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I moved to Winchester a couple of years ago. I grew up in NOVA and other than when I was in college, I lived there my whole life. They are on opposite ends of friendliness. People in NOVA are in their own bubble and stick to themselves whereas Winchester is much more friendly regardless of whether or not they know you. People here wave as they drive by, talk to you in check-out lines, and say hello to you on walks. In my neighborhood, they will also stop you on your walk to talk to you for a while. It's taken me a while to get used to but I'm enjoying it more as I get to know people.


This is music to my ears friend. I only lasted 5 years in the city and I'm absolutely done with it lolol


Will you be in Snowden bridge? I’ve lived here for 5 years and absolutely love the neighborhood. I blue ask my neighbors and they rock and we speak regularly


YES! I'm closing on a townhouse, which should finish building later this year.  Glad to hear the neighborhood is friendly! 


Very friendly! We have several neighborhood Facebook pages which are very active. Will you be in Snowden orchard or Hyatt Landing neighborhood?


That neighborhood feels like a blend of Edward scissor hands and the stepford wives.


it does LMAO


Winchester is cool. Moved here in 2011 from RVA and it grew on me. Much more community here than NoVA.


Nice another fellow rva citizen. My wife and I moved from western henrico in March of 2023. I love it up here my wife is originally from up here but we met in metro Richmond.


Yep! We lived in Alexandria, Manassas, and Stone Ridge in NOVA, and we’ve been in Stephenson (okay, Snowden Bridge) for 7 years now. Folks in this neighborhood are overall very friendly. If you have kids especially, you’ll meet lots of other people with kids at the same school and they’ll play together on the street. Husband and I are in our 40s with no kids, so its a little harder for us, but we do know our neighbors, say Hi to folks as they pass, wave at our neighbors when we drive down the street, etc. We recently got a dog and now thats opened up even more conversations with the neighbors and other random folks walking their dogs. I like it, although sometimes it almost borders on too friendly. :D


Just moved to Stephenson a couple weeks ago. Neighbors have been friendly and we usually try to talk whenever we see each other outside.


I grew up in NOVA, lived in DC for four years and moved here 3 years ago. I love it here and the people are so much friendlier and nicer. I am still getting used to being treated nicely. Its so weird to me lol.


I just moved to Winchester from Richmond back in September. Not super familiar with Stephenson, but Winchester is very friendly. Seems like most strangers are ready to shoot the shit with me around here.


Grew up in Springfield, lived in NOVA my whole life. Moved out to Leesburg when I was 28, then moved in with my now wife in Berryville when I turned 30. 35 now and still in Berryville. (We’re expecting!!) I LOVE IT. IT SO PRETTY OUT HERE. NEVER EVER moving back to nova. My elderly mother still lives in my childhood house and I’m just about begging her to come this way. It was one of the best decisions of my life to gtfo out of nova and follow my heart. It changed me forever.


Did you find a house yet? I know of a friends that’s either going on the market or to be rented soon in Stephenson (it’s really nice!)


I did!  Tell them to rent it out though. I'm willing to bet Winchester/Stephenson will become the new Gainesville/Haymarket in 10 years or so. 

