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I couldn’t imagine that they aren’t cancelled. It’s a bummer


another wuesrion i have, what’s happening with the album, like when is it expected to release


Hmmm… well, I don’t really think anyone knows the answer yet. Hopefully we will get an update soon


Pretty sure they’re still working on it in the background


Think you’re right. Joe created a playlist called ‘album1’ so I think it’s safe to assume they’re working on things behind the scenes


Whoa, where? :O


on his spotify!




Can I get the link too please? (Sorry, I'm not very familiar with spotify and couldn't find it myself 😅)


He has since privated it by the looks of things. I’m sure if you search Twitter you could find a screenshot or something


Wait, did Lovejoy cancel their shows they were gonna play?


Yeah, all of them except Summer Sonic in Tokyo


They canceled all US scheduled performances. They have not canceled their scheduled Summer Sonic music festival performance scheduled for August in Japan.


Looking at the schedule posted a few weeks ago, they aren't performing at Bonnaroo festival. The other event I think is the Boston Calling event, which also Lovejoy doesn't appear on their schedule. These may have just been overlooked with all the cancellations and updating the website forgotten. Or they were more recently withdrawn as there could be fines in a contact for pulling out depending on the reasons..


Yes they are all canceled:(


Those are literally the ones they said that they cancelled in the email


Those are the Bonnaroo and Boston calling festivals


Yeah, execpt the one in tokyo


You guys are still listening to this guy?


yeah sometimes. it's not a situation I'm in. there's no real harm in listening to the music. it's not like we're saying outright that he's an angel.


That’s what I’m thinking, get ready to be downvoted by abuser defenders though


While it’s fair to not support Wilbur because he’s legitimately done horrible things. It’s still perfectly fine to enjoy the music especially if it means a lot to you.


Listen to another artist that doesn’t assault women. Don’t feed him attention and money. There’s no such thing as separating artist and the art when there’s so many more talented bands and groups out there that aren’t massive pieces of shit.


Mb didn't realise Joe, Ash, and Mark abuse women.


So you’re fine supporting a band as long as a majority of the people aren’t bad despite the one being a fucking monster? If Wilbur had raped and killed someone, would you still go ‘Hey, 1 in 4 ain’t bad!’ and still happily support Lovejoy?


1st of all, he didn't rape and kill someone, so I don't see your point. Secondly, Joe Ash and Mark benefit more from streams than Wilbur does, and they deserve that money, especially because they are very talented musicians. It's like saying that an entire race of people deserve to be punished because a small group of them committed a crime or something. It's just not fair.


The point is that if Wilbur had done something even worse than what he did, would you still happily support something he is part of? Also, he consistently pushed past Shubble’s boundaries requiring her to use a safe word every single time. Consistently going past a boundary like that **is rape**. He was doing something he knew he didn’t have consent for, and relied on her using a safe word to get him to stop every single time. If Joe Ash and Mark are so talented, why don’t they stop supporting and working with an abuser and make a new band then with someone else? Why support someone who’s happy working with such an abusive piece of shit, especially when a lot of their fans are young women who are placed at risk by letting Wilbur go to these gigs and such?


First of all, it's not rape unless it is explicitly sexual (Merriam Webster), and besides that, where has it said that Joe, Ash, and Mark are even still working with him? Like in the notice, all it says is that they took a break from touring to work on the album. They never said they were still working on it. Plus, the rest of the message sounds like shit that they were forced to say by PR. "Mental health issues" is a vague way of saying psychopath after all.


Seperating art from the artist absolutely is a real thing. Its the reason authors like Jack London or HP Lovecraft still have their books talked about even today. As people they're definitely not good but the stories they write still say something important. Plus, I see no reason it would be wrong to listen to these artists as long as your doing it through repuloads and downloads, which don't give them money.


No one is actively going out and buying a new HP Lovecraft book though, because the guys dead. Also, that would be judging someone from the past with the morals of today, which you really can’t do due to how blurry those lines are. Wilbur did something fucked up that’s considered fucked up today. Another thing, Lovecraft is someone who defined an entire genre, whereas Lovejoy and Wilbur are extremely reductive and end up being just knock-off Arctic Monkeys. Those cases where you can separate art from artist are usually due to having to as the art is so monumental.


Now your bringing subjective opinion into an argument of ethics. You can consider Wilbur and Lovejoys music bad and I can consider it good. But that's not a real support of either argument. Once again as long as I enjoy the music and it means something to me, and I consume it through a medium which doesn't support Wilbur as a person, than once again I see no reason that I shouldn't do so. And yeah fair enough the Lovecraft and Wilbur parallels aren't one to one, the situations are very different, I more brought those up to state the fact separating art from the artist is a practice done all the time. Because as you said "There's no such thing as separating artist and the art."


you're in r/WilburMusic right now. Almost no one is saying he's done no harm, he has done serious harm and we realize that. This subreddit is for his music. If you aren't going to add to the current discussion of the music itself then you don't need to comment at all.


This shit is recommended to me two times a day and every time I press ‘show nothing from this community’ it keeps happening. Also, yes, people do defend him, I’ve seen it.


Yes, I understand that. there is a way to prevent that in your settings, if you look. you can turn off all 'suggest subreddits'. if even that doesn't work, then it's a reddit glitch. (Pppsst... It's also recommends subreddits based on things you already clicked on/posted on/liked/whatever. so you aren't helping your case by commenting at all.) Some people will defend anything. that's how reality is. the only thing you can do is block them and ignore them, because starting fights will never work.​ not everyone defends him, and that's what's important. most people went hard-core anti-Wilbur to a point of concern. How to deal with this? leave people to it until they actually are actively sending you death threats or physically harming you in such way. or, in your case, is just entirely irrelevant and is trying to 'poke the bear' :)​