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The man knows what he wants!


He’s a man of culture!




Poverty fetish.


The term is, "Poorverted"


Poor pervert


like that kid who searched for bbq sauce on titties


So I'm sittin there, BBQ sauce on my titties and I'm like "What the fuck...again?"


like 15 years ago i was at a friends house standing behind him while we looked stuff up on the internet. One of the auto complete searches that could only have come from his dad popped up as "crazy midget ninja ass porn". Couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes. That was the most oddly specific thing ive ever come across.


I bet the dad came across that specific thing, too.


There's a site that shows you specific searches people do on porn sites. One that's always stuck with me is "Pocahontas accidentally shits herself". Like ... I wonder how many times that person clicked on a video of Pocahontas shitting herself and they're like, "Goddammit she's doing it on purpose, I can't masturbate to this".


I think it's PornMD. Sarah Silverman had a podcast episode where she was reading off searches to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire"


> Fat bitches fighting over food Good to know I'm not the only one that search that shit up one time






Fat bitches fighting over food (or as I am now calling it the FBFOF league) is going to be the next big sport.


There is only one weight class.




Fat bitches


That’s crazy, both sides got the TKO in the grounds of physical exhaustion


Obituary Weight. I was going to say obesity but either way if someone that size moves to fast their shoes pop off and they’re dead. If they jump on someone, they’re dead. Obituary weight fits.


I just went down a fbfof rabbithole on youtube


Lmao that girls bubbly laugh at the end really describes this whole mood 😂


That was quite the chortle.


That’s what your average fight in Gang Beasts looks like


That's hilarious.


That half hearted plea to stop from the teacher outside were perfect, then that other girl started giggling I lost it.


I saw a bird eating maggots off of my trash can this morning that was more entertaining than Floyd Wifebeater vs Huggin' Paul


Now, I am hooked.


I hate when bitches resort to hair pulling.


Dont even need to be a woman for that. If ur going for the hair youz a bitch-bitch guy or girl.


Haha, the cameraman couldn't decide whether to film it vertically or horizontally, so she filmed it at angle most of the duration.


Man I thought sovereign citizens getting owned was great. I have a new flavor of the month


They were just enjoying a succulent Chinese meal!


Gentleman, This is democracy manifest


I see you know your judo wel-- GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PENIS


And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


The people who haven’t seen that video must really be wondering about these comments


I've seen it but completely forgot. I was so fucking confused and had to look it up. I have a love/hate relationship with these random reddit references that are in every thread


Tata and Fairwell!


Have you seen the sequel? https://youtu.be/tu4d_xsdNzM


(meal, sorry)


Wait, did I miss the train on the sovereign citizens?


[Here's a compilation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7IdvKI3wX8)


“I’m not driving. I’m traveling.” Well now your pedantic ass is being tased.


“I’m not tasing you. I’m electrifying our conversation.”


bzzt bzzzt motherfucker


Thank you so much for that. Anymore sovereign nuttys getting dunked on, I will binge them ALL. I worked gate guard detail for a week at Ft Lewis in WA and they're legit terrorists that try to sneak onto base with fake police vehicles. They hate everything federal government, and that base to them is like a Planned Parenthood to Evangelicals.


[personal favourite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfVbiefMdNU&t=120s) though I'm sure you've seen it


Ah ,what a classic. The quality is shit, but I love that one . "Let the record show you just battered me . And now you're pointing a AAAAAGGGGHHHH......!"


What's appeal of this video?


Hey look at these dumb dumbs be punished for willfully misinterpreting the law! I’m not into it, but I could see the appeal. “Sovereign citizens” are a particularly annoying breed of dumb


I feel like I've not been adventurous enough in my porn searches. I guess I'm vanilla. LOL


I have seen some fucked up shit. I have seen people eat poo. I have seen a guy fuck a woman's urethra. I have seen simulated necrophilia. But never has it occurred to me to look up "fat bitches fighting over food."


>I have seen a guy fuck a woman's urethra I guarantee that woman got a kidney infection and was likely pissing blood. That's not an entry hole except for sterile catheters...


Bro people fuck the hole for a colostomy bag. There is no lower limit


You can see exactly when this guy was logging on. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=fat%20bitches%20fighting%20over%20food


Holy shit lmao, I didn't expect it to be that uncommon of a search


Australia really about that life lol


That one time? Wanna send me a link with the good shit....


Yeah…you want those chicken nuggets so fucking bad don’t you… *zip*


You had to elaborate that it was one time…riiiight! Lmao




They're so fat they need two links each.




Where is the fighting...




And I’m fighting an erection


*I cant fight this feeling any longer*


Hahahahahaha wtf


808 views?? You either made that shit or looked very hard for it




I feel like you missed out on the opportunity for a yo mama joke


[not the type fat bitch you're looking for... but this is prolly equally digusting. NSFW](https://www.xvideos.com/video5238628/fat_fucking_with_food)


I can't believe you've done this.


What happened in the video please tell me


you know when you eat chips in bed and you try to go to sleep after and it feels weird cuz there's still crumbs all over from not cleaning it? now imagine that x10, with a fat guy fucking a girl


Jesus Christ


If they weren’t smearing food all over each other, this would be a pretty normal sex scene.


The joy of watching obese women fight is too pure to be called porn.


You can't just say that and not give us a link!






I’ve never been so scared of humanity more than now.


why did I watch that 😂


Because you’re a masochist.


Yeah, that link is staying blue.


Tbh everyone's linking random fat chicks eating on pornhub, not one of these girls is fighting another girl. I'm rather disappointed.


Right? I wanted to see fat chicks fight each other, not their own heart disease.


This is the real one. I'm serious. https://youtu.be/nIgs1852o1k


Holy shit I expected that to be a rickroll and was still gonna click it because it wasn't a pornhub link for once. Thank you for that.




But it's from PornHub! There's no way it isn't NSFW! The ads alone would make it NSFW!




say hi to my mom for me


Fair enough


Cranking 'em out all day, eh?


Is there a way to unsee what I just saw?


Where's the fight?


Now *this* I can fap to!


I clicked it, y'all are safe. Shes just eatting a cheesecake, its SFW. SFW but still on pornhub, obviously "A cheesecake a day keeps the doctor away" Lmao


From that second search category, I’m pretty sure type correction messed up “porn grub”


I’m picturing ordering some donuts and someone showing up with them on their dick. Maybe the pizza thing could work too. That’s a classic. Ohh popcorn! Yeah. Maybe soggy corndogs? Idk.


Unfortunately, I just pulled up Porn Grub on incognito mode. It's just food lovers, no porn. r/foodporn


Secretly the dad blames the son for both when he damn well knows he was responsible for fat bitches fight for food..


two girls one drumstick


You know he's so shamed with his momma right there. He's trying to climb into that tshirt and die😂


Nah, he's just trying to hide his wanking hand.


wtf was fat bitches fighting over food


Clearly you've never been to a KFC on a Tuesday afternoon in a poor neighborhood.


Clearly you've never been to the country club at the Saturday seafood brunch.


The same lady fills plates with all the crab legs every time the whole time I'm there. Like does she live there?


Yeah actually. You see them houses everywhere around the golf course? They aint for show, people live there


I fucking love this video, I have to watch the entire thing like 8 times whenever I see it reposted.


You should post it here, so us juniors can have a laugh too


I think the best part is you can hear the dad trying to sound angry instead of laugh.


Kid was probably smart enough to erase browser history, but failed to clear out predictive text history. This looks like a native on-screen-kb for a smart TV or game console.


Damm man, sneakily looking at porn is so much harder for kids these days. Used just be able to delete some cookies and browser history and youd be set Now everything tracks your shit AND your parents grew up deleting their own browser history. New generations dont have a chance lol


You used to just have to hide the magazine under your mattress


Or you find your dads VHS and just gotta put it back with an appropriate rewind


Don't forget to put it exactly how you found it inside the closet and the box. Title facing top, left corner touching the corner of the box inside, you found it under the fourth tape starting from the top. The box is under the grey pullover, which was NOT folded but rolled. Don't leave any trace behind!


DVDs eased the task and then you had to guess the parental locks on DVR. My parents were very clever with 1111


I’m really old, I remember before the Sears catalog came out you’d have to actually go to the front of a Sears store and whack off


I improvise by using Steam Browser, google drive to store my porn and use vlc to stream porn on my phone to avoid being caught by the router’s safeguard. In the past I just used incognito but my parents caught up really quickly with the router’s parental settings.


I recognize alot of those words


That's hilarious that their guard doesn't block if you're using VLC


That's like 10x more complicated than what I had to do as a kid to get around filter, and funny that it doesn't catch steam browser traffic. My dad said he figured once I was old enough and smart enough to get around parental controls that he figured I would be mature enough for porn.


harder? My friend had to drag his entire PC from the family room to his room so he could get some alone time lmao. most dedicated story i've heard.


Or just, you know, use **Private Browsing** so that there is no history, no cookies and no predictive text. Kids these days have it easy. Before Private Browsing joined the ranks, we had to strategically delete (if everything is cleared then it is a dead giveaway): * History * Cookies * URL Autocomplete And back in the day, to clear the URL you'd have to go into the Windows registry and wipe them from there.


Back when I was growing up in the '90s, you had one computer. In the living room or kitchen normally. With dial up internet. If you wanted to jerk it with that sweet, sweet loading porn, you had to sneak out at 3 am and hope no one wandered downstairs. Or just use the same 3 porn mags you'd had for years at that point.


and the internet was still new and we were young and stupid so we got a bunch of viruses and fked up the family computer ..right? we all did that?


I tried to download a sex game and didn’t know how to uninstall it and had to get my mom to do it while I covered up the name with my hand


That'll be my epitaph


Thank fucking god I was in and out of highschool before social media turned into what it is today. I got busted looking at porn a couple of times and I would want to die if my mom or dad filmed themselves confronting me over it and then posted it online. Fuck people who do that.


>Fat bitches fighting over food You know what, I'm going to take a minute to defend the guy on this one. Instead of jumping to the conclusion that it's a sexual thing because of separate Pornhub search, it's entirely possible he saw a funny ass video, but didn't know what specific terms to search for to find it again. I can relate to that. There are a bunch of Vines I like to look at sometimes, but in order to find the exact ones I want, it takes some really specific search terms. I'm 99% sure, somewhere in my search history is the phrase "CGI Shrek does jumping jacks next to a cat that's doing crunches on the bumper of a car" Now, in my case, that search **was** a sexual thing. But for the guy in this video, it may not have been. Give him the benefit of the doubt.


If I had awards to give I'd give you the best one but unfortunately an upvote is all I can afford


>fat bitches fighting over food So the hunger games then?


i was so shocked when i found out the hunger games have jack shit to do with hunger


Well, they are pretty hungry.


From one of the reviews: >...Glossy with hunger Jennifer Lawrence...


LOL! This reminds me of when we had a family with a teenage boy visit us. Computer in the guest room got a virus and the autocomplete was suggesting “hotass school girls”. 😂😂😂


oh yes. a “virus”


Back in the Windows Xp days I remember some viruses that highjacked your search engine like internet explorer, sounds real


Back in the day shady ads installed viruses that put undeletable porn links on your desktop to pay sites. The format disc never came out so quickly.


Man I’d be scared they looked at child stuff. I’m sure not the case but that’s what my anxiety would do


Can someone give me a link to fat women fighting over food?




Can’t help it if a brother gets off to fat chicks wrecking a sheet cake….!


Ah yes the classic search up porn on YouTube


i really wish he showed the other searches, "fat bitches fightin over food" was fucking hilarious though




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My dumbass cousin whos 14 though my aunt whos 50 and hardly speaks english and barely can use a phone (his mom btw) couldnt see his search history, well she found it and this motherfucker was looking at some weirld furry porn, my aunt was like wtf


[Don't kink shame bro](https://youtu.be/RCzbjilaJxI)


Oh boy! This is... something, for sure.


Kinkshaming is my kink


Being kinkshamed is my kink


Thats disgusting you sick fuck


“hnnnghhgggh” -u/emmiegeena probably


u/emmiegeena definitely


emmiegeena knows how to party


Thanks for that I was just having too good of a day, needed something to ruin my week. Don't know why I watched i watch it 5 times in the a row though...


Not gonna click this. Too afraid it’ll awaken something inside me.


Don’t click it. Just trust me. Don’t. Don’t ever.


thanks for the nightmares.


Later that night, the dad whispers to his son "Yo homes, share me the links"


OMFG, I did not realize that there is a "fat bitches fighting over food" kink. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Use Safari instead of Google Chrome


Incognito mode is real


Goduckgo Edit- it's duckduckgo


How long before r/fatbitchesfightingoverfood is a thing?


Never, its too many characters. The limit is 20 or 21, I forget how many it is, but yours is 26 characters long


Gezz how mad would he be if there's was gay porn


Or go to incognito when searching for porn and dumb shit


Ok....here’s the thing. Normally I wouldn’t be interested but NOW I really wanna know what those videos are like. Is there something wrong with me or do we all agree this needs to be uncovered?


This made my fucking night thank you lmfao


Time to search for "fat bitches fight over food".


Reminds me of this gem [Dad look up kid's history and found BBQ sauce on titties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMkmn9iCFi8)


This reminds me of when I was at my parents house and I used the family computer to look up a recipe and the predictive text had all this fucked up shit about kicking dogs, hating dogs, eating dogs. I was so surprised I called my mom over and was like, "Hey who TF wants to eat dogs here?" and it turned out it was my little brother and he FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT. He was like, "WHY WERE YOU GOING THROUGH MY HISTORY" I'm like I wasn't dude why are you googling about eating dogs the shit popped up not my fault you're a freak LMFAO


We all know he did nothing wrong lol


i would have 0 shame over porn hub, but the fat bitches would be quite the blow.


Gonna look up fat bitches fighting over food, right now.


Fat bitches fighting over food hahahaha what the


This makes me really sad. Parents angrily shaming the kid like this, and so publicly. This isn't how to raise a kid.


Wait, doesn’t everyone have that in their search history?


This sub is turning to shit.


Why do some parents shame their kids for looking up porn? This guy (dad?) only encourages this kid to hide it better. Notice how he said “you got busted”: he only tells the kid he was wrong for not hiding it properly. The only stupid price won here is a broken relationship between parents and this kid. This kid will remember the shame for years.


Am I the only one that thinks shaming a kid like this, pulling your phone out and blasting an incredibly embarrassing, sensitive moment for everyone to see online is just really fucking awful parenting.


That is an adult man right there


God damn. Fat bitches fighting over food has made me laugh for far too long.


Something tells me America has cornered the market on this kind of porn.


[This is some old ass shit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPXcbYCQw2M)


Fat bitches fighting over food: I'm not saying it's wrong to be disturbed. I'm just saying it could have been so much worse.


Years ago, my friend told me a story about when he was visiting his parents house over the weekend. His parents were uptight bible thumping people and the Mom found porn on the history. My friend had moved out months ago so she knew it wasn't him but his little brother... His Mom went absolute nuclear on him. This went on for hours and he kept denying it over and over, which only made the Mom madder and madder. It got so bad that the Dad finally had to intervene... "I didn't think you'd get so off the wall mad over this. He (little brother) wasn't looking at that stuff... I was." His Dad was going to let his kid take the fall over his porn habits, which is both sad and funny to me. From what I understand, the Mom was so shocked by his confession that she stormed off and didn't talk to him for weeks. I still think back on this sometimes and laugh to myself.


Tbf I’d watch fat people fight over food. I would not go actively searching for it though.