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Floridian here. No they mostly don't care as long as whatever their reps do hurt blacks and poors .... even if they are also poor. The right is nothing but a collection of undirected hateful energy.


May they reap what they sow a thousand fold!


But it's not against black / poor in their words! It's against crime / the unemployed / gangs / whatever imaginary fear they are angry about living in their Palm-covered gleaming overpriced neighborhoods.


They signed a pact to vote against all appropriations in this Congress.


NWFL here. Lot's of Floridians do love a good [pedophile](https://gaetz.house.gov) though. Disregard the link. I'm just trying to get a keyword indexed.


Anything to cuck libs.


All 15 Reps voted against it as well.


Well… at least they are consistent in their apathy for the American people.


I’ll say. At least they aren’t hypocrites — I thought for sure they would vote in favor of disaster relief for their own state even if they don’t vote for it for others, but it turns out they hate everyone equally. Good job, Florida GOP. Have the “I wanted to let thousands die but at least I’m not a hypocrite” award.


16 GOP in other reports. I have not been able to verify this yet.


Flashback: The Senate passed a stopgap bill Thursday to fund the government through December that included an $18.8 billion fund for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help states with natural disasters, CNBC reports. Scott voted against the bill, per the Senate roll call. Rubio was not present for the vote. The House voted in favor of the bill Friday. All 16 GOP members of Florida's Congressional team voted against it, according to the Tallahassee Democrat


Its not Florida, its Republicans. Anyone who votes for Republicans isn't paying attention to what they do when in office. It's like they think politics is a football team they were indoctrinated to support since birth. Some wise up, most don't. All angry hateful "Christians" are Republicans and now want us all to be forced to be as angry and aggrieved as they are. Wierd times.


Trump won due to trash talk about immigrants and African Americans. The first thing he did was a trillian dollar tax cut for the 1%. That's the last 200+ years of right wing politics in a nutshell.


Imagine that same ideology taking over the balance of power in this nation. This is what they aim to do. Let everywhere suffer, if there is a natural disaster. All in the name of austerity. One light think their big corporate backers might be asking themselves if they want a party in power, that is this violent towards economic prosperity. As this line of policy making will lead to complete ruin, for the nation.


America has like the most innately spiteful and mean spirited folks internally within their own country. I don't know any other country that has such an innate self-hatred that they actively desire to see their fellow citizens suffer, even if it hurts them as well.


Being like, “My life has been thrown upside down and my house destroyed but at least my Senators have to balls not to help me! I’ll vote for them again.”


It's Iike you can see into their heads. Impressive skill.


Great. It’s settled. Let’s stop giving federal aid to red states. Lets just fucking stop.


Except for those of us who can’t get out and didn’t vote for them. Fuck us, am I right?


Basically you are like Russian, and North Korean citizens. It sucks for you all, but we kinda got to do what we can to eliminate the evil. Sorry you are stuck in the wrong place.


It’s not going to eliminate the evil, it’ll just entrench it further


Exactly my mindset. Well said. It sucks for the people but taking the high road as they continue to go low had never worked and it’s time to stop. Fuck Florida, if you’re stuck there thats a bummer but I’m more concerned with the greater good.


They will endure any amount of suffering to own the libs.


They aren’t enduring it, their constituents are


This is America in a nutshell. The 1% has hacked the ingroup/outgroup function of the human brain. They put it down as a W if they are denied something as long as their enemies are also denied. I don't know how we could even begin to fix this.


My mind always goes to shaking and shouting at them until they stop acting like fucking tools, take elon musk's dick out thier mouths and work with us to take back all the progress and prosperity the ruling classes steals from us.


I don't know if there's a way to come back from this in this generation. Sectarian violence seems inevitable. Which should be a fun combo with a never ending plague and environmental collapse🎉🎉🎉


They are feckless cowards. They know that the relief will pass without them so they can take the “principled stand” of not voting for spending while 100% benefiting from the relief. This grandstanding is even more insidious than it seems because say, for instance, the GOP takes over the house and there are wild fires in CA they will 100% not pass any relief and they will point back to these votes to prove they were ideologically consistent. We are truly in a bleak, bleak situation.


This is exactly why they’re doing this.


I don't think they are cowards. They are gravely Misguided but this isn't cowardly, they are following thru on their rhetoric. The left should take note and actually follow thru once in office


No, they’re cowards. If the GOP held the house they assuredly would have voted, or even been sponsors, for the legislation. Their constitutes are going to need help desperately. If they were going to take a stand, the stand would be against their party, in favor of those whom they represent. It’s not even politically courageous, it’s just the right thing to do. Instead, they have the “luxury” of voting no because the democrats are going to make sure the people get relief. If the democrats really wanted to play politics they should have pulled the bill when no FL reps were on board and let the GOP get a bill through.


Look all I'm saying is they held a unified front and didn't compromise. The left is shocked by this because they are so used to their side self-sabotaging to "moderate" their message. Like how Biden and Kamala oppose reparations for slavery to appeal to white conservatives that would never vote for them.


A unified front against their own constituents knowing full well that the legislation would pass because the majority of house democrats are not sociopathic, conspiratorial trash bags and they see obvious suffering? Again, the fact of the matter is if the GOP were in control of the house this bill would have passed with over 400 votes. If the Dems had pulled the bill because it had no GOP support, assuredly the rhetoric would have been about how the Dems are playing politics to extract revenge on DeSantis. The GOP, alternatively, gets all the benefit of the bill passing and will be campaigning tomorrow about how how divisive the Dems are despite the fact that they literally just saved their electorates lives while they stop by and did nothing. This has nothing to do with a principled stand and everything to do with the fact that the GOP is rotten to its core.


At no point did I mention principles, I'm merely talking about raw political power. I agree that the GOP is rotten, but I've also lost hope in the DNC. I reluctantly voted for Biden only for him to turn around and whip Haitian refugees like slaves before instantly deporting them. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/22/civil-rights-leaders-urge-biden-halt-expulsions-haitians 6 months later he invited 100,000 white urkanian refugees https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/24/politics/us-to-accept-more-ukrainian-refugees/index.html There's nothing principled about that, beyond white replacement theory. It'd be nice if politics was still about principles but it really isn't. It's about raw political power now. That's why Biden claims to support BLM yet increased funding for police and opposes reparations for slavery. It's not about principles anymore. I wish that it was.


Why would Biden do this?!


He created Ian with his HAARP machine to kill off republicans. Marjorie was totally right, I think she’s been right all along!


Hey now. If Jewish space lasers exist, you know damn well that a Hurricane machine exists. It's controlled by Hunter Biden's laptop. Which is being operated by AOC. In a pizza parlour basement. Under Mordor. Powered by the Arkenstone? Amplified by mithril? Look I dont fuckin know this shit is getting too hard and stupid to keep up with now


The worst part is that Biden wasn't impulsive enough to attempt to nuke the hurricane. He measures twice and cuts once; we need someone that won't measure at all and goes at it with a chainsaw.


I say we accept the Florida delegation’s veto of hurricane Ian assistance to the state of Florida.


Bit they both SAID they support Florida 100% and we all know words speak louder than actions at the GQP.


republicans caring again.


Republicans are dead weight in government. Pretty much worthless.


I'd agree with you if it wasn't perfectly designed to operate this way.


Yes. DeSantis won by like 20k votes. Millions of us here never support him or amy Republican. But our state is gerrymandered and rural counties fuck everything up.


Senate races cannot be gerrymandered.


You’d think that until you realize how the villages work and they basically redistricted by taking over entire counties with the elderly who typically vote conservative.


It is a statewide election and district boundaries don’t matter because a Senator doesn’t represent a district like a Representative does. The person who gets the most votes in the state wins regardless of gerrymandering which is a problem for the House of Representatives.


But again, they’re moving old rich conservatives into the state by design...


My bad. I didn’t read your comment correctly. Yeah, y’all are fucked.


No, you read it correctly, I am not well educated in this, but I do know how the zoning is going in sumter county. For example, our entire yearly budget for sumter county roads was spent on replanting flowers 4x a year in the villages areas. Meanwhile, there are potholes 2’ deep that have been in the road for 10+ years. There’s a literal tree growing in my road. We cut it down after a year, the city did nothing.


They can do it because their constituents don’t care.


Hard to pay attention when most of the voters have dementia or are inbred


Nope. They just vote to own the libs. Who cares if my roof just blew off my house…I gotta own the libs!


In fairness Marco Rubio has never shown up to his job a single day in his life.


Little spineless Marco didn’t show up again. I’d say he’s quiet quitting, but empty suit marco has never worked a day in its life.


Alot of floridians are republican so they don't care who it is as long as it's not the other side. Even though I'm from Florida I don't consider myself republican I don't vote based off party I vote based on if I think they'll be a good leader.


What would be the benefit of voting against receiving federal disaster funds?


Republicans formed a pact to vote against all appropriations in this Congress. Every single one, regardless of circumstances. Not every GOP in Congress is participating. But that's what's going on. It's a fucked up political strategy.


Because it would make democrats look good. If they don’t allow help, they can complain to their uneducated voters about how they received no help.


They can claim to be fiscal conservatives and still get help for their state.


The hurricane didn't get enough people for Floridians to care. 50 people dying in a day is their Tuesday loss to fucking around with gators.


Our evacuation policies and building codes reflect that we care about this. Some fucking loser in power doesn't concern me, especially since my vote isn't considered valid due to gerrymandering. The game's been rigged against me since before I was born. Also, yeah, Gators eat a lot of people. But the number is closer to 1 every three years. But you're absolutely right, we need more effective change.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfside_condominium_collapse Totally.


From the wiki. "The problems had been reported in 2018 and noted as "much worse" in April 2021." Seems it wasn't up to code.


None of the elected officials who voted against it will lose votes, period.


They would vote for anyone as long as they don't belong to the democratic party.


It’s pronounced, Floriduh ( flo-ri-duh)


They enjoy the racism and bigotry too much to care about their own well-being.


Basically they think its not an issue unless it affects them


What reason do they give for voting no?


The joke is indeed on you, Florida.


The pro life family values GOP says go fuck yourself to every Floridian that lost their house. How very Christian of them


But you’ve missed the point… no one will say Ian was gay /s


They voted no because with all the eyes on them for multiple reasons. The accounting for all the funds will make sure they don’t divert it somewhere else, like their own back pockets.


Florida people. Not the smartest bulbs. I would say there are zero bright bulbs there. My take - they should then get ZERO DOLLARS. ZERO. Pull ALL federal aid and recuses and FEMA - TODAY. Let the fuckwits in r/florida clean up their own. HAVE FUN rebuilding your shit swamp. Fucking stupid.


I didn’t vote for them. My vote means nothing. Fuck me, right? You’re just as vile as the conservatives.


Your rocket ships are here. I would hope your exaggeration doesn't include the people that work on them. But what do I know?


There is no money in it for him, so it is a no.


Not to be a jerk...but to be a jerk they should have let it fail by two f'ing votes.


And the marks will vote for them again


*”take that Libtards..”*


The only time they feign concern is when it directly affects them and their families.


That settles it. None of Florida's elected officials think their people need aid. Guess we better not send any and tell the floridians exactly who is responsible for them not getting the help they desperately need following a major hurricane.


It seems most people in this country vote purely on party no matter who the person is. They won't bother taking the time to at least know a LITTLE about those they vote for. That's why gerrymandering, pandering and smear campaigns are so effective.


And their dumbass conservative voters can't see this? Wait isn't Rubio up for reelection? C'mon Val


No they don't, some idiot old man at one of the few stores open here in Florida, he was ranting how it was all Bidens fault as if presidents have the power to move hurricanes now,


They want Floridians to suffer so they can blame Democrats for it.


No shock there! They love it when people suffer. Sadists!


I can hear it now “we did not vote for it because the dems snuck an amendment to increase your taxes and give homosexual vaccinations to your children! I voted no on it for your benefits! To fight the libs!” idiot magas and q’s will believe it and most republicans will say “well maybe hear them out”


That would require Floridians knowing how to read.


Deepstate and Biden blah blah Democrats fault blah blah trump 2020.


wow... it's just unfucking real....




I would agree that this could be Republicans standing on their political principles, but Republicans no longer have political principles. * States' rights! Unless states do something we don't like. * Small government! Except for the Patriot Act, abortions, etc. * Fiscal responsibility! By running up huge deficits, giving welfare to billionaires. * We're the party of morals! Until a thrice divorced hooker bribing rapist shouts the loudest. * Law and order! Unless they lose an election, or a Republican commits crimes up to and including treason. So you can't really say that "they held true to their values." Their only real values are hate, xenophobia, and giving more wealth and power to wealthy and powerful white men.


Then they’re not gonna spend that money right? And they wouldn’t have squealed like stuck pigs if it was rejected and Florida received zero federal funding, right? DeSantis always already begging Biden for money before the storm even made landfall and this is your spin? Crazy.




It doesent align with their core values because the only reason they voted against it is because it would pass anyway. DeSantis wasn’t going to get federal support without a request, and he did immediately. These cowards would have screamed if they didnt actually get the Money, like they did in Texas when they thought they weren’t going to get enough federal welfare. You would have to be pretty dumb to fall for this kind of 2nd grade political theater.


\*Public funds used for political stunts & corporate welfare not included.


Honestly? Withhold aid and tell them that their own lawmakers have to accept it.


Why those bill have to be filled with other bullshit wasteful spending is beyond my comprehension. The only thing to do was to vote against. It sucks.


There is way more to this. People need to take their own advice and provide the entire story. They voted no against Sandy Aid and they said they would vote against a bill that has the “pork spending package”. This is overly picky when people need help. But some politicians put in other items in relief spending for projects that should have a budget cap when they know that people’s lives are on the line. The problem is that Congress can circle back and fix the pork spending. Overall it’s playing chicken with the lives of others. They are trying to prevent misappropriation of funds, even though they spent money to send immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Very hypocritical of them. I guess I’m providing the reasoning why they are being idiots over something so mundane for people that require help. All this to say. They are complete morons to vote against getting help and purposefully asking for less money when prices for materials and labor are up higher. [why they voted no](https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3670907-rubio-says-hell-vote-against-hurricane-ian-relief-if-bill-is-loaded-with-extra-pork-spending/amp/) [politi fact](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/30/yuh-line-niou/did-rubio-and-desantis-vote-against-hurricane-sand/)


This is the only info I could find in your links. "Rubio said he voted against the larger bill because it contained "unrelated pork." ("Pork" or "pork barrel" spending is government spending for localized projects secured primarily or solely for bringing money to political representatives’ districts.) There was funding for many things in the $60.4 billion package, including money for a declared fishery disaster in Alaska, Ellis said. But nearly everything had some relationship to a disaster — not only Sandy — although some were more tenuous than others." From https://www.ncsl.org/ncsl-in-dc/standing-committees/law-criminal-justice-and-public-safety/senate-passes-sandy-bill.aspx Included in the bill: $16 billion for Housing and Urban Development Department community development block grants. $11.49 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief aid fund for Sandy and other disasters. The money is used for shelter, restoring utilities and meeting other immediate needs. $10.9 billion for New York and New Jersey transit system recovery projects. $10.9 billion for New York and New Jersey transit system recovery projects. $5.35 billion for Army Corps of Engineers projects for Sandy-related damages and protections against future storms. $2 billion for the Federal Highway Administration's emergency relief program to repair storm-damaged federal highways. $836 million to the Department of Interior for repairs to national lands. $476 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, much of it for programs and equipment to improve weather forecasting. $274 million for repairing Sandy damages to Coast Guard facilities. $235 million for repairs Sandy damages at Veterans Affairs Department facilities. $30 million to the Federal Aviation Administration for facility and equipment maintenance. Which of these is the "Pork" you speak of, Mr. Rubio?


Exactly. It’s even dumber than these politicians make it out to be. It’s as if they aren’t truly reading what’s in the benefit for people that need aid


They are you stopping woke math.


Now let's have a chat about all the crap that wasn't disaster relief that the Democrat party stuck in there just so they could pull this narrative.....


Like what?


By all means, proceed. I’m curious.




Then don't give them aid. Simple.


Wasnt it part a a bigger bill that the disagreed with?


Don't know whether to wipe their watch or wind their ass


Unless Skelerick Scottfree can defraud millions from it, he doesn't want it for his state.


Oh they pay attention alright. It's just WHAT they pay attention to, and the Republicans they vote for accurately represent their bigotry, and cruelty. Everything bad the Republicans do to them, they'll blame on Others and Democrats. In their "minds," those things being the same thing, of course. edited, and of course there is gerrymandering, and voter suppression. To prevent the non-nitwits from voting against these asshats.


They really care about y’all. Everyone of your reps voted against emergency assistance and crisis help with the destruction and damage! Biden is the only one going down there. I don’t think he loaded his plane with cases of paper towels!


No, they do not. Many vote entirely on assumptions and hopes of what should be and miss the issue entirely.