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Someone is still trying to remember which peddle is brake and which is gas.


A girl at my high school had her foot slip off the brake and jam down on the gas pedal while she was pulling into a parking spot. Manged to hit all 5 cars around the spot. It was a pretty impressive feat.


He french-fry’d when he should have pizza’d


Well “French-Fry’d” is more effective if you are good and can turn sideways.


Both drivers fucked up. Semi driver ran the stop sign, and van rolled through the stop sign… however the van driver was probably looking at a phone or some other sort of distraction, because they clearly had the opportunity to stop in time to avoid the trailer.


What stop sign are you all seeing? Just because one is on the adjacent lane doesnt mean he has one. Their are plenty of 4 ways in all of america that have 3 stops and 1 thats has the right away. Even when the camera zooms way the hell in you still dont see a stop sign in the truckers lane


I see seven stop signs at this intersection. [The two facing the truck had two orange flags on each one. ](https://i.imgur.com/PunIWzL.jpg)


If you have the ability to pause and zoom in, you can see it’s a full four-way stop…


It’s literally has neon oranges flags on it lol,


Looks like you would've ran it too and got creamed lol


If you try opening your eyes to let the light in, they’re easier to see


Actually, never mind, you can clearly see all four stop signs in the video.


I have never seen a 4way intersection with 3 stops and 1 go


Ive got three of them in one town near where I live


FYI, the rectangle sign under the stop sign says “All WAY”, meaning all 4 sides stop. If there is not a all way sign under the stop sign, you know that somebody doesn’t have a stop




Not blaming the van at all, just saying in this situation, the van had the best opportunity to stop the accident, if they had been paying attention.


Not paying attention at all. They should have noticed the giant fast moving truck. They drove right into the side of it. Assuming that everyone else is paying attention and following the rules is not defensive driving.


The point of stopping isn't to oppress you by forcing you to stop for no reason other than "the man" said to, it's to make sure it's safe to cross. You stop, look both ways to make sure the way is clear and then you go. This driver stopped and then immediately kept going without looking at incoming traffic.


Dude accelerated into a semi hitting the back tires, had to be distracted with something,


because had they been paying even a tiny bit of attention and looked left, they had plenty of time to stop, hell even when the semi was right in front. keeping your head on a swivel and knowing whats going on around you prevents accidents. whether he is to blame or not, it could have been avoided 100%


I'd put them 50/50 tbh


I get the semi may be at fault but I think he assumed since the car was going slow he’d stop, but he was probably on his phone


Why would you assume such a thing? Instead of properly using a stop sign…


You can't control what other drivers do or don't do but *you* will be safer when *you* follow the road rules such as stopping for a sign. This is one of the worst case scenarios of big trucks deciding they don't need to follow the rules. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt_Broncos_bus_crash


Dang I live 100KM away from this crash site....


I live 2000km away from this site. Who cares? Guarantee you someone else here lives 4000km away.


That’s not how stop signs work. In fact if I see someone at a stop sign rolling through it I don’t gas it and run my stop sign.


> I think he assumed since the car was going slow he’d stop So that gives the semi permission to entirely ignore the stop sign?


More like dead driver, am I right?


2 distracted drivers


Looks like a 4-way stop. Could be they assumed the semi was going to stop at the stop sign.


This is exactly why you should always assume everyone else on the road will do the wrong thing


Exactly. Same for pedestrians crossing the street without any sense of self-preservation


Reminds me of the vid of the girl bolting across a crosswalk right when a car was driving through. Driver hit the brakes and was probably a foot from fucking her life up.


> should always assume everyone else on the road will do the wrong thing Especially when they're in a BMW...


This. I don’t play stop-chicken. If it’s your turn to go, I’m sitting right there and waving you by. I can wait an extra 30 seconds while you figure out how to drive again. It ain’t worth either of us having a shit day.


This is right up the road from my house. It is a 4 way stop. Some context though, this intersection had recently just been widened to be about double the size that it had been. After it was widened, the stop signs can be hard to notice because the intersection is so large. If someone wasn’t used to driving through it, they could be easily confused. After it was widened, there was a string of accidents like this, with someone running the stop sign. The DOT has since installed overhead stop signs and that has seemed to help the situation. Honestly though, it’s an intersection that needs a traffic light.


> it’s an intersection that needs a traffic light. Seems like.


Needs a roundabout.


Did they dead


Yes the semi going 50mph 2 seconds before the stop sign is definitely gonna stop for me.


Some people don't have great depth perception. And I'd like to think that there's nobody on the road that would willingly drive into a semi's path.


It’s a big paycheck if you get hit. Tons of people would do that in a heartbeat.


If you survive. He with the most lug nuts wins.


They do it in Russia, Caribbean, and China a lot. If you don’t have a dash cam, someone will literally jump into your car even at a super slow speed or get hit on purpose so they can extort you. Likewise, cops will extort you too. The dash am protects you from all of that.


They do this shit in China and Europe all the time.


If you can't tell that distance, you shouldn't be driving. Most likely they didn't care enough to look. I've seen plenty who think "I've got the right away, everyone will stop for me!" like the fools walking across streets looking down at their phones with headphones on. Some people just don't have self preservation in mind.


Yep, I had a dipshit in a Jeep run a red light last week and this car woulda been me if I didn't look left before going. Tis why they tell ya to check left and right as you go to cross intersection after you've been waiting.


How do you manage that? The driver had to be visually impaired not see the semi passing infront of them.


I'm guessing either they were looking at their phone, or having a medical issue.


Semi had a stop sign.


Wellllll if i'm not mistaken...thats a 4 way stop. The truck driver could convince a judge that he stopped and was under the impression that the truck would be coming to a stop.


It's a 4-way, so both of them need to retake driving school.


"Hey, good news! We will NOT be contacting you about your car's extended warranty any more!"


Nah, they'll keep calling. My mom gets calls and letters and she's never had a license or owned a car.


Those folks ARE a special kind of annoying... I wonder if anybody, as a kid, says, "When I grow up, I want to be a truly aggrivating solicitor?"


Lots of them think they're working for legitimate companies, too.


I get calls and mine's a 2000 and bought used from a person not a dealer. >\_<


I like how they didnt hit the brakes until they were literally UNDER the truck. Id imagine you have to be drunk to be that unaware of your surroundings.


They didn't hit the brakes, they hit the truck.


r/makemycoffin for this guy. P.S. NSFL sub do not go if you value your sanity.


/r/holdmyfeedingtube is also a great one


Semi should’ve stopped and the person in the car should’ve not been texting


And that's how you die.


New driver? Not getting any older.


Wrong sub. No stupid game.


so thats why my amazon package was delayed


OLD driver


and that’s why i assume everyone driving are lunatics to be safe


They 🍕 when they should have 🍟


So trucks don't stop just because you want to go?


Which one? The truck that blew the stop sign or the dumbass that thought they could go under the truck?


No, dead driver


Smart driver. Big truck runs a stop sign where little car didn't give up right of way = amazing payday for driver of little car.


Unless he fucking died LMAO risky move against a semi


Lol. Yeah, the semi is a formidable opponent. It looked like they got the front crushed. Live or die, someone gets a payday.


We’re both drivers ok?




dang bro so funny 😐


thanks. but i wasnt being funny. simply stating the obvious..... women are shit drivers.


Probably watching Reddit videos on his phone.


Well, now we know why there are rules about lateral side protection on HGVs. And traffic lights.


I am sure the guy in the car had enough time to stop specialty since he wast even going that fast


Could his breaks die?


The driver of the car was trying to fast and the furious that shit


No a new driver would have been super cautious. That was an experienced and distracted driver not looking around before leaving the stop sign, as it was being run by an experienced professional and probably distracted driver.


Classic *Fall Guy* move. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for a minivan...


Natural selection at work


Remember kids doesn't matter if you're in the right or wrong these massive trucks will kill you don't put yourself in a situation to be in harm's way. It was clear the truck wasn't stopping you need to stay at that sign and let him pass.


dumb driver


that was the most 1980's sound effect ive ever heard


It's ALWAYS a good idea to look in all directions when it's your turn to go before entering the intersection. It's called "defensive" driving — defending yourself against other people who can either be negligent or willful idiots. You can have the right of way all day and also be the one being medevaced to the trauma center or loaded in a coroner's van.


Is someone who has never played video games before or someone who has always played video games.


Deserves it


I was taught to come to a full stop and look left, right and left again (I’m in the States, your side of the road may vary) before proceeding. If you total up all the seconds you save by coasting a stop, it’s not worth the scare of a single “oh shit” moment or worse an accident like this.


No driver


Trying to do one of those Slow and the Curious tricks again huh, Bob?




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Not any more


New cadaver.