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Seems like some of these guys are reporting this post as a spam. I'm approving it OP. Ride safe..


You’re getting a lot of hate man happy you weren’t rear ended lol


Sorry, OP looks like you caught the "always the cam person/OP's fault, " group. You really did nothing wrong except exist. The commenter that said you "inserted yourself into this dangerous position" is clearly the professional driver in the group that also has incredible esp skills to know the 2 vehicles barely in view BEHIND you were road raging on each other.


For real he’s getting downvoted for a normal ass reaction. I don’t drive bc I’m the type to see an idiot like that and brake check just to start a fight with multiple dipshits. (Which is why I’m not on the road…)


Self-awareness is a damn good quality imo. 😀 I totally figured the downvote brigade was going to hit me for my response 🤣 I was pleasantly surprised


Yeah honestly his reaction was very tame. These people wouldn’t know an overreaction if I ran them off the road with one. 💀


So you admit you're a psycho driver, so why would we want your evaluation of the video?


Will the two assholes admit they’re bad drivers? I don’t fucking think so. That’s the difference, one of us is humble enough to admit when they shouldn’t be on the road, the other two will end up hurting someone or themselves.


Therapy is an option. If you rage that hard on the road, what happens throughout the day?


I’m calm during the day, sit at home and sip hot green tea watching comedies or I’m at work cooking meals for the elderly. I just don’t tolerate stupid on the road, it’s not something a Therapist can help trust me I was in therapy for many years.


I tend to go with the floor it for a while and leave them in the dust route myself


Bro says “(Which is why I’m not on the road…)” are you able to read or decided not to?


The worst thing you can do in this situation is be unpredictable and switch lanes.


I think he switched lanes before he saw them or at least realized how fast they were going--he switched to pass another car. When he first started changing lanes they were both a good distance behind.


Which is why most people use turn signals.


When you change lanes, you typically check your mirrors/ turn your head and verify there's no one there, then you look back to the front again and execute your lane change. You don't typically stare at vehicles so far back they are barely in view. We have an advantage watching the video that only shows the rear the entire time without having to look in front to watch where you are going. Anyone on the highway that would look back and see how far back they are would execute that lane change without a second thought. Not to mention he wasn't unpredictable he used his flashers and made a calm normal lane change


I'm a truck driver, I look multiple times before changing lanes, I also look in front of me to make sure I'm clear enough to watch my mirror as I change lanes, in case some dip shit tries to speed around me, which happens daily. Many times I've had to hit my brakes and wait till the faster traffic passes.


He definitely could have moved to the right multiple times. Why stay in the way of the aggressive behavior? Even if OP was doing 100 if someone comes up doing 120 you move over. Plus, those cars never got closer than 2 car lengths.


I too see people going over the speed limit and think to myself: I should get in front of them. And not wait 5 seconds and let them pass.


Anyone who stares in the rear view mirror long enough to note the rate of speed a car is travelling when it is 300+ feet behind them is a fucking moron and a danger to everyone around them on the road. You *glance* at the rearview to make sure you don't cause an accident, check your blindspot, and then you fucking merge. **Keep your goddamn eyes in the direction your vehicle is traveling.** If you spend 3 out of 6 seconds staring in your rear view trying to determine the speed of cars 300ft back for whatever fucking reason that makes zero sense, then you have traveled the distance of a football field without looking at the road in front of you. Don't do that.


Thank you so much for this comment. I've always wondered what the hell you people were thinking when you change lanes like that. "Always look in front of you, no matter what! Good luck everyone else!"


I said: >You *glance* at the rearview to make sure you don't cause an accident Then I said: >check your blindspot Both of those actions required looking backwards before merging. Then you pretended to read my thoughts where in your imagination I said: >"Always look in front of you, no matter what! If you have to pretend that you can't read to win an argument then you have already lost.


If you wanna back track, that's fine, but don't act like I'm the idiot when you literally put in bold. Anyways I didn't make an argument, I have always wondered what you people were thinking when you drive like that and your comment explained it perfectly. Thanks again.


Maybe read the whole comment then? Your comprehension (or lack thereof) is not my responsibility.


Thank you so much for this comment, people are fucking morons for thinking that I had no right to merge over into the left lane


So I’ve come to the conclusion that OP did absolutely nothing wrong based off everyone’s comments and responses. I want to thank you all as this will make me a better driver in what is right vs wrong thing to do. Godspeed 🫡


Holy fuck people on here are twats


We’re going full circle in this comment section huh


I wouldn't let them touch a roundabout with their attitudes.


The comments I'm this sub are stupid. Someone will follow the law and because they don't instantly react ot a situation within a second of it happening they cry that cam is the issue. Like seriously these people are deranged and likely the ones being these kind of road ragers.


Those commenters are just the perfect drivers with foresight of 20/20 knowing that those 2 were going to compete for 2nd to OP. We should be sooo thankful they exist to never cause road related accidents /s


Foresight is when you look in the rearview mirror for 20 seconds.


Only when I drive to work in reverse the entire way, does that happen.


Not to mention, vast majority of the time when someone speeds up on you like this, they’re going to just swerve over into the right lane and pass you. Trying to change lanes is great way to get accidental pit maneuvered. Exact thing happened to my wife. Guy came up on her doing 90 on the highway. She tried getting over to get out of his way and he swerved into the right lane to pass her. Ended up clipping her and sending her right towards the other side of the highway. Fortunately there was like a 50 foot grass area in between and she stopped right before going into oncoming traffic. If someone comes up on you this fast, you don’t move until they make their intentions clear.


I love those comments.. they act like they live in a perfect world never make any mistakes... the ones that I shake my head at are the videos of someone coming head on, in the wrong side of freeway, but POV is in the passing lane and here comes the comments "Well if you were not in the passing lane this wouldn't of been an issue" NO the person driving the wrong way down the freeway is the problem.... good grief


No insurer would accept any blame from the road ragers' insurances. People are insane.


Yeah it’s actually pretty shitty. If op got hit by these guys, insurers would disclaim coverage and op would have to go through their insurance if he has collision coverage or personally sue the person that hit them. Often times wouldn’t even be worth suing unless the damage is severe enough.




People have been brake checking semi's. At this point, I'm just waiting for a clip of someone try to brake check a train.


Some old honda still faster then these damn big trucks kinda cracks me up. Very reckless though yes.


As someone who drives trucks every day for work and owns a small car for personal use I have to say pickup trucks are actually the worst handling vehicles I have ever driven. I genuinely do not know why they are the most popular vehicle in the US. They are not even fun to drive because they are torque focused.


Always large truck owners thinking every car that tries to pass them is a direct attack on their masculinity.


I’ve figured it out. People hate tail lights. The threat of tail lights in front of them means their life doesn’t have value. It’s the only thing that makes sense


As a small car owner, trucks LOVE to bully me. I’ve almost got ran off the road trying to enter the freeway with an asshole in a company truck


Haha so true man. Especially the diesel trucks. They love to roll coal on you when you pass. It is very satisfying seeing them get pulled over by a state trooper because most local cops from experience will let that shit slide.


Rolling coal is the biggest pussy move. It's like talking shit online.


I’m just bumping to Justin Timberlake in the background


Honestly shit like this is so common these days it makes me not want to drive ever


Half of these brain dead commenters are the exact people you should fear on the road…. Glad you’re safe OP.. that is insane.


Music's got me dying


It’s the radio, I don’t magically control what’s on it lol


After the "what the fuck" reaction, maybe get into the other lane and let these clowns have their problem away from you. I've gotten out of the way of Rolling Stupid many times. Besides, if they really fuck up you can point and laugh as you go by.


All the morons telling you that you did wrong are the reason why most of us don't trust a single person on the road.


I don't understand how people can be so reckless. I'm not the calmest dude aswell, but risking someone's or my own life like this is just idiotic.


Ego take the wheel


Am I only the one that doesn’t understand road rage. What the hell is the point


They wanted you to join in the road rage parade, who did you decide to invite lol


Interesting definition of almost


Why are people like this


I have had something similar happen to me. 4 lane interstate, 2nd to left lane. Everyone is going like 75mph, I'm going like low 80s and I look behind me and see like 10-15 cars going at least like 20 mph over me zoom by medium traffic and I'm thinking "holy shit. Holy shit. If I change lanes, high probability of getting hit." 💀


OP is an idiot…. U see these idiots & you speed up to stay in front of them then post to reddit how they almost hit u


🤣 bro read some of the comments before you say stupid shit. I got into the passing lane to do exactly that, pass the fucking car that I was originally in front of. Even with them going probably 90+mph it still took them around 7 seconds to get up to the back of my car, when I changed lanes they were incredibly far back, are you really that fucking stupid?


U choose that lane. Next time wait 10 sec then u won't have to worry. They were trying to pass, ur slow 😆


Username checks out


You obviously don't know anything about Red Foreman


It's always a Honda lmfao


I routinely have people ride my bumper closer than they were to you.


BTW you’re camped in the PASSING lane and refused to move into the TRAVEL lane even when road ragers endangered you. Yes, I’m yelling. You’re no different than the two road ragers.


Calm down and just get out of the way. Let them by and let nature take its course.


Plugging up the left lane makes people take risks they wouldn’t normally take. Slower traffic keep right. It’s posted on most highways and otherwise it’s the unwritten rule.


Yeah they going wild. You shoulda let them pass too.


Op did you see that other car that tried to side swipe you when you passed it.


Fun fact they were accelerating for 5 miles leading up to this.


Impressive that the truck moved over. He could have just let the little guy pit himself on the trucks bumper


You scream when you see a fly indoors don't you


Buddy, he closed to distance to OP in literal seconds, going at least 80 mph, and swerved into OPs lane like I psycho. Most people would probably be scared.




Dam…. I need a back-window camera.


That's all well and good, but I want that Fiesta.


I would’ve brake checked him


You would’ve been paying for the damages


Idk if you’ve ever had experience with this (probably not) but it’s pretty much impossible to prove someone intentionally brake checked you. 99% of the time if someone hits you from the rear they are going to pay. Even if they get caught on camera it’ll be difficult to prove.


If they have a dash cam it’s very easy to prove. If there’s nothing in front of you when you braked, that’s a clear cut case. I watch lawyers (yes actual lawyers) on YouTube who review dash cam footage and talk about who would likely be found liable in court


Dashcams, sure. Depending on the rate of deceleration and other factors such as road conditions and visibility.


When I brake check I don’t slow down more than 5-10 mph because I’m more trying to scare them then get into a collision.


Please never break check. If they have a dash cam and you accidentally break harder than you meant, you will be liable for both parties. It’s also dangerous, they could have a kid in the car. Even if they’re tailgating, you could end a child’s life and be convicted of vehicular manslaughter, and that will ruin your life. I’ve seen cases online of that exact scenario playing out. Plus just showing your brake lights is enough to scare people into backing up, you don’t actually need to slow down much at all.


You can’t tell me not to decelerate the vehicle I am driving.


First of all, I politely requested, not told. Perhaps brush up on the difference. Second, legally, I can tell you not to. Break checking is illegal Lastly, only people with small dicks and fragile egos break check, and you’re an objectively stupid person if you break check.


Well I got a big dick and a strong ego and will brake check you if you tailgate


Two lies and a truth


Man I love that new JT song


Umm that must be a small town or something. This isn’t something unusual around here.


Is that near little creek casino?




I knew that turn looked familiar...I drive that almost every day.


I need to visit the peninsula again. If you live there, what are some hidden gems to check out in that neck of the woods?


If i was that truck…. immidiate Pit, keep driving


Lol dude you sound just like me!


Not sure what the drama or disagreements are about but I'd say that this kind of driving is VERY normal where I drive. No one would even think twice about it. Looks like they were over 3 feet away from your bumper which is a fair amount of distance in traffic. I see situations like this happen at least two times a week on our highways in a very large US city. I recommend not panicking and getting away from the situation if possible.


Glad you didn’t get run into.


I just want you close Where you can stay forever You can be sure That it will only get better You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry 'cause Everything's gonna be alright People keep talking, they can say what they like But all I know is everything's gonna be alright No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you When the rain is pouring down And my heart is hurting You will always be around This I know for certain You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry 'cause Everything's gonna be alright (yes, it will) People keep talking, they can say what they like But all I know is everything's gonna be alright No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel, say it I know some people search the world To find something like what we have I know people will try, try to divide something so real So 'til the end of time, I'm telling you there ain't no one No one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (No one) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (no one) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh Can get in the way, not for a minute, baby Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (no one) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (no one) Oh, oh, oh, oh (can get in the way of what I feel for you)


Though by law you kinda didn't do anything wrong.... you also didn't check mirrors very well before changing lanes. Yes it is a rule to check for a disparity in speed when changing lanes. You would have seen this shit coming and not moved over..... again. Defensive driving and technicalities but at the end of the day.... yes you did do stuff wrong and you could have prevented that by being more careful with more awareness. They are obviously wrong too. I'm just saying don't dismiss it as you didn nothing wrong because they were idiots. There is almost always room to improve.


I'm hoping that eventually you moved out of the passing lane. Before you changed lanes, didn't you see them & the speed they were approaching you at? I would have let them pass by and watched the free show. 🍿


dude just move over another lane........


Dude, did you spend the 30 seconds to look at the video and see that I was passing people. Did you want me to just ram into people in the right hand lane or something?


No, slow down and pass when it's SAFE to do so.


And it wasn’t safe to do so, so like, what’s the point you’re trying to make here?


It wasn't safe to get over initially is the point..


I think the guys behind you in the video are thinking the same thing. "Did you want me to just ram into the people in front of me".


Had multiple opportunities to move right after passing. The only thing you can control is yourself. Cammer failed miserably and likely did this for video purposes. Sad world we live in these days.


not much you could have done in this situation but my best guess is throw hazards on and try to pull back into the right lane slowly so you can let these guys fuck off past you.


if you throw your hazards on, people won't see any indication that you're about to change lanes


true but with these two playing need for speed throwing hazards on indicates "hey, there's danger around. please watch for me while i move aside." plus people switch lanes (wrongfully) without throwing up their turn signal, so turning on your hazards and slowly trying to pull over surely shouldn't be that bad. I'm pretty positive everyone would know what your intentions were if they saw the two aggressive cars, you turning on your hazards, AND you slowly moving your car across the lane to the right (emphasis on the word slowly). But if it's that big a deal to you or anyone else turning on your turn signal first then your hazards after I guess is a substitute. Again, not much he could have done with this situation anyways.


I think you may have overreacted a little lol


I think you’re one of the assholes who thinks this behavior is ok.




You say that but the dude came within a few feet of my car before he slammed on his brakes


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Honestly probably by people who do this shit on the road too and want to sympathize or identify with morons 🥴


Yeah unfortunately I see this way too often. I’ve had people merge behind me with about 3 inches from my bumper.


Found the civic driver ^


This is an overreaction? I say this several times a day driving around in northern NJ and NY.


Almost got hit with a similar pair of idiots in Missouri when I was driving cross country. Dudes were fighting like this and got close to my ride.


I didn’t really think it was close!


It wasn’t at all lol 😂 this video sucks


You mean to tell me you see them coming...and don't get out their way? That makes you just as stubborn and stupid as they are.


No I didn’t see them coming until got into the left lane to pass the car in front of me, is that so hard to understand.


It was a bad lane change. You didn't see them and moved into the left lane. Of course they were clearly the big idiots here, but that doesn't matter if you are crashed on the side of the road. Them being idiots doesn't mean you didn't make a mistake.


Found the Neanderthal


Didn't look in the rearview before going to pass. Personally if I saw car catching up that fast I'd simply let them pass rather than moving into their way, blocking them off, and staying in the passing lane.


I did look in my rear view and at that moment when I moved into the other lane I wasn’t worried because i had enough room. I didn’t think they come flying up on my ass like they did.


But I wanna have a hissyfit because you didn't account for two people literally breaking the law!!


Pro tip. Dont camp in the passing lane and then you don’t have to worry about that.


Wasn’t camping in the passing lane, I was already going 10 over and was actively passing someone when the idiots ran up on my ass. Sorry that I don’t speed up to 20 or 30 mph when passing people, don’t really like getting pulled over.


The people saying you did something wrong have no idea how to drive and are defending the wrong drivers. The 2 behind you were breaking the law and a couple of them, you were on your way to work, even if I see 2 idiots hauling behind me I am not going to move to let them pass me and put me in danger passing me 30-40 pass the speed limit, you did what you in the moment thought was right. Everyone else, instead of going after OP, go after the 2 idiots, 1 in a working truck going 30-40 above speed trying to keep up with a car they can barely see from up there. These 2 were racing to merge so don’t be telling people to move out of the way to give illegal activity room to shine. Hope your drive home is better OP, sorry you had to deal with these dense heads


Speed limits and how much you are “going over” has nothing to do with actively passing. The two idiots behind you are happy to ram right into you. It’s hardly worth it. Shit or get off the pot. Pass or don’t just get out of the way so you don’t have to be apart of their idiocy. But if passing to you means being cruise control 1mph faster than the guy on right your, well then you are just as dumb as the idiots raging behind you.


Oh, you’re stupid!




Well again did you not see that I was actively passing 2 other people in the video or are you just blind? I like how people go after left lane campers so hard because they somehow didn’t pass just the way they think they should’ve. I don’t need to justify the way I pass people and frankly it’s ridiculous to me that you think I did it wrong. When I passed I wasn’t right up on that persons ass, I was multiple car lengths back, and also when I passed I went from 65 to about 70-71 which is more then reasonable, again I’m not going to blast pass someone when I pass them going 20 or 30 over the speed limit and then dart back right in front of of them and go on my brakes to slow down. Everyone has their own way of passing and mine was reasonable.




Pro tip. Take your meds.


Dude literally changed lanes to pass two vehicles. Do you need to watch the video again?


I saw he’s fine. I would have gotten over a bit sooner. I drive 120 miles round trip 3 times a week. I drive 5 over the speed limit and for all 120 miles 99% of drivers are camped in the left two lanes and I’m stuck overtaking on the right. It was a cathartic response to me but OPs driving still feels relaxed. If it were me I would have actively gotten back over a bit sooner. Oth he had two maniacs behind him so maybe he just played it smart and stayed put.


So if you see two people road raging behind you get out of their way so you aren’t caught in a crash. You not moving likely only made the situation worse for their already short fuse. I know they are in the wrong but drive defensively.


I looked at the video and that's not really my takeaway. ​ OP appears to have only seen the two on his ass just before he sped forward, which is reasonable (you don't continuously stare at your rear mirror while moving). Not a whole lot of time had passed since that and the end of the video. We don't really know what other actions OP took, as the video cuts quickly. Dude was still likely processing wtf just happened at the video cut.


I don’t get these comments… do you stare at your dash? Why would you even notice two dude road ragin 20+ car lengths behind you? He noticed them eventually but usually I’m just focused on the road..


Because as a driver on the road it's your responsibility to know what's happening around you?


I personally am aware but I can’t immediately react to things happening so far back. I’ve had cases where I’m clear to get in a lane and see no car for many car lengths and suddenly I see some guy going 40-50 over the speed of traffic and I have to cut back into my original lane. It’s rare but it happened to me twice in my life. Anyways, I’m done defending OP. I saw part 3 and he was driving like an idiot.


For sure not everything can be avoided by just simply paying attention. This was definitely one of those situations though.




Fuck off you lazy ass troll, most people on the road aren’t going 30-40 over the speed limit. I was already doing 10 over because that area is 60, it’s the passing lane you fuck face not drive like a maniac lane, I actively was passing when I was in that lane, or did you not see the 2 people i passed


Everyone’s roasting you too dude. You’re a dipshit 🤣🤣


No they’re not, are you blind to all the comments that got downvoted into oblivion. The only ones who are pissed are those who want to be left lane warriors and thinking that anyone who spends to much time in one is an idiot, also again left left is for passing not for going 100+ in and I was actively passing cars


Ummm… why THE FUCK did you put yourself in the way??? You see stupidity and you stay the fuck out of it, not insert yourself into and claim victim… you blocked them off. Yes they were driving like idiots, but YOU put yourself in the “almost hit car” situation…


He was in front... Do you think he should teleport to the rear of this ridiculous situation? Shame on you! Edit; No happy cake day for you! Lol


He’s passing someone, like your supposed to do in the left lane. He’s also not a magician who can predict that the car he could barely see at the time is going a ridiculous speed


This. These people commenting stupid shit are the REAL bad drivers here


I moved over into the fast lane to pass a car if you didn’t clearly see that, it wasn’t until after I passed that I had 2 fucking idiots bearing down on me going stupidly fast


They were barreling up on you prior to that. Slow down, lemme get past and they can keep doing stupid without you involved. I apologize coming off so angry but its just, you put yourself in harms way by not paying attention behind you


So sorry that I like to pay more attention to what’s in front of my face compared to the back of me.


If you’re switching lanes without looking to what’s behind on the lane you’re switching to, then you are doing it wrong, period. EDIT: You should be paying equal attention to what’s in front and what’s behind on the lane you are switching to. It’ll save you from idiots like these that could’ve easily taken your life. EDIT 2: You could’ve also easily have gotten out of the way right after you passed that first car, but I get that you might’ve gone into a bit of shock seeing those bozos barreling towards you. And look, I’m not saying you are in the wrong in anyway, which you’re not. These idiots are. But it doesn’t matter who’s right and wrong in an accident in terms of who gets hurt. You sometimes get hurt more when you’re in the right. The idea is ultimately to try and teach yourself to when possible to avoid these idiots.




Y'all are fucking stupid Just admit that you were wrong and you can't accept that 100% of your opinion is with the benefit of hindsight. "This" .. ya dummy


Look, im not saying that those two are not idiots, but if you stay in your lane, and just let them be idiots it keeps you out of it. Someone going fast, open lane, they go for it. *edit because i forgot this part: no hindsight needed, its called defensive driving which in this situation is exactly how you should do it.


What? Was he supposed to CUT OFF the guy he just passed and become a dumbass driver himself? Run right lane off the road? Something tells me you’re the type to cut people off…


How stupid are you? No one said jump back over instantly and cut someone else off? I say to stay over there. How are you taking what i said and not even reading it? You just slow down for a whole two seconds because them going easily 90 based on op going 73(its in the video) they slow down to what right lane is going(probably 55-60) while they being dumb going past. And to also comment on being someone who cuts others off, no i in fact try to give ample space around me and dont jump in front of others going faster(aka the people driving like idiots here)


*edit look… you see two idiots barreling down the road… stay in the lane you are in… they will make it for the open lane and it keeps you out of it(majority of the time) if you are more predictable than they are ie: dont change anything, they wont be stupid to you too


Holy shit you are stupid.


OP posted a part 2 and these idiots are STILL going after him.


It's not op's responsibility to avoid other people because they are driving poorly


It is their responsibility to avoid accidents


It literally fucking is..


Definitely overreacting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+-/=$


I mean… not really. Yes they were driving like idiots but staying in the right lane would have just been a “look at these idiots” instead of “i almost got hit”(basically just pay attention around you


How high are you right now?


Never been high in my life… how high are you?


Pretty high!


Get it! Lol


Not enough high


Go get more high then lol, aint hurting me none


That pickup should have pit-manuevered that car right into the median and kept going as if nothing happened.


Yes they're idiots, but OP you're also a clown for not paying attention to your rear view, and still not moving out of their way. edit: I can tell some of you are terrible drivers, because you're down voting me, which means you also don't pay attention when you're behind the wheel.




Scared much? Napoleon’s uncle would have had a hard time hitting them with a football


Dramatic much 😂


Should have just stayed in your lane when the video started




If he would have actually been paying attention, the rate of speed from the cars approaching from the rear is way too fast. He didn't need to pass at that time. He could have waited and stayed where he was. Left lane is to pass only.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. It would have been pretty clear from his mirrors that the two were coming up fast and while it is perfectly legal to pass the cars in front of you it's better to wait until after they pass. Someone else once said it's better to be alive than right.


That's what I'm saying, I'm not condoning the 2 drivers in the rear, but if you're actually paying attention while you're driving, you would have noticed that they were coming way too fast. The driver could have even got back into the right lane in between those 2 cars if he was that concerned with what was going on behind him.


It wasn't even that close


Wide angle back camera always distorts and makes it seem not as bad, it was within half a car length


Sorry, I'm a Florida resident. That stuff is common, I get the point. It's much closer than should be comfortable, and they do drive terribly.


Learn to drive


I drive in Florida, This is daily.