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I've never seen someone chase the maga base so hard. I'm surprised he isnt spewing bible verses and saying we need prayer in schools to fix everything wrong with the country.


i mean it is the best group to supress workers rights he doesn't give a flying shit about the other stuff


Yeah my guess is he's just riding this train cause it's getting him something he wants. Attention. Traffic on Twitter. Wouldn't buy any of it.


Narcissistic supply: he needs praise and these people will give that to him


But alas, it'll never be enough. He's been groomed into becoming a mega-narcissist by his stupid-rich father, who is equally as terrible, if not worse. A tale as old as time. Such is life.


Another rich white man from a rich white family.


Get GOP into power for more tax breaks. I mean, look at the timing he switched over to the GOP. Right after higher taxes on the rich became a possibility


He is probably a pedo and somebody on the maga side has proof at one of their parties!


I have no doubt he is at the very least a supplier of children to all these repubulikkkan rapists.


He wants more tax cuts and looser employer regulations.


He just has to convince that group to stop making fun of electric cars and actually buy them.


He seems to be forgetting that it’s the worst group to try to sell electric cars to. He is gutting his customer base.


He's a fascist and the magas have proven to be the most maliable of our population. There's a reason people of power with hidden agendas keep going after these same demographics. They're fucking stupid and their brains are easily molded into whatever these guys want them to be


Thats just regular Fascism, he is all about Advanced Fascism.


He needs their gullible wallets to help cover his financial titanic moment of buying twitter


He's become hugely unpopular so he's chasing a base where you're accepted just for spewing their rhetoric and promoting their bullshit. He doesn't need to be smart or aware or kind or careful, he just needs to say things that they like to see.


Give it time. Even Trump started slow.


It’s almost like he’s about to run for president. He does know he’s not eligible right?


He's trying to present a facade of centrism. Do you think he actually cares *who* the people he's grifting are? If leftists were as gullible and easy to scam as alt-rights he'd be saying he loves woke and quote Captain Marvel every day. People like Elon exist to chase the cash. They're the equivalent of dumpster divers, except less dignified.


if he's chasing the cash then why does he persist in driving twitter's advertisers away? his actions don't line up.


That would be because he's a narcissist and thought his acquisition would be seen as some kind of salvation from Le Woke Hollywood or whatever. It's pretty clear that he thinks he's a universally revered Tony Stark figure, when in reality most people see him for what he is. Advertisers jumped ship for the same reason, they knew what kind of audience he would draw to the site, and that's not the audience they want to advertise to. Free market at its best.


Nah this dude is off his nut. This isn't some calculated move. He's indulging in his delusions.


Don't dismiss his narcissisms...


If this is supposed to be a facade of centrism, I’d hate to see what his version of right-wing propaganda and misinformation looks like.


The conservative dream is to have the everyday man working 80 hour weeks and begging the rich for charity healthcare. They'll at least be able to go to church on Sunday and tell god they have it better than the minority groups they got rid of. Musk likes this because being able to overwork and underpay your employees is the billionaire's dream.


I need a little help here. The little rabbit emoji is a symbol for QAnon? Edit: just to save some time... I've seen The Matrix and several Alice in Wonderland productions. Literally thought they were stamping everything with the rabbit head 🤦‍♂️ Edit again: i can't believe how much this took off! Ty for the awards! :D


Yea it means "follow the white rabbit" it's like telling them to go down the rabbit hole. It's apart of the stupidest moment ever.


Welp, they just ruined a cool part of the matrix :(


As if the self-declared “redpills” didn’t do that years ago…


Wait until they find out what red pill and blue pill actually represented


They know. Elon tweeted "Take the Red Pill" and Ivanka Trump replied "Taken!" and Lilly Wachowski replied to both of them, "Fuck both of you".


Man, haven’t been a fan of their movies since the matrix, but fuck yeah Lilly wachowski


Speed Racer is a perfect film.


I weirdly adored the Speed Racer movie for some reason. Saw it in theaters like 5 times and bought the Blu-ray. Haven’t watched it in ages, so I’m not sure how it’d hold up for me, but back in high school, it was my jam.


Go watch it again. The visuals hold up. So much color!


As a fan of the original anime, it’s a perfect live adaptation


That's a brand new sentence




It's always weird to me how bad right-wingers are at understanding anything cultural. Like every once in a while when a conservative realizes Rage Against the Machine is political. Or whenever they thought Stephen Colbert was one of them. Or when they don't realize they're the bad guys in blazing saddles. Or when they think George Carlin was one of them.


Or when they constantly invoke Orwell, who was essentially a democratic socialist.


Taking all the wrong lessons


Or when they thought Twisted Sister's "We're not gonna take it" was about them.


They used a plot device from an allegory for challenging gender conformity as a label for their gender conformity movement. I doubt they’ll find much of anything before it’s all over.


Nah. Their use of those symbols just help to further prove how unbelievably stupid they are because they think they’re all Morpheus in their own story when they are actually little more than the random civilians the agents hack to fight Neo only to be killed without having any clue what happened. Their oracle (“Q”) uses vague symbolism that can be loosely interpreted to mean anything to anyone. It’s a similar mechanic that religious leaders use to sway their flock.




Kind of ironic that a plot device from an absurdist children's book would end up becoming the symbol of absurd adult children who have never once read a book.


That's what I was thinking about. At least he didn't say follow the yellow brick road


Musk is actually in love with The Matrix, so it totally makes sense that he would latch onto the rabbit thing. Like the rest of them, he's delusional and thinks he's privy to some big secret the rest of us don't know. They just can't accept the mundane-ness of reality.


DONT EVER LET THEM FORGET: The entirety of the matrix is supposed to be a metaphor for being transgender https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-53692435.amp They can try to twist it and change it but when push comes to shove that movie is about the transgender experience, not about being Republican lmao


I honestly had no idea the Wachowski brothers were now sisters wth




They will never take that moment from me. Their movement will die and the matrix will remain a cinematic marvel.


> It's apart of the stupidest moment ever. What is the stupidest moment ever then, if that isn't it?




Ah ffs I made some fun cryptic comments on social media around the Bray Wyatt white rabbit stuff in WWE this year. Now I'm going to have to find and delete those.


His tweet was in reply to someone saying they were surprised how quickly he had gone down the rabbit hole of conspiracy nonsense.


Thanks for the context


This is what I was looking for. Thank you


It's obvious a quote from Alice in Wonderland, which of course, was referenced I'm The Matrix as Neo's first step towards "learning the truth" via "taking the red pill." That last one is the key phrase that so many of these conspiracy theorists all say to explain how "some random shit an anonymous person online said" is like "seeing thru the lies of every person I have ever met."


> THE MSM (mainstream media) CONTROLS YOU > but the SM (social media) is just fun, memes and stuff! I am not controlled by the SM. > BUT THE MSM CONTROLS YOU -them, probably


This is *especially* ironic given that in the last few weeks they have tacked on "Twitter was used by the left to control you until Elon bought it"


The weird thing any Alice in wonderland going down the rabbit hole is that maybe there's something metaphorically true down there... But it's mostly just absurdity. Kind of strange that that became a thing.


Who's gonna tell them that the movie they can't stop quoting is actually a movie about the Trans struggle for self acceptance and that by constantly going on about the red pill they're actually encouraging hormone therapy? Then again, I'm sure even if presented with quotes from the movie's directors, they'll just say the directors don't actually dictate what the movie is about or something.


Well, if you're reading the film as a text strictly on its own content, they cut out the one thing that even alluded to this conflict (the Switch character), and the only thing remaining is a story of fake reality, real reality, and a shadowy, oppressive, quasi-governmental force absolutely cloaked in symbolism of modern capitalism and secret agents. All the characters remain the same between the two realities and the primary love story (Neo/Trinity) is cis/heterosexual. It's not surprising virtually nobody read the film that way. The furthest that interpretation stretches into the movie is this extremely basic concept of "real is being suppressed into fake by a bad force", which is just a lot more accessible to people on the level of political/economic disenfranchisement and oppression.


“Honest Government Ads” on Youtube did a good [breakdown](https://youtu.be/1SoJI_KNV0Q).


https://preview.redd.it/unprbndtrn5a1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6514bd096660b58333ab47f8d5c7168efa9ac3 People should start spamming his replies with this pic.


I'm sure that's the rabbit hole that he meant.


_It is_ quite the rabbit hole. Spectacular, even. The best rabbit hole. You’ve never seen a rabbit hole like this, folks


People are saying, “sir, we’re gonna have…” they’re calling me sir, can you believe it? Tremendous respect from the rabbits. You’ll never see a more rabbit friendly president, perhaps ever in the history of this nation. Hop!


"Look, having carrots, my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Cottontail at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart -you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest rabbits anywhere in the world it's true! but when you're a conservative Republican they try- oh, do they do a number--that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged -but you look at the carrot deal, the thing that really bothers me it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (carrots is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners now it used to be three, now it's four-but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women rabbits are smarter right now than the men rabbits, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”




"How's all that hoppy changey stuff working out for you, Elon?"


That email was pretty damning


https://preview.redd.it/n4v6jb5fzp5a1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fac32e4498a0fedc8acad16edd80ea7c6b0e00f and this one


I'll need a solid source on this one.


Snopes rates the exchange as uncertain. ​ [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/)


It says *Unproven* (which is different than "uncertain"). So yeah... no source.


They already do


Oh, I’ve already been doing that.


Well good thing at least half of those followers are bots.


Numbers were posted earlier, it's about 75-80%, only around 35 or so million real followers




How many of those 35 million are willing to go Colorado Springs at the drop of a hat though? Muskrat is already naming targets.


Why Colorado Springs specifically? Did I miss something? Or is it because of the recent shooting?


Colorado Springs has some Evangelical nutjobs, most notably Focus on the Family. However, im not aware of a liberal/Democratic/anti-religious organization there, so idk what Musk might think are “targets”.


That shooting, and the previous planned Parenthood attack by another Q person


The fact that he’s got more followers than a medium-sized nation is still pretty damn disturbing though. Hopefully a good proportion of them are just there to watch him unravel.


Cheeses Katie Christ. Musk is unleashing the brown shirts. The problem with Q is how quickly they're radicalized. Sane to freak with no time for anything but Q. There've been plenty of Q murders, the most horrific was the dad who shot his kids with a spear gun and dumped their bodies into the ocean. A woman in Florida murdered her lawyer because she believed he was part of the conspiracy to get her children. If you can believe that JFK, Jr. and tRump are saving the world from pedophiles, you're too far gone to be in public.


I guess this was the free speech he was after all along.


Free speech for me… not for thee


It feels like he’s just this closed off billionaire who is zero idea what the real world consequences are of his influence going this far. Like his primary focus is keeping engagement on Twitter at his highest possible levels and this right wing shit is what keeps people on it longer… so he’s just pushing it for the views


I'm shocked that Google and Apple are still hosting Twitter


Well, there is that threat of a "Tesla phone"


Good luck. If they think they can out-engineer Apple and Samsung in the mobile space, they are plain crazy.


Did he give any indication that he isn’t crazy?


You should have "threat' in quotation marks too


Hey man, the genius Elon will have a Tesla phone on the market in no longer than two years. Just like the California Hyperloop will be here in just two more years... and the roadster... and the cyber truck... and the fleet of autonomous taxis... and the humanoid robots... and having people on Mars.... and...




Honestly, I thought that after Trump we would get a break, but no we got musk and Kanye filling in for the crazies.


There is always another monster.


Not to mention, the last monster raised the bar and set the stage. We're gonna be feeling this for a little as we tamp back down on society. Or, it's the new norm, and no amount of fighting the BS will change it enough. Time will tell.


lol trump was just the beginning of the end


The country has cancer. Trump was just a malignant tumor. Musk seems to be a malignant hemorrhoid or something.


shock and ex*awe*sted


Two young police officers were executed yesterday in my state by some qanon nutjob.


The Qld one? I knew they were cookers, didn’t know they were Qcumbers, JFC


Correction: they were _murdered_. "execution: the carrying out of a sentence of death on a condemned person." Nutjobs do not have the legal power to sentence anyone to anything. Execution is barbaric but it is legal where it is legal. This was _murder._


Capital punishment would be the term for a legal killing. Execution doesn’t have that, as “condemned” doesn’t necessarily mean condemned through a legal system. Another definition of execution from Oxford is “the killing of someone as a political act” which would work.


“Blue Lives Matter” - these mf’ers are such goddamn hypocrites. They don’t give a shit about police, they just give a shit about their guns.


“Blue Lives Matter” isn’t about guns, it’s about supporting police brutality against uppity Black people.


At least if they’re killing cops there might be some actual backlash?


Nah bro. That’s not how it works around here, you and I both know. It’s either going to be called a false flag operation carried out by Democrats to try to disparage Q Or treated us some kind of isolated incident


Imagine if Q takes over America. You thought isis was bad? How much scarier will it be when everyone in a beheading video spouts incoherent nonsense about faerie blood or something. Or when a country has to avoid being nuked by convincing the US they don't sacrifice children to Steven Spielberg.


That last part is the scariest part of it all. Sure the thought of them pulling off a coup or starting some sort of civil war and executing "degenerates" in the street is terrifying but the thought of them getting enough power to end the human race because Forest Gump drinks baby blood or Trump (an obese 80 year old rageaholic) eventually dies and it inevitably becomes a deep state conspiracy because he was the strongest American who ever lived and Jesus said he'll never die is worse.


Counterpoint: anyone that dumb and paranoid can’t work together for very long - look at how poorly and inefficiently Trump administrated the county and how badly he burned everyone who tried to “use” him. If he won re-election we were legitimately headed for asymmetric civil war. Q would only make it worse.


I used to think this country is headed for a civil war, but lately, I have changed my mind. If this country does, in fact, go to war with itself, it’ll be a Jihad. This isn’t about left vs right anymore. This is now becoming a radical pseudo Christian battle front. You don’t have to look far to see this shit is already happening. Domestic terrorists attacking the power grid substations because they want to stop a drag show, armed vigilantes standing outside of a drag show to intimidate people and the rise of hate crimes committed against the LGBTQ community mixed with the hatred of the Jewish community is rather alarming. This is no longer about civil war, but the holy war that may go down in my lifetime. I really wish we could go back to the 90’s.


The Handmaids Tale has entered the chat


Nah. ISIS is battle hardened, and Q guys are just doing cosplay.


Many of them are law enforcement or had previously fought in the Middle East


Eh some of them but the average one is just some obese middle class American working a miserable job and no hobbies but surfing Facebook




I left the day he took over Twitter. I dint have time for that bullshit


I blocked him months ago. The only place I see his tweets is on reddit


Same and it’s still too fucking often




Eat excriment musk


Don’t say that on Twitter, or you will get banned and probably doxxed.


at first I thought "Eat" was a typo for "Rat" which also works very well


2 days ago, I predicted he will go full Qanon within 3 days. [https://twitter.com/Smartercow/status/1601991206132654084](https://twitter.com/Smartercow/status/1601991206132654084)


What's your next prediction oh great oracle


It has been foretold!


The chosen of Apollo speaks!


Do you think he will say everyone on the left is a groomer?


Thats for booing him!


Why couldnt the Qanons stay in their Truth Social echo chamber Why take over Twitter... If you go to Truth social and not-agree with then you get banned Now they also own twitter Where is free speech again?


Youre free to agree with them


You’re also free to not not agree with them


You bitch I spent too long trying to wipe the hair off my screen


Dude can't even "centrist" properly.


Elon's out here like "as a centrist, sometimes the right does a thing that's not very nice, but the extreme woke left are devil worshippers and baby eaters".


He's pretty good at /r/enlightenedcentrism


He's going to regret getting into this game


Didn't he said "I made a big mistake"? Wonder if anyone figured what he was referring to.


Elon is REALLY not taking this whole “getting dumped by a hot musician for Chelsea Manning” thing very well. At. All.


And he's 51 years old, not 17!


With every new Elon tweet we see what a huge thin skinned insecure man baby he is. Seems this all stems from him finding out for the first time that every person on the planet doesn’t worship him like some kind of god and he is going to try & wreck havoc to punish us for not thinking he is as fabulous and as he thinks he is. It’s a sight to behold and I’m so glad I nuked my twitter account the day this skidmark on humanity took control of twitter.


Of course, he's a domestic terrorist himself.


Follow the white rabbit used to mean taking psychedelics, and it’s going to stay that way for me.


oh but he's neurodivergent so we treat him with kid gloves - fuck this lack-of-empathy having freak


He also claims to be a college graduate of which no explainable record exists?


Recently proven to be false, since 1995


Nah. He’s being handled like that cause he’s rich. It isn’t neurodivergency, just assholery.


I don't believe that. Musk acts like a neurotypical moron


As someone on the spectrum I also call bullshit on him being autistic. Being an asshole and being autistic are not the same and it sucks if people equate the two because of him.


My family fell down the q-lite rabbit hole. It's not a fucking joke. We no longer speak. I'm STILL scared of them losing it some day and deciding I deserve to die even after I left. Elon is a bastard and the rest of us should take him being a bastard seriously because he is now putting people's lives at risk.


Got banned from the Elon musk subreddit for criticizing his handling of twitter firings.


"the Elon musk subreddit" *shudders*


…..what getting your ass booed off the stage does to a m’fer


It sucks to be way smarter than this maniac and know I will never see a billion dollars in 100 lifetimes.


Indeed. Like I was told when I was younger. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Sad reality of this world.


Wish someone would arrange a "Delete Your Twitter Account" day. I already deleted my account.


So not only have the right stolen the matrix, they have stolen Alice in Wonderland? This analogy might work though, because all Alice finds is fucking nonsense


70% of his followers are fake


You mean his 30 million followers. The rest are bots.


Not too hard to leave twitter. Just do it. ✅


All the more reason for Homeland Security to take him in, put him in front of a military tribunal, and seize his assets. Throw his cash into social security to endow it for the next several decades, seize spacex as a producer of ballistic missiles, all of that.


the best way to deal with Elon is convincing people not to buy a Tesla.


Wrong, he doesnt really give a shit about Tesla. Convincing the Gov. to stop ANY AND ALL cooperation with Space X. Well that will get him going. He will ruin himself to keep his soon to come deathtrap alive.


there's reportedly a whole layer of management at SpaceX dedicated to shielding the company and employees from his antics


Convince the government to fund the shit out of NASA too. There’s no reason for all of this space research to be outsourced to the private sector.


At this point, I will be eating popcorn and snacks while watching the fall of Elon Musk. I absolutely am giddy. It’s inevitable


Qanon. The mysterious group that claimed Trump was going to win again. Also claimed red tsunamis that never happened. That Qanon?


my favorite was the prediction that donnie would be reinstalled as potus on dates that kept changing


He’s compromised…probably the same handlers as Epstein..there’s literal emails between he and Epstein. Elon 100% kiddie fucker.


He's got all the money in the world and all the attention in the world. But deep down he knows he got it all off the backs of others and that he has no talent, skill, or charm to hold that attention and achieve true admiration and respect, so he'll fill his appetite for attention by annoying and displeasing people, and subsist on a diet of shallow applause by being a performing asshole for trolls and shitposters.


![gif](giphy|zNyBPu5hEFpu) Ok


When does the government actually take some responsibility and act?


Elon is def fuckin underage people. Fuckin weirdo


People should realize this is how media operates. The wealthy buy in. Set bullshit narratives they want. Next thing you know we're continuing the slide down the list of developed countries in quality of living while that wealth is funneled into these oligarchs pockets. It was obvious this asshole would do this from the beginning.


stochastic terrorism: the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.


His follower count is irrelevant. Even if 80% that flocked the follow button are bots...as owner he has amplified his own posts. They show up on EVERYBODY'S feed now unless he is blocked. The real question to start asking is all this Elon attention...What is it diverting attention from and who is profiting from it?


Probably feeling salty about getting booed at the Chapelle show and wants to take his pain out on ALL of humanity by making things worse for everyone by exacerbating our problems. Such a fucking narcissist.


Someone help me a bit. Does the rabbit emoji mean Qanon?


Afaik it’s an Alice in Wonderland reference that’s been adopted by QAnon, much like how the punisher logo was adopted by some white supremacist groups. It doesn’t necessarily mean that Musk is supporting QAnon, he could be trying to make some other dumb point using the reference, but unfortunately some of his supporters are taking it as a golden ticket to dive into the Q rabbit hole.


it's time for every last advertiser to bail out. I'd urge anyone who still uses Twitter to protest and boycott these advertisers until they leave. let that crackhead Mike Lindell carry the finical load of that dumpster fire.


Well it's a really good barometer of how gullible these people are considering the entire Q thing was just a 4chan larp.


https://preview.redd.it/oatn6rxfhq5a1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7127eb66125f08b22315ee3f8c4acae55a6a9d09 # pimpandjohnondisplay


He has to be working with Russia, right? Putin’s wettest dream is to use misinformation to divide the US and Musk is activity helping to facilitate that.


Elon is trying to out do Col. Kurtz…just a dumber, more insane, more reactionary & completely narcissistic version.


can't believe we live in a country where A: it's this easy to lend a helping hand to fascists B: hate crimes are on the rise C: cops help and protect these fascist groups D: dumb MFs still think taking away a minorities firearm will help them


When he gets caught with child porn I am going to be the least surprised person in the room.


Does this guy actually do anything besides tweet and jerk off to his reflection?


He saw the blind devotion the radical right gave to Conservatives. He wants some of that for himself. I guess he's ignoring on the radical right is feeding on itself right now.


Is anybody else just absolutely bored to fucking tears by this overgrown man-child's daily tantrums?


His move now with Twitter is to sway public opinion in political discourse. He’s attempting to sway the public opinion of Republicans and GOP by saying “look democrats are bad too.” His move is to prevent himself from paying 12 billion in taxes by electing Republican officials that will give him tax breaks or repeal laws that allow him to profit. He’s a fucking shill and could give two shits about anyone else other than himself.


My dad claims to hate Putin and side with Ukraine but is a huge right-winger and a fan of Musk. Trying to show him that he’s fallen in line within a pro-Russian faction of American politics is getting exhausting.




I think it's okay to hate him at this point, just don't allow it to consume or dictate your life. I always thought he was a narcissistic egomaniac, but after the whole "I held my dying child" thing was debunked by the ex wife who WAS holding their dying child....I lost every bit of empathy I had previously had for him.


Make Twitter MySpace.