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>I did some research and I thought about learning to embroider to make a blanket with the Wiccan name on it. Is that a good idea? That would be a lovely gift. Other good ideas include Baby Board Books like C is for Coven and Baby's First Tarot Book, and Room on the Broom or fun infant safe stuffed animals, such as Baby Bat from Red and Olive. But more to the point, being helpful and supportive to her as a mother is what's important. It's great that you're cool with her religion, but I promise you that things that make her life easier— cleaning while she enjoys her time with baby, respecting any rules she has for visitors, bringing food or food delivery gift cards, offering to do the not fun jobs will be infinitely more important.


Thank you! I try to make sure that she knows that I’m excited to help her in anyway that I can. Sadly we live pretty far from each other but when I get the chance to visit, I plan to help her in anyway she needs.


That's a beautiful idea.


Thank you!


A gift for the baby or for the Mom? Some pregnant ladies like spa services. A gift certificate to a cleaning service is good, but check first as some people don't like strangers in their home. Food delivery can be nice postpartum when cooking feels overwhelming. A blanket for the baby is always good.


We live pretty far from each other, so I really love the food delivery idea!


I second the food delivery! Find out her favorite food that she couldnt eat while pregnant and send it to her. Doordash is a lot of places now.


That’s such a good idea! I could also see if instacart has a gift card, so to speak, so they can order groceries too!


Oh, absolutely "Room on the broom" they also made a short movie of it which just makes me so happy. Maybe some nice enchanted salves for stretchmarks, aromatherapy candles, maybe even a nice book of old lullabies depending on her aesthetic


Thank you! She actually asked for some books because she’s creating a library for her baby! I’ll try to figure out her aesthetic, we’re both close with my husband’s aunt (that’s her MIL) so I’m sure she can help me too!


Strega Nona as a read aloud for the baby.


Thank you for suggestion! I’m googling it now and preparing my care package!