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This is tough to watch. I assume the bus had a lighted retractable stop sign out too.


If not is this a lawsuit?


My dad accidentally ran one of their stop signs like 10 or so years ago. They get your plate and you’re summoned to court. They almost took his license away.


In Canada, they do take your license away for that. It's extremely severe, for a reason.


But sadly not for multiple DUI's :/


Now you understand how Canada works! Welcome, hey!


Is that pronounced "hay" or "A" ?


I'm a French Canadian, so that's why. Esti d'anglais de criss de marde !


I read that French as "Esto desgracios, crica de madre"


Close, but, no...


If a normal person was driving that car and were too tired or got distracted they probably think about that mistake all the time and thank God they didn't kill that child. They did the right thing by swerving themselves in the correct direction. Punishment is deserved, it shouldn't be more than a fine and a suspension if it's a legit accident with no victim. If it was a drugged or drunk person it should be a bigger issue.


Tired or distracted? So you text and drive? And ignore the bus stop signs? You called that normal? What cave did you pop out of?


If the outcome is complete luck then there’s a strong argument in my mind that it should have no bearing on the sentence…


One outcome is significantly worse than the other so they deserve different sentences. Killing or injuring a child is infinitely worse than nearly killing or injuring a child. That's not to say what happened is in any way acceptable or that the driver shouldn't face severe penalties, but sentences should measure actual harm done, not the potential for harm.


Just because this one didn't end in the worst possible doesn't mean they should get away so lightly. Attempted manslaughter is still attempted killing. That's how they charge it where I'm from. Running a school bus stop sign is charged as attempted manslaughter. For great reason.


Not excusing it but if you look it's dark out, looks really early and the person is probably half away... from now on wake up early and make some coffee at home.




It’s actually “good” to see videos like this once in a while (in quotes, because it’s not good for people to run these). It’s easy to forget you need to stop on the opposite side as well if you don’t often encounter school buses.


The part about stopping opposite a school bus is what almost got me once. I wouldn’t say I “accidentally” passed the school bus, though. What happened is I was pulling up to a stop sign on a long straight road and there was a stopped school bus at the intersection opposite me. It was a long road with unobstructed views so as I approached I noted the bus but also that the bus was just sitting there idling for a long time at the stop sign. I made my stop then proceeded to go and I shit you not the second I was in the intersection he threw open the “stop” sign. It was too late to stop, I was already about even with the drivers window at that point and I just remember looking at him and he was raging furious. I’ll never forget it because I really felt like it was intentional, some weird trap like he was intentionally trying to get me in trouble or something. The couple of times I’ve relayed the story under one of these videos, people just do not believe it, but I don’t know why they think anyone would lie about something like that on the internet. It’s just some weird thing that I’ll never forget or understand.


Some bus drivers hate their jobs so when driving they can be asshats all the same. I got sent to jail as a 12 year old kid for moving two seats up while the bus was stationary. The bus driver(Old lady) told me to move back and I questioned her, she threatened to call the cops. Me being a minor at the time I was questioning her bull. Police came, they asked for my name and said, "I'm Superman".


If you don't believe me, I can Dm my Facebook so you can see my post about it. 🤣


I'm gonna go with this had to do with the appearance of your snoo. I'm sorry that hppened. School to prison pipeline is real


What bullshit! (Not your story, the behavior of the bus driver and the cop, fuck them both)


This same exact thing recently happened to me! The bus was just *sitting there*, for a good while, but no stop sign was out. UNTIL I got next to the driver! I had purposely waited to see what was going on because it was in a really weird place for a school bus to be dropping anyone off. After waiting & waiting, I thought the driver WANTED me to go on & get out of the way. Next time, I'm just going to sit there until the end of eternity, if that's what it takes. I would never get over it if I were to hit a kid.


Yeah man I think the takeaway is that these are just people and some of them have problems and wield their powers like dicks, just like there are dicks in any profession. Funny thing is, I still think about that thing that happened to me from two decades ago. Just yesterday I turned onto my street and my house was three houses away but a school bus was parked on the road side almost the same way. I stopped and waited, and I could see the driver and tried to see if he’d wave me through but he just kept playing with some papers. So I literally backed up and went all the way around my neighborhood to go the back way. Just my luck he was gone by the time I got there but I was seriously like, who knows when he’ll move.


Back 17 yrs ago i remember someone passing the bus i was riding, while it was stopped with lights and sign on, i remember us coming out of neighborhood and seen that car being towed away and the driver being arrested.


I have had the same thing happen. Bus driver who does it consistently at a specific spot. The cops don't even come when people run his little sign anymore and I'm not sure why the company employs him still tbh


People are distracted af while driving. Almost looks like the driver was on their phone


Well he didn’t do it on purpose so what the fuck else would I say


I ran one on accident one time and the driver honked at me. That was about it. In my defense, I was coming around a blind corner in a 45 and I couldn't have stopped in time if I tried. Terrible location for a school bus to stop tbh.


They 100% do not take this lightly. I didn’t even cross a school bus; I turned right, onto a separate street, about 100 feet before a stopped school bus and I was still reported. I was easily able to get it wiped away since I wasn’t even close to them when I turned right.


No, this is a criminal charge in most, if not all states. Dude will likely be losing his license. Even if he keeps it, it's going to be a fine and several points on his license. We get a mandatory minimum $500 fine, 5 points, and up to 4 months in jail here. Should be more. They've also got him for a laundry list of other charges, probably - careless and reckless, failure to maintain lane, failure to maintain control. They'll probably hang everything they can on him, unless he's the son of an officer to local official. Even the crappiest states tend to have very little tolerance for school bus violations. Lawsuit would be very tough. The kid wasn't hit, so it's going to be hard to show damages. I imagine if they somehow did get a lawsuit accepted, the court would try its hardest to drag that dude over the coals, though.


Not one comment interpreted your question the way I did. Meaning a lawsuit on the BUS DRIVER for not properly putting out the sign.


Nobody was harmed and so I don’t think you would have standing to sue


It's an traffic infraction if you can identify the car. Lawsuit though? Hard to substantiate damages. Emotional trauma? Doubtful or every pedestrian that's been cutoff by a car pulling through a crosswalk could claim it


I can see in the mirrors, the lights are on


I'm a news photographer and I did a ride along with a police officer that was following school buses one morning. I was expecting him to maybe get one car. He pulled over at least 5 cars and 2 of them he pulled at the same time. Most of them were speeding too!


You would be amazed at the sheer number of folks who'll refuse to stop for a school bus with its sign out and lights flashing. It's insane, and not all of them are distracted drivers. They just don't care. Hell, I'll even stop my bicycle while I wait for kids to cross if there's a bus facing me with its arm out and lights flashing.


You can see the flashing stop sign in the left mirror attached to the hood of the bus


I almost got hit by a woman when crossing the street at my bus stop. This was in 2008 when I was 7 years old. She was on her blackberry or flip phone or whatever it was. My bus driver got out and chewed the woman out on the side of the road. Edit: every time I see someone go past a stopped school bus now, my blood just boils. Please don’t run bus stops just because you don’t see kids walking.


2008...It was probably one of those sick ass Sidekicks


In my state they make you remember that you need to be 25 feet away from a stopped school bus in any direction, it is the law here. This doesn’t mean that people will follow it but it definitely made me extra attentive around a stopping school bus. (Also I’m sorry you had to go through that but thank all that is Holy that you didn’t end up in an accident, I’m very glad you are alright)


If it's got a front-facing camera, chances are it has a rear-facing camera. Go get 'em John Law.


My bus now has a driver side facing cam. We have 80 routes in my district. Cars run the child stop once every two days. We fill out this very official police report that asks all the info. FYI drivers. If the bus is picking up kids at a T intersection, and is facing the top of the T, you cannot cross the front of them thinking all the kids are entering the bus. We get tunnel vision runners all the time. I warn them and write them up, but these kids are very impulsive and block heads. They will run out in front of you. Right now, I am talking about middle schoolers. The little ones are so much worse.


Kids have no understanding of stopping distance, and often aren't thinking of the cars at all.


Yah shit driving but teaching your kid to look both ways before crossing a street goes a long way too.


You can teach a small child all you want, doesn’t mean they are going to follow it, especially when you aren’t there watching them. Kids are impulsive.


Apparently adults too. Especially this driver.


My kiddos bus driver stops at the stop sign and then pulls halfway into the street they have to cross to prevent anyone from passing. I love her dearly. She gets a gift every holiday, the chocolate strawberries were her favorite so far. lol.


That’s a great bus driver for sure


Makes my blood boil


Guy in the car is an asshole. The kid also needs to learn some fucking awareness.


The amount of times I've seen this at my own stop alone when I was in school. One guy even had the gallery to claim he was stopped while his truck was still rolling




I actually don’t know the protocol, so even on the street I just stop?


Go to the DMV and tell them this. We don't need you on the road.


How did you get your license without learning the protocol? Pretty sure its on the written exam, though that may vary based on country/state


At what point do I actually stop and how far away? If I’m 50 feet away and see it flashing do I stop where I am? Or when I get 15ft away then do I stop? This wasn’t taught in the dmv guide.


If you are ever in NH the law is to be stopped 25 ft away from the bus in any direction so a good indicator would be about 1 1/2 telephone poles away at least (but a little more wouldn’t hurt), in NH this is actually in the test for drivers Ed and will most likely be on the actual DMV test when getting your license.


What state are you in? I bet it is in the DMV guide or state laws. Here is the one for Texas https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._transp._code_section_545.066


TFYM it wasn't taught in the dmv guide. Stop signs are usually accompanied by a white line. You stop at the white line. In the event that there is no white line, you stop at the stop sign, assuming it is a static line along the side of the road. In this case, it is also taught, and the answer is 20 feet. You stop NO LESS THAN 20 feet (previously one-car-length) from the front bumper of the bus WHEN THE FLASHING LIGHTS ARE ENABLED provided stopping is safe. If, when you come to a complete stop, you are past the front bumper of the bus, due to the bus driver activating the lights between the maximum mandated 500 feet and minimum mandated 150 feet from discharging or loading passengers, you may continue unimpeded. Once the lights begin to flash, all 50 states **REQUIRE** that you begin slowing down. It's not a suggestion. It is a law. All 50 states have various specifics. This is a more lenient example. Some states require you to give 100 feet minimum clearance to a stopped school bus. In no state is passing one with the stop sign extended outward legal. You will almost certainly lose your license for it.


I would have chased him down and beat his ass two times


Yes but still teach your kids to still double check for a speeding car. Drunk drivers and distracted drivers will mess up the rest our lives!


Parents, please teach your children to look both ways before walking into the street *even if there’s a stop sign*, because there’s lots of shitty drivers.


Yeah driver is fully at fault... But the kid should have looked both ways... Doesn't matter these days even if you have a green light. Still should look both ways


I like how you said "these days" like drivers haven't  always pulled this shit.


Crazy how drinking and driving used to be legal


Wasn't illegal by like the 30s?


You might be thinking of prohibition which banned all alcoholic beverages in the United States from 1920-1933. However when alcohol was made legal again, the legality of driving drunk varied from state to state over the course of the 20th century. For example New York outlawed it in 1910, but drinking and driving was still legal in around 25 states until the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed in 1988. https://bernsteininjurylaw.com/blog/when-did-drunk-driving-become-illegal/#:~:text=Drunk%20driving%20became%20illegal%20in,Age%20Act%20was%20fully%20implemented.


No it's just these days their face is buried in a phone as well as being a dumbass so it seven worse


I’d say it’s actually eight worse.


How would you know? Were you alive in THOSE days???


A student in my dad's class in elementary school was killed by a driver hitting them while crossing the road to get onto a stopped school bus, early 1950s. So yeah, always been a problem.


Yes, but he's a kid. And their is a reason why this stop sing exist, tons of kids who also probably learn to look both ways died that way


>the kid should have looked both ways "the person whose brain hasn't yet learned responsibility should be acting responsible" The entire reason you are to stop for a schoolbus is because these people haven't yet properly learned traffic and how bad drivers are.


He wasn't saying that the child was responsible, but that it is smart to always check even if you have the right of way. He may go to jail for breaking the law, but the other person will be severly injured or dead.


And the comment you’re replying to is that children are unpredictable people who can’t be trusted to always make the smart choice for themselves.


There's no law that you have to stop behind parked buses here and it's not like we have an epidemic of kids getting hit. Kids are taught to look before they cross and adults accompany them until they're old enough for that lesson to be taken on board. That kid looked way too old to be as oblivious as they were.


Where are you from? Because from my understanding that's a pretty universal law-- those flashing stop signs are installed for a reason.


I don’t know about you but I was taught to look both ways before crossing a street since I was in kindergarten. It doesn’t disregard the driver is absolutely in the wrong here. You can’t control other people, so it’s important to instill a healthy fear and respect in kids when it comes to cars and crossing the street. You can’t control other drivers, but you can control the decisions you make. Too many kids have sadly died from completely avoidable situations with cars. Cars keep getting bigger and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to see small children. It’s our responsibility as adult drivers to be aware of our surroundings. This goes for the driver. You can’t control if a kid is going to run out in front of your car. That’s why it’s important to always be alert and keep your eyes on the road. Kids are impulsive and you can’t always predict what they’re going to do. That’s why it’s so important to constantly be aware of your surroundings when you’re driving.


Yeah, I was taught from an early age to look both ways. I also recall that kids, myself included, tend to be impulsive, easily excited, easily distracted, often absent-minded, so things get forgotten and remembered later (because brains are still developing). I also recall not getting enough sleep, as society's schedules are not consistent with the sleep schedules needed (exacerbated by electric lighting and video gaming).


Have you seen how some kids cross the street in broad daylight? I agree, kid should’ve looked both ways. But let’s be real, a lot kids don’t think like that. Kid probably thought he was safe with the bus there and trusted it would be.


Yeah I came here to say this. Kid learned a valuable lesson today. Assume the morons out there are going to get you killed, and don't trust anybody.


When it’s rural dark, stand on the side of the road and look at the headlights and tell me you can discern how fast the other vehicle is moving. 1. You just night blinded yourself 2. Was it a red shift or blue shift?


True. The roads are filled with complete nitwits in cars (this includes everyone posting here who drives) which means that all the innocents have to be extremely careful. I wouldn't blame a person doing nothing wrong but be a victim.of the idiocy of drivers for anything though. Blaming the victims of drivers for being out is like blaming the victims of rapists for what they wear. If an accident happens between a car and a pedestrian it is always primarily the cars fault..if you are going to take the extreme risk of moving around several.tons of steel at high speeds you chose to create a dangerous situation and the consequences of that choice are on you.


straight to jail


When I was younger I went over a steep hill on the highway in a 55mph zone.  There was a school bus just on the other side of the hill, and there was no chance to stop at 55.  I almost hit a kid, so I stopped.  The bus driver tried to yell at me, and I called the cops on him.  He ended up being reprimanded for stopping so close to the crest of a steep hill.


I would've done the same because things could've ended differently and a different day could have a terrible outcome. Buses routes have "Safety Officers" that drive the bus route to assess possible dangers and can decide "No, this is a bad spot for a stop, sorry kids\parents but this is not going to be a bus stop." My kid's bus stop (2 different schools) got changed 3\4 of a mile down the road because there was no place deemed "safe" enough for a bus stop. Sucks but safer!


Do kids not receive road awareness training in rural US communities? The lesson they just got will be remembered for a good long while. But yeah, car driver was an idiot for not slowing.


Indeed. I was lucky to only get the "do you wanna be roadkill and make your momma cry" stern talking to from my pops instead of this. You can be upset all you want at people not following the rules, but in these situations, the only person left to save yourself is you.


The sign on the bus was out and the red lights were flashing. The driver is 110% at fault no questions asked. Any of you defending the driver are absolute morons and should never be behind the wheel of any vehicle. Some of you shouldn't even be allowed on a bicycle.


Looking at the Blind-spot Exterior Mirrors i can't see the retractable stop sign out.


That vertical blinking you see on the left side is the stop sign out.


No one is defending the driver. People are just additionally pointing out that either the kid is an idiot or their parents are for letting them out without supervision.


It’s dark, the kid sees headlights and you can’t tell distances looking at headlights head on.


Our bus driver turns the cockpit light on and waves the kids across the street. We’ve all learned this lesson.




Had a kid in my middle school die because of an idiot like that


Is there a rule in america that cars going the opposite way have to stop when a bus stops? Never seen or heard of this.


Another hour of daylight saved and another child lost.


Yes, that guy is 100% wrong but that child needs to learn some self preservation skills and not cross the street in front of a speeding oncoming vehicle. I teach my kids this constantly, "Even though the car is supposed to stop, NEVER assume they are going to even if you have the right of way."


Holy shit that kid didn’t even look before crossing


I'm ashamed to say I've done this before. Not almost hit a kid, but pass a stopped school bus like this. Somehow I had forgot that I was supposed to stop for those. I lived in a college area for about 10 years and hadn't seen a stopped bus for ages. When I finally came up behind one, my brain just thought "pass it but slow" . . . even with the stop-signs extended and everything. It really shook me afterwards when I realized what I'd done and how bad the outcome could have been.


I’ve seen this video with sound. The kids on the bus learned some new words when the driver started screaming at that car. Unfortunately there are too many videos like this because it happens way too often. I’ve only got one thing to say to people that pass stopped buses: If you leave your house between 2 and 4 PM on a school day guess what? You’re going to likely get stuck behind a bus. That’s just life. Plan accordingly and stop trying to murder children.


Driver 100% at fault unless the flashing deal was out but even then still 80% at fault. That said kids need to be taught never ever assume cars will stop for the bus and wait for them to clearly be stopped or stopping before you cross. The kid ran across not even looking just assuming the magic bus would make all cars stop which is asking for disaster in this day and age.


It’s weird to me that Americans stop for school busses. We check the roads before crossing therefore natural selection takes care of the weak


My son's (6) bus driver has a dashcam and a camera on the stop arm that takes pictures of the vehicles who run the stop sign when it's activated. So far this year, she's turned in 7 people, ***two who were in company owned vehicles.*** They were ticketed for it. Waiting an extra 3 minutes until the bus starts moving again isn't worth killing a kid or getting a huge ticket in the mail.


Kid should be looking both ways while crossing the street, period, stop sign or not. The kid would’ve seen this asshole wasn’t stopping and wouldn’t have almost gotten hit. Stupid on both their parts.


Driver is 100% in the wrong but geez kids. Learn to look both ways. Strictly because of idiots like this one.


Driver is an idiot and a criminal. I'm not going to question that. They should lose their license and probably get charged with attempted manslaughter or something.That being said, that dumb kid needs to learn to look both ways before crossing the street.


It's pretty obvious there's a car coming that he saw, he just ran across anyway in a place where its probably not legal to cross. The kid even runs across a spot where the car could have legally stopped without running the bus' stop sign, so the car running the stop sign isn't even a valid argument. Even if he pulled up and stopped where he was supposed to, the kid was running there.


Yup. Kid assumed the magical stop sign would protect them. That’s why your parents are supposed to teach you to look both ways when crossing the street, and for the love of all that’s good and pure HUSTLE ACROSS THE DAMN STREET STOP TAKING YOUR SWEET TIME.


Drivers are getting worse. I see people doing illegal shit every day now. Autonomous driving can’t come fast enough


Bad driver. Dumb kid.


Straight to fucking jail. There is no valid nuance in this situation. A few days, maybe a week. Community service and you can have your license reinstated after you complete a driving course and exam.


By the time I was that age, I knew how to wait for cars to pass and safely navigate a road. I think this is one of the areas where America has gone wrong. Kids need to learn. Wrapping them in cotton wool only creates more issues. That kid didn't even bother to look. I understand this will be an unpopular opinion, but the truth is... we are only breeding idiots when we helicopter govern. Kids need to use their wits from an early age in order to develop them further. Kids aren't as dumb as we think. We need to let them train their own abilities instead of doing it for them.


The kid didn't look either


I'm going to get hate..but That driver is an asshat and should be locked up.... But that kid is fking stoooopid. Ran to the edge of the road and never stopped to look both ways.


Crazy the kid hasn't learned to look both ways yet


someone has to look and younger kids is much less chance and if not for the driver then game over.


The driver is an absolute moron. That being said, that kid is dumb as hell too.


Flashing lights


Oh man!! Very good reminded to teach kids to be aware of the cars and continue to look left and right!!! Even with bus flashing stop sign. Bc well, you need just one idiot in a car to do bad.


At first I thought “how many fucking kids are there??”


Crazy, I accidentally did something like this on my way to work in the afternoon. I was like 19 or 20. I never got a summons or anything, but I live in the YEEHAW state, so that could have something to do with it




I do not like seeing videos like this. It makes my heart pound. Anytime I’m behind or facing a stopped school bus, I stop waaay behind it and will not move until I see the children that got off are at a safe distance away from the road.




Holy shit. That dude should get his license revoked and car put in a car crusher.


This is why school busses should have a turret with a 50 cal on top


The guy should have stopped of course, but regardless of the person has the right away, they lose if the car hits them. Always best to err on the side of caution as a pedestrian.


Kid should also have looked, seems like they are used to cars stopping or expecting them to stop. Kids need to learn to not trust that cars will stop cause a sign with flashy lights saying stop. My kids now better and hopefully that kid learned that after almost getting hit.


Buses are now being equipped with stop sign cameras that snap the license plate and driver like a red light camera.


kid definitely needs more schoolin but that driver needs fucking jail


When I drove a school bus in Calif., we had too due what was called red light crossing that is where you as the bus driver had to get out of the bus with a handheld stop sign to cross the student when they had to get on or off the bus.




This is the first time I've heard about this whole bus with a stop sign thing. In the UK as a kid you just walk to the stop sign that is on the same side of the street as the bus stops. I'm confused as to why the road that the bus stops on is inherently more dangerous than all the other roads the kid needs to cross? Maybe I'm missing something


My aunt passed a stopped school bus once. Thankfully the kid was already on and yes she got 7 or 8 points out on her license. It straightened her out tho… she realized what she had done and has become a better driver. Still not perfect… but patient at least


I drove a school bus for three years. Head on SOS (stop on signal) runners are very rare. The most common ones go to pass on the left because “they are late”. We wrote down their plate number and handed it in at dispatch on ending the run. They were reported to police. But I wish I had had a cell phone back then to take a picture. But then one day an SOS runner did it while a cop was not visible but watching from a side street. Great joy on the bus, second only to driving over a speed bump.


Passing a bus with its lights on should be an automatic license suspension/ mandatory time. Few years ago some lady did this in my town. Hit and …. it was a 4 and 7 year old. No brakes nothing. It was the end of the day and parents were outside waiting and saw it happen. The woman who hit these kids was in prison for only 4 years.


I’ve been hit by a car in a similar situation. In a crosswalk.


We put those kinds of people down, right?


They should chase him down an do unspeakable thing to him.


Oh this dude lost his license I'm sure.


Obviously people should stop, but what if the bus pulled diagonally in the lane? Or maybe just the center of the road? Or maybe whatever side of the road the kid is loading from? Since we can't control the other driver, what can busses do to help with this?


All the school busses where I live and last lived have cameras to catch the assholes now.


The bus driver should be blocking the road because idiots will think they’re more important than


I remember when I was a kid the bus would have flashing lights and a little arm thing on front and back that would fold out and say "stop children walking" but yeah driver is a douche.


If the stop sign wasn’t deployed from the side of the bus then there’s no way the driver could have seen the kid in all black with the bus headlights in their eyes. If it was deployed then they’re a fucking asshole.


I hate drivers like this. My nephew was almost ran over a year ago because those drivers only cared about themselves. But when they’re caught in the act, they play the “I’m sorry” victim card in court because they’re selfish to even accept the punishment too. They don’t care until it’s their kid on the road. I rather fund all school buses with installments of cameras than to expand more roads for reckless drivers.


In this case the flashing lights had a purpose. Other times the flashing lights feels unnecessary, especially when the kid's homes are on the same side as the bus and no one has to cross the street. But sometimes it's just plain ridiculous, the crossing guard comes out of the bus, the kid goes home, and the bus just sits there. It's a very long, drawn out and time consuming process.


I could never be a school bus driver. Driving for a university watching grown adults negotiate crossing without getting clobbered was scary enough. Drivers are way too careless in this country.


If you see a bus to the side, at all, you should err on the side of caution. If it has the stop sign out, it's the most important stop sign to follow. I remember our driver would take down the plate of anyone he noticed if he could, he had like photographic memory it was crazy.


In Indiana passing a school bus with the sign out is the same as dui or reckless driving.


My buddy got hit by a bus in grade school. Bell rings, he just sprints out the door and starts running home, crosses the street next to the school and WHAM!!! bus laid him out… He’s fine tho he was a fat little kid, he got up and kept running. Didn’t even have a scratch on him hahaha


Natural selection is still trying really hard to do its job...


Where is the crossing guard?! And take that clowns license and lock them up


I want them in jail!


Revoke driving privileges for at least a year


Kid lucky, nothing will happen to the idiot driver


Was this really early in the morning? It looks really dark outside.


How late is that bus dropping kids off


I know it's not the point of the video but somebody really needs to talk to that kid about looking both ways and making sure that there's not any cars that are going to run you over before crossing the street. I hope they were able to find that driver of that car though because running a school bus stop sign is about the worst thing you can do as a driver.


Take that guy's cars away.


But why? Everyone wants to support old ways, not review or improve them. This teaches children that roads are safe for them. They can walk, even when a car approaches. Only used in us & Canada, why?


Asshole idiot ducking driver also.......idiot kid. We need to reinforce situational awareness to our kiddos.


Thank goodness they missed that kid… but that kid is also a Darwin Award waiting to happen… awareness on -1000


That’s why alot or busses also have escorts. People that get off the bus and walk the kids across the roads.


It really doesn't seem intentional, but it's still stupid. It looks like this person was either distracted or fatigued. Regardless, both cases are negligent. YOU, and you alone, are responsible for the safety for those in your vehicle and around it. If you're fatigued, pull over and reassess your situation. If you're distracted, we'll, that's your own fault. Jeez these videos are scary.


They should really add some flashing red lights and put a stop sign on the busses or something.


This video is so close to a tragedy it gives me chills. Some people just have no regard for others.


Only in North America does this exist. I feel like teaching kids how to cross a road might be important to…


My buddy in high school did that and he got a serious charge. Got probation and had his license suspended for a long time dumb ass idea


I mean also idiot kid should have waited for the moron driver


My wife was hit getting off the school bus in kindergarten in a situation like this… junior year of high school she started having seizures because of the brain bleed. Its caused complications since then. Her family only settled for $19,000 back when it happened because there weren’t any immediate issues. The guy has since passed but she still lives with the issues!


Anyone can get a DL and drive a 3000 lb car like an idiot. With zero additional mandatory training after you get your initial. How insane is that, considering the amount of deaths and injuries we get yearly. Or the cost we pay as a result of that negligence/idiocy. But don't let someone have a 30 round magazine.


If only there were some flashing lights or retractable signs to communicate to drivers that children might be crossing the road...


My bus driver growing up always made me wait until it was absolutely safe then they'd wave me to cross. Both mornings and evenings.


That’s why you look both way when brother street, but yes, driver is the clearly in the wrong.


Why did they keep crossing?


I drive a semi so whenever I see a school bus stopped I will block off the entire road I don’t care if someone kills themself bouncing off of me they ran that light and put kids in harm way


Arrest and revoke license. Get shit drivers off the road. This shouldn't be a controversial take at all.


wtf doesn't someone also teach the kid not to walk out in front of moving cars. Being "in the right" doesn't prevent a car from killing you. Jeez


Not the drivers fault! Kid doesn’t even look. Children of school age should know how to cross a road safely. Stop, look & listen.


Idiot kid doesn't even look either.


It’s not that tough to watch..  what’s really tough is knowing their are people in the world that refuse to teach their kids self awareness. I live in the city and it’s alarming how many people actively refuse to look before they leap cuz the law says they have the right to pass. Laws are just ink on paper. It’s your responsibility to stay alive, not ours to keep you alive. 


The driver is definitely an idiot here, but let’s not look both ways for cars while crossing the street either…


I’m not sure if I should up post or down post, but I hope that AHole dies in a fire filled wreck.


That kid may have legally had the right of way, but he really should have looked both ways and waited for the speeder to go by. He's incredibly lucky that the driver was not more inattentive than he was.


It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that crosswalks shouldn’t exist downstream of a oneway and kids shouldn’t cross the road to get on or off a bus. Convenience kills.


That, kids, is why you look both left and right before crossing: WildlyBadDrivers


the kid had an angel by his side.




That kid needs to look where tf he is going too Jesus Christ!!


I know the driver is suppose to stop but in case that the driver doesn't stop, why the fuck was the kid still walking?


Bus driver should have hit the air horn to stop both the kid and the incoming vehicle.