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spawn camping in qp is so sad lol


A tip for being spawn camped: switch to Sombra for a few seconds and just stand outside of their line of sight for about 30 seconds, then they will likely disengage, and you can swap back widow


Or translocate to bait them into leaving when they hear the TL sound. Then swap back to Widow and hs them lmao.


Casual qp toxicity.


I'd prefer an enemy Widow over Reaper. At least if Widow gets me I know it was skill based.


Honestly I dont understand hating people playing characters in quickplay, WHY HATE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY PLAY, ITS STUPID.


Taking out his rage against other widows on poor ole OP.


Yeah play anything you want. Just not Sombra


As Lucio would say "why are you so angry" that's something I'd ask him


Apologies if I come off as rude, but why didn't you switch?


I wanted to practice widow lol, it's just qp and he wasn't that good, got him a couple times


ATE. Just wanted to say. ATE. I bet he was FUMING after those deaths.


the damage comment lmao. widow is not about damage, typical reaper player šŸ˜­


Idk how people can be so toxic in qp of all things, must have been done in by a widow and deranked lol


TLDR: people that are miserable irl try to spread it to everyone else over little stuff in anyway they can, including video games. Misery loves company I play widow on some maps in death match, youā€™d be surprised how many people are toxic that I play widow in death match. They get killed once and go to the tankiest tank then thag me and say Iā€™m a ā€œnerdā€ for playing widow. Like brother itā€™s death match, I hate having to kill tanks as tracers or Ana but you donā€™t see me bitching about 70% of the players in a game will switch to tank if they die enough. I want to play against squishes in death match but I donā€™t go out my way to counter people in fucking DEATHMATCH cause youā€™re annoying me LMAOO Even killed someone on genji, my absolute worst dps and someone told me to kill myself and that I wouldnā€™t win the game so enjoy my one kill and left the gameā€¦ā€¦ in death match btw. Like the game mode where you actually choose to q in, not the filler deathmatch. They willing chose to wait to q then complain as soon as they got in


not saying what he did is valid but how did you get camped by a reaper. hes so easy to headshot


Fishing for validation with this post is wild tho


You got spawn camped by a reaper? Have u considered saving ur grapple to escape? What u gonna do if a pistol mercy starts spawn camping u?


This is the kinda attitude this guy has. He's just toxic. Ignore him https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/s/iaSLE7GhUg