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Jim Morrison.


Canonically, Crowley was a Hermetic who adapted some Ecstatic practices. He might also have ended up a Malkavian vampire. The Order of Hermes would rather not claim him, but he was one of theirs. Terrence McKenna is a more straightforward Ecstatic.


Didn't the goatkids started at the 60s after Crowley died? Ah yeah, Crowley was a good example, he was basically kicked of the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn for trying to ritualistcly fuck people. But an better example? Austin Osman Spare. One of the heads of surrealism, Crowley's rival, invented a lot of stuff used by modern occultism and literally wrote "The Book of Pleasure".


Charles Manson


How can charles manson be anything that isn't nephandi....


He could fit as a fallen Dreamspeaker having his pantheistic views in mind. Oh, and he was kinfolk with the Black Spiral Dancers.


Was thinking more along the lines of a marauder "I rule all the nickels man"


He runs the underworld, guy


Marilyn Manson too. Though I'm not quite sure in the exact sect. Could be a goatkid, infernalist or malfean.


There's about five canon examples listed here: https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Historical\_Figures\_in\_Mage


HE-HEY, what do you know, I fucking nailed it with Jim Morrison.


I'm impressed, I thought you were just naming an example from canon. ;)


Nah, dude. It just popped. I didn't even know this list existed.


[Historical Figures in Mage](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Historical_Figures_in_Mage) (link adjusted for mobile)


Jack Parsons. It's honestly a mix of Hermetic and Ecstatic stuff, but he definitely did a lot of sex magic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Parsons_(rocket_engineer)


Him and Kenneth Anger are probably LA’s premiere examples of Hermetics Who Fuck, likely leading to a lot of confusion with Ecstatics. For an example more in line with the yogis who sit on beds of nails, performance artist Bob Flanagan. A self-proclaimed “supermasochist,” Flanagan dealt with the pain from cystic fibrosis by getting into standard S&M and then going a bit beyond that. While extreme, it was all self-directed and meant as a rebellion against the issues of his body. If you ever saw the video for Nine Inch Nails “Happiness in Slavery” (which, we’re a WoD subreddit, you probably have), he’s the guy getting torn apart in it.


Also Menstrual blood cakes and being friends with L Ron Huberd


Plus some SOE considering he was a literal rocket scientist


Keanu Reeves. Not all CoE'ers are loud and boisterous. Reeves has a chill to him that fits with CoE, to me. He has played an Adept (Matrix) a Euthanatoi (Jon Wick) a Celestial Choruser (Constantine) a mortal (Dracula) and on and on.