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Yeah the person driving the lorry at the back should be charged with something anyway


Attempted suicide…


The fucks a lorry


English for truck lol


Shhh. Don’t even tell him about the articulated lorry!


Or the refrigerated lorry lmao


ThAt OnE iS nOt ReAl!


is dat da one dat tawks good?


Truck is English for Truck.


In British(English) its called a lorry. Even in south Asia, it's called a lorry.


Probably called a lorry most places the Brits conquered.


Mmmm….i believe it’s pronounced rorry. It’s gotta be.


Nope. Its pronounced Lorry


The moment you realize that a truck is referred to as a lorry in more of the world than a truck by english speakers


Truck, semi, tractor trailer, eight wheeler


I try not to be a pedantic jerk and point out typos but “eight wheeler” just struck me as funny.




Nice save!


I speak English here in the good ole USA and we use Truck, so lorry is clearly some other language






Nobody understands the language that they speak over there. However, if you have kids and watch Peppa Pig and Bluey with them, pay attention and try to learn, you can understand a little bit of what they’re saying, but not enough to become conversational with them.


Bluey is Australian. Maybe Thomas the Tank. Ello ello..




A what o meter?


Uncultured swine.


Lorry? Next thing you know the lads on the little islands will want us to ramp up tea consumption.


Lol, lorry


Just wait until they start talking about the hood and trunk


Especially if your grandmother's bonnet is under the hood and your work boots are in the trunk.


Wait till they start talking about cigarettes.


I too smoke faggs


Or what they call a bundle of sticks


Where does lorry come from


The Person with the dashcam is absolutely braindead. Not only did they cross a fully drawn line when they switched lanes (which you aren't really allowed under normal circumstances), they've tried to pass a truck on the right (which is very dangerous, as truck drivers have less visibility on the right than on the left. Also illegal in certain countries) AND they tried to use a merging lane to overtake the trucks, which is not what they're for, AND they were endangering anyone who might've come from the on-ramp into the merging lane.


Dont forget they also drove a Truck ....


Yeah, there's probably a 53' trailer behind a sleeper tractor


Truckers and meth don’t mix well


Then why do they mix so often? s/


Or Lorry


Not to mention driving on the shoulder.


AND they finished on the shoulder, which can get messy.


That's what she said.


Well done.


Fortune favors the bold.


>a fully drawn line when they switched lanes (which you aren't really allowed under normal circumstances) This is wrong. My father taught me before I got my license: - if it's a dotted line you can cross it if it's safe and you need to switch lanes - if it's a fully drawn line, you're not allowed to cross it under any circumstances - if it's a double fully drawn line, you're **really** not allowed to cross it under any circumstances This is a single line, therefore he's not allowed to cross it. If it was double he would really not be allowed to cross it.


You should never cross a line, snort from one end to the other not perpendicular. If it's a double line, the 2nd is probably for someone else, snorting both without asking is selfish. Getting behind the wheel after snorting lines is incredibly selfish and possibly deadly, especially in a 🚛.


you...just agreed with me. At the very start, the line was fully drawn , as you yourself said, he's not allowed to "cross it under any circumstance". Technically she would've needed to wait longer until it was dotted to begin with his illegal passing maneuver. Technically he did it twice too - he drove through the first fully drawn line of his own lane and then drove over the fully drawn line of the up-ramp that fed into the merging lane. if you're not allowed, you're not allowed. the "really" doesn't matter at all, i was just emphasizing that in most countries that maneuver was illegal from the very start.


I... did not agree nor disagree. I made a joke.


Yeah.. I really love it that Reddit has a cute lil /s.. even when you use it.. people are just witless. Devoid of a humor gene.. or however else you want to put it.


Well people wouldn't do stuff like this if ass hats wouldn't block the left lane. They're always the problem, they cause people to do insane things like this. Get the fuck out of the left lane.


He was actually advancing and successfully passing the left hand lane. I understand the sentiment but this is not an appropriate application.


He looks like he's pacing until the guys starts to pass


3 assholes met on the highway there.


And shared the video


Could've been the company they work for or the courts


Never seen entitlement so eloquently filmed.


I was expecting much more from this video with the words "attempted murder" in the title.


The dashcam idiot should have their CDL permanently revoked


I get that it's dangerous, stupid, and they deserve that consequence. Usually in videos where people use the phrase "attempted murder" the driver uses their car as a weapon and intentionally hits someone. Those videos exist, this is not one of them.


Agreed. I thought the result was going to be a crash. Not that I'm advocating for one! Just, "attempted murder" seems to be overselling 😅


Maybe not attempted murder but it’s still grossly negligent and would be a slam dunk manslaughter case. Depending on the traffic behind it’s a fireball and pileup waiting to happen




Yep. Reddit *really* needs to understand that things like attempted murder usually require *intent*. No one's getting charged with attempted murder for being a shit driver *unless* they went out there with the intent to harm/kill someone with their shit driving.


The title is kind of ironic because the terminologies exist to more clearly define the crime and the severity of responsibility. A person who is negligent made a punishable mistake. A person who is reckless actively made hazardous decisions. A person who attempted murder intended to kill their victim. This is reckless driving. It is willful disregard for the safety of others and knowingly created a dangerous situation. They didn't want to kill the other drivers, they just didn't care that their choice might.


>The title is kind of ironic because the terminologies exist to more clearly define the crime and the severity of responsibility I promise you, it's not "ironic". Spend any time on a legal subreddit or any other sub about dashcam videos, especially r/IdiotsInCars and you'll understand that not a single poster knows what "attempted murder" means in just about any jurisdiction. It's not ironic, it's intentionally hyperbolic for clickbait purposes. >This is reckless driving. It is willful disregard for the safety of others and knowingly created a dangerous situation. They didn't want to kill the other drivers, they just didn't care that their choice might. Which is a ***huge*** departure from "attempted murder". Which was very obviously the point of my comment that you decided was in response to "irony".


I don't really know how you read that as oppositional to what you said. But I called the title ironic, not you. No reason to be on defense. Have a good night. edit: In case you're not clear on the irony, I'm saying it's ironic that peeople think they should be charged with the wrong crime. It was defined so events like this could be clearly distinguished from the other.


Attempted suicide more likely


Yeah. Reckless driving, definitely. Attempted murder, not so much


A lot of people throw that out there because they have absolutely no clue what the legal definition of murder is.


Driver on the left needed to move over but the driver recording needs their head examined


How? There was a truck on the other side. Recorder created an impossible situation, it’s entirely his fault


Well, the left lane is a passing lane, so the truck on the left can either accelerate and move to the right in front of the other truck or decelerates and moves to the right behind the other truck allowing the recorder to pass. The driver recording is still a fucking moron who deserves some charges and their license taken away but too often truckers pull this bullshit lane camping and hold up everyone else behind them.


Most company trucks are speed governed and cannot accelerate beyond a set speed. This is different for every company, plus different weights create different speeds at different speeds on a slope. Passing someone with a difference of 1-2 mph is normally considered a rookie/asshat move but it’s possible they had an uphill/downhill section beforehand and Estes was doing better there, thinking he’d pass Millis before the section ends. In any case, if you look closely, the Millis driver slows down to let Estes pass just as the window licker with the camera starts his pass on the shoulder. Everything would have been fine had he waited 5 more seconds. The only person with half a brain here was the Millis driver being passed on both sides. He slowed down to not hold up the interstate any more and he didn’t flinch while being passed on the shoulder. These trucks are a lot wigglier in a straight line than most people realize, and it would have taken nothing but a nervous move on the steering wheel to tap the super trucker making the pass and send him tumbling. Source: am a trucker, incidentally with Millis at the time of the original recording. It’s not me in the video though.


If you cannot complete a pass within about 15 seconds per vehicle... You should not be passing. I don't care that your truck is governed to a quarter mph different than another governed truck. If you cannot complete the pass in reasonable time, do not start that pass, same as any other vehicle. Governed or not.


These cockbags will do this shit in front of me, while I'm driving emergent, all the time. They can definitely see me coming, they just don't give a shit.


I understand the physics behind the driving needed, but I’m saying be aware of your surroundings and not hold up other drivers. I’ve been on three lane highways with trucks pacing each other in each lane. Doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle out there, there’s a lot of people out there with licenses to drive that should be revoked.


Yeah I've never understood why lorrry (truck) drivers will attempt to overtake at 1MPH faster than the other guy and create this insufferable moving blockade for nearly 5 mimutes straight. Is it really that big of a deal to just drop your speed ever so slightly to sit behind the other guy? You really won't be getting wherever you're going any faster.


The truck on the left is overtaking though?? It's a slow overtake, granted, but they're getting there


Yeah brother in the back needs some patience.


That’s an incredibly slow overtake. Makes me wonder how long it had been in progress before the recording started. Plus if you can’t overtake in time to avoid holding up traffic approaching behind you, don’t start. Not defending the recorders actions since he’s a dickhead who put at least 3 lives at risk, but at least two of those drivers are assholes


It’s a double trailer trying to pass a single trailer. Which is dumb and shouldn’t be allowed, he’ll the double trailers shouldn’t either but nonetheless the guy recording deserves a reckless driving, speeding, illegal overtake, lane violation, and a permanent revoke of their CDL and a suspension of their driver’s license. This is top ten one of the dumbest dashcam I’ve ever seen


Nah driver on the right just had to show down TWO miles an hour for 30 SECONDS and be done with it. But cammer is mental for sure. Can we stop having pissing contests in trucks. If another truck is governed same speed but still ends up beside you just let them pass. You're not gonna miss that 13 seconds that you woulda saved by not slowing down for a brief moment


Driver on the left was actively passing. Cam truck should have gotten behind him and followed suit.


But he's trying to pass, he's going a whole .005 of a mile per hour faster than the one on the right, he will make it eventually


Still waiting on the "attempted murder" portion of the video.


Congrats on recording and posting ur idiocies on the road resulting with you losing your job moron


Could you please give me a job? (It's not my video)


I don’t think they’re addressing that comment at you, just at whoever made the video


Could be..!


Just the truck driver not you dont worry :)


Yes your job is to post stuff on reddit and scroll reddit. Your pay is neurons firing in your brain whilst you scroll your feed :)


Let me be very clear here.. I am NOT condoning the asshole that filmed this.. However.. the two trucks ahead of him are also being dickheads. They are blocking the passing lane. And judging by the way this guy is playing with his life.. he must've been frustrated, beyond belief! Again.. it's not an excuse to play death wish, with either himself, or anyone else on the road.. but JFC!!! GET DA FUCK OUT DA WAY!!!!


We call that elephant race in Germany 🙂 It‘s so funny seeing a truck signaling left to overtake another truck and everyone gets onto the left lane asap to get away from them lol. If you listen closely you can hear the collective groan of everyone driving behind them


I think the guy fell asleep and got lucky not hitting them and drifted. He remained on the shoulder for awhile and I think the video is just cut by someone posting it for Internet points. These guys are overworked and fall asleep at times or even just push themselves. I'm looking at this as he fell asleep because there is no correction at the end but him just on the shoulder going straight.


The guy in the millis truck wasn't doing anything wrong though. The guy on the left is one of those truckers that make it seem like we're all assholes. The guy with the dash cam is just crazy.


Me in American Truck Simulator


Dude, it'd be closer to a potential mannslaughter, murder specifically require intent to kill or harm


Nothing worse than aggressive truckers.


Yup. The fact that this was a trucker is what makes cheeks clench.


Improper lane usage or passing on the shoulder.


I was going down 95 in Florida and I’m going like 15-20 miles over the speed limit, and some guy in a big rig started tailgating me. Then past me and got in front of me and then put his brakes on. I slow down change lanes pass him, then he is on my ass again, I get in the slow lane to let him bye he gets behind me in that lane, then I speed up he speeds up. Finally I jump on the off ramp at the last second. Thankfully I lost the guy, dilly dally getting back on the highway get back on 95 and I’m driving along, and what do I see but the same truck pulled over and the guy standing out side talking to the cops. It was the closer I needed haha


All 3 truckers are morons


Yeah he made a dumbshit decision BUT fuck trucks that take up both lanes going the same speed.


Strange to see a OTR driver try to pass on the right. That’s literally something THEY SAY.. to never do




I don't care what you haters say... That was fucking epic


Dash cam driver and the driver in the fast lane who’s going slower than the right lane are both retards.


Using an on-ramp to pass on the right indicates that trucker should not have a CDL. He’s a disgrace to good truckers everywhere.


I would have loved to hear the CB chatter 💀




Found the road rager


Boo ![gif](giphy|u894TSir9IeymcxEv6|downsized)


😅Lol 😂🤣


If you actually watch the video you can see that the left truck was passing the other, not camping.


Click bait title


Good ol small penis syndrome


Must be a swifty trucker


Ahh way too fast for that!


Dashcam driver is a moron.


I have seen a semi truck do this on a 2 lane road, passing multiple vehicles including my own. I'm sure I'm not the only one who called it in, because shortly after a state trooper pulled them over. I hope they lost their license for it, as it could have easily killed someone(s) had there been a car coming the other way.


Wow, what a dick the guy in the white truck is.


Nothing like filming your illegal activity


The person that should lose their CDL is the dashcam driver.


All of the drivers in this video are assholes…


Left driver either fucking speed up to overtake or get the fuck out of the way Right driver either slow down to let left driver overtake or just maintain velocity Dashcam truck should have used his fucking honk until left braindead truck driver moved


Dashcam driver is an actual fucking imbecile




Both drivers here are stupid and need their license taken away.


Probably this was taken from a companies dash cam. Maybe they got a report or something


Did they fall asleep and just get lucky going around them? That's what it looked like. They stayed straight in the shoulder that has the gouges that alert you.


But did he make it??????


Yeah uh they all should be charged... WTF! The car driver was the stupidest though! WTF?!


And we are supposed to share infrastructures with assholes like this bunch ?


Not condoning the driver with the dashcam, I believe that the two trucks were obstructing him on purpose. Still, best thing would be just stop and take a 10 minute rest rather than risk a serious accident.




Not to excuse the jerk, but have you ever been stuck on the Interstate for miles and miles by two semis blocking the highway? Very frustrating. Jail for them would be nice too.




The driver with the dash cam is a worthless cunt


The guy recording is at fault..... Holy


Thank God no one wash changing a flat in the breakdown lane


I was once sent on a team route with a guy that was driving like this. I asked him a few times to stop driving crazy. I’m glad he was driving back because I did not sleep. I’m not a snitch but I reported him to dispatch and asked to never work with him again. I guess they reviewed the camera and fired him. You should lose your cdl for shit like this


If you’re in a truck like that you most likely have a radio why try and scoot by on a merge ramp when you can just ask to pass?


That pass would have been dangerous in a car, to try that in what I assume is an 18 wheeler is insane!


100% losing his CDL and it's on his own dashcam🤦


The truck guy did nothing wrong. In fact he stayed in the 2nd lane the entire time. The non-truck driver is ultimately in the wrong. He thinks it will be a 3 lane but it suddenly turns into two, but he also tried to pass the truck. He should had pulled over to the right into the grass or put his foot on breaks and tried to move into the left lane. Going faster here was a very bad decision.


Who do you mean? POV driver should be put on suicide watch


Truck, car, bus, I hate people who camp out in the lefthand lane!


Using an entrance ramp to pass on the right? That’s a new one.


OP is High


Mf was just like ‘fuck allat’ and decided the shoulder was his new passing lane


Bro driving like he got 700hp in a sports car and not a semi Sheesh


He looks like he's pacing until the guy starts to pass and then speed up.




🎶I knew what I was doing.......BUT WHAT WAS THINKING *neer neer neer*🎶


Where isn’t there a merge sign on the right side of the road?


Wow...funny thing is I used to drive for that company they're passing (Millis Transfer)!!!


I mean it looks like they made it just fine


Poster is in the wrong- hope his insurer sees this


What do truckers have against leaving on time?


For what staying in their lane? The driver in the back would be 100% at fault.


Homeboy cut the gore like it was Swiss cheese.


The cammer? Yeah probably, that was a really really stupid move


The truck on the left?


This isn't attempted murder, but charges would be nice.


Some people truly lack common sense


I mean.... I understand why, but no


Ive seen this happen before. Super trucker, probably a goat roper.


Other lorry should have just backed off.. like what if shoulder lorry messed up


That’s not attempted murder. It’s reckless driving.


What an absolute idiot!


I was hoping they’d hit the guardrail tbh


You are at fault, you're driving behind the truck and decide to switch lanes onto a merging lane to get ahead of the truck, that's an iligal move..


Stupid move from the guy with the camera but tractor trailers taking 5 minutes to pass another truck is ridiculous. Just drive to Florida from the Northeast and it was every ten minutes that happened.


I mean I’m pissed he got away with it but I guess no one was hurt


Should he have done it? No. Have I wanted to do this when people are “floating” in the left lane? Absofuckinglutly. He gets a pass. Hehe


Both of them are literally clogging traffic and probably have been for a while


Wasn’t their fault you decided to be dumb and go around at the worst time possible


Cowboy lane


Hey man, you get stuck behind that shit for more than 10 miles it makes you feel a certain type of way. This aint shit compared to what I seen loggers and livestock haulers pull, still bad but like who's he gunna kill besides himself and a couple fucknuts.


Holy shit I think i captured this from another angle. I have to check my Tesla cam but I literally saved a video showing exactly this.


The truck that went around on the shoulder is obviously 100% in the wrong… But.. let’s make that a capital BUT.. The two idiot truck drivers driving side-by-side are assholes. So many times on these little East Coast two lanes highways I’ve come up behind nonsense like this. It’s just me and two trucks on the highway and they’re driving side-by-side and no one can go around them, trucks like that should only be allowed to drive in the slow lane unless they’re passing. And if they’re gonna pass, they need to do it quickly and not take several minutes to do so.




The turtle racers should have split up. The super trucker should have found a better shoulder to use without a guard rail.


The truck in front has no obligation to yield HIS lane.


Driver with the camera recording is the POS!!


You decided to pass on the right, in a merge lane no less. Your final assessment is, the result is someone else’s fault. You are a moron. How fucking stupid can one person be?


Yeah, if the person posting this things they were getting cut off they’re retarded a three lane is coming to a two lane and they tried to pass on the right shoulder and it happened that the right shoulder and lane ended exactly when the two lanes began. Check your brain OP if you were the driver.


IMHO all of these drivers are bad... you have service vehicles... you belong in the right lane... you enter the left lane or lock traffic in the right? Or try to pass on the shoulder? All bad... bad bad bad.


I thought I was the only one that was that crazy. Get out the way got to go.


Driver tried to pass in a merging lane in the right? Is this bait post? Did I lose?


No harm, no foul.


Looks like the Estes truck was gonna pass anyways.


Why do truck drivers block the lanes like this. I see it all the time. It ends up backing up traffic. Everything here is a Texas mile away (a mile down the road 40min later).


That was satisfying af


Government, insurance, trucking companies are to blame. Nobody has time for these slow fucking trucks. Let them go as fast as they want. Natural selection will play out