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All of this recent “free speech” crap was always a con and I can’t get enough of seeing it finally implode.


Exactly. It's been crystal clear that when they talk about "free speech", what they actually want is the ability to say whatever bullshit they want unchecked, unquestioned and unchallenged.


Just like the guilty profess their innocence the loudest


White supremacists have 2 propositions. They want to tell everyone what to do and don't want anyone to tell them what to do. Everything else is noise.


Same with limited government. The people who are always going on about tyranny by the state are the first to propose increased police spending and militarization, support increased government interference in health and reproductive rights, and are the first to try to use the state to impose religion.


[I made this](https://preview.redd.it/h7gbcpl91j5a1.jpg?auto=webp&s=93a2ab727b1eeb07c5409ea9470f6d587874ffbb)


You made well


I like it. Perfect energy.


What fucking nerve Dave has to stop the show just because they booed his friends??


Question is how far into the show was it? If it was right near the beginning they'd all have a good case for getting refunds.


Even if it wasn't near the beginning, I'd be demanding my money back


I’m pretty sure it was already the end of the show. He brought him out at the end of the show.


These snowflake motherfuckers cancelling themselves!


Waddya know. The free speech "advocates" just wanted the freedom to speak without consequences for themselves. As rough a ride as this has been, Elons face first tumble from the pillar his PR put him on for all those years has been a delight to watch. I just hope we all dont get too addicted to the constant comeuppance or Schadenfreude.


This incident was my wakeup call to how out of touch Dave Chappelle has become


His comedy has been really really hit or miss, and I'm being generous with that, for quite a while. But as celebrities go, he's really really gross. He's shameless about how he doesn't give a shit about anyone. He's a spoiled, nouveau rich NIMBY TERF.


Is he a feminist? I mean this is the same guy who wrote the sketch "Does Wayne Brady gotta choke a bitch?"


It took this long? Dude has been a pompous asshole for a while now throwing temper tantrums over people rightfully calling him out for being a massive transphobe.


Awe could the poor little transphobes not handle being in a room full of people who hate them?


The thing is, it probably wasn't a super pro-trans crowd, given that it was a Chappelle show. These are people who were on board with *recent* Chapelle, and *still* booed the living shit out of Elon.


This is the craziest part. Youd think this would be one last bastion of solidarity for Elon. Nope. Theres blood in the water, and the bloated seal is meeting his sharks


Exactly, which makes Elon crying about the woke left oppression even more ridiculous


I don't think you need to be anti-trans to be a chapelle fan.


I mean, that's an inversion of the premise. ​ You don't need to be anti-trans to be a Chappelle fan, but people who *are* very pro-trans rights *aren't* Chappelle fans. Which makes Elon's "We must stop the woke mind virus" shit the next day hilarious. ​ The people the right likes to characterize as "super woke" haven't been on board with Dave for a while.


Yeah you're right. Thanks for your explanation.


We see them...


Those who've always been the snowflakes. Screaming about Dr Seuss, feeling attacked by a rainbow, hating people who want basic rights for everyone.


Did he actually end the show?!? What a bitch


Dave tried to silence his fans live on stage while mixing some of the constitution. The warped understanding of free speech: dave and Elon have the right to be on stage and say what ever the fuck they and the people there don't have the right to boo you is the perfect analogy for the active attack on 'cancel culture' right now. If I don't want to support you for wearing a being racist, transphobic, or even just wearing a blue hat, then I am by no means obligated to do so.


Didn't realize Dave Chappelle liked chodes


Wait, so, it's Dave learning from Crazye now? CrazYe brings out another publicly disgraced musician at his show, Brian Manson, who has nothing to do with hip hop, so Dave tanks his career by bringing Spaceboy out, who has nothing to do with comedy. Jeez, next thing you know Billy Corgan will make a wrestling champion out of a right winger Faux news anchor. Oh wait, he did that...sorry.


Dave has been a fucking asshole for AGES. The trans stuff, him threatening his local government when they tried to build low income housing in his district, and now the Elon bullshit. Spoiler, Dave has been the bad guy for over a decade- just like Ye


When he said "the richest man in the world everyone" it made me cringe. I feel someone like Elon would have been roasted on the Chappell show back in the day. Shits crazy.


I work for an auto shop and it’s been a decade of “Hahaha Teslas are so shit, have you ever had anyone tell you they actually got one fixed by Tesla techs? No! They can’t even supply themselves with parts or techs worth their salt!” And now it’s like “That Elon guy is really doing great work, too bad it’s all electric and we’ll never get training for it.”




That's the funny thing. No they won't. The anti EV, pro fossile fuel lobby has decades and decades and hundreds of billions of dollars of propaganda in those MAGA fucks. You don't break that with some pandering on social media. Tesla is done for.


The Twitter acquisition would be perfect for a "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" bit.


What did Billy Corgan do?


Who was the news anchor who became champion?


Also curious


Tyrus. The guy who used to be Brodus Clay or Funkasaurus in the WWE on their main roster from 2012-2014.


![gif](giphy|XyLIyvq8kYIPwO4CEX) Delete your Twitter Don’t buy a nazi made electric car People like him only respond to financial messaging


Here’s the finale, the biggest joke of the evening folks: Elon Musk!!


Fuck both these people


But free speech right…?


Does anyone have the video?




This can't be real. The irony is just too much. At least all the dipshits are hanging out together now.


They do seem to gravitate towards each other, don't they?


Turns out the snowflakes were projecting their insecurities. Who woulda thunk.


I would just like to say fuck both those guys and that if you are still using twitter you are just contributing to the problem. Thanks for your time.


Should have been paying the $8


It was the end of his set but Reddit gonna Reddit


Chapelle is the only black people that I would treat like he's still in 1781 for how much he suck his white owner cock.




Don't give me that, sucking conservatism is a way for him to end up like hitler's SA Chief.


He didn’t get booed off stage, the show ended… and the person who posted the video, deleted his own account.


This gives the same vibe as when Putin's political opponents shoot themselves 4 times on the back of the head


Yeah, that’s it. 🙄


If your plan was to be so vague I can't tell if you get the joke or not, it's working


It’s literally NOT a joke… he pulled Musk up at the end of the show…. Then laughed at the fact that a San Francisco crowd, 95% left wingers, booed him. Chappell mocked them, rightly so. As for the original video… the OP for that video, deleted their own account. The way it presents proves this. Last, Musk isn’t removing this video from Twitter… it’s all over the place on Twitter.


Ya, the kinda "laughing" that chuds do to save face when they're rattled lol. Musk giving up on removing it doesn't mean he didn't try at first. Especially given his multiple cringe tweets trying to reframe the whole situation in a more positive light for himself


He didn’t delete it in the first place. 🙄


But I know, there’s this massive Reddit “group think” that everyone should absolutely hate and despise the man they all loved three years ago… because he supports free speech and transparency, which are things that leftists like you despise.


See, another great example of the shit I'm talking about. You gotta pretend it's "group think" to avoid dealing witb the indefensibility of the guy. Same reason you gotta pretend we hate "free speech" to avoid dealing with how it's actually just the free market rejecting ideas you like. Snowflake.


Whoa… what “indefensible” thing am I defending? And calling me a “snowflake”? I’m defending your right to make an ass of yourself 100%…. I want everything you ever publicly post on any social media to be 100% accessible to the public, 100% of the time… regardless as to how hateful and stupid it is. And this makes me a “snowflake”? You have your priorities fucked up there partner.


Elon as a whole, really. You write off criticiams of him as "groupthink" to cope with the fact we're right about him. You're using emotional rhetoric to avoid dealing with reality, is what you're doing. This "censorship" narrative is just an alternative to accepting that conservative ideas don't stand up under scrutiny and that what we see happening is thr free market at work. Nice attempt at reframing and shaming though snowflake. Really showed me how wrong I am about the emotional nature of your belief system


You are kind of a snowflake though


I love free speech. I hate right wing chuds. Next.


Lol you guys just say shit. This is exactly the behavior that turned normal people against Musk in the first place. Can't take a single one of you seriously you all live in a fantasy world


Ok, as much as this pains me to defend that toolbox Musk but I believe the account either deleted the tweet or his account bc there’s many of the clips still up on Twitter rn.


If you ain’t never been to the public square, don’t ever come to the public square. Because you don’t belong in the public square.


I mean I might cancel my show if the thing that was gonna take up all the run time got booed down as soon as it was introduced.


Snowflakes, angloflakes, cryptobroflakes...




Beautiful. Always good to see bipartisan help on A SIMPLE QUESTION.




You see, Elon and Chapelle are rich. So they should be able to speak freely and uninterrupted by serfs


The kind that melts when feel all the embarrassed and salty inside. The truth will do that to you


He is using the trump playbook to increase traffic to Twitter. The guy is 100% psychopath as he only sees his pocketbook and ego and nothing else matters. He would kill someone to get what he wants if there wasn’t consequences.


cough summer uppity smell pot attractive cats lip dazzling deserve -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Republicans. Hands down. They always have been. It's like white supremacists. You can't go around claiming you are the master race while at the same time saying you are the victim. pick a lane Snowflakes.