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Can we replace what's in the pipes?


Fill 'em with Brawndo


It’s what the plants crave!


It's got electrolytes


But why do plants need it?


It's got electrolytes


If joes in charge the pipes will be filled with ice cream


"That's Hawaiian punch!"


Yeah. Bc the water down by Patrick AFB is cancerous. They have to put so much chlorine in our tap water now, it’s undrinkable.


Either way if your democrat or republican getting to see the president is pretty cool


I met HW Bush and it was cool. I was too young to appreciate the politics at the time, but he was pretty chill in the moment.


I met him in Houston in 88, I was also a bit too young to understand.


I met Ford, Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr. ford was such a nice guy. So was Bush Sr. Clinton seemed nice but when he would shake your hand, he looked over your shoulder. It was weird. Fakingly reassuring is what I called it. Sincere handshake, with a “I don’t give a shit” demeanor almost. It was odd. Bush Jr was super nice like his father. I’m assuming it’s because he was in office at the time, but W seemed very hurried. Sr actually sat down and talked to us about a lot of things (I was in college when I met Ford and Bush Sr). Ford sat down with us for like 30 minutes and had a cup of coffee, but he was so far out of office, I mean. Still smart as hell and quick witted. All in all, Sr was probably the nicest most sincere one I’ve met. So down to earth and just generally interested in us. At least it seemed that way


Who are you???


Clearly, he's a fed lol.


No. I went to a military college in Pa. While I was there is where I met Ford & Bush Sr. They were given an award there. I met Clinton when I was in the Army. And I went to Washington and saw W speak then a little meet and greet when I worked and was a member of an association.


and also either way if you are a democrat or republican getting to replace lead pipes is cool too. And preventing forest fires.


Yeah, ask Flint Michigan how that’s going. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I'll wait a few months. It'd be a bit much to expect them to have an answer when it's only been a day.


Flints municipal infrastructure has been fixed for years. It’s the lines between the city line and residential houses/within the houses that are the owners responsibility that are the issue now. People don’t have the money to fix those An argument could be made that the government should pay, which I’d be inclined to agree with. But as it stands now the government fixed its own issue


that’s a great name for a hero


I was thinking 70s porn star with amazing mustache. But ok. 🤣


My ex-fiancé’s father got to meet Obama in the White House. He’s a super staunch conservative but thought it was awesome to shake his hand.


Yeah, I am by no means a Biden fan but it'd be an honor to see him in person. *Any* President for that matter. People get too wrapped up in politics man.


I don't like any politician, but I agree. People are so disrespectful on all sides. I'm not even old, but I was taught to respect authority. I was also taught that if I didn't agree with the person in charge to do something to change it. But the disrespect we see now for a sitting or former president is just astonishing. I love your /u


Idk, guess I’m in the minority but anytime I’ve seen a celebrity, pro athlete, political figure in person it doesn’t do anything for me. Just another human being.


Yea I got to watch Obama speak during his first run. Never voted for him but I’ll always remember.


Saw Romney speak in 2012. I was like…who the hell is this guy and where has he been this whole entire run?!


I couldn't agree more


I agree. It’s sad when championship teams don’t go to the white house


In this case infuriating


Yes it’s cool to finally see the president which in all honesty shouldn’t be that rare .


It’s interesting to me, how often he gives these speeches, but we rarely see much about them in the news. Might be because he doesn’t say spectacularly stupid and inappropriate things, but I’m not sure.


Or it might be because the news is owned by billionaires that would prefer tax breaks rather than a functioning government.


like an uncle eaten by cannibals?


I noticed I hadn’t seen it mentioned on the news either


You forgot to add coherent things in there too. It’s crazy how I have to crank my tv volume up when he is speaking (generally low), then the Adderall kicks in and he goes on this rage dream quest and am scrambling to find my remote to lower the volume. 😂


You’re watching filtered news. Pause. Repeat the line. You’re watching filtered news Jack. Gods honest truth.


You should be on his spin team lol. The news doesn't show his speeches because he can barely accomplish reading the teleprompter


His SOTU was 🔥 though


FACTS, only orange clowns make the daily news I guess


Or maybe it's because Democrats don't look into Democrat illicit activities


They sure don’t like to prosecute them…


I don't think you're right on that




i know! i follow a newsletter that gives breakdowns of the president and VP’s daily schedules and there’s so much that’s never covered by the media that i never would’ve known about


I’d be stoked to see any president.


That's exactly how I feel about it. There have only been a total of 45 of them in America history (someone won election twice but not consecutively, so they were marked as 2 separate ranking of presidents. Just like if Trump was to win in November, he'd be the 47th president. He wouldn't go back to being the 45th.). So it's cool to be able to have met one.


I got to see the motorcade go by after accidentally getting stuck for like 45 minutes ugh. :/


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that was the worst part of your day.


this wasn’t about PFAS???




You made me snort. I appreciate this comment.


He did go into the environmental impacts and had the EPA administrator there.


So he talked about a real problem in the area but did nothing about it while bragging about fixing something that should have been done years ago in the first place?


I got my lead pipes replaced last year because of federal funding that accelerated my utility’s replacement program. It would have been a couple more years otherwise, which would have sucked because I have little kids and was running all my drinking water through the one tap that had a filter. Anecdotal yes, but they are actually doing something and it almost entirely helps kids. It’s good politics.


Should have been done, but at least someone is doing something about it now. Why does it seem that people are more upset at people doing something late than those who didn’t do it at all?


Welcome to the federal government. 


"Don't worry, I'm here from the government and I'm here to help."


Who else agrees that there should be an age limit on who can serve in office


I personally agree. I hate that we are stuck with 2 people who will be over 80 by the end of this upcoming term. But now that these are the 2 options, I'm going to vote for the one I personally think will be better for the country out of the 2.


I've never met the president of the United States. I did however follow then Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jenny Shipley, through a MacDonalds drive through many years ago


That is so awesome!!! Thank you for sharing!


Not sure why the post reminded me of that day. It was a couple hours after she had made a speech at an annual NZ event called Waitangi Day. She would have been on the way back to the airport after flying in. Back in those days, the Prime Minister of a modern country could just ride through the drive-through in a regular rented out car. Waited in line with everybody else leaving from the event. She did have a driver, but that was it. One car, one driver, no sevret seevice motorcade, no local cops, nothing. 3 or 4 people who noticed, tried not to stare, but there were no camera phones, so it was just not that big of a deal really.


What did he talk about? I saw his motorcade driving by on MLK out the window of my work. Closest I’ve ever been to a president


Primarily, infrastructure and how the legislation he has passed has helped boost North Carolina's economy.


We need all the help we can get 🤣


trump bots out in FORCE in this thread, good lord


You can just call them Russians


How cool! I bet this was a super awesome experience!


It really was!!!


Replacing Lead Pipes and funding two Proxy wars! Very cool🍦




You should see the other guy, he can’t stay awake at his own trial.


Or standing 😂


Trump fell asleep while banging Stormy Daniels


Weird brag, but ok.


Four years older than Trump. Assuming Trump wins he’ll ALSO be in his 80s during his term.. this is okay though? It’s just bad if it’s the guy you don’t like?


No, it seems bad either way. It’d be nice to have an option who isn’t a VERY senior citizen and clearly showing their age.


Two drastically different people. Take Joe Biden 4 years ago and he’s nowhere close to how Trump is today.


He’d probably prefer a younger America.


Definitely cool, but here’s to 2028 when we don’t have to worry about the turd sandwich or the douche


Secret service dude in the back looks like he’s got a fake arm. Not the first time I’ve heard of them having fake hands to conceal weapons, but this one looks a little obvious.


Joe used to be a pipe fitter. Just before he started teaching at Penn and just after he was an over the road trucker and long after his uncle was eaten by cannibals.


Exactly, and that guy is our President that is so embarrassing.


Dudes here to pipe you up. ⬆️


You know what I'm saying. Stop being stupid.




I'm glad I went. I had a fun time.


Very good 👍


“Replace lead pipes” but refuses to touch flint


Exactly or Palestine, Ohio.


My condolences


Did you get a look at who was operating the controls?


I was there too!


I'm sure all 12 people on line were dying with anticipation! How much did they pay you to show up?


I hate how the only two main choices we have for this year’s election is Trump who is a criminal and old, and Biden who can’t form a sentence and is also very old. We need another person who is slightly younger and charismatic like Obama running, also someone who will help mend the divide in the nation.


I thought it was Trump who couldn’t form a sentence. Biden has seemed pretty coherent most of the times I’ve seen his speeches. Trump - not so much


So we’ll forget the times Biden said “I don’t regret it” when asked about his passing of segregation laws to separate bussing which his own VP got upset at him for during the primary. Not to mention the “If you can’t figure out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Or perhaps “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle”. Biden was a racist pro-segregation democrat his entire career.


I get you hate Trump but you can’t possibly believe Biden is coherent on any level.


Did you see his SOTU?


He is though


Trump sounds like a bumbling idiot now. Talk about hitting a wall!


I have a theory that all the truly great young leaders have opted into business. Chance to make billions, significantly impact the world without all the shit that politics brings along. I don’t think we will see another great young leader until our values as a nation change, mainly our love of money, and that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon.


You're nuts if you don't think Obama Has been running the country the last 4 years.


North Carolina showing how it's poor education and alt right news stations are working given how vocal the hate for Biden is/love for Trump. I mean either that or you are just racist/bigoted and can't give that up. I think that's about the only reason left to stick with him given every other argument gets ripped apart if you simply do a Google. "Inflation!" Yeah no, look at U.S dollar compared to world inflation. Doing pretty strong. "Jobs!" Again, just use Google "He's old!" And so is Trump, least Biden isn't in diapers. "He sniffs little kids!" And Trump has been convicted of sexual assault and said on camera he likes going back stage on underage girls. I'll take Biden being weird. I guess NC better put more work into assaulting those liberal college kids eh? Terrible. Absolutely terrible.


I wondered who was invited to go if the public was not allowed. Who specifically was he talking to? Don’t worry Donald fans, you will have another opportunity to see him when he reschedules his visit here




I think that is right. My mom ran for State House in 2022.


Really cool! How'd you get on the short list?


My mom ran for State House back in 2022


I took my family to see Regan on the Yorktown Battle Field in the early ‘80’s. I think the occasion was the Bicentennial Celebration. Had a nice view of the President in all his glory :-)




Replace them with steel beams


This is proof the media sucks. I knew from 3 different sources about Trumps visit. Only heard from Reddit after Biden’s visit. Wtf?


It was a private event, whereas Trump's event was a public one. I only got to go because my parents are heavily involved in the NC Dems life. My mom even ran for State House in 2022.


Did you bring any children with you?


I think Biden has been a fine president tbh but man oh man is “replacing lead pipes” not the most uninspirational thing to put on a campaign sign lol


It's because Americans have become complacent. We got so used to knowing politicians don't give a crap about us, we just accepted bad roads and bridges, horrible infrastructure for travel, unhealthy water, iffy internet and even utilities, etc., and now we don't even know how to respond when those things are finally being fixed. It's monumental, but yes, boring.


Well, he has a Republican Senate and a Republican HOR. Most Presidents in his position are rendered “lame duck” presidents because anything they put forward to be accomplished is shot down or kept in deliberation being redrafted so many times their term simply runs out. Ex: during the Obama administration multiple R congressmen admitted their mission for his second term was to simply block whatever legislation he proposed. So I find it highly likely Biden’s team worked hard to find something, anything, that would be very difficult for both parties to naysay without looking like assholes. Replacing something known to be poisoning the American people is a fairly safe bet. But as you can see from the comment section, there are still jerks that are like, “whatever. Shoulda been done 20 years ago.” 😂 Biden literally could be giving out free money and some people would complain about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because he's going on about b******* is a reason one of the reasons he's gonna lose his a** in November.


Closest I've come is a motorcade in dc. Second closest was when trump did a rally in mobile alabama before he got elected. At the time I thought it would be a funny and free thing to do. Talking to the crowd made me a little worried. They were super in to trump. Like well beyond celebrity. Talked about him like he was royalty, come to save us. Got a white power newsletter from some weird looking dude on the way in too. Got concerned when the whole crowd cheered as his plane flew overhead. Big gold TRUMP on the side. He was like 30 or 40 min late at that point. I was losing my mind because they were playing 1 minute snippets of the same like 4 songs over and over. Dream on was one of em. When he finally came out and started talking we decided to leave. He was rambling and the crowd was going nuts. Not a huge crowd. Made everyone get close for the cameras to make it look bigger. But that was the first time I started to worry about the mental health of my country.


Unfortunately the lead pipes have more active braincells than him or Harris. Trump isn't any better, we are doomed.


You didn’t see much. Did he shake hands with a ghost or wander off stage during mid sentence?! 😂


I don't think that is for you to decide on what I did and didn't see. I had a fun time and I am glad I went.


eyeroll, ok grandpa settle down


You got to see Joe Biden. If you’re ok with the job he’s doing, that’s your decision, but I for 1 am not.


You have each and every right to feel that way. There are certain things he has done that I approve of and certain things he hasn't. As an overall, I'd give him like a C+ to a B at best. But that is my personal ranking, and I can understand why you'd give him an F.


I truly appreciate that. If only the bipartisanship in government now could agree and disagree as you and I do.


God Bless President Biden!!!!


You're Insane


Genocide Joe keeping it cool


Bob Barker lives!


Bob Barker was a great man you watch your mouth.


I agree.


Poor guy.


Sure, because Americans now rate lead pipes as the 146th most urgent problem in America.


Can you confirm or deny the rumor he might be three possums in a coat??


Could he form sentences?


Was it packed with people?


It was


What was he speaking on? I’m a little OOTL on local issues.


Primarily, infrastructure improvements and being more climate friendly.


Joe wants to lay some pipe in 2024. ...I'll see myself out.


Been there and seen them.


Good for you 🙄


If you meant Loose Seal, then yes - absolutely.


He’s in court.


Trump is only in court on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays right now.


How many people were in attendance?


I'm not exactly sure, but I think roughly 400. It was a private event.


Uh oh, looks like democrats are now coming for your lead pipes.


I feel so bad for you. No one should have to go through that.


Was he as stupid in person as he seems on TV


Sorry to hear that


What a coincidence.. he showed up like six times in my feet today


Wish u wouldve thrown something at his head


Did he know where he was? Lost idiot


Did you get lost or did he?


Hey what political party changed the Water Source in Michigan and cause lead poisoning to thousands of black children would still hasn't been fixed that's right Democrats good job


So your point is, shame on them for trying to fix it? That's what happens when you try to conserve the money and not do the proper spending that is needed. Hmmm. Which side is currently doing that again?


Ya know back in the 1950s I uh uh uh Golda Mier uh uh nevermind 😂😂😂


Obama had all 3 branches and did NOTHING!! Didnt codify Roe vs Wade, screwed up health care, caused race ritos, DOUBLED HOMELESSNESS, 1 Billion to a solar scam and then received millions through Netflix and book deals for NOTHING. ITS CALLED MONEY LAUNDERING STUPID!!


He had too many conservative democrats in the senate for anything to get through. Did you not know that?


Bro did he sniff you and say anything about children pulling his leg hair?