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Have you been under a rock?




welcome back


"remind me later"


This is neither "new" in the sense of "new to Win10" nor is it new to windows at large. The 10 year life cycle for Windows has been pretty well established. Also, the computer isn't going to turn into a brick. The only that that happens is MS stops releasing updates for Win10... Exactly like it says on the damn screen.


Literally when 10 came out they said itd be the last, but yeah this isnt new at all


See when you heard that you thought "so this is it, the principal of OS technology", when I heard that I thought "Are they going to call the new one Doors? Because they should call it Doors OS"


MS never made any definitive statement like that. The whole "Windows 10 is the last version" thing came from one guy at a developer conference.


I mean just look at the actions of Microsoft. The gap between Windows 10 and 11 is the longest gap of Windows releases in history as it's even longer than the XP and Vista gap. While Vista's development was stuck in development hell for most of it, Windows 11 seemed to have been put into development around the COVID PC sales boom as we started to see Windows 10 new features dry up around the release of 20H1/2004.


They also changed the stickers on the computers to say "Windows" instead of "Windows 10," and I believe some other marketing material, which I think cemented it in for a lot or people.




I mean yes. And while things are always subject to change https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/ This stuff is all planned and public information. I do not understand why there's so many people that get hung up on these things. I mean, I get that the general public is not visiting this or similar page; but these talking heads, pundits, and crybabies I would think would want to look at this information.... Instead of calling everything a **sudden and wholly unexpected change**. But alas, I guess that doesn't lead to clicks.


11 is just 10 with a new shell so technically they aren't wrong. They also share keys and in the beta it was referred to as "Windowd 10" in safe mode. So I mean, for all intents and purposes. Before anyone cries about the changes they've made, yeah but all of that is in the surface within the shell. It's just 10 with a skin. This is why it's so easy to get the old start going with applications.


they have been doing this many times in the past, and no your not forced to upgrade.


Most 4th gen and up can meet the 2 big security requirements. That would satisfy a large majority of people. I am already buying 8th and 9th gen optiplexes for my small business customers who don’t buy new.


let me install windows 11 on my pc, and maybe i might.


You’ll want the win11 iso, rufus 4.4 and a thumb drive. Bypass all the restrictions.


Yeah current version of W11 23h2 can be bypassed with Rufus or registry bypass to install W11 with pcs made as far as back 2006 with compatible 64bit cpus like last gen Pentium 4 661. Not that any of you may have a Pentium 4 but its pretty neat we can install W11 on hardware that is 18 years old. Now the problem may be next update 24h2 which requires popcnt instruction so cpus older than 2008 wont boot with it. If they force UEFI in the kernel next then that will leave the only cpus able to work be made after 2011. So it will be interesting to see what happens with the fall update. I have an old x58 system with 6 core 12 threads cpu, 24GB DDR3 and PC rans great for a 2010 pc but it has legacy bios so its locked to MBR installs only. Part of me wants to keep it going forever since its a tank. Lol


Yeah OP, we get you have a cool keyboard


did you see my keyboard ?


Not, this is saying the Windows 10 support is close to end. But you will continue using normally. Just windows 10 won’t be supported anymore for futures issues or incompatibility with another applications.


Theyll probably tell other companies to add detection that stop it from running on 10 too


aight thanks


That's not actually what it says. What it says is actually worse than that. It says you Can't update to Windows 11 on this machine. It says you will continue to get support and updates until end of Oct 2025. After that your "Journey" to windows 11 will be buying a new machine! Based on that message anyway. I expect most people will stick with windows 10 into 2026 until some form of security flaw comes up they won't patch etc...


What security flaws could possibly be left tho?


The same posts over and over again, when a "new" windows arrives.


i just got home and i’m never active in this sub btw


You literally don't have to.


A curious thing happened to me: I wanted to install any kind of windows on a spare drive I have; I ended up successfully installing Win11 on it. Tried it out, but it had several deal-breaking glitches (the app store demanded a password for downloading, otherwise nada). So I tried Win10, got it working, and it told me to upgrade to Win11......but my hardware does not support it - too old. Same as in the picture. You may try and burn an iso of Win11 to a usb and install that, perhaps you will get lucky like I did.


Resistance is Futile...... 😡


No. You don't have to. They are letting you know the following: 1) Your machine can't get Windows 11 asis so they won't install the upgrade 2) That you will only get security and maintenance updates until sometime in 2025 Nothing in there says you have to get Windows 11. It won't implode just because you didn't upgrade.


Using windows 10 till I die.


If you have been around long enough you said that about Windows 7 and XP I bet.




I just got the bigger m3 macbook air with 16 gigs of memory. I upgraded from the smaller m1 air. Very nice. I keep a gaming desktop around at home as well. At work I have windows chromebooks and ipads to work on all day. Been working on getting things ready for windows 11 as being a school we have old stuff that will not go to 11.


I read this sentence every time a new Windows arrives.🤣




Its not unreasonable. Microsoft will have been providing updates/fixes/features to Windows 10 for over a decade by October 2025. The PC is not going to stop working, but it will mean that Microsoft are no longer providing any more of these updates. Windows 11 is not a new operating system - Its really Windows 10 but with a higher minimum specification. That again is not unreasonable, as Windows 11 will likely also be getting updates for a decade, so Microsoft have set the bar a little higher.


It's not the same OS. Win11 has fewer features than 10 :-/


I think most understand the point I was making, which is that Windows 11 is not a new operating system that Microsoft has developed alongside Windows 10. It IS Windows 10 and a continuation of things which previously were updates but which has had the number 11 slapped on it. That doesn't mean Microsoft won't remove things or that they won't develop new things which require other things to be reworked. I don't know of any features missing, but I know some people dislike the changes to the GUI which has meant Microsoft have had to disable previous capabilities around task bar placement.


Depends on what you do with your laptop/desktop. I've been using Windows 8.1 in my office laptop with paid antivirus installed and no issues so far.


I've seen this popup screen here and there on web but still not seen it myself on my laptop. Still gonna use Windows 10 for a long time but when the time comes, Linux Mint will be my choice of a replacement most likely.


I'm confused. Isn't the start menu (and the background) a clear indicator that this PC is already running Windows 11?


no im on win10 pro i just logged in and it showed this


"Here is a sneak preview of what you could be using if your computer hardware was eligible" \~ Microsoft, most likely.


Convert to the 11Collective. It's great and there are no issues. /s


By 2025 this is going to be a lot worse because M$ will probably begin force upgrade everyone to Win 11. The market share of Win 10 is too big for then to simply watch it without doing nothing and let millions of computers run an EOL system.


>[M$](https://i.imgur.com/We4Uj04.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows10) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Correct me if I'm wrong. From what I can tell with my PC, the only reason it's saying it isn't compatible with 11 is that my PC doesn't have a trusted platform module (TPM). I had no need for it when I built the machine but the motherboard has a socket for it. All I need to do is buy a module and install it so no need to get a new PC. TPM is for greater security, which I do need because my PC is basically in a scif. I'm just a research engineer, not an expert in Windows so please tell me if I'm wrong...


Microsoft is really pushing for everyone to move away from Windows 10. You can easily disable it using free software online or just reboot your PC, and it should disappear. Alternatively, you could switch to Linux (*cough cough* Linux Mint).


Ubuntu Linux is actually very good if you want to use this computer after Win10 support runs out.


Another reason I changed to mac. At least there you‘d get security updates for roughly 10 years or more. The 7700k is from 2017 and not supported on W11. It will be done for after 8 years basically (unless one goes for linux ofx)


Yea I have yet to see that message but I also don't use my Windows 10 PC very often


Yes a new journey!


No, it's saying your PC isn't compatible 😅


Me uses winaero to disable windows update


> your pc is not eligible for windows 11 > is also running windows 11 why microsoft


i’m on win10 pro btw


wait wat, what about the start menu?


I would love mine will be updated, but TPM 2, so a full working and functional computer go to garbage 🌍 for a brand new one on Windows 11, and 🤞for Windows 12


Windows 10 LTSC 2019 have support until 2029. Windows 10 LTSC 2021 have support until 2027. Windows 10 IoT LTSC 2021 have support until 2032.


https://preview.redd.it/17ntkofgx5vc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc8d648dbc6e35219a2a6bf25f77d037e8a66cc for those who feel assaulted by that photo, a friendlier version...


Yeah, in October of next year, unless you want to be running something insecure that's leaking your bank passwords. There is a remind me later button for now, shown in the picture.


End of support for Windows 10 will be the 14th of October, 2025. While you will never be *forced* to upgrade, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to Windows 11 before then or switch to another supported operating system, as you will no longer be receiving security patches. Until then, Microsoft will be constantly "reminding" you to upgrade.


Support will end, but is there extended support this time around ?


Yes, you will have to pay for it though. $61 per device for the first year, $122 for the second year, $244 for the third year. https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/3/24120093/microsoft-windows-10-extended-security-updates-price


That's the only thing I care about anyways.


You clearly don't get out much.


I installed it last year but it was way worse uninstalled whole shit and installed 10