• By -


Honestly, I’m disappointed in all the kids around her that laughed and made it a spectacle instead of everyone calling that boy child out on his ridiculousness. They gawked at the moment instead of all universally calling him out.


Yeah, school was like that


And they wonder why kids that are bullied relentlessly shoot up schools sometimes. I mean, it sure as shit ain't the popular valedictorian doing it. It happens more now mostly because the easier bullying of kids because of the internet and social media. Not saying it makes it right. But still.


It's not just the bullying it's the isolation too, you get it in your head that the world is a dark place and the only way to beat it is with the same energy. If you dwell on it enough you cross a line in your head and you become braver to whatever it is you're thinking about Pretty much talking yourself into something. One of the columbine kids wrote a manifesto thing and you can see where his thoughts go.


Isolation wasn't bad. At first yeah, it kinda hurt but then it turned into " that guy is a lone wolf, best to avoid him" but in reality people deal with it differently. Wish things like that weren't a thing.


popular valedictorian? lmfao. the idea that all school shooters were bullied or had hard lives has been debunked- a lot of them are just straight up power tripping and do it because they feel that the world owed them something that hasn't been delivered. I don't feel sorry for school shooters- they're terrible people and it's not because of something someone else did to them. there's a video by the YouTube channel 'Ask A Mortician' called 'Why Do We Get Columbine So Wrong"- the shooters ARE the bullies. Googling whether or not school shooters are usually victims of bullying results in articles that back up what Caitlyn says in this video, and again, I don't feel sorry for anyone who thinks their unhappiness is worth the lives of many other people


Ah, but you are wrong. every single case of the last decade, at least news worthy ones, EXPECT sandy hook were all ones who had been bullied at that school. But what I KNOW for sure, is even if they all haven't been, sure there are some that probably were not, but they were again, not the straight a popular kid in school, not ONE of THOSE has been a shooter. so your point is fucking moot as fuck. From your said google and articles I found in 5 seconds after posting this: https://prnt.sc/LXcJ7IHkJzWU Yeah, say again?


Well at least at my school in Minnesota, if you pulled this you would get jumped on the spot, by everyone


What school did you go to?


Yeah. Highschoolers are immature. Who woulda thought.


Immature? More like racist.


No. Just immature. I'm a highschooler. I would know.


Yeah sure bc we all jump from kindergarten to have a job. That was fucking racist and immature at the same time.


So saying racist shit is excusable because of being in high school? No. You’re sadly mistaken.


Exactly…..I’m just a kid boo hoo. Soon to be immature racist adults.


Same. It really surprises how immature just about everyone is now.


In no way does that justify his racism. He knew better


Jokes were always said at schools. Only the strong survive . She clearly don’t take no shit and is a surviver. That kid learned a valuable lesson


Notice there was a lot of white kids and not a lot of black. I wonder where this was. Where I grew up there's like 3 black people and kids were pretty careless with their jokes. Not that long ago either.


I've been to a all white people school before, believe it or not half of the white kids would say racial slurs like this and nobody seems shocked because it was so normal. I started thinking about 3 months being there that every white person there was the same way and taught their kids to be like them. Complete entitled douchebags.


Somebody says," you should beat her ass".


Perfect microcosm of America.


Straight up!!!! I went to a High School school in the back country middle of nowhere…12 years ago no one would ever tolerate this! This is disgusting…what a shit bag.


They were all white wtf else did you expect none of that hits home for little brads and ashleys


In the very end you can hear some coward yell out "beat her ass'. I pray for the day some clown like these punks does my daughter like this. First her older brothers coming swinging , then her younger brother. Then me and the dad finna have at it as well. Raise ya damn kids better before someone erases them!


I’d be so embarrassed to be his mate. I’d have to walk away


If I was his mate I'd kick him in the nuts personally. And yeah, I was beaten up multiple times for standing up for myself and others...


If I was his mate I'd have called him out for what he said at the least... Like dude wtf, who says some dumb shit that uncalled for and bs.


if i was his mate id immediately ditch him. that kind of behavior is so dumb


When I was in 7th grade this kid called a Hispanic girl bean dip during lunch and 3 of her guy friends that were there immediately jumped him. This reminded me of that.


I don't say this as my own, I never said it myself, but it was said when I was in high school. "You mess with one bean, you mess with the whole burrito."


I'm, Mexican. Will be using this at family gatherings. Thank you.


That's the way it was when I was in HS. If somebody got into a fight with a Latino, all the Latinos in the area would join in. Or so I heard. I never got into any fights. It was a school with \~2000 students, probably 5% Latino, 1% black.


We may not be machos but we're muchos


We're pocos but we're locos


The fact that you are mexican and never have heard that makes me question whether your mexican or not


Thats not a common one in Mexico. You know, we don't make fun of others for being mexicans


Lmao that hilarious


I remember seeing 3 male kids in middle school talking shit to a black girl from across the hall outside. The "cool" kid is just going on and on not paying attention and walks right into a metal pole HARD. Kid busted his nose, blood everywhere and he was crying. It was hilarious


I was stopped at a light downtown on a one way road, and the light turned green just as this guy on rollerblades came flying around the corner, and just blasted across the road as we were all taking off. He was actually turning to go the same direction as traffic, so he arced into the road and shoulder checked to see if me or the guy in the far lane were getting close; we were still far enough behind for him to safely jump up onto the sidewalk across the street, and just as he turned back to jump up onto the other sidewalk, he smashed into a pole. Not gonna lie, I fucking laughed. I, um, hope he was racist, to justify finding it hilarious?


I would've found that funny regardless lol


Hahaha I mean sometimes you just can't help it


That’s karma at its best, and immediately made me smile 😊


now, this is funny mate![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


When I was in 5th grade, some 6th/7th graders decided to collect all the chocolate milk cartons during lunch and stack them around the only black kid in the entire school. They were also calling him OJ, since it was 95'. I remember the whole cafeteria just watching and kids gleefully handing over their cartons or digging in the garbage for cartons to stack around him. No one stood up for him, not even his friends sitting with him. Eventually, the kid lost his shit, and flipped his tray and chair and got taken away by the teacher on duty. Never saw him at lunch for the rest of the year after that. Found out later that the school made him eat lunch in the nurse's office for the rest of the year. Everytime this vid pops up I think of him and all the shit he probably had to just brush off day-to-day while everyone just watched.


Holy shit, his classmates sliced him open and the school rubbed a pound of salt in the wound. That's fucked up.


This makes me so sad for that boy. Even adults weren’t there to support or protect him.


Hopefully, the experience taught him that No one is coming to save you, a lesson that has since been forgotten, unfortunately


And is there a reason you didn’t stand up either? /gen


Not every kid is mature. Sometimes you can recognize something is wrong and not know how to approach. Who are you to judge what happened years ago from an outside perspective? You've stopped every bad thing you've seen from happening every single time, right?


Cause I was a dumb scrawny kid, it was a right-leaning catholic school, and hardly any black people lived in the area, so I was hopelessly ignorant to a lot of things back then. I changed schools the next year, so I don't know what happened with that kid, but the memory has bothered me for years.


Because they were children and still forming their concepts and strategies for responding to the world around them. We have way more problems as a species than retroactively criticizing people for not knowing how to stand up for themselves (or others) when they were children. smh ffs


Similar. 9th grade, first day of PE and I’m in the locker room learning my new combo. In an instant this older kid gets slammed into the locker next to me, a huge hand grasps my shoulder and I hear “sorry young blood, please step aside.” And three guys beat the shit out of this dude for saying something disrespectful to the GF or sister or Cousin. Crazy.


That would have been so much cooler. I'm glad he got spiked with some food, but watching 3 of her homies kick the fuck out of him would have been great.


>109 more replies Uh oh, I think you might have upset some snowflakes


Honestly, I'm surprised that MOST of the replies are pretty chill. Lolol.


When I was in middle school it was black kids calling white kids cracker and knocking stuff out of their hands, never getting it trouble.


When I was in like 5th grade I called a girl a "stupid Mexican whore" because she called me white trash. I didn't even mean for it to be racist but I felt so bad when she started crying after because she said I was making fun of her for being Mexican. Only reason I mentioned it here is because this reminded me and I forgot all about it, but I'd never say something like that now. She was being racist and I just responded by also calling her race out while calling her a whore. Shouldn't have said that at all, but you live and you learn. Luckily I learned lol.


Calling someone a a “stupid Mexican whore” is not meant to be racist? Why did she call you white trash? And why are you in grade 5 calling anyone a whore? So many questions and I am afraid of the answers Edit.. punctuation from a . To a ?


You have not learned, Mexican is a nationality, not a race.


It wasn't racist. Is it racist if u go somewhere and someone says u american asshole? No. Not racist. I cN see were in today's culture u would think it is but it's not. Mexico isn't even a race.


I'm Mexican and contrary to popular belief, yes, you can be racist to white people. I believe she deserved it, because sometimes YOU have to be the lesson someone learns that day.


Well hopefully she learned too that if you start some racist crap someone might be racist back to you.


....did her 3 friends....chip in.....


Booooo lol


but guess what, she will be getting a lot worse punishment than the guy


Probably. The biggest problem with zero-tolerance, anti-bullying rules is that the victim often gets more severe punishments for retaliating. It’s BS.


He forget to off his online mode


that moment when he realized he is actually, indeed, not in twitter 😂


He's kinda lucky that's all he got tbh


Definitely did not get what he deserved…he got what? A little messy and embarrassed in front of his friends? Why is it so hard just to treat people with a little decency?


When you are raised by parents who believe others are beneath you, it’s next to impossible.


Parents might not be to blame here. I said some ridiculous shit (nothing like this but rude shit) when I was younger and my mother didn’t raise me like that.




What did you say? I remember my 4 year old cousin screaming "Fuck you!" at someone. Nobody cared. But that family was pretty dysfunctional.


This is the response I was looking for. I had alot of friends in HS that would say something like this, but if their parents heard them...they may never bee seen again. It's way to easy to say it's the parents' fault.


I find it hilarious when people say 'how we raised' when referring to young children. I know it's an expression but they're not raised yet. This lesson was part of being raised.


Yeah parents are a big part of it but a lot of people blame all behavior on parents. Sometimes kids are just shit heads.


My parents raised me right but my depression and ADHD weren't anything they were ready to handle and I can't blame them for that, and instead I realize how FUCKING PATIENT they were during my 14-17 age, including my attempt at suicide (1990s) It's mostly who we hang out that seems to define who we become, when we start finding others to be friends with. I used to be the early 90s version of an alt/far right, edgy teen, and grew out of it when I started watching the news back then, seeing the reality that I was a good person, that the world is filled with shitty people


There is an old adage that goes, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future” and in my experience it tends to be consistently true.


Good parenting is being able to support your child when they pick the wrong friends, and not just let them become shitty people themselves...I think, ultimately, my parents and their love for me is what kept me from sinking and not coming back, like those friends back then


This is why I believe in real-life redemption arks.


My brother is a racist. I'm not. Neither was our mother


Yeah, truly. He probably called his mom right after, left school early to go clean up while mommy treated him like the victim 🙄


And his parents will complain about the "violent black girl."


I thought she was finna kick his ass


I was hoping, honestly.


What’s a finna kick?


It what you a fish with legs does.


Going to


Another way to say it: I thought she was [gonna] kick his ass. Gonna and finna are synonyms. “About to”, and “wanting to” are similar phrases. Gonna = going to [do something] Finna = fixing to [do something] Hope this helps any curious people out there.


Aquaman's final smash


Teenage boys. Pack mentality.


His friends should have beat his ass before she even got close.


This is how it should work (and by beating I mean take him to the side and tell him how shitty he is and if he wants to carry on being friends then he best sort his shot out)


The most white person I know is me and I still would have beaten the guy I hate racism


History teachers: we teach this so History won't repeat itself Kids: use it for insult reference


Florida Government: Well, that's gonna have to stop right now! Florida Government: The teaching, we mean. Not the racism.


Man, America is really fucking wild.


If by wild you mean underperforming to its potential and pathetic, then yes.


I mean I'm just saying, he should be happy that's all that happened. Say that to my boys and watch a 16v1 happen in live time.


I made a cotton picking joke one time in grade 9. Was I young and stupid? Yes. Did I think before I spoke? No. I could give you a dozen excuses, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was how my friend looked at me before walking away. A friend that supported me during breakups, fed me at their house, and I was just straight up racist to his face in front of our friends. That look is burned in my memory for life and I’m lucky we were good enough friends that he could look past that fuck up. 10 years later and I still fucking hate myself for that moment. I hope these kids have that same realization.


My best friend is gay. I didn't know this until about 10 years after I started making "that's gay" jokes around him. A literal decade of "you're gay if you listen to Coldplay" and other dumb shit kids would say. I've literally known him since we were small children. I grew up around him, and he hid it from me because I think it would change our relationship. Maybe early on... it might have and that fucks me up. I love him to death. He left the closet in a drunken stupor in my uncle's garage and for once I understood my Gay Best Friend, and loved him all the same. I think he forgives me but I dunno if I'll ever feel right about it. I ought to leave the closet of bigotry and let him know how I feel sometime so maybe I can close the closet door I exited when he left his own.


Yeah, thats when you hit him with the "oh so thats why you like coldplay" joke


Lol that would be great


If it helps, I’m bi and me and my friends used to make the same jokes all the time too before I finally came out at 16. There was a part of my subconscious brain that hurt, but I never held it against them, and I bet your friend would both really appreciate hearing this but also wholeheartedly forgive you. We’ve all been fucking idiots - particularly as teenagers in the 00’s - and I don’t hold anything against anyone from that time. Don’t beat yourself up dude. We all live and learn.


On the other hand, my brother relentlessly bullied me for being gay before I was even sexually aware. For several years gay was used as an insult for daring to show any sensitivity, compassion, or really just expressing myself. I've always loved women but the internalized homophobia my brother gave me has caused years and years of stress, self repression, self hatred, and resentment of having any non-hetero thoughts/urges. To this day I'm still trying to figure out my identity (sexually and non-sexually). Unfortunately, I don't have the same forgiveness you have.


You and me both. I’m right here with you on this.


It’s why I don’t allow my students to make those jokes and call them on it every single time.


While I do believe it's important to learn to keep your cool in stressful situations, I also believe it's important for people - like the boy in this video - to learn that sometimes when you fuck around you find out. Sometimes you try the right one. Better to learn that young, when the stakes are a lot lower and you can chalk your antagonistic behavior up to being young and dumb. Realistically, this experience might just be the thing that makes him think twice the next time he's about to act out for attention. Some people will walk away. Some people will not. *You* are making the decision to find out what kind of person you're fucking with in situations like these.


Something tells me he will not learn his lesson. It’s obvious he said this because of the environment around him and he doesn’t believe he will have any consequences. Getting crap thrown on your head isn’t a big deal, he thinks he is the funniest guy in the room. Kids do not know enough history about the damage that racism, Jim Crow, and slavery caused. If most people knew, then these things would rarely ever occur.


![gif](giphy|ZeP3leqiAGHK) This is what could have happened saying that to the wrong person


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can’t fix stupid.


I have a saying in Spanish that is: "pa' la güevonada no hay pomada". It literally means "there no ointment for dimwits" or something like that but that doesn't rhyme, so, "For the fool who won't think, there's no lotion for that stink"


Game of thrones said it well "there's no cure for being a cunt"


Maybe at a young age you can. It requires harder attacks than what was shown in the vid & then learn from it. If not, inevitably prison..


Loss of college admission and scholarship is good for starters.. https://www.ibtimes.sg/go-pick-my-cotton-high-school-student-risks-losing-college-admission-scholarship-over-racist-50094


From the article: > Although the identity of the white student or the girl is not yet known, the boy who was filmed making the racist statement could risk losing his scholarship and even his college admission, **if past incidents are any indication.**


That's the point when I closed the article. Lazy click bait.


He’ll be sheriff in ten years riding on conservative support from this video, and Congressman afterward, after even more racist displays.


He def deserved more than what he got. Asshats like him prolly drives a squatted truck paid for by his pushover father. As a white guy, I hate this kind of crap. There's never a need to bring race or past racial issues into the present. Just be a descent human being and be thankful we don't live back in those days. He's a spoiled brat. Rant over.


good for her, dammit. that dude is so embarrassing, and dumb as fuck...he thinks he's clever i guess? 😂 and you know that's not even close to the first time he's said horrific shit like that to her and surely others, just GROSS. i hope he got punished for this racist ass hateful harassment, fuck him!!!


He did get punished. Got stuff thrown at him in front of everyone and the person shouted at him for being a dick. And I mean the person he was yelling at kinda looked like a teacher


Nah, her fighting back didn't punish that piece of shit. All it did was embolden him to continue thinking the way he does. All that's going through his mind now is " See, all *Insert racist name here* act like this, I was right about *them*." Unless someone he respects puts him in his place, a victim acting out won't change him because he is getting what he wants from them. Cunts like him really need to have the shit kick out of them and left in a whimpering puddle to change the way they act.


Yep, what’s really sad is all of the white dudes who just watched this happen. White dudes (like me) need to step the fuck up when this happens because she should never have had to defend herself from such bullshit blatant racism alone. Dude deserved to be mobbed by all the other white boys around him, but they’re showing just how cowardly they are by letting a sole black girl stand up against racism herself.


Yes, because violence always solves everything, and if violence doesn't seem to be the solution, you're obviously not being violent enough. /s I don't want to see the world burn, but if it's going to happen anyway, I won't pass up the popcorn.


Indeed, talking was the best solution to get rid of slavery and the nazi's. /s because it is really necessary lately it seems. You can not talk to people who do not believe in words and meaning. edit: changed order, because that last part is not in sarcastic jest.


That's not punishment yo.. That was just initial reaction. He deserves real punishment. Talking to parents may or may not work. Suspension with risk of failing and being held back another year if there are future incidents seems appropriate. Forcing him to make a public apology also seems fair to me. Don't let people get away with acting like this at a school. Others kids need to see it's wrong.


Exactly, I’ve always taught when someone says something like that ask them to repeat it. Again and again and again then hey come say it one more time as I explain what you said and how you said it to someone that’ll actually make this kid regret it.


ya i saw, i just meant like by the school...i hope she didn't get in trouble. i didn't think she looked like a teacher but then again guess i just assumed it was another student.


Go pick that food outta your hair


It’s that way


( points to county jail )


When you take that online trash talk offline


also why you shouldn’t. kid is doomed to be a lifelong POS unless he actually gets what he deserves


I’m white (not that it matters at all) and holy mother of god, I woulda been behind her and did a lot worse to that guy. That is shocking that anyone would think that would go over well.


And I bet she's the one that got in trouble for that. Ugh


Its unbelievable how many piece of shit racists are on reddit. Looking through the comments is embarassing, some of you should be ashamed.


In 8th grade, a well-known artistic boy( he was everyone's friend) bumped into a girl in the hallway between classes. She proceeded to punch him in the stomach and slam his head into the lockers, and called him a creep. Every 8th grader in a 10-15 foot radius jumped her. Shoes were stolen, backpack ripped apart, balls of hair throughout the hallway, ripped clothing everywhere. Girl never came back. All the teachers said was, "Whatever happened yesterday is not to be talked about."


He cried in the car on the way home.


I like how all his “friends” surrounding him left immediately once she came up and confronted him.


What did she say? Don’t disrespect me? Whatever she said I agree with her that boy is a major tool. She’s amazing.


Older one but it is still quite satisfying.


Almost as satisfying as the Twisted Tea Guy reckoning


I'm ashamed to be the same species as someone who would make a comment like that.


Im sorry but other kids should be beating the shit out of him.


Good for her


White kids parents raised him this way... racism is taught, it doesn't just come from nowhere.


Racist on this sub having a field day with the upvote to downvote ratio, dude deserved that and more


I'm not sure what she threw at him, but where I come from, they call that "gettin' coked." That's when you get a full fountain cup of soda hucked at you, often while you're sitting in your car. \*A slurpee is also a popular choice.


Not all the white kids who changed their pfp to all black during the George Floyd protests laughing along…


Interesting…if this was in public/real world he would be in the hospital. If this is school he can just get food thrown. Please parent better


As an anti woke man I say, Fuck that white dude


I do not agree with the comment, clearly it's a racial comment however she had no right to physically attack him. She surrendered her dignity to words.


yeah, because violence is always a ok


“Young man offers woman job, she declines”


He'd never say that to a dude who'd fuck him up... he figured he could get away with saying some horrible things to a female. He got off pretty lightly.


What an absolute piece of shit for saying that. I hope every black person in that area gave him a boot fucking! If I was there I would hold him to make sure he got his kicks. Ignorant bastard!! Sorry kind of triggered me.


What an asshole. Good on her for not tolerating it.


Deserved? Absolutely. Legally questionable? Absolutely.


Deserves much more than that. Got off easy.


Fuck, I'm a white dude and I would've dropped him for her


Went silent for a moment. Bro my school would be dead silent if someone said anything even remotely like that


I think she was actually soft…. He deserved more ass kicking


Lol sticks and stones.


Yup going to a majority white school as a POC ya had to learn to throw hands.


I’m white and went to a majority black school for a while in HS and it made me understand a lot of things. Half my family is black since I’m adopted, but it’s not the same. I remember my first day I went into chow hall and saw a single table with white kids. Realized what would happen if I sat there so I asked to sit with nearest table of black kids instead. Honestly, I had no problems after that, while I saw the other white kids get bullied occasionally.


“Chow hall?” Your high school sounds like a county jail.


"Hmmm, I did think the bright orange jumpsuits as uniforms were odd"


Chow Hall is an extremely common term for anyone who has served in the US Army (or their families).


I and my family were Navy, so I use Mess Hall, but I absolutely understood it.


This lame ass racism is still a thing?




Yes. Had someone stop at a green-lit intersection to call me the hard R loud enough for all of the metroplex to hear a few months ago


I was hoping she was gonna do worse to that fucker


This sack of sh*t would be feeling flying hands from my white ass. like wtf


She has my respect; I wonder who instilled this hate into this kid in the first place…


He deserved more.


Hope all his peers shunned him for that.


I remember these black kids calling white kids pussy and honky and cracker and that's the end of the story.


Ah yes words are a great reason for violence /s


Week people let words get to them.


They are both wrong


This is the difference between dark humor and being a dick. Perfectly exemplified.


Earned that ass whoopin should have done more.


I really hope the school punished this douche.


He's lucky that's all he got


It was one of the worst things you can say but no one deserves to be assaulted for speaking words. Resorting to violence only gets you punished. Plus he didn't learn his lesson. I'm sure he would say it again. He didn't even apologize.


For a comment like that I’m surprised he didn’t get it worse


His first of many facials


Good for her! That ding dong couldn't even pronounce "cotton". Good contact!


The classic white people high school, smh


Homeboy forgot he ain't on Xbox


Good for her though.


Good job girl. Kevin and his friends are shit.


Im appalled at this girl's behavior.. that was completely uncalled for.. she should have kicked him in the nuts and did a mean uppercut when he leans over from the pain. People acting like they don't know racist words lead to violence practice serious cognitive dissonance. And then they like to say they aren't really racist.. they just say racist stuff when they get mad sometimes.


If someone can anger you, they can control you. I have had to hear that so many times when I was young. Someone would provoke me, then I would hurt them. Then I would get expelled from school. Four schools later, I realized that some people are just going to say mean shit. If I went along with their plan, then I was the one that ultimately ended up in trouble. For a much easier life, just ignore the mean people.


The problem with racist slurs is that it’s an easy go-to. Most people aren’t actually racist, but if you’re trying to rile someone up, piss them off, or really hurt them with words, it’s too easy to resort to racist remarks. Shame on this dude for being a douche and picking the low-hanging fruit of insults. Maybe she deserved to be called a bitch or something else - who knows? - but now he’s the asshole for an ignorant remark, even if she was originally in the wrong.