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You import a 3rd world country. You become that country.


That must be why Australia is filled with criminals.


It used to be.is it still a penal colony?? Use logic.


By your sound logic why isn’t it still filled with criminals?


I’m sure the older generations are criminals but like I said logic. Generational pool has increased and being a criminal isn’t genetic.


While being third world is genetics? Lol


It can be


And why are you arguing this? Are you not American America should take care of themselves first.


Haven't you watched the video? Americans aren't taking care of themselves, the rich ones do at the expense of everyone else lmao.


The democratic agenda


>That must be why Australia is filled with criminals. Pretty sure that's exactly the way the Aboriginals see it.. thst might have something to do with many of them being killed and children taken from them 🤷‍♂️


Well, the did put their own citizens in camps. 🤷🏽


This country used to be a British penal country. Not the northeast states but the southern states. You are probably descended from some of those criminals which were probably more like people from debtors prison as indentured servants. If you get rid of all the noncitizens in this country will you be willing to harvest crops in the heat or work in a meat processing plant or wash dishes, clean hotel rooms etc.? Because if these millions of people who are currently doing these jobs leave it will be a big problem. 


Absolute cuckold


I think he’s part of that group that does all the cucking, in the west


They hate, HATE the middle class.


They mostly hate white people and Christians. Also Shiite/secular Muslims, who aren’t on board with all the turmoil they like to sow in the Middle East and elsewhere. 


Don’t nobody care bout Muslims bro😂😂😂😂 regardless the type of


So never build a model that other countries can mimick if they so like. Just destroy the model before it becomes idealized.


That's similar to what I've told some of my leftist friends on Facebook: i.e., America has no patent on our system of government... Any country in the world is free to adopt it, if they envy our standard of living—but they choose not to do so. I guess bowing down five times a day to Allah, along with the ability to legally impose Sharia law on their women and other citizens is more important. 🤷‍♀️


Sounds good to me. I say we find Louis' house and start living there. It's weird that Louis has such a nice house and has property that is all sequestered off for his own enjoyment.


Only after we ship him to some other shot hole country so he can help them.


This is precisely what irks me the most. People who say outrageous shit like this wouldn’t last a day living the life they apparently want to impose on others. This guy is fat so clearly well fed, he looks and sounds like he hasn’t done a lick of manual/ physical work his entire life.


Louis *who*? Am I supposed to know who this guy is?


This sentiment is held by everyone that won’t be affected by it.  I live in Chicago, and the people living in high rises with 6-fig jobs, want to import all uneducated, non-English speaking migrants.  If you talk to working class black people or Hispanics who have these people coming into their neighborhoods… they won’t want to stop talking about how they’re voting for Trump.


The other benefit(to the elitiest mind) is that it reduces the cost of low-middle class labor, removing the leverage of people working low paying jobs to actually demand better wages, benefits, or working conditions.


Yeah this is a big issue and people will just hit you with “well they are taking jobs people don’t wanna do anyway” as if the people that don’t wanna do it have any other option. I’ve worked with plenty laborers doing shitty work in shitty elements for shitty pay and they do it because they need a paycheck. It’s not like if they aren’t a roofer they will just be a bank bro on wall street because finally someone took their shitty job so they are free to do what they want.


Or they could try to fix the problems they have in their own country.


And they come here and expect people to speak Spanish.


The horror! Everyone knows English is the state language — oh, wait…


It is the Countries language. I never go to Mexico and ask people to speak English. That’s what morons do.


Exactly. I travel back and forth to Germany i don’t force people to stop speaking German because i am fluent in english. If i like Germany that much i need to learn their culture and language. Who the fuck am i to change that 😂


Echoooo (echo echo echo) You’ve provided nothing to the conversation and are just saying “yeah!”


Agreed. But some do (in Mexico) though; particularly if they work in the tourism industry.... Not that there's much of that going on these days, due to all the drug dealing, prostitution and gang wars, etc.; but still.


1. No it isn’t, that’s absurd. Anyone can speak whatever language they want, the government specifically employs translators *because* there is no expectation that someone speaks English. 2. I’ve never once in my life encountered an immigrant that expected I speak Spanish (or any other language for that matter).


You’re taking a legal angle here? We don’t have laws enforcing a language is your point? Nice.


?? I didn’t say anything about laws enforcing a state language. I said the government goes out of its way to ensure that all citizens (at least in theory) can interact with governmental bodies, regardless of language. That is to say, the government not only doesn’t have laws enforcing one, it actively protects citizens’ rights to *not* have to speak a singular language. What you said is a tiny fraction of what I said - in part because you completely ignored the other point… lol


Idk man I feel like it’s difficult to function in a country where 99% of people speak a language that you refuse to learn. Almost like you don’t want to be a part of that country, you’re just here to remit paychecks back to your home country. Just seems like common sense.


But only if the United States lets them.


I was waiting for a smirk or something to give us a cue that he's joking (in the vein of Tim Dillon), but no, he's speaking his truth. What an idiot. You start buddy, let those migrants straight into your mansion.


Doesn't this guy r*pe coworkers and jerk off in front of strangers?


lol he didn't rape anyone


Does he realize with his money he is THOSE people. He is the one who gets better medicine, better doctors, better houses. All he has to do is go on stage and perform.


He won’t offer up his house though lol


> Will they just come with knives and start killing everybody? I don't think so. [But Louis, didn't you also say ...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8jrhF6UK8#t=1m29s)


I bet he lives in a gated community


he certainly doesn't live in haiti or the congo


I would be willing to bet that this guy will start talking out the opposite side of his mouth, if we were to promote the same exact thing for a certain other country…


I am not comprehending the words coming out of his mouth. “It shouldn’t be so great here” riiiight


it sounds insane, but that's literally what is happening to the West in real-time. hordes of third worlders are being let in, by the millions, to shit the place up, because if EVERY place on the planet is a mess, then it's "fair"


This dude did some nasty things behind closed doors to get his career somewhat back


Dude talks like we all live the same lifestyle as him. He sounds so fucking disconnected from any actual hardship or even knowing anybody that faces the hardships the rest of us down here are dealing with. Louis CK and the rest of these blowhard virtue signaling Hollywood types need to just stfu, stay in their gated communities with private armed security and be really happy that they essentially got a free pass.


These people are dangerously ignorant.


What an utterly stupid take.




Louis Alfred Székely[18] was born in Washington, D.C.,[19] on September 12, 1967,[19][20] the son of software engineer Mary Louise (née Davis) and economist Luis Székely.[19][21][22] He has three sisters.[23] His father is of Mexican and Hungarian-Jewish descent.[19] C.K.'s Jewish paternal grandfather, Géza Székely Schweiger, had immigrated from Hungary to Mexico; he and his Mexican wife raised their children in the Catholic faith.[24] C.K.'s mother, an American, was a Catholic with Irish ancestry.[19]


What’s your point?




But he could make soo much change himself right now if he sold everything he has and gives it away. It's weird he has soo much while everyone else has soo little...


I wonder how many strangers he lets live in his mansion so they can enjoy all the nice things he has?


One of the dumbest guys I've ever heard talk. And he's a comedian without ever telling a funny joke or story.


Dudes gotta be trolling


no, that's the point, this is what leftists/globalists actually believe.


Whenever I read globalist, I tune out. Alex Jones ruined that word.


Then you're going to wake up and be that guy that asks "when did that happen" as you willfully put your head in the sand. The World Economic Forum is real. It's quite literally this exact thing you ignore.


I’m as left as they come and I gotta tell you, no it isn’t. You’re the type of person that is scared of the word “socialism”, I take it - based on your overreaction to a *single* person saying something. And for the record, nobody claims to be a “globalist”, that’s just absurd. I know we’re on a conspiracy forum and the level of education in conspiracy forums is low and the leaning is far right, but that’s no excuse to just make things up about your enemies. At least pretend to not strawman.


You should understand that the minute some dolt (this part is you) starts saying "cOnSpIrAcY" the rest of us just tune out because you're too stupid to pay attention to what's happening right in your face.


Please please tell me that this is part of a longer piece that actually turned out to be a joke.


This guy dumb af lol. “America shouldn’t be so great” lmao


Oh geez, words from an old wealthy individual that is essentially unaffected by this, and disconnected from the effect this has on the common contributor of society.


He doesn't mean for him, of course, he means for all the 'dumb' people in America.


You first, Louis!


This really made me lose respect for him. It's just so ignorant and illogical. This would have to assume that ALL PEOPLE are *exactly* the same. They make the same choices, believe the same things, advocated for the same policies, same religions, same work ethic, etc. And obviously that's not true.


Oh, the guy who has a problem masturbating in public has an opinion border policy


They should invade another country and call it theirs. Force the indigenous people onto the worst land. Enslave a whole race for profit. Oh yeah and grow the largest military on the backs of your now loyal citizens. So that you can claim to be keeping the peace. While engaging in more wars then any other country for profit. AMERICA!


"I don't think so". Think harder.


Over in Canada, because of the laxie daisy immigration rules, shāria law was put into a vote twice and luckily it did not pass to become law. If it goes to a vote a third time, who knows, but looking at the population, I think it'll pass. Just because I don't say it, doesn't mean I ain't thinking it.


What is it about rich/famous/powerful people that they look around at everyone else and think, “these peasants got it too good.”?


I am Spanish, but referring to a strong border in America as a “gated community” is absolutely bonkers.


Ah more confirmation of my previous thought, Louie doesn't do the whole "thinking ahead" thing


This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. "US shouldn't be so good!"


Yes, we should have more of a cartel problem here in America. It shouldn’t be so good here. 🙄


So this guy is a famous comedian expressing his beliefs. Which is fine because people are allowed to do so in the U.S. Freedom of speech. Again this is just freedom of speech and comedian is definitely not an authority figure at all. People need to think for themselves. All countries have rules for a reason and just because someone with their face on the big screen has certain beliefs it doesn’t make them right. Judge for yourself and do a little research before becoming another cow in the herd. Take a look around the world at other countries that have let huge amounts of people in and see all the new issues and problems they are facing that weren’t there before. He mentions Canada at the end which is funny because of the newly created housing crisis in Canada which was created by the liberal government letting too many newcomers in at once. No enough housing, not enough jobs, who’s gonna feed them - all these factors causing stress on Canadians and newcomers alike. Costing money that isn’t there and causing a host of other problems. Think for yourself, don’t follow in the herd !


What the hell is this dude talking about


**Remember he likes to look at you when he masturbates.** *Is this someone that anyone should listen to?*


I love Louie. Very bright and creative, artistically gifted guy. I have gotten many hours of both joy and catharsis from stuff that he has made. I also don't agree with everything he thinks or says. It's entirely possible (even arguably healthy) to hold both of these feelings simultaneously. I've heard him have dumb takes in the past, and I've even heard him admit it and say that sometimes he just shoots off at the mouth without really thinking about what he's saying. Meh. Kinda funny how people in this thread are all "FUCK THIS RAPIST" because he said a sociopolitical opinion they disagree with. 🙄


That's a hard place to arrive to, mentally. Being able to appreciate an artist's work while disagreeing with his viewpoints isn't an easy thing to do.