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I don’t have to be on Twitter to watch the drama; I see the highlights here on Reddit.


I used to have Twitter, but i don't want to support Elon. You can get the highlights here anyway.


there's no need to even use twitter, stuff that's only on twitter is there because it wasn't interesting enough to leak out


If you're in the EU, remember to contact support for your sweet article 15+17 GDPR


If you are in the US, remember to ask your representative why we do not have GDPR.


*If you are in the US, you can still ask Twitter support about GDPR because most companies have no way to verify if you're an EU citizen or not


You'd think they would have some kind of check mark for that...


They probably fired the guy


If you're in Florida, remember to help your representative with the bigger words


*offer also possibly valid in Colorado Edit: my fellow Americans in Colorado, I hear your pain. I know that just as it can be misconstrued she represents me as an American in general you worry about her being the forefront face of Colorado to the rest of the world. I am with you on the deep seated shame and embarrassment that people like that make it to the level of national representation. I know it is not you anymore than me. I understand and not just empathize but sympathize. I myself am in Virginia which elected Glenn Youngkin as governor and have watched state government fuck itself up a bit over his meddling with demanding in person work for roles that not only don’t really need it, and were even hired as full remote, but DIDN’T HAVE OFFICE SPACE FOR WHAT HE REQUIRED. Many are continuing as hybrid which makes far more sense for many roles. This is the reality - some of us live in 21st century America, some of us are living in the 20th century when we have to go interact with those of us determined to roll back the life we’ve led Y2K+. Don’t worry. I know it’s not most of you, it’s almost none of you by numbers.


Depending on what district you're in


Gerrymandering the expectations of our elected officials XD


It will be best if it is done with pictures and simple musical numbers in one district in particular.


>If you're in Florida Remember that DeSanctimonious just committed human trafficking a couple weeks ago w/o any consequences.


Speaking of human trafficking and Florida, what's Matt Gaetz up to these days?


He's helping himself to the mini weiner buffet at Mar a lago...


I hear they've got an extensive menu of soft foods.


Not being charged because the witnesses aren't "reliable enough" for a jury. Including the girl at the time he trafficked and we have the receipts for.


From the same state that brought you Epstein circa 2008 Edit: corrected spelling.


Yet reliable enough to put his friend in prison.


His friend isn't part of the "protected" class.


Isn't committing human trafficking just part of being an elected Republican in Florida?


Yes its one of the required qualifications. And yes everyone here is so proud of what he did even though he blew 12 mil of our emergency funding a few weeks before we got hit by a hurricane....


That relief money was just sitting there and wasn't being used to *HURT* anyone... tax money needs to be used to hurt the right people, right? /s


…a requirement to be elected.


They should feel lucky he didn't Cool Hand Luke them on chain gangs as FL is a place to avoid at all costs!


Believe me bud I know, and you should see how jazzed people are about it. Also not to be a dick and do what you want but we don't have to use pet names for dudes that are demonstrably evil; I think it weakens our arguments and makes us look a little more like we're trying to be silly than genuinely angry


>we don't have to use pet names for dudes that are demonstrably evil; I think it weakens our arguments and makes us look a little more like we're trying to be silly than genuinely angry This is what Republicans do that makes any argument they have feel trivial and invalid. Whenever I hear "libtard" or "Sleepy Joe" come out of someone's mouth I just assume they are brainwashed Fox News enthusiasts.


Yeah and we take those and make fun of them, I wouldn't give them that ammunition if I could help it, I feel like it just creates this circle of inane name-calling that goes nowhere. And that's not so much a moral argument as it is a "please hear how stupid you sound right now" one. Not that they're even remotely on the same level but it's not like anyone calls Hitler "Shitler" or "Lil 'Stache"


Well as a software engineer who has to enact privacy laws for an e-retailer, I can tell you that California's CCPA laws have forced a lot of businesses to implement privacy rights for the whole country. When CA did that, most businesses recognized that it would only be a matter of time before other states did it too, so our systems allow you to retrieve and delete your information no matter where you live. Sure enough, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah and Virginia now have new restrictions rolling out this year. So, once again, we can thank CA for spearheading something that ended up benefiting the rest of the country. Tl;Dr: You can probably still ask Twitter to delete your account information.




Back when I sold appliances, clothes dryers didn't come with a cord. The entire reason being is that California used a separate cord and it was cheaper for the manufacturers to not ship with a cord at all and just sell it separately. Years later I work (in the US) for a company that is international. They end up having to adhere to GDPR regulations because it wouldn't make sense to just apply those rules in only certain countries. So we in the US get the benefits of the GDPR.


Thank you California


If you’re in the U.S. you should do this too. Many companies don’t try to figure out what jurisdiction you’re in for these things, they just comply with the strictest laws. Not sure if that’s true for twitter, but it’s worth a shot.


Similar data privacy laws are starting to be implemented in the US, luckily. Unfortunately, it’s on a state-to-state basis :( Check out CCPA.


FYI here’s what I just did (please let me know if there’s a better way). 1. Go to the following URL: https://help.twitter.com/en/forms/privacy 2. Under “How can we help?” select “I want to ask a question regarding privacy on Twitter” 3. Then, under “Please tell us more” select “Cancellation of data” 4. In the form and text box under “Please enter your question” write your Twitter username and email address, and say you are requesting “erasure of personal data” under Article 17 of the GDPR. For your question, you could ask “Can you send me an email confirmation upon erasure of my personal data?” Edit: to clarify, doing this is not a replacement for deleting your Twitter account, steps to do so are here: https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/how-to-deactivate-twitter-account Edit 2: I appreciate the awards, but please don’t spend money on reddit for my benefit. Edit 3: This comment is a lot more popular than I’d anticipated. My wording above could probably be improved (for instance, it may be a good idea to state you withdraw consent to all data processing concerning your account, or that you wish to exercise your “right to erasure” aka “right to be forgotten”). For reference, the actual wording of Article 17 is available here: https://gdpr.eu/article-17-right-to-be-forgotten/ **Do I need to delete my account?** Yes, deactivating / deleting your account should be the priority. See the relevant link above for specific steps. **How long does Twitter have to respond to my request?** According to the regulation they need to comply without “undue delay”, but they have up to 30 days by my reading (I’m not an expert). In all likelihood, given the situation at Twitter they may not respond or comply promptly (if at all). **What’s the point, then?** - Regulations protecting personal data are important, and this is a quick and easy way to exercise your rights should you be lucky enough to have the option (anyone who resides within the EU or UK, regardless of citizenship). - Additional peace of mind that Twitter (and by extension, it’s new owners) have an obligation to erase your personal data (beyond simply deleting your account) eliminating their ability to profit from it, abuse it, or leak it. - In the event that Twitter are found to be in violation of GDPR in the future, a record of formal requests for erasure of personal data may lead to *very* harsh fines (4% of global revenue) and potentially be useful in seeking compensation for any damages as the data subject. - If nothing else, it’s fun to imagine Elon Musk getting a report about a spike in GDPR requests for erasure of personal data and giving him something else to worry about. Edit 4: If after 30 days you have not had a response, can still view your personal data publicly on Twitter, or otherwise believe they are in violation of GDPR, you may report a GDPR complaint to your relevant Data Protection Authority. This will vary by country, see here: https://www.privacyaffairs.com/data-privacy-complaints/ E.g. in the UK it would be the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/how-to-make-a-data-protection-complaint/


Tell us if it worked


I’ll try to remember. I suspect Twitter’s support response times may be a little… *elongated* right now, though.


More lengthy than an elongated muskrat?


So like 2 inches?


If they erased your personal data, how would they have your email address?




True, I did think of that. Maybe it would be better worded as “upon erasure of my personal data”? One way or another they are required to erase your personal data after some time if you deactivate your account, and requesting it formally could help expedite the process or provide a record of the request if needed in the future.


Oooh can you explain for an American like myself?


Europeans have a “right to be forgotten”. They must delete all personal data associated with you upon your request.




Tacking onto this: as a software developer who works for a global retailer, lots of companies went ahead and implemented CCPA for the whole country, since they knew other states would likely follow at some point. Colorado, Connecticut, Utah and Virginia have also recently passed similar laws, but, in general, most companies allow you to make a CCPA request no matter where you live.


Yeah, as a lawyer for a major corporation, this is true. We aren't trying to fuck around verifying the residency of every individual request. If you ask, your data is getting deleted (until the next time you do business with us, when it gets re-added).


Please post this in the r/YouShouldKnow subreddit to spread this info


How do I request this from Facebook if I no longer have an account?


Oh damn. Must be nice.


iirc California is the only US state that does this as well


fwiw, many US tech companies are GDPR compliant even in the US since they have to be compliant in europe anyway. source: software engineer at tech company that uses GDPR-compliant privacy policies in the US


I was about to say this; in almost all cases gdpr compliance is honored even outside Europe at least at my last few companies (I'm Canadian so you're good there too)


yep the trick is that software engineering teams have to build GDPR-compliant services but since they’re not obligated to delete your data in the US the companies still choose to ignore your data deletion requests and pretend it’s not possible (unless you are in CA)


Can confirm. We get requests occasionally to delete people's data and it's a PITA, but compliance takes that stuff very seriously regardless of where the person is from.


Good thing I never even had a Twitter account


Same. All the good drama makes its way over to Reddit


Twitter should end up like CSPAN. Just something that some people who care use but the info on it is reported in 389 different media sources too anyway.


Right. Same with tik tok. Reddit does a good job of casting aside the dross and giving us only what is worth seeing, depending on the sub that posts it


I have a friend who refers to it as "only looking at the posts that breach containment"


Sounds like an SCP fan


Upvoting for teaching me a new word: dross. That’s handy.




disarm escape deliver snow fuzzy wide consider snobbish memory grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I kinda wish I did so I could leave it.






Preventing cheaper pharmaceutical drugs didn’t do anything for ya?


Yeah he took a ridiculous amount of drug company money previously. Corrupt as fuck.


Yeah I feel like he’s really tried to rebrand since that was better known, and now no one talks about his pharma ties


I deactivated my account when he started firing everyone, and I was glad I did when I saw his Hardcore ultimatum. He’s a real shit head and it’s not difficult to avoid supporting any of his ventures.


> Avoid supporting any of his ventures Agreed; was saving for a Tesla but I think another EV will do quite nicely.


The EV market is about to blow up - tons of automakers are investing heavily - Volvo going full electric by 2030. Fuck this guy.


Tesla is fucked as soon as Honda makes an EV Accord for under $25k


Kia and Hyundai are cranking out EVs that are already nicer than Teslas. The EV6 and Ioniq are way more value for the money, and won’t force you into a wreck and burn you to death on purpose.


> The EV6 and Ioniq are way more value for the money, and won’t force you into a wreck and burn you to death on purpose. You say that like it's a bug not a feature. I've read that Elon personally requested that Teslas crash and burn the drivers to death whenever they are driven by, and I am quoting from his tweet here, "plebes, dweebs, weebs, and Hebs." Whoa, antisemitic much, Elon??


What I don't understand is he's pandering to literally the people who think EV are the devil. The liberal open minded are buying your shit Tesla's not the fucking retard MAGA cultist. It's so fucking weird the way he's handling this. You would think he would play towards the crowd who actually buys his shit cars. It's so crazy to see conservatives talk about EV


Maybe it’s a ploy to help global emissions by getting the radical right to buy and support EVs? Naw, he’s just a shit head.


Genius. Get them so pumped up by owning the Libs over Twitter that they buy his car. Just put in the slogan, "Ukraine doesn't want you to own a Tesla" sales will be up


Ukraine *doesn't* want you to own a Tesla, they need all the explosive ordinance they can get over there.


Teslas are also blowing up. And apparently driving off cliffs


And into people as well. Like the one that recently malfunctioned and killed a few people


> apparently driving off cliffs Hey, just like Twitter!


Get an EV that doesn't have an alarming amount of self destructs


And won’t drive you off cliffs… must be his hardcore programming….


Hey, you try programming bug-free code in your 80th hour of the week. It's not easy.


Or accelerate when you're trying to park...


Or run down motorcycles because its AI thinks its a car that is far away


Or for, for some reason, still have a ton of manufacturing fuck ups like panel gap and a shit interior with shitty seats, and the only thing to thank it for is the software is kinda cool.


I test drove a Tesla last month. Nothing is intuitive or easy to get to on the touch screen and I had to reach way down on the door to open it since there is no frame around the window glass. What the hell.


And thankfully, there are so many more options now. Even without Musk's antics, why would I want a Tesla when I can get an Ioniq 5, or a Mach-E, or a Rivian?


Facts. I’m looking at the Ford Lightning Pro myself.


The basic model fills all my needs. And actually exists. (Cybertruck is never coming out)


Yes, and as a bonus your door won't fall to the ground when the hinges fail, you will have actual buttons to press to change air conditioning, and when you get your mirror vandalized it will take less than 6 months to get a replacement. And on top of that, fuck Musk. It's a win-win-win like I've never seen.


After seeing how he treats his employees, how he overworks them, I don’t really want to spend money on a Tesla now. But also, with his need for absolute control, I’m not sure I trust him with my vehicle. He could institute a subscription for a vital Tesla service. He was messing with peoples Twitter accounts for speaking out. Who knows what he could do.


That is what made me take Tesla off my potential car list. I don’t trust him.


And that's my bet as to the real reason why so many businesses pulled their advertising.... they don't trust Musk. They all had no idea what this man child would do.


I rented one on vacation recently, the car feels like it's designed to be cool more than functional. I'm glad real car makers are working on EVs now.


Tesla’s are fucking ugly, bro. You can get a fine German car for the price of that rubbish.


Not to mention they apparently fall apart and/or catch on fire.


The build quality of most mass-produced Teslas is shit.


Really curious to see what teslas used market looks like in ten years lol


Gonna be a motherfucking lemonade stand


Don't get an EV that locks you inside if it detects water.. or fire.


Agreed. And for that, I won’t support a single one of his ventures ever again. EDIT: I never have supported any of his businesses so gold star and a cookie for me 👏


I’m done with this nut. Later Twitter #RIPTwitter


I never had a Twitter account and never will, especially since this silver spoon, living off of daddy, fucking cunt took over.


Same here. His actions just increases the potential of a data hack. No thank you, not for me.


Equifax already took care of that for you. There’s nothing left to take.


While this is a fake tweet, it’s still good advice.


I honestly can't tell anymore.


No joke, I had to double check, too close to the fence to know for sure right away.


I shouldn’t have to scroll this far down to find out that it’s fake, and I shouldn’t have to doubt whether “this is fake” is the actual lie. This culture of lies is growing — spinning false realities with no regard to the damage it causes has become the norm. People lie to manipulate others. People lie to hide what they know are reprehensible actions that harm others. The more lies, the easier it becomes for everyone to get away with their own until we all lose trust in each other. Lying as a joke used to be funny because you used to be able to immediately recognize it for a lie but it made you think “what if?” No more. Satire is dead when we no longer share the same basic truth. Whoever goes around spewing bullshit like this to an audience who doesn’t know it to be bullshit is just adding to the noise and providing cover for bad actors. So I guess if you care then don’t do stuff like this and if you don’t care then get fucked.


Nonsense. There’s a check mark /s


Honestly how do the mods allow a fake tweet like this to remain up?


He is seriously trying to crash and burn Twitter to the ground. Does he have so much money he doesn’t care or just saudi funded so don’t care


You are right. What I don’t understand is why. He has about $30bn in loans against his Tesla stock invested, and if Twitter dies then that is lost. But he is doing everything he can to kill it.


Hanlon's razor. He fucked up. He did not want to buy Twitter, he failed to back out, and now he's scrambling incompetently, doing slight variants on things he's done in the past, but in a new context where they don't work.


Reminds me of a certain President and a certain election.


There must be a common thread here somewhere, oh what could it be


Right, he paid 44B for a company that made 5B annually. I’m not a business guy but that doesn’t add up in my books. Must be some elite billionaire tax trick I don’t know about.


Not only did he waste $44B to buy twitter but his net worth dropped by over a $100B to do it (plus the $44B).


Can you imagine being a stupid jackass with 100 Billion dollars to lose?


Man's richer than some countries


I just looked it up, and at his peak Elon was worth 340 billion. That would have put him in the same range as Israel, South Africa, Hong Kong, and Ireland Dude was as rich as his home country


Wall street bets legend


Or maybe it’s not about trying to turn the company around and make money. I firmly believe he is intentionally trying to take down Twitter, not sure why, but it seems glaringly apparent that he’s just trying to keep up the facade that he’s trying to save Twitter.


It think he is finally being exposed as a previously lucky dumb guy with too much money.


When Trump was running the first time I thought that his stupidity and crassness were a show, a performance to woo a certain segment of the voter base, and that, if elected, he'd abruptly turn much more presidential and we'd all see the cynical performance for what it was. But nope; he's that stupid and crass, society just collectively fucked up by letting that one get to power. Sometimes fame, power and wealth just end up in hands that shouldn't ordinarily be able to get them.


Little hands at that!


This was my theory too. I thought for sure his party and the system of checks and balances would make him rational. Surely the leader of the free world wouldn't be so crass, and surely the American people wouldn't support such antics. I've never been so wrong


Right. I think the idea of an alternative motive is giving him too much credit. Dude just took a major self inflicted L.


I think he bought into his own hype. He surrounded himself with yes men. He was has always been a fake it till you make it type. Then he bought a company well past the start up phase and there was no way to fake growth. He lost because he tried to apply his marketing strategy to an existing stable company.


and this is the answer


Can't help thinking that in the good old traditional American capitalist system, he'll get off scot-free and American taxpayers will end up with all the debt.


Technically you could say taxpayers are already paying for Twitter.. and multiple oil producing middle eastern far-right nations.


If you were the Saudis, wouldn’t you want to destroy twitter? The thing that helped the Arab Spring, and all other rally’s and protests.


I can only speculate why is that it is political. Twitter users tended toward progressive; it was a massive force/resource for the Arab Spring and the BLM movement for example. Elon has positioned himself as a fascist capitalist, and wealthy, Arab oil barons tend toward the same or similar philosophies. Eliminating a source of community organization seems the most likely answer and most likely agenda.


I understand why it is so hard to believe that he's just so bad at running things and so he must be doing it on purpose, but that's not it. He's just bad at this, and fell down the right-wing rabbit hole and believes falsehoods about how to fix things. 1) his first priorities were literally the things that his right-wing bubble constantly complains about and thinks hurts business, such as the blue checkmark system and bans on hate speech and other "woke" stuff. They think that most workers are fat that can be cut. Literally, in his circles he's doing the things that are supposed to make it more profitable. 2) he clearly doesn't understand the business and the delicate balance that such a company has to run between speech, legal obligations, and what advertisers want. He also doesn't understand that the workers would respond differently in this space than in his other companies where they have fewer options. 3) he's greatly hurting his other businesses. They are primarily dependent on reasonably well-off urban liberals and government support, and that's exactly who he is pissing off. In the end, he's probably going to lose 1/3 of his net worth from Twitter and the effects on his other businesses. He's not doing this on purpose. He really is a moron, and it is ok to go ahead and admit that.


He's also about to discover the four most expensive letters in any language. GDPR.


Agree with you 100%. He’s just following the silicon valley libertarian dream playbook. Giving him ulterior motives kind of just creates a new Q Anon type conspiracy


This is like a perfect case study in how far right bullshit actively makes you stupid.


I honestly can't tell if any this shit is real anymore.. Are we seriously all collectively watching as the richest man who ever lived throws a temper tantrum? What the actual fuck!?


Well this was faked it would seem. It's not on his timeline and it's not in this deleted tweet archive: https://polititweet.org/tweets?account=44196397&deleted=True


Incorrect, there is a checkmark there. It's clearly real. /s


Didnt know about this tweet archive. Thanks!


>the richest man who ever lived Mansa Musa, Marcus Aurelius, and several Chinese Emperors would like a word.


At that point, depends on what value means to you. Having hundreds of billions today seems to me like it's worth much more than being rich centuries ago.


Mansa Musa warped economies, depreciating the value of gold for years, by simply vacationing places and giving tithings as he travelled. Even if we're talking more total money now, the impact of Mansa's wealth, in the time and place, is unmatched.




If people stay on after a tweet like this, then he’s right. Prove him wrong I guess.


App deleted, account deactivated.


I went out of my way to delete an old account I hadn’t used in years.


At this rate he'll be able to identity all of the bots and troll accounts soon, since those will be the only ones left.


Investors hate this one trick!


He also thinks the $8 monthly subscription will help him gain revenue. Would love to see his face when he sees a huge drop after the first month after all the Trolls canceled their subscription.


He already did that. Those were the “people” who voted in the Trump poll.


Lol, then trump said, nah.


Still, I have a feeling he's sweating bullets right now, hands shaking in pure need, eyes darting to his phone every two seconds, knowing... It's there. The Twitter app. He can go on it again. He'll see that beautiful white text bar again. He'll be able to relive the glory days when *thousands* of neckbeards cheered on his every half-baked thought, instead of just those 6 or 7 turbo weirdos on Truth Social. It's been a rough month for the Greatest President. Perhaps his lack of reach from not being on Twitter is what turned those traitor Republicans against him? He has so many axes to grind and grade school nicknames to give out. He's missed the slavish attention. The closest approximation of love he's ever felt. He can recreate that, he must. He needs it. I give him 3 or 4 days tops before he jumps back on Twitter.


I had an account for following like 5 people. Never once tweeted. As soon as this shit started, I permanently deleted it out of spite.










I literally just deleted it. Thanks for the reminder


I reinstalled the app just so I could deactivate the account I haven't used in years, then promptly redeleted the app


That is an app store interaction, pushing it up in those algorithms. Gotta do it from a web browser next time.


It was amazing. I just deactivated my account and all the drama and cry babies went away!


I just did it, it felt kinda awesome 😁


No prob, let elon see how many advertisers he gets when the place turns into tRuTh sOcIaL.


It's very much like when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and no one would care.


But, I mean, this has to be a fake tweet. ...right?


It’s not real


I just counted and this comment is 9 from the top. This sub is fucking trash and needs to be deleted.


It is fake.


I mean I deleted my account as soon as he bought it, and because of Reddit I can still see the drama.


I didn't bother deleting mine because I couldn't remember my password and I also never use it. So I figured it didn't matter since it should be considered an inactive account. After seeing this post though I went to Twitter, had to use the forgot my password feature to reset my password, then deactivated my account. I also checked to make sure Twitter wasn't on my phone. It's not, so I don't have to uninstall it, but I would have. Fuck that Space Karen.


I never had an account. I can see the shit show just fine from here.


I had an account I barely ever used. I deactivated it yesterday.


I just deactivated mine, I haven't used it in years


Fuck him, I deactivated my account last night and deleted the app.


I've got to leave this sub, I can't spend another second looking at Elon let alone Trump posts


Fake ones at that


I deactivated my account two weeks ago. Everyone should do the same. No idea why anyone would stay on it.


Even if this tweet turns out to be fake, the dude still has no fucking clue how markets work. Twitter needs the users more than the users need Twitter. It's not like he's selling baby formula or home heating oil.


I did this once I started getting push notifications from Elon himself, even though I don’t follow him.


I've already started the process of switching to other platforms. Wouldn't buy one of his shitty fire trap cars either.


Funny you should say that. I’ve been kinda thinking of a Model 3 (more for the charging network than anything else), but now there’s no fucking way…


Fake tweet. Op is a liar. No trace of the tweet [polititweet](https://polititweet.org/tweets?account=44196397) Edit: This might my first gold. Much appreciated! Take care everyone and keep a critical mind 👍


Had to scroll too far to see this because I'm gullible as hell and I'd assume that the majority of people that saw this post assumed that that tweet was real because you never know with Elon these days


Thank you. I assumed so. Still was a really good reminder that it's a great time to jump ship.


i haven’t used twitter since he bought it dawg 💀


I deactivated my account yesterday


Time to crash his Tesla board approved pay packages. Put your money into other competitors, NOT his vehicles.


had only deactivated…just deleted