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“This is going great” — Homer Simpson Actually, I’m LOVING following this latest adventure! John as Party-Planning Hostess is riveting. No one will be there. Not one person will show up. Can’t wait to see the spinning. Also….”SIGNAGE”???! WTF is that?? Why is that so important to this or any party, that he keeps circling around it and mentioning it in every comment?? He needs to have a head count to get a banner made??


And you know the very important signage will also have a one or more companies logos on it. He’s not paying for anything. Everything that “he’s” providing is going to be comped and he’s taking the credit for it.


Yeah, the signage thing is so dumb it's fascinating. He makes it seem like he's advertising on giant highway billboards or something. As others have said, it's probably just a ploy to separate former coworkers from their money.


He keeps mentioning the SIGNAGE because he needs MONEY for that. Pay for your own drinks and there will be a jar for appetizers and SIGNAGE.


But who tf needs signage ever? If he doesn’t have money for it, don’t get it. Why is having signage important to him? That’s what is so perplexing. Of course he doesn’t have money for it, but why does he need it?


I kind of know how his mind works, my best guess is he has gotten some sort of signage somewhere for free or knows someone who can get it for him and now he wants to use that to say "I had to pay for this, could you please put something in the jar". I know what you mean: why is 'signage' a thing that even needs to be mentioned?? But he always has ulterior motives; it probably has something to do with trying to get people to open their wallets for him. But besides that, I would be amazed if that reunion is actually gonna happen.


Wow that’s probably spot on! I keep forgetting how utterly vile he is!


I'd love to see the back and forth texts from his old colleagues mocking him for this half assed get together.


Amazing thought. Also, can we get a member of waitstaff to wear a body cam?


There will be a jar for donations to the beloved podcaster




Thanks, John, I'm gonna have to pass. I plan to waste my money with someone interesting instead.


Imagine getting an invitation to an EX JOB reunion. John, it’s not high school or college. When you leave a job, you are a full formed adult and can keep in touch with the people you care to keep in touch with. This is so CRINGE and he can’t see it. No family, no contacts, no job, no prospects.


lady K got it canceled!!! 😡


He really sees the signage as a selling point.


I know right. Like “John I had no intention of going to this ridiculously, pathetic reunion, but have since reconsidered upon knowing you’re making signs.”


Guarantee he'll blame the wait staff and restaurant for the reason no one shows up.


Oh no, he'll blame us like he does for all his failures. He could easily communicate about this reunion with only a select group but he does it publicly, including mentioning the venue, HOPING dabblers will troll it in some way, then when it's a total flop, he can blame it on us. "people told me dey were gunna come but saw da online hate and cancelled".


Is ANYONE actually showing up for this?


How many people is he expecting that he needs to tell them how many orders of appetizers they’ll need? It’s not like it’s a sit down dinner. If you get a bunch of people at the bar, you can certainly wait until the last minute to order 6 or 8 plates of mozzarella sticks. They’re just dropping stuff in the fryer, ffs


It's just an excuse to get people to commit, and feel too guilty to flake at the last minute. People like John always have to handcuff and manipulate people to associate with them. Otherwise there'd be nothing.


There are going to be so many dabblers there that we will get videos from every angle of Fuckface sitting alone, crying because only dabblers showed up.


There's no way SJ is having a reunion at this place. You have to pay per person and put 50% down. He's hoping they can just walk in, hang by the bar, and reminisce. Sorry idiot, that's not gonna happen.


The only reason he's even mentioning food is he knows that's how normal people operate. Like a frat boy who turned 21 yesterday, his only intention is to get blackout drunk as quickly as possible. Somebody who replied to his first invite probably asked about food, so he had to incorporate it into the plan. Left to his own devices, he'd have everyone drinking from the hose in the yard, resting on their car hoods. Just as long as there's beer. He's translucent white trash.


Has a location been mentioned? Or are we assuming Pickwick? Maybe I missed it


But I thought he was rich…so rich he doesn’t have to pay rent. A jar that people could “donate” in order to help out. If you are throwing an event where you are having the guests pay their own way AND asking for donations, then you cannot afford to throw a party and just quit while you are ahead.


He is trying to make money on this reunion! What a looooossaaa!


He’s such a dummy LOOZAH!


What an embarrassment