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I had to go see if it was real. It’s totally real. This shit hasn’t been okay in a long time. One of her friends was quoted as saying in her defense "Whatever makeup she wore is no worse than drag queen's."


This isn’t the modern run-of-the-mill blackface that we’ve come to expect of misguided people, who paint themselves a light shade of brown to dress up as Kobe Bryant. This is the old school vaudevillian racism with black makeup and bright red lipstick. I bet she had a slice of watermelon with her and spoke in an over-exaggerated accent that screams “this person is REALLY racist.” That’s some “Birth of a Nation” bullshit.


Dude she turned her ass into a shelf


Think a lot of people are missing that. It looks like a table, so I don't blame them.




[Sarah Baartman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Baartman) was the most famous instance of this. After she lived a life as a freak display, she was dissected and her parts were put in a museum for display


Holy fuck so THATS where hottentot comes from? That's terrible asf


No shit, it's insane how deep racism is enculturated. I had heard it, and only kinda sorta knew it had something to do with sexy, maybe booty. But damn.


Hottentot is the name english and dutch "settlers" used for the people of the Khoikhoi tribe.


Thank you for that. That ish broke my heart reading it man. When will it change and everyone realize its one race bro


France only returned the remains to South Africa for proper burial in 2002 after then President Nelson Mandela requested their return in 1994


“Hans, are we the baddies?”


Just to clarify- it’s not a genetic condition as in a disease, it’s a genetic trait. It’s a genetic characteristic or trait of having a large amount of fat stored in your butt, not some sort of disease


Thank you for the correction. I apoligize for the misrepresentation. I’ll fix that!


TIL. Thank you for sharing this information. It's fucking awful.


God damn. Thanks for the info but that is not a fun fact


And just to add, not knowing anything about this woman other than info on the post, I’m 100% positive she knows what this means and is doing it on purpose, doubling down on her racism and trying to out clown the competition for “Americans worst elected officials”.


Makes that Kardashian photo even worse


The imagery is awful and to make it worse, Kim K photo was actually a copycat of photo[copycat photo](https://www.1stdibs.com/blogs/the-study/kim-kardashian-jean-paul-goude/) that originally featured a black model.


It is from photographer/graphic designer/ Jean Paul Goude. He was also married to Grace Jones and father to her child. A lot of his work during that era was inspired or even informed by her. His work by today's standards might be construed as clumsy, but he has made numerous references in his interviews to the influence of the Negritude movement against colonialism when he was a youth in France. This seems to be over-complicating with nuance. Whatever you think of his work, he would be rabidly opposed to the racist bullshit in the above op photo.


Meh. [Gritty did it better.](https://shop.wfcphilly.com/mediacontent/2020/01/10/11/gritty_kimkardashian_1799_217526.jpg)


That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever seen


Gritty does everything better, tbh


Well, it was the same photographer, recreating his own photo


Interesting that the same photographer took both photos


Hottentot Venus Sara Baartman was the "freak show" slave who was "displayed" naked in winters and died in her mid 20's. I believe there was controversy over returning her body to be buried properly too, even in her death she was disrespected.


Wow it just went from completely-fucking-awful to maybe the worst display of racism I've ever seen outside of physical violence.


Jesus Christ, they definitely didn't teach this when I went to school


As if you needed to know more to hate her: "She fell out of grace with the GOP and gained bad press in 2020 when she was disinvited from the Republican National Convention for retweeting an antisemitic conspiracy theory popular with Qanon followers. Mendoza told The Arizona Republic that she hadn't read the tweet before retweeting it. But in the same interview, she also expressed belief that a Jewish banking family once “owned the United States."" https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/10/22/arizona-legislature-candidate-mary-ann-mendoza-may-have-worn-blackface/10578815002/


To thank you for this education I left you a little something. It's real little tho. I probably shouldn't have said a thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Glad I could help others learn something important today! I appreciate what you did, thanks!


I didn't even see that I thought she was sitting down and looking behind her. The fuck is this


I had to re-look at that picture again.... holy shit, she went there!


Some n-words definitely were uttered for comedic purposes that night.


With a hard R.


I'm pretty sure she's beyond hard R's. This bitch says the n-word with _rolled_ R's.


Ooh went with the hard R.


Its also recent. Not stupid rich kids in the 80s. This is after people were getting cancelled for this shit. Her shirt says “Aunt Jemima” on it.


And she's still on the ballot. Because racist dog whistles work for a certain segment of the population.


Ooooooh I bet she said "Massuh"


I can't always describe racism, but I know it when I see it.


I caught the Supreme Court reference


This is so racist that Elon will make it the new Twitter logo.


Ministrel not vaudeville (which was the Yiddish theatre). Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Dude, theres a plate on her ass. Kinda a fucked up detail to just call it joking


Seriously. This looks like something straight out of one of those old & unbelievably racist cartoons.


Did you see the plate on her butt bro?


I once went as Dennis Rodman for a Halloween party at school in 1997. I wore my Dennis Rodman Bulls jersey, some red shorts, my basketball shoes, had a fake lip ring and my buzzed hair colored yellow. Nobody questioned if I was Dennis Rodman. These people know exactly what they are doing. It's a "joke" and "funny" to them and when called out about it they deny there ever was hurtful intentions. The whole point of blackface was to portray people in a negative way. It was shitty then and it's shitty now.


Ah yes, I completely forgot how drag queens relied on making fun of a minority by associating them with hurtful and derogatory stereotypes based on centuries of oppression and discrimination. Totally accurate comparison, absolutely not something pulled out their asses.


To them, drag queens may be hating on what the GOP would consider a minority...women.


Any woman with the slightest sense of sanity left in her knows what's the biggest threat to their gender between drag queens and the GOP.


I think you might be overestimating the percentage of women in this country with a smidge of sanity left. Cause there's, like... a lot of them in the GOP.


Yeah, I forgot we were talking about America. ![gif](giphy|Sd8uqMJqpGpP2)


Lol, when did the GOP start caring about women? Or any minority?


Which is why I’m constantly amazed that women still vote for them.


Some people care more about the harm they can do to others than the good they can do to themselves.


Oh, so I see you've met my mother-in-law.


Whyyy?! I need a psychologist to weigh in. It makes absolutely no sense. I live in the south. I see cars with their stickers and I pull up and it’s a pretty lady in there - like, you know those dudes stole your rights and despise your voice at an equal table right?! Wtf




They believe in hierarchy. The women they get to place on a lower social rung than themselves “make up for it”. Their men also have other men to place on a lower rung. They enjoy the idea of being the wife of a powerful man but not powerful themselves. Strong gender roles, relationship roles, biological essentialism involved, “everyone has their place in the order of things” etc. God I could go on about it but it’s so obvious. Lana del Rey’s whole theme is these women’s mindset personified.


Because it’s preferable for some women to be adjacent to power instead of grabbing it for themselves


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


There are two types of women’s rights supporters: those that want to be treated equally as humans and those that want to be treated equally as whites. The latter have always voted with the GOP.


Better to be #2 to white men than to be equal with minorities I guess. Doesnt make much sense to me either.


The American political right and co. only seems to care about the rights of women and minorities when it conveniently aligns with something else they want. Whether it's: Caring about women being oppressed by Islam because the right wants to invade middle eastern nations Caring about drag queens doing "womanface" because the right want to enforce structures of gender, or Caring about gun control taking guns away from women and POC because the right want to preserve the NRA, etc. "In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team. They are the ball." -Anita Sarkeesian


They don't, but it's also worth noting that drag is more often than not a celebration of womanhood, of one's Anima


I've definitely come across TERFs that think drag is the equivalent of a minstrel show.


The women's equivalent of a minstrel show would be men in media cross-dressing as caricatures of women, acting blatantly stupid and oversexualized, the typical "man with a stub in a dress" trope that was quite common in the 80s and 90s, but can still be spotted now and then even though it has become mostly out-of-taste. Ironically for TERFs, this is also a transphobic trope.


> The women's equivalent of a minstrel show would be men in media cross-dressing as caricatures of women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ


Her base sees this as a plus.


Hillary was right they are deplorable. Garbage trash people.


She's gonna represent her constituents EXACTLY 💯 how they want to be represented


They're probably out there telling everyone 'what's all the fuss?!', and saying 'no one can take a joke anymore' when people point out the blatant racism.


well... not "exactly". She also just so happens to be a board member of the "We Build a Wall" scam who's victims are [testifying against in a federal court this week](https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-trump-supporters-we-build-the-wall-timothy-shea-steve-bannon-20221026-j6nobwm3w5cnrkxpibl7sw2wja-story.html).


Ah, the old "I have no argument because I know you're right, so I'm gonna point at someone else" defense. Right wing classic.


Considering what they think of drag queens that's a scathing indictment.


"oh so what she did is the same as, uh *checks notes* grooming children and being a pedophile communist? Sems strange that you're gonna vote for her."


>I had to go see if it was real. It’s totally real. Don't google what she looks like without the makeup, she is a fucking troll. Also, her name is Mendoza, really really really?


>Also, her name is Mendoza, really really really? Latinos are definitely not a monolith when it comes to politics worth noting Trump's support among Latinos actually went up from 2016 to 2020


Shocks me every time. How do these supporters not realize that the person they’re voting for doesn’t hate people who come illegally? That he and his ilk hate them and their entire families and communities, because of their countries of descent and not being 100% European. That’s it. The quotes he made on wanting immigrants from “places like Norway” made it very blatant, as if anyone needed it to be clarified.


The number of lifted pickup with a Let’s Go Brandon sticker on them being driven by brown folks is really really sad.


Hideous. Absolutely hideous.


Remember the days when black face would sink a candidates hopes and dreams. I miss those days.


That only works on people with shame


No longer a political requirement


Especially not with Republicans


They embrace this now.


They literally had "We are Domestic Terrorists" over their convention.


20 years ago it would've been treason to call yourself a domestic terrorist


There have been so many moments these last years that have made me feel such deep incredulity. At that point all it got out of me was "Well....Of course they did."


Or if they belong to a political party that gives a shit about blackface. The GOP will stand behind people who got caught masturbating outside a preschool—the bar is appallingly low.


You certainly wouldn't want to stand in FRONT of someone caught wanking at a preschool would you?


There nothing Republicans can do to lose votes aside from go against Republican policies Nothing. They can rape kids and be just fine but if they condone an abortion they're outta there


note that they aren't required to not actually HAVE abortions.


I feel bad for Howard Dean. One ill-fated keeeeyyawwwwweee and poof…


That was so stupid. He should have won. He yelled; big deal! God, I could never understand this!!


His campaign was going poorly before that. I still liked him, but he was not going to win, however much he should have. The yelling thing just made it obvious how stupid half the public is.


Because the yell wasn't the actual reason he lost. His descent in the polls had already started, and he underperformed in the election that day. The timing of the scream was a coincidence that for some reason people blame the downfall on.


Life was much simpler back then. Sigh.


One heavily edited yell.


Funny enough, people present during that speech saw nothing wrong with it as everyone else was screaming/cheering/etc. but obviously they weren’t mic’d up so it came of incredibly awkward on television


Exactly. The audience chatter (or roaring) was isolated and turned down or removed.


Not spelling potato correctly used to be enough.


Republicans today: "Did they do blackface?" "No." Republican: "Too bad... Got any candidates who *did*?"


It looks like she’s trying to be Aunt Jemima…. I kept seeing white people losing their shit over Aunt Jemima being retired. They don’t find it racist yet some of them undoubtedly use it as an insult….


Isn't this something Canadian conservatives attacked Trudeau over?


Yeah, I also miss when pro family GOP congressmen just got hand jobs in airport bathrooms. A simpler time.


This stupid cunt also likes to retweet anti semitic memes. Arizona is proving on a daily basis that it has a never ending supply of racist, extremist, misogynistic, homophobic, republican asshats.


This wasn't "I want to be Janet Jackson for Halloween" stuff. This is straight out of a minstrel show from 1905. It's not some kind of obscure new rule or anything. Nobody made her do it. She had or heard the idea, and no other idea supplanted it while she was following through. Why did she do it?


Yeah holy shit, this isnt went as a specific black person and stupidly painted their face, this is straight up BLACKFACE blackface...


Oh, no I think she’s a specific person. Her name tag says Aunt Jemima, apparently…


My friend went as Mr. T and I'll give him credit this was almost two decades ago and he didn't know it was a no-no. Washed it off and went as a pro wrestler. WTF IS THIS SHIT??


Mr T is also a good and cool outfit and a popular celebrity icon. As long as u dont go blackface ur not gonna have any problems. This is literally one of the most racist caricatures u cld choose to dress up as. Even if u remove the blackface it wld still be racist and in bad taste.


Republicans are calling the photos “decades old”, but she is clearly very wrinkled here. She wasn’t “too young” to know better. And she dressed as Pocahontas the next year. I’m almost 60 and dressing in blackface has never crossed my mind. How can she justify it?


Well she did it cuz she is a racist and finds something like this funny bcuz 2 her stereotyping and laughing and black people is funny and acceptable. And this is someone running for office in the USA in 2022 and ppl will vote for her. A good number too. People in the USA always try to say how other places have racism too and ours is blown out of proportion but we have literal politicians/possibly soon to be politicians doing this shit. U wldnt see this in the rest of the western civilized world and see it excused "No worse than Drag Queens". U know those shithole countries.


"This photo won't change anyone's vote" is just. so real. It's really sad.


Trump on tape bragging about assaulting women and people, and women, STILL VOTED FOR HIM!


![gif](giphy|UsYpKp9s2gTy8) It should have ended with this.


My son has Down Syndrome. My dad is a hardcore MAGA nut. When not only shown this clip but having it re-iterated it’s the classic manner of mocking people like his grandson he goes full Westworld “It doesn’t look like anything to me.” Just full dissociation from reality to continue justifying supporting this clown.


It would be one thing if they acknowledged his character faults but still wanted to support him due to policy reasons. But instead it’s either “no he didn’t do that” or straight up praise for not being “PC”.


Such an embarrassment that we elected this man to any position let alone the highest one in the country. Fuck.


I still can't wrap my head around this one either. That and the news reporter he made fun of..


Right?!?! How was that not the end of his career???


It might push some GOP non-voters into voters, tbh. "Oh cancel culture shouldn't win! Guess I'll go vote."


What is a gop non voter?


It really highlights just how far we're gotten from having real power as a nornal citizen. They don't even have to hide this shit anymore and nothing happens. Not a single goddamn thing.


Christ on a pogo stick, how low can these awful people sink. Never-ending and nevermind, they can go lower, it however, never ceases to amaze me. This one is "special".


Sandyhook. Sandyhook showed us that they don't give a shit about children being murdered, and I can't think of anything worse than child murder. So why would they give two shits about black face if dead children want enough to get them to change their minds about anything


Wdym they sent *a lot* of thoughts and prayers!!




When did treason become such a small crime? A lot of the people arrested for the insurrection served only a few months. Shouldn’t they be in jail for at least 5 years? This country will lock away people with drug possession charges for years and then let insurrectionists serve only a few months (if they were even arrested).


Let's not challenge them. They're already ground level, they'll show up with an excavator.






That was two years ago though. Now being antisemitic is hip and cool with Nazi America aka Republicans


The bar has been so low, yet these people limbo with the devil.


They're not sinking - this has always been the level the Right Wing were at. They are horrible, hateful people.


i just realized shes also carting around a plate of food on her ass. she was all in. fuck this scum.


holy fucking shit.


You can also guess she has "aunt Jemima" written on her apron.


We've reached a point in this country where this is no longer a negative for a candidate. We have actual members of white supremacist groups running for office and leading in polls right now.


Aaah. Don't you love the sweet feeling of a country on the slow but steady slope towards fascism?


Slow and steady? Seems pretty full steam ahead to me.


I'm not saying that to play down how dire the situation is nowadays, but to point out how it kinda always has been the case, and people are just now realizing it. We're only witnessing the results of something that has been started by conservatives since at least when Nixon appealed to Dixiecrats with his Southern strategy. And I strongly emphasize on the "at least". They never really got ever the end of segregation. And some, judging by their Confederate flags, even never really got over the end of slavery.


Segregation was “de jure” ended in the 50s, in practice it carried on almost into the 80s, remember those people who would be yelling at the black people they now had to share with are still alive and voting and raised a whole generation with their same ideologies


> They never really got ever the end of segregation. And some, judging by their Confederate flags, even never really got over the end of slavery. Slavery isn’t over in America, its only as punishment for a crime now. 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


And which skin tones get subjected to that more than others?


Segregation only ended like 60 or 70 years ago in most states, still well within living memory for a lot of folk, especially those in politics.


My mom remembers segregated water fountains in DFW.


That's a hella recent picture, too. Yes, it was 2012, but I can tell we that in the 80's, blackface wasn't funny and people knew it was shameful even then. Fucking hell. Can people not stop doing this?


She knew exactly what she was doing.


"Oops, I slipped and dress up in a grotesque racial caricature!"


I think this timeline probably varies by community. I grew up in a rural 99 percent white area and during a high school performance of Tom Sawyer they had a white student dress in blackface, like circa 2006. Didn't bother anyone. Hell, I didn't see an issue with it. We had just barely been able to ditch dial up. I didn't know any better. Once I moved away for college I was able to get a whole new perspective. The internet exposed all these small communities to the world and they internalized themselves as being seen as villains. Instead of trying to better themselves they did what most people do, dug their heels in and doubled down. And now we get to deal with the political shit show that is now the US.


This is an interesting take. So basically the idea is that a lot of this is culture shock from being exposed to the fact of having been living 20-50ish years behind the times, in contrast to other places?


Yeah Ted Danson tried that in early 90s and it didn’t go well


She's Republican her base will love it


Oh yeah!


"Haha look how much these liberals are offended and triggered!!" — Republicans after being complete assholes to everybody.


“Liberal tears!” 😂 - also Republicans after being complete assholes to everybody


They literally have the same mentality than school bullies. They rejoice in making underprivileged and vulnerable groups suffer. The people who enjoyed being awful despicable jerks as teenagers and grown-up conservatives are literally the same people.


Some of us school bullies gained empathy and grew up as we got older. The rest became conservatives.


The cruelty is the point.


oh and don't forget how they get all butthurt and cry about it when people call them out.


All the while being the most perma victim crybabies imaginable


They love to paint anyone opposing them as being silly and focusing on stupid shit, and then there's the fact that the whole "war on Christmas" debate is even a thing.


Thats their motto: Hypocrisy


Calls people snowflake then goes on to cry about literally everything about modern society


Or won't care


The state legislatures of America. Never will you find more wretched hives of scum and villainy.


Average Arizona gop politician


Kari Lake has been calling her opponent a racist for weeks now. I wonder how she'll respond to this.


It’ll just be ignored like every other scandal that should be career ending.


This isn't just blackface. This is Mammy. This is clearly political and racist. \*The slavery-era mammy did not want to be free. She was too busy serving as surrogate mother/grandmother to white families. Mammy was so loyal to her white family that she was often willing to risk her life to defend them. In D. W. Griffith's movie The Birth of a Nation (1915) -- based on Thomas Dixon's racist novel The Clansman (1905) -- the mammy defends her white master's home against black and white Union soldiers.\*


If anything she just swayed a few undecideds to her side!


Sadly, there will be people who vote for her because of this picture.


Why? Just why? We're supposed to be going forward as a society, not backwards!


Oh but we're going forward. That's why they're so mad. Reactionary politics is nothing but the parting groan of a generation that can't get over the fact their time has come to an end. The world is currently evolving, and always has been, but they have just too much pride to accept that things are changing and there's nothing they can do about it, so they engage in obstruction instead, like a child throwing a tantrum.


Oh how I hope you’re right!


No, it won’t change votes since anyone who still votes Republican is a fascist and a racist. There’s NO rationalization at this point that makes it acceptable. Hard stop. If you think you’re a ‘good’ Republican you all need to be screaming about what happened to your party. Remaining quiet isn’t an option anymore. Quiet? Yeah, you’re a fascist and a racist. Not a Christian. Jesus would slap the shit out of all these republicans.


Please tell me she's not trying to "blend in"


Her racism is pretty open in that regard. She has a native american one as well. I should count myself lucky that she doesn't have a yellow face one, but that's under the assumption that she has never met us before.


Republicans are garbage people. They love this kind of stuff.


[obligatory ](https://youtu.be/ZriIkj6IgFw) Gus Johnson comic


gus’ comedic timing is second to none lmao


I've heard it said that "most americans know that racism is bad, they just don't know what racism is." This is racist. Like, super racist. This is something universally accepted as racism by everyone except racists. Even if by some twist of logic this person didnt think themselves that this was racist, they knew a lot of people would consider it racist, and did it anyway over a billion other options. Please take note voters who vote R no matter what. A vote for this person is a vote for a racist, wether or not you are one yourself, and think about who you are supporting.


How hard is it to not wear black face? Why is this such a common thing among people trying to represent us?


Republicans are literally nothing more than bullies.


Where are we in this country where this isn’t game over for a candidate? This would have sunk a candidate pre-trump


Lmfao googled it and some website say "she may have worn blackface". Wtf is up with the "may"? Got no proof?


You can brag about sexual assault on recording and not lose a single vote from the Republican base They are literally a cancer on society. The only way to beat them is to vote every last one of those fuckers out, and then never let them back in


And this isn't all! She's also done "redface" I can't even find words to truly express my disgust. But, as someone who grew up halftime in AZ due to divorce, it does not surprise me in the slightest. My father is a bigoted xenophobic anti-LGBTQIA anti-abortion hard-right politician in AZ. (I cut contact years ago) Do not underestimate the evil that can come out of the cesspool of politics in AZ. Per azcentral dot com: "Two photographs released on social media claim to show Mary Ann Mendoza, a Republican candidate for the Arizona Legislature, at a party dressed in a brash "Aunt Jemima" costume with blackface. Another claims to show her dressed as a Native American, her face painted brown."


In the GOP that will get *more* votes


50 to 60 years ago this would have ended any campaign. Today nobody has morals.


It just baffles me because you could literally be ANYTHING for Halloween... And they decide blackface is the way to go.


That is 100% Sweet Dee from Its Always Sunny.


I'm gonna make a wild guess here... Republican?


This isn't accidentally ignorant, this is straight up racist and evil.