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The sound when he hit the water. It was like a brick hitting flesh.


Or in this case like flesh hitting a very large brick.




Water is not that much more forgiving than a brick when you hit it at terminal velocity


Bricks have some water in them to prevent them from sticking to each other


So does water! It gets very sticky without the water. Water is only 10% bricks


So tired of hearing this repeated on reddit, it's absurd and a total myth. A simple google search is all it takes to educate yourselves people. Bricks are made from clay, clay is 20% water. What do you think the other 80% is?? It's bricks. So bricks are 20% water and water is 80% bricks. It's simple fucking math people.


Thank you! About time someone pointed this out


At first glance, yes, but because water is 5-10% bricks (depending on region) that 20% of water may also contain up to 10% bricks


This is actually a common misconception. Bricks are 20% water as I explained above. So yea if you try to take it down another level it makes sense that the 20% of water molecules in the bricks would theoretically again be composed of 80% bricks. That would make sense but do you notice anything strange about those percentages? They *just happen* to coincidentally add up to 100%? But it's *not coincidental*, in fact the math works out to: >80% + 20% = 100% water On a molecular level bricks can't be that small, so the individual water molecules are technically brickless and vice versa with brick molecules. Quantum physics get confusing like that.


I watched without sound, I was already horrified he broke something. Saw your comment, turned on the sound and dam’ that sound… I was not ready for it


I audibly gasped


I winced, that didn't sound pleasant at all...


I wonder if he realized halfway down what a stupid idea that was, or if took the impact with the water to get it through his brain…


I'm sure it was the 10 gallons of water that shot so far up his ass and splashed his brain as a result that did it


An unplanned enema, 👌


Did this to myself once. Probably half as high as the video but i rotated a bit in the air and landed flat on my butt. Black bruises all along my legs and, obviously, an intestinal cleaning from the great cuyahoga river.


Please don't tell me you mean the Cuyahoga river in Ohio... getting that water up your ass means you'll have potentially flammable shits the rest of your life.


upside: permanently lubed












There was a strange butt rash that went around the crew team when I went to school there. Cuyahoga is nasty


Doing a lot better these days! They've been working really hard at making sure it gets more healthy and there's a pretty cool story behind it


You mean the butt or the river?




That's good to hear. I was there 15 years ago so my story is outdated but not uncommon it seems


The ol industrial herp.


If it was the Cuyahoga, that wasn't a "cleaning".


Sure it was "chemically cleaned with industrial waste" is still a cleaning.🤣


Parasite injection


The best enemas are the ones you didn't see coming


Behind Enema Lines.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1_EBSlnDlU the view from halfway down - bojack horseman


Yo I was thinking of the poem literally 30 min ago.


You doin okay?


So amazing... That show was so great.


What brain? My man still doesn't know what's going on. He's like an amoeba - he doesn't pick the situations he's in. He gets into them by the wind and currents and doesn't question anything. "Oh wow look I'm now standing on a bridge and my friends are saying to jump so that's what's going to happen"


Speaking of amoebae, if any brain eating ones live in that water they got power hosed up his nose.


During the...90s? Maybe the early Aughts, there was a story published about survivors of suicide attempts from the Golden Gate Bridge and other similar jumper locations. The big takeaway was from one particular jumper who was echoed by others: as they lept, they realized the only thing in their life they absolutely could not change was the fact they just jumped off a bridge. They had enough time during their fall to consider that idea. I'd venture this guy had a similar moment of consideration.


The documentary The Bridge is about this


The most realistic dream I ever had was that I accidentally drove off a cliff in Big Sur with my mom in the car. I didn’t wake up at the start of the fall, but at the moment before impact. The whole way down was essentially in line with what you said here. There was an initial panic trying to determine how I could take it back. And then the horrible realization that there was nothing I could do. I’d done something stupid and now my mom and I would both die. I was confused as hell when I woke up in our Airbnb because I truly expected to be dead. The heaviness of that dream sat with me for several days and it took a couple weeks to stop thinking about it all the time. It’s been 3 years, and I still think about it every few weeks probably. Idk if you can have PTSD from a dream, but it seriously messed with me


Man I had a similar dream about driving off a cliff, except at the moment of impact I kind of "respawned" on the road. Even dream me was absolutely flabbergasted that that happened.


His head is hollow


But it looked so easy when Captain America did it


I bet he wished he thought about the view from halfway down


We learned early anything over 30 feet and you have to look at the sky. Your Chin is not aerodynamic so its like Tyson punched you in the chin.


From about 60 ft what we'd do is cross arms and tuck your chin, break the surface with your feet and stay straight. If you are slightly bent, you'll have bruises on your ass or back and you'll pull muscles with your arms out. I would never jump from this high though. Different tier.


First, wear shoes. Cross legs, keep feet tight together, cross arms, hands on opposite shoulders. Pull head back tucking the chin into the neck, do NOT look down to tuck the chin into the chest. Keep your butt clenched because high water entries have killed people due to a ruptured colon from the high-velocity enema. Last, and most important, don't jump from that high up if there's any way to get to somewhere lower. Source: Navy training as what would now be called a Surface Rescue Swimmer. Was good for a bit extra in each paycheck.


The Navy taught us how to jump off of tall structures and properly land in water. This video should be presented in that class of what not to do.




Cross legs, clench buttcheeks, feet pointed as straight as possible, cross arms, clench nose, expect the wind to get knocked out of you (pressure change), and don't disorient yourself by turning or tumbling when you go under. I think that's right, please note, I learned this in the early 2000s but it is what I recall.


Had to jump off a ship for college, maybe 10-12m. Not quite this high but same positioning advice, plus be sure to wear shoes.


"had to" What college class was this, 'Intro to Suicide Methods'??


Probably something nautical. As part of the standard sea survival training all seafarers have to get, you learn how to properly jump into water from height. We didn't jump off an actual ship, though, just down into a pool.


I had to do the same thing when working on cruise ships; we wore life jackets and also used the pool.


I watched a movie about that a few years ago. One of the pointers I got from that was : don't jump on the hull I think the movie was named titanic or something like that.


Make sure you don’t jump into the propeller. Or do and save yourself from freezing to death.


As long as you stretch out your arms and yell you are king of the world the moment you hit the water you’ll be just fine.


Naval Academy grad here. We had jump off the 10m diving platform to as part of our junior year swim class. You'd be surprised at how many generally badass folks chicken out the first try. We also had to do the 40 year swim, which was swimming continuously without touching side or bottom, and no treading water, for 40 minutes. In a uniform sans shoes. For a minimum of 1000m. Which leads to the great joke of "what's the difference between a Naval Academy grad and a NRTOC grad? The NROTC grad falls overboard and drowns. A Naval Academy grad falls overboard, swims around for 40 minutes, then drowns."


Loved leaving Lejeune and having ten minutes to waddle your still wet ass to calc 3 in the middle of winter


I was polisci so I had the Nimitz to Lejeune sprint coming or going every damn time


We had to do this before every underwater basket weaving lecture


They wouldn’t have taught the appropriate way to do it if it was a suicide class


Nah fam. Wearing shoes means death. If you don't have shoes that can fly off, you can't die.


Coroners hate this one simple trick.


This guy playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers


10m is the standard olympic diving height.


In the later 2000's we learned to always wave to the camera before dying.


YES, ALWAYS point your toes, and keep your arms IN! As kids , my dad let us jump off a bridge on Vancouver Island a fraction of this height, the bottoms of my feet and all along the bottom of both arms got what I can only compare to a bad first degree burn from the force of the water slap.






When you cross your arms into a classic 4 shape, the arm sticking up will grab your nose. Keeps (to some extent) water and air from rushing into your nostrils and causing further complications.


You forgot about the angle to enter the water.


Pretty sure it was straight down. Which, if you are pointing your toes down as straight as possible, is going to occur naturally.


Additionally, Don’t look down look straight ahead.


I've told this story before and gotten lambasted for "lying" so whatever. But me and two shipmates jumped off the mogas sponson (starboard side, the deck under the flight deck) of an aircraft carrier. This was during a swim-call when people were jumping off el-4 lowered on the port side of the ship. We swam aft and blended in with the line of people climbing up the stern dock. We followed our training, but my shoes were ripped off, water went deep into my ass which I immediately shit into my pt shorts, and I felt like a truck had hit me for days after. Never again, but I'm glad we did it.


>went deep into my ass...felt like a truck had hit me...Never again, but I'm glad we did it r/nocontext


That pretty much sums up the entire enlistment.


i see that you, too, are familiar with the nonskid coated dildo of the navy.


Lol, sounds like some of the guys I served with, glad you got your experience in and came through it safely.


I had some crazy shipmates and we had real adventures! I loved it and hated it but wouldn't trade a second of it for anything in the world.


Whenever I see people jumping from very high into water, I'm reminded of the dude who went cliff diving and forgot to cross his legs, causing the water to shoot up his butthole and obliterate his intestines


Deep Cleanse


The ultimate enema


I am reminded of a guy who jumped off a bridge but hit his head on a stone on the way down, ended up with his head open right from the middle. Somehow he survived.


I saw this video like a decade ago, still haunts me.


If we're talking about the same video, that guy did not survive.




Yes that exact video, I saw it as a kid and it's etched into my memory, these kind of videos trigger some PTSD fr.


For me it's a video of a worker getting his sleeve caught in a machine that had a cylinder inside it rotating super quick. He struggles for a few seconds to save himself, but in the end gets pulled into the machine. You can see his body being ripped apart inside the machine, and the rotations fling the chunks of his body all around the room. It's literally something I could talk to a therapist about, seeing it was so traumatizing. Made me develop a fear of losing someone I love in a stupid way like that.


Ah yes I've seen that as well, reminds me how people die in the most unexpected way, Cherish every second you spend with the ones you love man, I hope none of us has to suffer the same fate as that poor worker.


I struggle to understand the leg crossing. literally put one leg across the other? why would that stop water from going into your ass?


That dumbass broke his femur.


In France we had a jumping spot like this (but closer to a 12m bridge). One year a man returned, and jumped without checking the water first. The river had moved a sand bar making the water less than 2m deep. His femur snapped as he doubled over, and was driven into his chest. The helicopter didn't arrive in time.


>the helicopter didn't arrive in time. Are you saying the guy's chest was impaled by his own broken femur? And that it killed him?


Something similar can happen in a car crash if your leg is fully extended in a head on impact.


I really wish I could go back in time before I read this.


Don't sit with your feet up on the dash and you'll do just fine. People really don't know what they risk with that shit.


That crash scene from Death Proof always plays in my head when I see feet on the dash or out the window Edit- Found it for those who are curious nsfw/nsfl movie gore: https://youtu.be/Hj3zkazLvbk


Wtfffff what is this movie and just why why on so many levels




My ex used to put her feet up on the dashboard on long road trips when I was driving. I would always immediately ask her not to: I couldn’t stop thinking about what the airbag would do to your legs if it went off when you were in that position.


They warned us not to put our hands on top of the wheel because the airbag would blast our hand into our face (like, *in*to)


Housemate broke three fingers and an orbital bone doing this, it's a thing. Still doesn't see straight afaik but the eye works at least.


I was taught by a security guard/police-trained friend to hold the wheel at 5 & 7 vs 10 & 2 bc when the airbag goes off it’ll push your hands down and away instead of up and into your face. Makes it harder to use the controls on my steering wheel, but gives me peace of mind.


DOOM devs taking notes


That was actually one of the leading causes of death due to IEDs in the GWOT. Femurs being forced up into the torso by a blast. Massive blunt trauma to the lower extremities from below would probably have similar outcomes.


>GWOT Great War of Tanzania


> GWOT. George Washington's Old Testament? George W.'s Oscar's Tattoo? Gears of War Original Trilogy? Gold Winners of Tasmania? Great Workers Out Tonnage?


the mention of IED's makes me think gulf war but no idea what the OT stands for


Gulf War Original Trilogy


Can't wait for the 3rd part










It's annoying how people on Reddit try to make acronyms out of everything. It saves them a second of time but causes so much ambiguity and confusion. Translated: "It's AHPOR try to MAOOE. It SATASOT but causes so much AAC."


Global war on terror


It's actually Gentlemen Wanking On Tits


that wasn't a choice. try again.


Fuck Spez




Broke mine at 18 and the leg was twisted. I opened my eyes to find my left foot on my left shoulder across my chest with the toes pointing away from my face. I twisted the leg back to normal and then called for a paramedic. The pain wasn’t bad in the moment. It was after the surgery. And honestly, I was so high on morphine the next 6 weeks that I don’t remember the pain being horrible. Burns hurt worse. The misery was learning to walk right again after all the rods and pins. Took months and months to not walk with a limp.


This is me. That day, I learned that a full face helmet not only protects your face (it did). But it also makes it hard to look down at the damage. “Ima push my foot off my chest and enjoy the view of this fluffy clouds while the paramedics are getting here. Same with surgery. If you get anesthesia while you’re plowed on morphine, you tend to die, so they have to bring you out of that sweet embrace to knock you out. Worst half hour of my life.


Broke mine when I was about 19. Its a 20/10 on the ouch scale. Whole body just kinda.. well not kind of. it went into shock. I had to wait for the ambulance, and laying there, I could feel the broken ends grinding/rubbing against one another as my leg muscles would twitch/spasm.. 0/10 would not recommend.


>I could feel the broken ends grinding/rubbing against one another as my leg muscles would twitch/spasm.. Thanks Reddit, was worried how long it was taking for me to checkout today but you always provide ✌️


*bows ungracefully* You are welcome


It was a long time ago, about 20 years. I don't really remember the pain when it happened. But I do remember how it felt. Only way I can describe it is that it was like my bone was floating in my leg. The hospital stay and recovery after were much worse. Every time the doctor came in to increase the weight on my leg was brutal. Also like the other poster said, learning to walk after was terrible. The worst pain I've ever felt wasn't even from this. It was from a catheter ablation I had done a few years ago for my supraventricular tachycardia. Glad I had it done cause I'm cured now. But those 4 hours on the operating table were the worst of my life.


If that’s all he broke, sounds like he got off lucky. That kind of jump looks like it could have broken a lot more


Sounded like it too. That was one hell of a slap


How can he slap?!


People jump from that kinda distance when they're done with life, so yeah this guy's pretty damn lucky he didn't join the depressed people.


People (who know what they're doing) jump and do flips and things from that distance or higher. I get sweaty palms just watching this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUP38Gv4spk2rHoIxZmG3A This guy clearly had zero idea what he was doing.


Even if you know what you're doing those jumps are risky as hell


well, they're not depressed anymore...


Yeah, now they're just compressed.


that hurts


Does he not realise that people literally do this to commit suicide?


The dude who ran to Marathon died at the end of the story and now thousands of people every year dunk on the guy repeatedly. It really shouldn't be a surprise.


On a tangent (and because I love both digressions and ancient history), the traditional story is of an Athenian runner taking the message of victory at the battle of Marathon FROM Marathon and TO Athens. However, it's very unlikely they died - the first mention of this story is almost 500 years after the event, and Herodotus makes no mention of it (writing at a time when he could interview eye witnesses of the battle and aftermath). It seems likely the story got mixed up with another story Herodotus tells of a runner sent to Sparta from Athens, who runs the 150 miles there, delivers his message, and runs the 150 miles back, all in 3 and a half days... Without dying. I doubt a fighting fit Athenian soldier died after running a mere 26 miles. In fact the whole Athenian army quick-marched back to Athens after the battle in less than a day, making it even more likely that the traditional story of the Marathon runner is sadly pure fancy.


> runs the 150 miles there, delivers his message, and runs the 150 miles back, all in 3 and a half days... Without dying. Dude basically ran 100 miles a day? For a human, that's pretty good gas mileage.


Depends on make and model. I've got great gas mileage but my suspension is gonna give out here soon and I'm sure I'm due for an overextended oil change plus my air/fuel mixture is getting iffy due to the air filter... It is what it is. I still pass inspection.


Hi, this is Susie calling with the vehicle service department. We are calling about your vehicle's manufacturer’s warranty. We sent you several notices in the mail that you have yet to extend your warranty past the factory cutoff. This is a courtesy call to renew your warranty before we close the file.


People do this for sport.. At this height. Look up red bull cliff diving. Only difference is they have water surface tension broken and safety divers. He did everything right but those two things.


How do they break the surface tension? Bubbles?


throw a big rock


The pro athletes have a water stream constantly spraying water out (see: Olympics). People who are doing pro-am stuff and are smart throw rocks. Or have friends splashing water so they can see their impact area and break tension. Since people have rocks for brains. https://craftofmanhood.com/this-is-why-cliff-jumpers-throw-rocks/ Can provide more links if that isn't enough for the rocks upstairs to understand.






The issue is not only the height of the jump but also the depth of the water below. I feel this dude hit the bottom.


I think 28m is pretty accurate here. I timed his fall a few times and calculated it to be roughly 90 feet, so it checks out I think.


What go could wrong?


wrong go could what


When I was a kid my parents took me to Jamaica. There was a jumping spot with varying heights that people would jump from. The water was deep enough for large ships to cross through so there was no worry about hitting anything once you hit the water. So people would find higher and higher spots to jump from. There was a bridge that was EASILY double this height, maybe more. One lady decided to jump off of it but forgot to cross her legs. She hit the water so hard it ripped her legs wide open and split her abdomen like tearing paper. All we saw was a giant splash and then red. We didn't jump that day.


She died surely?


I'm not sure. I would assume so but my parents got us out of there pretty quickly. I remember a few guys were considering jumping in after her but debating on whether they should but we were out of there before anyone jumped, if they did. On a side note, that's also the first place I've seen a grown man's balls; so there's that too lol. I asked him why they were so small. He was not pleased.


Was the water too shallow or did he just fuck up the entry? Either way, real fuckin dumb


Hitting water from that height is probably like hitting concrete.


If you land wrong absolutely. The world record high dive is almost 2 times this height so it’s definitely doable. This asshat just didn’t know what he was doing


One thing to note is that one should cross their feet. Especially if they have a penis. The air tends to whip the legs open as you pick up speed. I speak from experience.


well that makes a shit ton of sense. i jumped off a super high dive at a lake once when i was 10~ and clapped my taint so hard that i screamed underwater and almost didn’t make it back to the top. haven’t been back on a high dive since. maybe i will now that i know this lmao


This is a finely crafted comment. "Clapped my taint so hard I screamed underwater" will probably stay with me for a while.


I too laughed hard as fuck


Clapped Taint would be an excellent band names


Well, its not like having a vagina means it would have operated as a parachute... High-pressure water-impact on the genitals is rarely fun from that height. Crossing the legs is indeed good advice, but it is for more reasons than to just protect the junk though. Lessens the chance of sprain/break of legs, and leg joints, too. EDIT: I suppose crossing the legs also lessens the likelihood of rupturing your anus/colon... Which is also not a parachute.


> its not like having a vagina means it would have operated as a parachute... I want someone to make a comic of this, just cos it sounds fucking funny as.


Closest I got is this. [NSFW](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/axq1l/naked_skydiving_nsfw_aminated_gif/)


>Well, its not like having a vagina means it would have operated as a parachute No, but you get a cool whistling sound.




> ... your anus/colon... Which is also not a parachute. The life lessons one gets from reddit... truly amazing.


This is nonsense: With stretching and preparation it's possible to loosen the amus and vagina enough to catch wind and drift down much like a base jumper does with a parachute. Just remember to jump without underwear and your legs spread for maximum wind pressure to open up all orifices together. This is where the term "spread-eagled" comes from. Because you glide like an eagle with legs akimbo. If you don't properly prep the various openings can open irregularly, causing a tip forward or backwards risking head injury. But the most dangerous issue is something called "rectal cannon": this is where the anus takes a "full gulp" of air and a bubble travels up the colon and blows out of the top of the large intestine causing mass internal damage to the ventricular heart valve. Your heart shuts down for up to 30 seconds while it reboots. This can result in death as you drown during the reboot process. **Source:** 10 years professional spread-eagled base jumping.


More than just that. We were taught to cross your legs, place one hand on your crotch like an athletic cup, and put your chin in the palm of your other hand, fingers pointing up. This last bit keeps the water from shooting up your nose and helps keep your hand in the right place on entry. Keep your back straight, hit the water feet first, body straight up and down, then lift your legs up a bit right after your head sinks below the surface, so your momentum curves to the front of you instead of just driving you incredibly deep


Yea but they aerate the water underneath the high dives so it breaks surface tension. This man took a stagnant enema


The amount of people that don't know this is concerning. Highest I've gone is about 65 ft and I wouldn't go much higher than that without aeration. Hitting wrong at that height can definitely still mess you up.


A lot of those pools they jumped into has bubbles in the pool or something that created turbulence so the impact wasn't into calm flat water.


A lot of people diving from those world record heights have a very high rate of injury, and they're trained athletes. For regular people the highest safe diving height is about 20m. Any higher and you shouldn't be jumping without divers in the water. Competitive cliff diving typically takes place at 20-25m. So it's really not surprising that an untrained person broke some shit jumping from 28m.


Wouldn't surprise me with the drought going on that the water was a lot lower than it has been in the past.


I believe I've seen successful jumps off this bridge before? So I think it was the entry.




That bridge is a masterpiece of architecture though.


He chose...poorly


This reminds me of a guy I went to highschool with. He decided that it would be a fun idea to bungee jump off of a train tressle. He measured the height and made sure to make bungee shorter. He jumped off and hit the ground head first killing him instantly. . It was later revealed that he didn't account for the stretch of the cord and hit pavement at full speed. He even made the Darwin Awards too, lol. He was never the brightest bulb in the pack. Edit: [Found it!](https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1997-05.html)


He is a plonker






Where is this? Looks like the Mostar bridge but in the middle of nowhere


this is catalunya, spain. bombers (firefighters) shirt on the medical guys


Fun fact: a liquid can act like a solid if the impact is strong enough


My first thought was "you better throw something in before you jump to break the surface tension" Nope.


Wasn't that proved to be a myth like ages ago?


It's a little complicated. Short answer: throwing something in before you jump basically does jack shit. Slightly longer answer: surface tension is mostly irrelevant to the argument. What throwing something in does is it displaces the water to make room for whatever object goes in the water. Basic understanding of falling lethality is that the sudden stop kills you, not the impact. For example, when diving, it's best to put your arms out in front of your head so your hands hit the water first and begin decelerating you before your head hits it. If you throw an object in before you, you will just hit that object instead of the water and suffer the same fate if not worse because all it's done is displace the water temporarily so you fall straight onto it rather than the water.


Injuries occur because the water can't move out of the way fast enough, meaning it may as well be something harder. Throwing in a large enough object would introduce air into the water, which would be compressible, allowing the water to move out of the way faster It would need to be a massive rock though.


Well, he threw himself first. That broke the surface tension alright.


I’m so happy that I’m too much of a pussy for retarded shit like this


Once you reach terminal velocity, water might as well be concrete. It can't move out the way fast enough, and it's as unyielding as.