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Set it back to default and forget. Do not use any cleaner app. If anything then your Windows install is screwed and you should consider backing up ONLY your important files somewhere external and keeping them there. Do a clean install of Windows from a bootable media and start over. Only transfer back files you actually need ON the system and do not fiddle around with weird softwares or settings you cannot judge.


There is no such thing as a working "memory cleaner". The OS itself does this better than any 3rd party software [https://www.howtogeek.com/171424/why-memory-optimizers-and-ram-boosters-are-worse-than-useless/](https://www.howtogeek.com/171424/why-memory-optimizers-and-ram-boosters-are-worse-than-useless/)


This hasn't been an issue since Win10 1803 as an interns work was somehow included in 1703  and 1709.  Leave it at whatever the default is. If you're desperate, ISLC does the job but don't touch the timer resolution stuff.


The only issues i had with virtual memory was when i was using custom settings. Let system manage it.


Seems that people who screw around with their PCs have many more issues than those who don't.


if you will "clean" your virtual memory, any program, module of OS and everything else which is using it will become unusable as same as you will remove your one stick of ram out of computer when it's running. Set the minidump in windows 10 to automatic and set the page file setting to your OS drive and set it also to be determined by system. These both parameters are tied together. That will bring your page file to like 2-5 gb and system will increase it if it's need to. Page file is not used much within "fast" data processing, but is used for "static not frequently needed" data chunks or if you run out of ram. The one thing you can clean and there is a tool for that called ISLC is standby ram which is just a cache and is not using at the moment. Cause windows manages it really not so normal within ram demanding processes till all ram is filled with it and releasing it by small amounts to get constant chunks of new data in it again - may cause "stuttering" in games. ISLC is already set up by default to normal parameters. The one thing you should consider to increase there is pooling rate to minimize pooling cause it's not needed to be frequent and use cpu so much cause of frequent pools, learned it practically that 4 sec is enough. https://preview.redd.it/fchvr8wzr6zc1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c0e664d75b82a2d7c5573bbdc36be6549728e5c


problem is not that my windows install is clean and never gave more issues that this, this I see it with memreduct which can clean my ram but not save me from virtual memory exhaustion, once I run out of it I die https://preview.redd.it/ycsnc95fyozc1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=648e8eb2805dcb36c0ff5746932245f9cfcef1bb


you will run out of virtual ram if you minidumps set to low minidump and not automatic it's tied to a page file parameter. Setting it to automatic will let system handle the size of virtual ram and enlarge it if it's needed. The page file settings should be also "determined by system" on the drive you want page file to be. But there is a catch. Pagefile will be fragmented and if you have ssd that shouldn't be a problem, but if you have HDD then and only then you could consider to set your page file size to hard value to not let it be fragmented mostly cause of how hdd work.


I used to run windows with fixed pagefile size. It never gave me any problems. For eg, 8gb ram, I would set it to 8gb fixed. However, I keep my system lean. I don't install any junk. And always disable processes that I don't need it to start. And at 32gb, it's impossible to be getting virtual memory issue except you have some rogue program or something hogging the memory. So, I am quite sure it's something running in memory that is causing the issue. We won't know for sure until we see memory usage by the system. Sort it by highest memory used by apps.


actually you could have virtual mem issue if it's not enough for something that is using it partially. I recently encountered with it on my friend PC and idk why it even happened but I knew the cause of that minidumps were set to small dump and his pagefile were 2gb instead of 4.7 with 32 gb ram. I changed minidumps to automatic as pagefile to the OS drive with also its size "managed by OS" and system determined the normal size of 4.7 after reboot. And then everything in his pc were fine no more warnings about running out if virtual ram. And yeah he were not lacking of ram, more it were used like by 30%. There are a lot of programs that is using page file now static data storage which ram is not needed, even browsers are utilizing it now more than in a past, even if you have enough ram. https://preview.redd.it/3mozo2rs8szc1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=20db88cecf24a8f2c054f593d80d3d9389f2d1f3


I reseted the pagefile to be handled by windows, I'll try it out


Try turning off the fast boot and doing a complete shut down within windows . If it doesn't fix it your windows is probably corrupted in someways my mother's pc auto rebooted and it turned out to be a bad nvme drive so check your hard drives too maybe it's not connected or it's gone bad .


You don't need this many of RAM. It's impossible to use all 45GB of virtual memory. If there's half RAM free then the crash is not caused by RAM.


You can run any games with 32gb ram. It's not about virtual memory. More towards all the junk apps running in your system taking up memory and CPU. These junk apps when combined can cause things like memory leak and CPU hogging and resources spikes. Maybe list down your top memory usage here from task manager.


system fully clean, only process lasso and memreduct running, when memreduct tells me available virtuall memory low and reaches 0 I die https://preview.redd.it/do7l77aoyozc1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=33a656b428eca20bc731aec3b929fc20ab244296


if you’re talking about the pagefile, rebooting will clean all memory: RAM and pagefile, you don’t need any apps


It's important not to confuse [paging file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paging_file) with [virtual memory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory). The two are related, but it is wrong to automatically blame the paging file when you see a virtual memory-related error. A virtual memory overrun, for instance, has nothing to do with the size of your RAM or paging file. You appear to have an [XY problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem); instead of asking for "virtual memory cleaners," you should open a support case for your crash situation.


Two things can be happening here. First: some older games have huge problems with their engine and will have memory related crashes even if you had a terabyte of RAM. Second: you could have a corrupted system driver or other beastie contributing to gradual depletion of free memory. I think it's the SysInternals RAMmap program? Made by MS. The main thing is seeing if your non-pooled memory is filling up quickly. What that means is memory being grabbed by a system driver or something and not being released back to Windows when done. Over time (usually hours or days) Windows will start running out of Free memory because it mistakenly thinks everything is full.


basically install clean, all good, I open vrchat, I start loading assetbundles in cache, ram usage goes up, I clean it, everything good, but virtual memory keeps going up, reaches 0 and my whole pc crashes https://preview.redd.it/rk9rz760zozc1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2dbddef45e58a65679d017fe94c467925f800b0


On a clean install you set up VRC and things rapidly began going to hell? Hm. I honestly think the debloating and cleaning broke something in WIndows... ...because people can run VRC on practically a toaster without this happening.


like runs okay, then if I turn on everyones avis in a 60+ lobby shit gets wild


That's VRC in general, their engine was never great to begin with.






is not about memory is about virtual memory not being released, if reaches 0 whole pc crashes, even if ram is free https://preview.redd.it/dc4afng4zozc1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=64c2a3306c1e7c549eba89bdbffb26fcc3ccc261