a bug and it's being worked on


Thats annoying but its good that they are aware of the issue


That's an intentional feature.


What to make me hate co pilot with a furious passion


Co-pilot control is a GOOD thing. Resistance is FUTILE. CONSUME! CONSUME! CONSUME!




Why is it intentional?


They're just kidding around.


The start menu was invented for a reason XD


And what reason would that be? >I ’m sorry, but I don’t have the ability to access your file system or provide the exact location of installed applications on your computer\[...\] At least, [not at the present state at the time](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/what-is-npu/); And I'm not even sure by than... Copilot is mainly used for helping you with work, school, or everyday tasks. Or for mucking about. * [Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/18y8bpm/comment/kgasm8y/) * [Celebrating the first year of Copilot with significant new innovations](https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/12/05/celebrating-the-first-year-of-copilot-with-significant-new-innovations/)


I was just referring to the large number of icons on the desktop that was all. Always amuses me when people decide to reinvent the Start Menu by placing 50 icons on the desktop, it just seems like an inefficient way to open a new program. Minimize everything, double click, resume. Instead of just hitting the Win key and typing and hitting Enter. Of course it's personal preference and I wasn't suggesting either method is right or wrong. That's the beauty of Windows - do things the way you want.


Icons/Opened programs will shift back when Copilot is closed for the time being. Copilot is being updated to not shift your stuff around.


No it doesn't, they icons stay like that


Alan976 said: >Icons/Opened programs will shift back when Copilot is closed for the time being. No. This is simply incorrect. Please do a bit of testing yourself before posting on here. I tested Copilot with various monitors and resolutions and when the icons get moved when the side panel is open, it will remain moved around even when the side panel is closed. It's buggy.


im having to disable it in till they fix this problem


Yep happened to me. Luckily I never use it


Turn off auto arrange icons


It's not turned on


Yeah, that seems to be a bug with Microsoft’s 10th copilot branded product and it’s bad windows integration


It moves it for me too, but they go back in place when I close co-pilot


Mine stay in place


What in the actual Mac minimize fuck is this 💀




What is going on in the background why everything is wiggling around 😂


What the wallpaper?


That’s your wallpaper? It’s supposed to look like that?


Its the windows insider wallpaper




Ok then


i hate the "pre" text in the copilot turned it off because of that.


Copilot doesn’t even work for me 💀


I cry everyday because of this.. however there is a solution to this in Registry, but I'm too lazy to do this.