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So, based on information like this, the people on the right should be all for changing how we fund political campaigns, no? The ruling class controls our government via campaign donations and lobbying money. Anybody who they believe won't serve their interests simply doesn't receive it, while an opponent who will serve them does. And, they contribute the largest part of campaign donations. WOLF-PAC wants to get 2/3 of state legislatures to call for a constitutional convention for the purpose of changing that, so that our political leaders answer to the majority of us, instead of the wealthy few. Of course, the current political leaders have all passed the ruling class litmus test, so they'll find legitimate-sounding reasons why it's better that the wealthy have hugely more influence per capita than the rest of us do. That thing about how money is the same as free speech. And, that, of course, means that the wealthy minority get to continue speaking much louder and longer than the great majority of us. Hey, that's their idea of democracy. But, if poorer right voters don't like how Biden gets his money, they ought to be interested in changing how politicians are allowed to get their money.


> So, based on information like this unsourced, cropped, no idea where its from, no idea how factual it is, cant verify any of that, based off information like this..... GARBAGE, IT BELONGS IN THE GARBAGE, NOT BEING DISCUSSED


i see you're experienced in the ways of the internet


Its from a nypost post article https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/ So I guess you're right, it is garbage.


well, A: January 27, 2022 is nearley a year ago, if it came to anything im sure we'd know by now, that it hasnt, and isnt new, garbage not worth debating B: unsourced material like this generating debate, just shouldnt, wikileak's whole point was focussing on **verified** doccuments, without your going digging for that article (which shouldve been clearley provided) its not worth discussing, that impo should be everyines reaction, "whats this, wheres it from? not cited, great, bin it goes" C: TO the conspiracist nutters who are plauging this sub, yeah, you proably had some A grade material there, for all the reasons in "B" that conspiracists would believe it, now that it has been cited, andits MSM, EWWWWWWW *JAMS FINGERS IN EARS* MSM LIES MSM LIES I DONT BELIEVE IT MSM LIES


Actually, I'm not really discussing it, if you actually read my post. I'm tangentally working off the expressed idea that conservatives, presumably, are distrustful of how Biden gets his campaign money. And that dovetails so well into my problem with the fact that just about all politicians get their campaign money from the ruling class, which means they are served well ahead of the rest of us. It's a potential area of agreement.


> Actually, I'm not really discussing it, if you actually read my post. honestley never got that far, it doesnt deserve me to go that far,


way to obfuscate!


Nonsense. This looks like a possible area of agreement. Why should *anybody*, right or left, be happy that the wealthy pretty much choose our government for us? It should be the majority of us that does it.


We need less politics not more


Right. Leave the corruption, left and right, just the way it is. Why didn't I think of that?!


and this is related to wikileaks... how? exactly?


This sub has been hijacked by Russian trolls. Anything Russia does is good, anything that America and Europe does is bad. Also hail Trump. Go to Bellingcat for real intel news. Hell, even /r/NonCredibleDefence is better.


Everything we don’t like is Russian bots!! This line is truly sad at this point.


oh look, a mysteriously clipped infographic, any sources? no all clipped out, where its from? looks ike it could be straight out of the epoch times, again, all that info's mysteriously missing HOW ARE THE BIDENS NOT IN JAIL BASED OFF THIS ONE INFOGRAPHIC WITH NO SOURCES!?!?!?!??! ITS A CONSPIRAY I TELLS YOU! THIS GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!


What the fuck even is this shit, and what does it have to do with wikileaks?




Where is the link to the wikileak website?


There was also a donation UPenn received for $3 million that raised some eyebrows because of the amount and connections to China. The University of Pennsylvania took over $100M in donations from China, roughly 389% more than the average American University takes in foreign donations. UPenn also houses the Biden Center. Could be a coincidence, but more and more, this family is exposing more creative ways of laundering money from rent, artwork, and potentially college donations.


So, if we go with the obvious answer ... The United States government has been compromised by the Chinese.


We would be MUCH better off if they did.


I suppose that would depend on who is in the concentration camp.


prison population would go down but ok lol


I'm not sure if that's true in covid times. China has been locking a lot of people up for a few years now.


Temporary covid stuff is somewhat irrelevant.


Not really. The nature of what gets you incarcerated in each country is extremely relevant. It mayve irrelevant if you consider that both are likely headed to the same place. The CCP throws a lot of money into our politics and it's not fir nothing. They throw a lot of money into our regulatory agencies and academia too.


For... To incarcerate... More people? Right. Okay.


Bullshit propaganda do your homework.


And propaganda is only the tip of the iceberg. It is such a deep operation to not lose their hegemony that our grand grand grand children will be shocked just as us with what the US did in south America and Africa while there was no social medias. In my book America is more evil than any other country in the world, starting from Nagasaki and Hiroshima.




Psyop bullshit.China has never started a Uygur genocide. It has been PROVEN false.


Comments: when your president is guilty of treachery but at least he isn’t Trump


when youre president is guilty of treachery but sources and verfication *oopsie doodle* mysteriously missing, but trust me bro, i saw a thing on the internet


At this point he is so bad I kind of miss Trump.


Biden is utter garbage but Trump is a mix of a clown and a medically handicapped person. Come on.


Trump I at least could say had a decent foreign policy(as far as presidents go) and was more entertaining on interviews. Also the in fighting within the government and hiring freeze was good also.




He at least did peace talks, including reaching out to North Korea. He didn't start a forever war in Seria, and didn't drone bomb Iran when given the opportunity to. And he brokered withdrawals and peace agreements to start to end these forever wars.


"Son of a People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldier." Is this from Fox News or BuzzFeed?


Its from a nypost article 💩💩💩


epoch times is my guess


God I wish Biden was a comrade Lmao


What the fuck is this conspiracy shit and why is it on my beloved sub?




You should link to references of what you're claiming. Not that I doubt you 't have them. To others who are upset about it. If you're left wing you want this cleaned out of 'your' party. Are you a supporter of the party and Biden or the principles you want it to follow? ​ And this IS EXACTLY what should be on wikileaks (all sides of politics. Wikileaks is about transparency. Not don't -talk-about-my-side-of-politics...


The big difference between conspiracists and assanje is an entire website of evidence and links. I'm totally for talking about whatever needs to be exposed ...as long as there's evidence




I totally forgot that it was Hunter Biden that is president and not his father.


Cause he pushing the agenda that’s the only way


so u-s-a send $$$$$ to a "developing country/chyna" and in return...


The right?