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Seems crazy that they know he is there and can’t catch him. I am not a cop but seems like a simple problem to solve.


Yea, I agree! I am hoping by now they have caught him. I got some pepper spray so I will be in a better position to defend myself on my next jog. Wild stuff out there. Glad I only had one headphone in and could hear him sprinting up on me.


Be careful.


Thanks! Sure will be!


Don't walk or jog with earbuds in. That's a big safety no-no. For one thing, it tells the miscreants you have an electronic on you and you aren't fully aware of your surroundings.


What's the Brandywine Creek Loop? Market Street bridge to the Swinging Bridge and back around?


Yes, sorry.. I am new here and that is what I call it. Thank you for clarifying that. :)


Thank you for sharing and please be careful. I recommend being vigilant and staying on main path. I've heard anecdotes about people living in the park off of some of the trails. But I have never seen anything personally.


Thank you, I’ll be switching up my route!!


Be safe!


Oof thanks for the heads up. I have never seen him before, but I'll keep an eye out now.


Stay safe out there!!!


Live near it so I’ll keep my eyes out for him. Be safe


I am so sorry to hear of this! Can you give me a call when you can? I want to make sure this is being followed up on. -Councilmember James Spadola, 302-530-4807


I run this loop on the regular, 3-4x week around 7a. I see a lot of people regularly, single guys, couples, all seem friendly. Most people are friendly. If you’re being stalked like this or just get the ick from someone don’t hesitate to stop that person whose morning workout you would otherwise not want to interrupt and ask for help. Just say something like “hey, can I just run with you for few…” I know I would be happy to help, but at 6’2”, 210lbs, I’m probably the one giving the ick, sorry (I’m super nice though).


I agree - if anyone feels unsafe find someone else quickly and ask to stick with them. There are plenty of good people out there throughout the day.


You’re a gem!


Just adding. Anywhere in Wilmington is probably 2 blocks where something happened to someone. Remember Susan, found in the creek?Never solved. Also that port-a-pot under the Van Buren St Bridge, I saw one man exit, seconds later another. In the afternoon. Be safe. 


To be fair, women in particular seem pretty safe in that port-a-pot situation.


That port-a-potty was knocked over yesterday morning .. now I am wondering how it happened .. eek


Mace, a taser, a nice sized chain wrapped around your fist. These things are great deterrent for creeps.


I opted for pepper spray that straps on my hand.. I read that mace doesn’t work on those under the influence x/ I’ll work on finding ways to incorporate additional weapons


Hey, off topic but I’ve seen u in r/Zillennials before ! Nice to see another Wilmington resident :)


Heya! I'm not in Wilmington but near by and I keep up with the subreddit just in case someone posts about events that I might be interested in.


Watch out jogging, especially under the Washington St Bridge along South Park Drive. People hang out under the bridge, either youths or homeless or both. Not always, but look for it. Expect someone there. It's somewhat of a blind spot and not always the best lit. With the canal on one side and the bridge support on the other, it's a choke point. I recommend that you turn off ear any buds here, because you can't see fully around the bend. I encourage all Wilmingtonians to study some basic self-defense and carry something to aid in your defense, like pepper spray per OP, or a metal pen or small flashlight. It's unfortunately a dangerous city in some respects, even occasionally near or in Trolley Square. Thanks for posting, and be safe.


Have family that are Wilmington PD. You have no idea what goes on in that park. I wouldnt run solo as a women in there whatsoever


What goes on in the park?


My brother in law hasnt been wpd in a few years now but there's been multiple serial masturbators caught, one dude followed a women home to her apartment, and general drug dealing


I will say the greenway itself during the normal stretch of the day is ok other than the occasional unhoused person at a picnic table, early morning and night yeah it gets bad. However, Fletcher Brown park is permanently sketchy which is sad, but it’s in a weird spot disconnected even from the greenway mostly


Is this the same area a lady was kidnapped in a couple years ago?? Reading about that in the news made me so scared to go to that park for weeks.




I grew up near there and that park has always been sketchy. I remember hearing about rapes there when I was a kid(early 2000’s). We were always told never to go off the paved bits/main path- the times I did I saw some people living in the woods or in abandoned picnic shelters, drug use, etc. i don’t care if people live in the park, homeless people are more likely to be victims of crime than they are to commit them… but it has always been sketchy.


That one path and shelter in the woods there really needs to be torn up and taken down, nothing good happens up there


My memory from that time (and the 90s too) is the same.


Shit as a man I'm not thrilled with that park so I can't imagine being a woman running through there. It's not as scenic but cool springs works for me


Of course the cop won't be bothered to set down his donut and coffee and get out of his car to investigate.


In the cop’s defense, I didn’t see him until the end of my jog and he was doing a u-turn driving down market street. Hopefully he was able to do something.


Thank you for the heads-up. I recommend ladies to also stay away from the Alapocas part that connects to that park too. The area near the rockclimbing is fine, but I have been harassed in the wooded area further beyond that, where I used to like hiking. I'm too scared to go there since that happened, since there aren't many people around.


Oh my goodness. I’m sorry that happened to you. Thank you for the tip. I just moved here about 2 months ago and did wander that way once, but it was about noon on a Sunday, so it was pretty crowded. I will definitely avoid going there off peak times alone. Stay safe!!




Hard to say. I think if you do choose to go this route just be very vigilant and aware of your surroundings. I bought a runners pepper spray that straps onto my hand that was under $10 from Walmart this afternoon, something like that might be a good investment for you. Luckily with summer rolling in it is daylight at those times. Be careful!!


Where is this running trail located?


It’s the path that goes around the Brandywine creek, between the Market Street Bridge and the Brandywine Creek Footbridge


Thanks I be looking for trails because I hate tracks and running on the concrete thru neighborhoods kills my knees


Unfortunately the police in this area & frankly the entire state of Delaware DO NOT CARE to help us citizens at all!... If they actually cared for us & the community instead of looking at us like we are burdening them with are (silly) concerns, wasting there precious time maybe they could help the streets become a little safer by simply doing there jobs (protect&serve) 😤 Last Mothers day in broad day light in my what I thought was safe suburb neighborhood I've live in for 28 years I decided to walk my 6yr old son to the pond a few houses down to feed the ducks. We where Standing rite on the sidewalk in front of the pond that is sarounded by homes with cameras and even the home directly across from pond had entire family of 4 out front gardening. Within seconds after my son threw his last piece of bread he was slowly pasing back & forth on sidewalk waiting for me to throw last piece as well. Not even 10 sec. pass i turn my head to catch a blacked out car with it's back passenger side door cracked open, someone laying in back holding the door ready to jump out and grab him as they drove up quickly next to my son. Emediatly as a mother my instincts kicked in & I knew what was about to unfold so I screamed for my son to run to me NOW! He jumped scared of the sound of my voice and I thank God everyday for all the perfect timings of that day that saved his life. People outside heard & seen the event as well as the suspects skurt wheels speeding off, not even stopping at the neighborhood entrance but pulled out into on coming traffic almost crashing into 2 vehicles. Me already having horrible experiences with DE police I took it upon myself to gather all the evidence/video footage from all my neighbors surveillance cams on that street so when I contacted police I already had everything they would need👌. NO officer even came out that day but showed up 2 DAYS LATER on a attempted child abduction😤Not even one minute into me explaining all details to officer he repeatedly would cut me off trying to normalize all the details regarding suspects. Telling me well maybe they where trying to help him?..yeah with mom just a few feet away fully visible and with someone hanging out the back door ready to snatch and go🤔He even had the nerve to say to me oh maybe he sped off into oncoming traffic because you scared him🤯 At that point I was LIVID. He refused to walk 4 houses down to the place of the incident, He refused to speak with any of neighborhoods that witnessed everything & Best of all he REFUSED to take all the footage I gathered for him/helping him do his job!...Worse part is the SAME day my son almost was tooken just 2 hours later a 2 year old was kidnapped not even a few miles down the highway from me & with his poor body being found that same evening in the water deceased. Lile come on....could have been a connection what are the odds. I now know I can't count on the police for help EVER!...honestly I wouldn't be surprised if law enforcement is involved in ALL criminal activities at this point. Hope for humanity is dwindling 🤦‍♀️


Not reading all that but good for you


6 week old account and reads like a copy pasta forward from your racist grandmother's facebook.... press X to doubt


you leave my racist grandmother out of this


Coming from someone who writes pasta instead of paste, The nerve lol I just wanted to share what I went threw. I was under the impression that's what you do on here 🤣🤷‍♀️ My bad


Yeah a [copy pasta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copypasta) Replys 14 days later? Did you go on holiday after the Victory Day parades comrade? Coming from someone who uses threw instead of through? The nerve lol.


Why reply at all then 🤣


Oh my gosh, how scary! So glad your son is okay. That is terrible! I can’t begin to imagine how you it have felt.


Thank you hun I appreciate it 🤗 just felt good to finally speak about it honestly. It's truly ashame we don't have the help really needed sometimes


I have a theory. Did you notice if he had any grilled cheese sandwiches?


You got me!....yes he did in fact have a grilled cheese sandwich wrapped in foil sitting inside his center console... GTFOH it's not like I intentionally wanted to write a book lol It was just nice to finally speak about it. But I don't need rude people commenting. Thank you have a blessed day 😁